Hi Rich!
spent 30 Cha points to boost my Might (now 4D). Does that affect my weapon skill?
Hi Muizz
White Valyrian:hello Rich and Simon
Simon N. (GM):Hi Muizz, Hi Bill :)
Simon N. (GM):@Rich yes all your Might skills go up 1 pip
Simon N. (GM):What was your combat skill previously?
White Valyrian:back and hello Bill and Jelly
Rollo:good evening freinds :-D
hi Matt!
White Valyrian:hello Matt
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK end of last session you said you'd escort Shukra of Ishtar on the road to Skyreach Tower. Maybe fight some bandits. Still doing that?
Jelly:Sounds good! Just can't get enough of bandits these days!
Laxus Draugnir:well some of us diid promise that so sure
then we continue to meet Slaine and Droghall cousins i believe?
Jelly:Lol they are so not his fam.
Laxus Draugnir:lol either way well meet more lizardmen and hopefully be able to negotiate with them
Rollo:Can we sail the Keel Boat to Skyreach?
Ulfdin:That was part of the plan I thought
Slaine:Yesss I believe that wass the plan.
Simon N. (GM):Yes you can sail keelboat to Skyreach instead of taking the road
Rollo:Rollo has been telling Shukra how skilled a seaman he is.
Ulfdin:I'm sure he is...............
Simon N. (GM):you just about fit in the boat...
Rollo:...and this is the half hitch...
...slip knot...
Ulfdin:While Rollo is showing off his knots, Ulfdin does all the proper prep for sailing
Simon N. (GM):light posting until sushi eaten sorry
Slaine:Ahh sssssssssssussssssssshiiii!
Laxus Draugnir:lol having dinner is no prblem
Rollo:this is a good time to discuss our objectives. dnd objectives
Slaine:I think not dying is always the main one?
Rollo:we should pass the licheway on the voyage to skyreach
we can take a look at the place
Ulfdin:sounds like a plan
Slaine:Slaine isn't keen but if it's for the greater good then he'll put up with it!
Simon N. (GM):you set to sea...
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8
Slaine:OOC I'm nervous now Simon's put us on an ocean board!
Simon N. (GM):weather is overcast and windy with a moderate swell.
Simon N. (GM):Progress is rather slow. 3 miles east of the Lonely Goat you see sea cliffs to the south and a large cavern opening, with what looks like old docks in the interior.
The Lichway!
Rollo:this vessel is no dragonship
Rollo:Droghal put your paw down on the right side please
Droghall:"me do that now"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (don know why but lichway sound like a place where we get stab)
Droghall:becuase we probably will be
Simon N. (GM):You enter the sea cavern, approaching the decaying wharfs flanked by towers.
Shukra: "Is this the way to Skyreach?"
Simon N. (GM):The cavern roof is 50' high.
Rollo:Droghal get ready the grappling hook .... is it attached to the rope?
Droghall:"me get hook grapple"
Simon N. (GM):Between 3 15' towers are 2 docking bays w steps down to the water.
Rollo:ae the channels clear of debris?
Simon N. (GM):The steps are covered with rubble, masonry and green slimy seaweed.
Laxus Draugnir:"im not sure myself and even more so i question why a temple to one of the Nine so far from civilization is still be able to operate"
Simon N. (GM):Rollo looking over the side the west channel looks clear enough, but you spot a decayed keelboat rotting in the east channel.
Rollo:Laxus this is but a few hours sail from Tallas?
Simon N. (GM):you're 21 miles east of Tallas
Rollo:Cap'n Ulfdin the west dock looks safe
Slaine:Can Slaine check for signs of lizardfolk?
Rollo:Cast a line good Drohall
Laxus Draugnir:"oh a full days travel by boat then but still to leave their ports to disrepair like this"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You come in to dock, the boat rocking as Droghall ties you off.
Rollo:sorry Droghall having trouble with the pronunciation
Simon N. (GM):Shukra: "This place has been abandoned for centuries..."
Rollo:Laxus if you think this is decay you should travel to the Thousand Teeth hahahaha
I love the sea
Some many ports
many, many ports
Simon N. (GM):GM: non-lizardmen would have a TN 6 agiliity/athletics check to safely mount the steps, however Droghall can just lift you up.
you can move your tokens ashore
ladies first
Ulfdin:rolling 5d6 + 2
Jump off
Athletics roll
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (is that flame portal there?)
Simon N. (GM):The 'flame portal' is double doors arched & 20' high.
Simon N. (GM):A border of intertwined skeletons frames a large flame.
Slaine:May I make a religion check?
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Simon N. (GM):the doors have four thick bars of ebony across the front, the ends built into the walls on either side.
Rollo:what does Shukra know of this place?
Laxus Draugnir:"Should we go through?"
Simon N. (GM):Shukra: "Ancient burial ground of the Sandlanders..."
Laxus Draugnir:"Nevermind then dont touch thi door everyone"
Simon N. (GM):The doors look like they would open outwards, but the bars prevent access.
roll perception please
Laxus Draugnir:"lets continue with our goal to the temple of Ishtar"
Ulfdin:rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Ulfdin:rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Rollo:there looks like there is a path into the temple along the channel to the west
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin why 2 rolls?
Ulfdin:Ignore the 2nd. Comp was lagging
Simon N. (GM):GM: 10+ you hear voices through large stone doors to the east.
Rollo:both of them were good :-D
do we recognise the language?
Simon N. (GM):Kalay common
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (from here?)
Simon N. (GM):15+ you make out words: "He's in 'ere!" "Door's barred!" "Alright - we break it down!"
sounds human.
Ulfdin:Get ready for a fight
Droghall:i raise my maul in a defensive position
ooc dont forget to make your charecters the right way up
Simon N. (GM):The 20' high heavy stone doors to the east are ajar.
*I crouch in the whart
Simon N. (GM):could be bandits.
You hear a thunk as of shoulder on wood.
Rollo: crouch in the wharf with the scuttled boat Droghall:i decided to get my war bow out to test it on real living creatures
Simon N. (GM):"Come on out, wizard! Ye're trapped!"
Slaine:Sssssomone needsss our help?
Rollo:psst Ulfdin down here
Simon N. (GM):ok Rollo you stay above the slimy steps?
Droghall:i go to the stone gate
Simon N. (GM):The ship is underwater. You notice a chest in the boat, a wood shield and bronze dagger lying beside it.
Slaine:OOC not sure where best for me and the boys?
Simon N. (GM):It's 4-5' under water.
Droghall:i whip out my mul
and i hit the stone gate
Slaine:I suppose head to where Drog is?
Simon N. (GM):"Damn door is tough!"
Simon N. (GM):The Runehall floor is inlaid with mystic sigils.
The sounds are coming from beyond open doors to the left/north.
You also hear a faint echoing noise like wind through trees.
Ulfdin:Enter the Runehall
Laxus Draugnir:"could Slaine inspect the glyphs for any traps?"
Droghall:i go to where the noises are coming from
Simon N. (GM):You notice 3 badly decayed corpses just inside the hall.
Rollo:Shukra, would you mind holding this for me for a moment?
Rollo offer the priestess the mighty shaft of his long ax and grins GM: You can move in through the gap in the doors
(you can move ca 30' any time I post)
Laxus Draugnir:inspect the coprses for cause of death
Slaine:Slaine will check the glyphs.
Rollo:Rollo lowers himself into the scuttled boat javalin in hand Totally harmlesssssss! :-)
Simon N. (GM):They are badly decayed, but show signs of weapon injury. The eastern one looks weird, with elongated teeth and fingernails like claws.
Simon N. (GM):Rollo splashes into the water - the boat is several feet underwater like I said.
Ulfdin:I'm moving to the northern doors
Simon N. (GM):The corpses are human and their injuries look like blades, not lizardman weapons most likely.
Ulfdin roll stealth.
Rollo:fish out the items from the submerged boat Ulfdin:rolling 3d6 + 2
Wearing chain so i would get a penalty
Slaine:Slaine will send the boys to check as well.
Simon N. (GM):Rollo goes underwater, grabs the decayed wood shield and dagger, then lifts out the rotting wooden chest. It'd v heavy being full of water...
Slaine:The boys will help.
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin you reach the doors and look through.
Laxus Draugnir:"probaly a lycanthrope like Aliegha"
inspecting the corpse with elongated teeth Simon N. (GM):Broken bunks and shredded mattresses litter the floor. There are bronze-bound levers on the west wall.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (wait is that a corpse of a vampire?)
Rollo:splash thanks for your help
Simon N. (GM):Three men with swords and maces stand here, a torch burning in an old bracket.
Ulfdin roll perception
Ulfdin:rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):The pallid corpse does not look like Aliegha.
Ulfdin:Blimey Im getting some good rolls
Simon N. (GM):more like that...
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (i mean its a human with a ability to trnsform is what i mean)
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin spots the Elf lurking in the NE cormer
Slaine:OOC I really don't like the look of the mini with the long tongue!
Ulfdin:Does he look like hes being threatened by the three humans
Laxus Draugnir:occ (AN ELF?)
Slaine:Childe of the Foressst, what have you found?
Simon N. (GM):"Okay Argun? Ready?" "Yeah, ok Luge. Venernan check the hall - thought I heard something."
Ulfdin:Kick open the door, "Only me!!"
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin bursts in... he has Surprise if he wants to attack them?
Slaine:Boysssssssssssss! Beskar, Uloc, Grog!
Ulfdin:It's only me from over the sea, It's Barnacle Bill, the sailor
OOh yeah. Two attacks
Simon N. (GM):Venernan curses and draws his blade. "More of them!"
ok roll to hit Ulfdin
Ulfdin:rolling 6d6 + 2
Rollo shrugs and says to Shukra Who let the Ulfdin out?
Ignore second
Simon N. (GM):He drops, mortally wounded
Droghall:don't forget your exploding dye
Ulfdin:Can I move and use 2nd attack
also Bill points out you forgot the exploding die
add 4
Simon N. (GM):killed outright
on Argun
Simon N. (GM):mortally wounded
"Here's Johnny!"
Simon N. (GM):ok you can all roll init/agility
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Rollo:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Took the 2 off for chainmail
Simon do Beskar and Uloc go on my turn?
Simon N. (GM):you don't lose 2 for chainmail off init
it's -3 on stealth & dodge
Simon N. (GM):NPCs will go on your turns at your direction
Simon N. (GM):You can move allied NPCs
Luge raises a 2-handed sword, screams and comes at Ulfdin.
OK you parry
Simon N. (GM):Not sure how you do 7D damage then? Should be 6D for 1-handed sword (4D Might +2D sword)
Simon N. (GM):Thulean Weapons Damage
Axe, Great axe (2h) M+3D+1; 15gp; Steel 1500gp
Axe, war axe or Axe-Mace (1h) M+2D; (2h) M+2D+2; 10gp or 25gp; Steel 1000gp or 2500gp
Club (1h) M+1D; 1gp
Hatchet M+1D+1; 4gp
Knife M+1D; 2gp
Simon N. (GM):Mace M+1D+2, +2 damage vs armour; 8gp
Staff (2h) M+1D; 1gp
Spear, War Spear (1h) M+2D (2h) M+2D+2; 8gp; Steel 800gp
Sword, Long (1h) M+2D (2h) M+2D+2; 15gp; Steel 1500gp
Sword, Short (1h) M+2D; 10gp; Steel 1000gp
Sword, Great (2h) M+3D+1; 50gp; Steel 5000gp
Simon N. (GM):Maul, 2h M+3D; 20gp
Morningstar or Great Club M+3D; 20gp
Bow, Heavy/War Might +2D, reload during turn is 1 action (so 2 shots is 3 actions); 30gp
Bow, Light/Short Agility +1D; 15gp
Crossbow 4D+1 (fixed), reload during turn is 2 actions (so 2 shots is 4 actions); 35gp; Steel 3500gp
A character may carry 12 arrows or quarrels in a quiver without being encumbered (-1D to Agility & Might skills).
Simon N. (GM):Javelin (thrown) M+1D+2; 3gp
A character may carry at most 4 javelins to hand or in a quiver without being encumbered (-1D to Agility & Might skills).
Ulfdin:Ah ok I was going from rulebook
Simon N. (GM):No 1-h +3D axe sorry
Just says Axe there, implies it's 2-handed
Ulfdin:I'll go witrh the 1h war axe then
Simon N. (GM):ok then I'm ruling you killed Venerman but Argun still alive
Simon N. (GM):Argun stands up and attacks
Pipluk shoots his bow at Ulfdin.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
34 - hit!
Soak 18
Simon N. (GM):light elf bow, 5d6
Rollo:look toward the sounds of battle, knit eyebrows shrug and examine the dagger, shield and chest Sounds like Ulfdin is making new friends
says Rollo to know one in particular Simon N. (GM):Rollo gets the rotten chest open on the slimy steps
there was a skeleton and funeral bier in the barge too btw
in the chest is an ornate gold goblet, a small stoppered flask, a stoppered blue gourd and plain silver armband.
The lampreys who were lurking in the barge try to bite Rollo
vs Dodge
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6
fail I take it
Rollo:Rollo winks at Shukra then slips on the slime as the lampry attacks Argh
Simon N. (GM):The slimy eel things slither around Rollo
#12 Ulfdin
Ulfdin:Go for the wounded one
Ulfdin:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):-1 die for stun so 26, hit
Simon N. (GM):He staggers back, severly wounded
#12 Laxus
Simon N. (GM):I'll use the dots for wound levels
I've added Aliegha's stats to her token
Laxus Draugnir:Upon seeing another elf Laxus hail his kinsmen "i am Laxus of the Silver Sword stand down brother i do not wish to fight you"
in Elvish Simon N. (GM):roll Command please Laxus
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):you can take that as 1 action
Rollo:whats that high pitched wailing?
Simon N. (GM):The elf seems hesitanr
Rollo:it sounds like virgins at a festival
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
magic kitty gets big
Laxus Draugnir:ooc "thats Laxus action for now so i control Aleigha now"
or you Simon?
cause i cant see her stat
Simon N. (GM):you can roll for her
click on her left button & scroll down?
or here Aliegha the Werebear, Wielder of the Ruby Sword of Spartusia
Might: 3D+1 skills: Blade 5D+1 (6D) Brawling 4D+1 War Bow 5D+1
Wit: 2D
Agility: 3D+2 skills: Dodge 5D+2 Stealth 4D+2 (4D+1)
Perks: Werebear*
+2 Longsword Attack: 6D damage 6D
War bow Attack 5D+1 damage 5D+1
Static: Dodge 17/16 Block 13/17 Parry 21/25 Soak 10/13
Weapon: +2 longsword, the Ruby Sword of Spartusia - sheds light 20' radius. Warbow & 20 arrows.
Simon N. (GM):Armour: Leather cuirass, shield.
Hero Points: 2
Wound Status: Mortal Wound, stabilised.
*Aliegha Werebear form:
Might: 6D+1 Wit: 1D Agility: 3D Charm: 2D
Simon N. (GM):Skills: Brawling 7D+1 Dodge: 5D
Attack: Claws 7D+1 damage 7D
Static: Dodge 15 Block 22 Soak 21 (2 point thick hide)
Half damage from non-silver non-magic weapons.
OK I'll roll for Aliegha I guess
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (yeah i cant seem to find it)
Simon N. (GM):I posted it right here!
#9 Droghall
Laxus Draugnir:cool i setup it up in her character sheet
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha hits her guy, he goes down
Droghall:i charge up to argun pick him up and throw him at luqe
Simon N. (GM):Argun fends you off
Simon N. (GM):Droghall punches Argun
Droghall:i crush his neck
or atttmept too
Slaine:OOC what is base speed again please, can't seem to find on my sheet.
Droghall:Goddamn it not very good rolls
Simon N. (GM):15' speed free move or charge + attack 30', dash action +30'
Slaine:Ulfdin it's my turn?
Simon N. (GM):Slaine's go yup
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin's gone MAD!!!
Ulfdin:I'm on my phone at the moment. Must have hit the keyboard or something
Slaine:Ok Slaine and co will dash up as far as they can.
Simon N. (GM):Slaine you see doors in the south wall open, strange toad-like creatures are looking out.
Slaine:Does Slaine know anything about the Toadfolk?
Simon N. (GM):Slaine can roll History
TN 12
Ulfdin:It was one of the bloody dogs jumping on the keyboards!!!
OOC amazing the dog managed to do attack rolls lol
Simon N. (GM):Slaine recalls tales of a degenerate tribe of Serpentmen who turned to the worship of Tsathoggua and were turned into toads.
Slaine:OOC I'm getting a bit of campaign crossover here lol
Simon N. (GM)::) The toad-folk glare at the lizardmen. "
Slaine:OOC hang on where am I? Where's Syrus and the rest?
Simon N. (GM):I can see you in the Rune Hall
Slaine:I was joking lol because of the Fearun game!
Slaine:Hmmmm, not ssssure they're worth a ssspell jusst yet.........
Rollo:Who let the dogs out who who who
Simon N. (GM):GM Slaine has Dashed (45'?)
you can take another action at -1D
Slaine:Sorry I read the instructions wrong.
Ok I think I'll cast bless?
Will that get everyone?
30 foot radius
Simon N. (GM):Shukra is 55'
Slaine:Well I wasn't counting those two actually!
Simon N. (GM):everyone else good
Ok then Bless:
Slaine:I'm going to use a HP as need TN19
With Perfect Clarity?
So total becomes 23
Everyone except Rollo and Shukra, +2 bonus to all rollssssssssss
You all feel blessed (except Rollo)
Droghall:"thank magic man"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6+2
Laxus Draugnir:Thanks for the blessing Slaine
Simon N. (GM):Luge still up
Argun collapses.
Luge stabs at Aliegha
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk drops his bow and calls to Laxus: "I surrender!"
Lampreys bite at Rollo
Rollo:theres that wailing again Shukra
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6+1
Rollo Dodge?
Simon N. (GM):OK you fend em off
The toad-men raise spears and charge!
Rollo:btw polearm is now 7d is my parry 21?
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (can i use some sort of reaction to tell everyone to not harm Pipluk?)
Two vs Beskar
Beskar fends off their clumsy strikes.
hissing angrily.
Slaine:(OOC I don't have their stats sorry Simon!)
Simon N. (GM):Uloc & Beskar
Lizardman Warrior: Might: 3D+1 Wit: 1D+1 Agility: 2D Charm: 1D+1 Skills: Brawling 4D+1 (claws 4D+2) Blunt 4D+1 (club 5D+2)
Static: Dodge 6 Block 13/17 Parry 13/17 Soak 11 (hide AV 1)
HP: 0
Slaine:Thanks have copied.
Simon N. (GM):2 toadmen on Slaine
Laxus Draugnir:"Everyone that elf has surrendered so spare his life"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6+1
Parry 19 w shield?
Ulfdin:Sorry laxus can't hear you over the noise of battle
Simon N. (GM):The toad priest chants and casts Slumber over Uloc Beskar & Slaine...
Can we resist?
Simon N. (GM):yup roll 10+Wit to resist
Ulfdin:I could hear, "The shelf has splintered so watch for the knife"
So just Uloc asleep
you were meant to roll your Wit +10 vs TN 27
Slaine:Oh sorry I thought you said 10+ for success?
Simon N. (GM):You all fall asleep.
Slaine:Oh right so that's all of us the!
Laxus Draugnir:ooc(holy shit)
Slaine:Unless I add another HP now?
Then at least Slaine is up?
Think might be worth it!
Simon N. (GM):The lizardmen collapse, the frogmen croak in triumph.
Droghall:"this sin is unforgivable toad men"
Ulfdin:Did it affect us in the guardroom?
Simon N. (GM):nope just 3 targets
Laxus Draugnir:they only target the lizardmen
Rollo:smile at Shukra, puts and out for axe Would you mind darling?
glower at lamprey When I get back, you're going in a pie!
are the doors to the rune hall open DM?
about 3' gap
much like as shown
Rollo:if i move there can i lob the javalin at the spell caster
Simon N. (GM):Shukra I'll assume helps you up so you don't slip
Rollo:(thats 5 squares btw)
Simon N. (GM):ok you took a dash action & can throw javelin at -1D
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
sorry that should be 4d
Simon N. (GM):aw, 16 to hit
dodge 11 +5 for range
It skims past him like Xerxes at the end of 300 :p
Rollo:duck behind the doors Simon N. (GM):you can't really duck from there
Toady gives you an evil glare
Rollo:duck in a figurative sense,
Rollo:if the doors are open 3' stand away from the opening
Ulfdin:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):you kill him
Ulfdin:Turns and looks at the elf, Pipsqueak
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk has his hands up & is shaking
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk: "
#12 Laxus
Simon N. (GM):& cat & Aliegha
Magic Cat, Panther Form: Might 3D+1 Wit 0D Agility 3D+2 Charm 1D
Brawling 5D+1 (bite/claw dam 4D+1) Stealth 4D+2
Static: Dodge 11 Block 16 Soak 10
HP: ?
Laxus Draugnir:"Ulfdin spare that elf as he is under my protection come back we have more enemies here"
Magic Cat:claws one of the frogs
Simon N. (GM):Magic Cat is typing! :-O
Rollo:Hell's teeth Shukra is sounds as if a virgin is being tortured
Magic Cat:rolling 5D6+1
rem +2 Bless
Magic Cat:its seem my dice roller is really lagging
Rollo:all i heard was meow meow meow
Simon N. (GM):toad has soak 8 so 7 dmg - Wound
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus will do 2 attacks
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
rolling damage
Simon N. (GM):hit vs dodge 11
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Laxus slays the toad!
Laxus Draugnir:again forgot about +2
move forward and attack the second toad
Simon N. (GM):do you have enough move?
15' total
Laxus Draugnir:not enough its seem
Simon N. (GM):roll for Aliegha
dodge 11
Aliegha:rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Aliegha:rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):Toad drops, mortally wounded
Laxus Draugnir:thats my turn
Simon N. (GM):#9 Droghall
Droghall:i move up and make two attacks on the remaining toads
Droghall:rolling 8d6 + 3
Droghall:rolling 8d6 + 3
The toads are pulverised.
Toad priest: "GULP"
Velo:goes onto the sleeping lizards trying to wake them up
Droghall:rolling 2d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):OK Velo wakes up Slaine!
Slaine:(Yesssss, well done Droggo! Slaine snoreeess)
Simon N. (GM):Slaine wakes up to a velociraptor tugging on his crest.
Slaine:Drog!! What happened?
Toady starts to back away...
Droghall:i pulvarised the toads into the mush on your cloths and on the floor
Slaine:Slaine with smack it on the head with his halberd.
I've got 10ft reach
Simon N. (GM):ok you can stand, charge & attack yup
Ulfdin:I've just realised, Laxus has left me alone with pipsqueak the elf..................!!!
Slaine is very angry at being put to sleep!
43 total
Simon N. (GM):Slaine plants his halberd blade firmly in Toady's skull.
Laxus Draugnir:Ulfdin plz dont im serious
Ulfdin:"He fell down the stairs, your honour"
nice ssslay Sslaine
calls a baming Rollo through the open door
Laxus Draugnir:Nice Slaine
Simon N. (GM):Beyond the doors is an old guardroom,littered w debris; a strange insect creature is tied on a wood table, wings nailed to the wood.
Simon N. (GM):it has clearly been tortured
there are the remains here of beds, straw mattreses etc
Laxus Draugnir:are we out of combat?
Slaine:Nooo, thiss is dessecration of nature!
Simon N. (GM):you are out of combat
Droghall:"shaman you should heal human man on floor"
Simon N. (GM):(will end at 8.30)
Droghall:don't let argun die
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk looks at Laxus. "You - I know you! You're one of Orethya's knights!"
Rollo:leans on long axe, smiles at Shukra What do you make of these Shukra?
puts torc on and dagger in belt, opens the flasks and sniffs the contents Laxus Draugnir:went back to the Guardroom "tell me your name brther and why are here far away from the elven city states"
in elvish Simon N. (GM):Laxus roll Streetwise (Charm)
Rollo:Theres that wailing again
Ulfdin:Ulfdin spits and walks away
Simon N. (GM):Shukra to Rollo: "Very nice!" she smiles, hands on hips.
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Droghall:slaine i think you should save argun he is only incapaccitated
Simon N. (GM):You can definitely hear a weird whistling wail. :)
Rollo:here take this for your troubles
hands shukra the oblet goblet
Simon N. (GM):Laxus you recognise Pipluk; once a guard of Imystrahl, exiled for theft from his superior officer.
Droghall:"elf boy you know medicine help friend of yours"
Simon N. (GM):Shukra's eyes widen as she looks at the goblet. "I'll take this to the Temple of Ishtar!"
Shukra: "Someone needs healing?"
Slaine:OOC I thought Argun was baddie? I'm getting confused!
Ulfdin:He is. We should kill him
Droghall:ooc he is but what about preservation of life
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk: "Pipluk. once Trooper of Imystrahl - I took up with these human adventurers your friends just killed."
Laxus Draugnir:"oh Pipluk did Serenport close its door to you as well"
in Elvish Slaine:Not for thossse who try to kill ussssssss! They clearly aren't wanting to preserve life!
Ulfdin:I'll kill him if no one else wants to
Droghall:"we attacked first"
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk nods to Laxus.
Droghall:"what else would you have them do die like lambs to the sluaghter"
Simon N. (GM):The lampreys glower back then swim into the mud.
Slaine:OOC ok gang what should we do? Heal the wounded?
Simon N. (GM):Shukra wakes Beskar.
Laxus Draugnir:sigh "my apologies why are you here with these humans what was your goal here?"
in elvish Rollo:swaggers in ax on shoulder Droghall:"pipluk give me bandage me try hardest to preserve his life"
"or if you better save him"
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk: "I need gold to live, same as any man. We heard there was treasure to be found in the Lichway... we found a man claiming to be a Wizard.. he fled us, through that door."
Rollo:Well you could have waited for me
Simon N. (GM):Shukra: "Should I heal this one?"
Droghall:"yes no more death needed"
Ulfdin:There's a couple still alive in there. An elf and an unconscious one, Rollo
Simon N. (GM):Shukra casts Heal
Rollo:Here Ulfdin take this shield i found in the dock. It's not been bitten as badly as yours.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Slaine:Well Slaine is persuaded by Drog's efforts and attempts to heal Argun as well, depending on Shukra's roll.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Simon N. (GM):36 on heal spell, Venernan wakes up. "Ow"
sorry Argun
Slaine:Who elssssse needs healing?
Droghall:"thank priest you are person of good"
Laxus Draugnir:sigh and passes Pipluk 100 gold and medical kit "heal your friend and leave before my associate kill you or them and find a better occupation dont lose your life here"
Simon N. (GM):Shukra: "This big lizardman had me save you, rogue."
Great halberd hit
Simon N. (GM):Argun: "still hurts..."
Slaine:Thank you massster Rollo!
OOC he's up, I'm not burning a roll on him lol
Droghall:"you will feel good eventually need rest you do me carry you"
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk nods happily: "I shall devote my life to aiding little orphan elflings, master!"
Rollo:we call that particular move a "cleft in twain"
Laxus Draugnir:"wait elflings"
Simon N. (GM):Shukra helps Argun onto Droghall's back.
Slaine:I ssee. You humanssss do love your namesss for things haha!
Laxus Draugnir:"what elflings"
chasing Pipluk Ulfdin:When Ulfdin sees Pipsqueak and Argun he shouts, "RUN, I'M COMING FOR YOU LITTLE MEN!!"
Rollo:I could hear young girls wailing earlier
Rollo:oh there they go ... oh it elves
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk: "Elf children, master. Like the ones born to mothers addicted to the Black Milk... very sad."
Laxus Draugnir:"where are they now?"
Simon N. (GM):Uloc & Beskar stand up.
Droghall:"no kin left behind"
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk: "Er, back in Imystrahl? I've seen the care homes, very tragic."
Laxus Draugnir:00c (can i see if he is lying)
Simon N. (GM):GM: ok stopping there, have 5 CP & 1 HP each
Ulfdin:Great fun. Thanks GM
Thanks everyone
Simon N. (GM):Streetwise I guess Laxus
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Pipluk probably just came up with the Elflings line thinking it sounded good
Slaine:Thanks Simon, great game!
Laxus Draugnir:sigh "fix that mouth before it gets you killed"
Slaine:I shan't be here next week, see everyone week after!
Simon N. (GM):we can do looting next week if you like
Pipluk blushes and runs off.
Slaine:Away 4 to 8 October.
Laxus Draugnir:thanks for the game Simon
Simon N. (GM):Slaine & co will guard the rear next time
Rollo:have a good whatever it is you are doing Jelly
White Valyrian:so we still have a game next week cool
Simon N. (GM):yup game weekly 6pm Monday
bye now!
White Valyrian:bye everyone thank see you all nextweek
Rollo:good night all, good morning Muizz
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