Monday, March 30, 2020

Thulean Names

Common Atlantean Names 
Male Names Female Names
1 Bran 1 Anathnae (ah-NATH-nay)
2 Corvin 2 Chethir
3 Dereth 3 Darthae
4 Imdath 4 Janir
5 Marus 5 Nista
6 Pharn 6 Raenara (RAY-nah-rah)
7 Sarth 7 Sarae
8 Tordil 8 Tildris
9 Urvael (ur-VALE) 9 Vethra
10 Zarn 10 Yarlae

Common Dhari Names
Male Names Female Names
1 Arn 1 Amarla
2 Dar 2 Belshirr
3 Horm 3 Feene (FEEN)
4 Jongor 4 Liara
5 Sorn 5 Tharra
6 Yar 6 Zurne

Common Kalay Names
Male Names Female Names
1 Aphoom (ah-FOOM) 1 Barinna
2 Bhul 2 Dreen
3 Daoth (DOWTH) 3 Evondra
4 Fol 4 Jaless
5 Narvin 5 Lu
6 Qoth (KOTH) 6 Saya
7 Tarbo 7 Xoe (SKO-eh)
8 Zemar 8 Yendi

Common Lomari Names 
Male Names Female Names
1 Bagreel 1 Belarna
2 Deond (DAY-ond) 2 Eyane (EH-yann)
3 Ghoro 3 Janesh
4 Matambe (mah-TOM-beh) 4 Luwendra
5 Timbo 5 Savish
6 Yasheem 6 Yolande

Common Nimothan Names
Male Names  Female Names
1 Brorn 1 Albeth
2 Erth 2 Ember
3 Helvur 3 Hildne
4 Osk 4 Kimber
5 Thagnar 5 Tingith
6 Vorstag 6 Wendrith


Ruler: Queen Matilda (from 2221 AR), formerly King Ozzar . The coastal city of Ruritain, one of the first settlements built by the Atlantea...