Slaine - Prettier than a Gremlin |
Rollo:DM I have added 12 CP to Rollo's seduction skill taking it to 3D. That's the max right (I have 23 CP left)?
Simon N. (GM):Well you're really only supposed to add +1 pip per session, but in the circumstances I'll allow it. :D
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (that is just bad luck and wow you still have such a lot of CP 0-o)
Rollo:I like that video hahaha cheers
(i remember the skill boost now)
Simon N. (GM):2D to 2D+1 to 2D+2 to 3D is 2 pips each or 6 total.
Jelly:Any suggestions how I should spend my 8CP or should I save them?
Simon N. (GM):With 35 CP you could legally use 20 increase Charm 2d> 2D+1 and 2 more to raise Seduction to 2D+2 at once, 22 CP.
Rollo:if 2D to 3D is only 6 CP I have loads more than i thought left.
Simon N. (GM):@Jelly spend 6 CP to raise your Magic 1 pip.
Spend 1 CP each to learn the spells from the scroll.
Jelly:Matt I think to increase a whole dice it's a lot more?
Thanks Simon
Rollo:I have 35 CP thought i'd lob it all into seduction but if i can boost the whole ability i'll do that
Jelly:Isn't it ten times the amount of dice you already have in the skill?
Hi Rich!
Simon N. (GM):@ Jelly: no. :)
Ulfdin:Just thought Id get that in. Hi all!
Jelly:I'm never going to get the hang of this lol
White Valyrian:with that much CP its better to improve the skill die rather the whole charm attribute
Simon N. (GM):Increasing an Attribute 1 pip costs x10.
So Might 4D to 4D+1 costs 40 CP.
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Simon N. (GM):But increasing Polearm 4D to 4D+1 or 4D+2 to 5D costs 4.
Jelly it is in the manual. >:D
Jelly:I got the terms mixed up lol
Jelly:Thanks! It just doesn't seem to stick very well in my brain!
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "Oo... ooo... " - looks up and sees Green Gremlins watching from the ceiling - "...EEEK!"
Jelly:I've not formally been diagnosed with dyscalcula but I do wonder lol
Simon N. (GM):Rollo would you like to roll initiative please?
Rollo is currently unarmoured BTW :D
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Ulfdin:"What in the name of the Hells is Rollo doing to the wench!"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (lol Jelly)
Ulfdin:Ulfdin bangs on the wall. "Keep the bloody noise down!"
Rollo:can i add a few pips to my brawl skill as well i have CP15 left and 6d brrawl?
hahaha Ulfdin
Simon N. (GM):(ok Rollo) Gremlins init
Laxus Draugnir:woking up from Ulfdin shouting "what happen Ulfdin cant sleeep?"
Ulfdin:Ive added 2 pips to my Blade fand 1 to my Athletics or your info Simon
Rollo:A roar comes from Rollo & Viloa's room. Nothing unusual its been happening all night.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Seeing they've been stopped, the gremlins start dropping down from the ceiling, plopping down onto Rollo's bed. Viola screams again.
Rollo:Grab one and hit another with the one i have grabbed
Rollo:Ullfdin I have got Gremlins!
Simon N. (GM):@Ulfdin keep yuor Blade increase to +1 pip. PCs are only supposed to raise a skill +1 pip per session, certainly combat skills.
Laxus Draugnir:"What the poor girl"
the porr girl has std thought Laxus
Simon N. (GM):OK Rollo that's 2 actions, roll Brawling twice please
at -1 D of course
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
22 x 2
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (is their a window is it night time?)
Simon N. (GM):You grab one and swing it into the other! Roll your Might for damage to both.
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):OK both are Stunned
Rollo:take that coitus interruptus
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):(Just one Might roll)
11 it is.
Simon N. (GM):OK Gremlin's turn. 2 gremlins try to drop down onto Rollo, scratching at him, the 2 stunned ones try to claw him, while the last 2 try to grab Viola and carry her off.
stunned gremlins vs Rollo - are you using Block or Dodge?
no armour pemalty ofc
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 5d6
what's your dodge defence?
or 18
Simon N. (GM):19 - 2 hits
Jelly:That's a lot of sixes!
Simon N. (GM):Soak without armour?
Laxus Draugnir:(damn 19 for dodge thats pretty good)
Simon N. (GM):oops I see one went wild
3 hits!
Ulfdin:Do the rest of us hear all the crashing around
Rollo:cant seem to find it on this online sheet
Simon N. (GM):Yes you are woken by the crashing & will roll init next round
Simon N. (GM):What's your Might?
4D Might > Soak 12
Rollo:18 for Dodge 4D for Might thats right i have 15 soak in leather jerkin
Laxus Draugnir:"i do Ulfdin i might be wrong but it seem trouble has descended upon Rollo"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
Simon N. (GM):Wound - stun - stun = 2 Wounds = Severely Wounded, -2 D on actions
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 5d6
The last two gremlins seize Viola as she screams and carry her over their heads through a secret door in the north wall, which closes behind them, muffling her cries.
ok other pcs can roll init
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):kitty is in panther form!
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Ulfdin:"Where's my bloody axe!"
Laxus Draugnir:"Ulfdin needs our help lets go"
fully armoured and ready
ooc (damn got it backwards again)
Ulfdin:I need your help to find my axe. Rollo needs help with whatever it is hes doing!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Your followers will go on your init, obeying any (sane) commands.
brb pies!
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (lol pie break is good break)
ooc (whose turn is it now?)
Simon N. (GM):#18 Rollo your go
Rollo:(what minus am i on DM?)
Simon N. (GM):you are -2D, badly bloodied
Rollo:Stamp on one of the bastards
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Feeling dizzy now
#12 Laxus and co - in room #33
OOC this scene feels a lot like an '80s teen slasher comedy :D
Rollo:Ulfdin is a teen slasher from the 80s
Simon N. (GM):Izis is in #33, she sensibly hides under the bed.
"Found my axe - CHARGE!"
Laxus Draugnir:"Aliegha and Izis, Rollo and Viola is in trouble lets ho help them"
immediately unlock the door and go to Rollo room
"well Izis stay hidden thats a smart idea we go save them"
Simon N. (GM):OK I reckon you can unbolt door (action) & all go to Rollo's door (dash action) - but Rollo's door is bolted on the inside!
Simon N. (GM):#10 Slaine are you doing the same?
Laxus Draugnir:"Dammnit Aliegha can you transform and break through?"
Slaine:Yesss and will take my minionsss
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha nods and dutifully begins to grow and become more hairy...
Slaine:OOC you mean it's bolted inside and out?
Simon N. (GM):It's bolted on Rollo's side.]
Luckily no Night Things around presently :)
Ulfdin:Can I boot the door in
Simon N. (GM):#8 Ulfdin charges the door... Ulfdin roll Brawl at -1D
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (Thank god thats the only thing im afraid of)
Simon N. (GM):The door holds.
Hit it with my axe
Simon N. (GM):#7 Gremlins' turn
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (did we skip Slaine turn?)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
Slaine came out
after unbolting his door
Laxus Draugnir:ooc(oh okay)
Simon N. (GM):He had further to go. His lizardmen are with him
Slaine:I'm jusst sssssighing in general at the chaosss lol
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (oh okay)
Simon N. (GM):The gremlins Rollo wacked miss him (I'm giving them an extra Stun round)
Two on his back claw at him...
Simon N. (GM):hit, damage:
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (fucking hell)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 5d6
Slaine:So many sixes atm!
Rollo:the room is spinning
Simon N. (GM):Rollo still up!
Simon N. (GM):rem you can spend HPs BTW!
But you must declare before roll
Laxus Draugnir:ooc(mash?)
Ulfdin:"He did the mash - He did the Monster mash!"
Simon N. (GM):Bill made instant mash to go w the pies
Slaine:Well mash is mashed potato but I was also referring to Rollo being pulverised in a similar fashion lol
Ulfdin:Pie and mash - food of the gods
Simon N. (GM):OK Rollo has severe wound + stun but is still crashing around the room bleeding.
Slaine:And guesss who's got to fix it?
Simon N. (GM):Viola's screaming has stopped.
R3 #18 Rollo your turn
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (oh shit Poor Viola)
Simon N. (GM):GM Did you deduct 3D?
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
no there you go
Simon N. (GM):It knocks Rollo's foot aside.
Simon N. (GM):#12 Aliegha-Bear roars and strikes the door.
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
At leassst on our ssside thiss time!
Laxus Draugnir:"By Mithra beard"
Simon N. (GM):42 - the entire door explodes off its hinges in a blast of oak and bronze.
Ulfdin:"Heeeere's Johnny!"
Simon N. (GM):On a '6' character inside is hit for 3D damage.
4 gremlins:
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
Simon N. (GM):A gremlin is struck by a flying plank!
Ulfdin:You can always trust dave the Door to save the day!
Simon N. (GM):Gravy came! :D
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 3d6
Gremlin is wounded!
Laxus Draugnir:"Lets go Panther"
attack twice on the Gremlin
Rollo:wait is he related to Dereck?
Ulfdin:Derek the Door is gone
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Debris misses Rollo.
Laxus strides in followed by his panther and attacks the wounded Gremlin
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Roll 2 sword attacks
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Simon N. (GM):2 at -1D of course
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 6d6
Simon N. (GM):Laxus guts it (dead)
Laxus Draugnir:second attack on another Gremlin
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Simon N. (GM):It goes down! (inc)
Panther leaps on fallen gremlin
Laxus Draugnir:thats Laxus turn pather attacks?
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 5d6+1
Tears it up > mortally wounded, dying.
Slaine:Yesssss! Well done, childe of the foreessst and your fanged friend!
Slaine sees 2 gremlins on top of Rollo clawing and biting him.
Rollo:this is not the 3 some i had in mind
Slaine:I will head over and attempt to hit them with my halberd (I think a spell is too risky as would catch rollo in FF)
I've got lightning bolt on a scroll.
Rollo:Rollo's eyes widen when he sees Slaines massive chopper
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (lol Rollo)
Simon N. (GM):OK Slaine tries to get gremlins off Rollo. If you roll a 1 on Wild Die w halberd then attack is vs Rollo
Simon N. (GM):hit gremlin (by a lot)
7D dmg?
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (damn)
Simon N. (GM):ok roll (assuming that 7D was your attack)
Slaine skewers a gremlin to the wall.
extremely dead.
Slaine:Oh sorry Simon I think i got confused, should have only rolled 5D for attack and 7D for damage - would you like me to roll again?
Simon N. (GM):#8 Ulfdin he comes running in with axe in hand.
Ulfdin:Clickety Clack - 2 attacks
Simon N. (GM):Yeah better roll 5D, could easily miss
Slaine:Or just take off last two dice (total of 3)?
so you still hit :)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 5d6
rolling 6d6 + 1
Rollo:Ulfdin was the ships entertainment manager
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin hits the last gremlin on Rollo's back.
rolling 5d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):Knocking it off Rollo (inc)
#7 gremlin
Ulfdin:Got another attacj
Simon N. (GM):Your attack is 6D+2? Ok this time, but you need to declare all actions up front.
You can roll your attack
Ulfdin:I did Clickety Clack 2 attacks
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (lol yeah but with lighter skin lol)
rolling 6d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):hold up. Is your attack 7D+2?
Simon N. (GM):Only with 7D+2 would you get 2 attacks at 6D+2
Slaine:(OOC Laxus is basically Drizzt tho right haha!)
Ulfdin:First attack was 6d+1 then 5d+2 damage
Simon N. (GM):OK so at 7D+1 your attacks were actually 21 & 23, still hit
You chop the dazed gremlin on the ground
rolling 5d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):It stops moving.
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc XD true that except i dont dual blade)
Simon N. (GM):It's mortally wounded.
GM: OK you are out of combat. Rollo's back is covered in bloody scratches, his shoulders are covered in bite marks. And that was just Viola. :p
Laxus Draugnir:"Rollo where is Violaa?"
Simon N. (GM):4 gremlins lie dead scattered about the room. No sign of Viola.
Rollo:I know I know its so hard to pick up girls in a dungeon.
where am i goning to find another one that good?
Slaine is worried.
Laxus Draugnir:"Rollo focus wher is Viola?"
"Izis is safe but we need you to focus Slaine heal Rollo pls"
Rollo:Um north through the wall. Wait do you think she isnt badly broken?
I bet put on some clothes
has anyone seen Izis
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus investigate the north wall
Slaine:Ok I ssssshal heal Rollo.
Laxus Draugnir:(can i use a HP for a lucky break?)
Slaine:I'll use an HP as well for the Heal
Simon N. (GM):OK Laxus, you spend a HP - you find a knob on a sconce that rotates.
Slaine:(it's plus 6 correct?)
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a secret door opening catch.
yup +6
rolling 6d6+7
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus Open the door
Simon N. (GM):But Slaine you have a heroic narrative lets you spend HP on Wit & Charm rolls AFTER roll
Slaine:Oh I thought you could spend an HP on any roll?
Ulfdin:Ulfdin backs up laxus
Slaine:Or just the ones in the narrative?
Simon N. (GM):Slaine heals Rollo 1 wound level
Rollo:Whoah thank you Slaine when I saw you running at me with your big chopper i thought that was it!
Simon N. (GM):You can spend on any roll BEFORE roll. You have a special power Perfect Clarity lets you spend 1 HP AFTER magic rolls (etc) right?
Rollo is down to Wounded.
Slaine:it says Wit and Charm rolls, and I guess the skills included with those?
Rollo now -1D
Slaine:Ah so you mean I potentially didn't have to spend that point as would have got to TN23 without it?
Slaine:TN23 for mortally wounded according to rulebook.
Well if you're happy with it then I'll take that HP back?
Simon N. (GM):GM:(fine) He was Severely Wounded. After a minute (Heal takes 6 turns) Rollo is feeling better. Meanwhile Laxus gets the secret door open...
Slaine:You are welcome, Rollo. Jussst try to be a bit more careful next time.....
Simon N. (GM):It swings open revealing the Gremlin Lair...
Slaine:Ah ok thought from all those dice it was worse lol
Rollo:I'm attracted to dangerous women /says Rollo and shrugs*
Slaine:I wonder if I could try and sssseek out Viola......
Can I attempt Clairovyance to find her Simon?
Simon N. (GM):The chamber is jammed full of bric a brac - mummified human legs and arms, 2 dragon eggs, door handles, an 18" long wooden tube 1" diameter, door handles, assorted weapons, 2 picture frames...
Simon N. (GM):a wooden cross, a shepherd's hook, more door handles, pillows...
Rollo:what is all this junk?
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc umm i think thats unnecessary Jelly)
Slaine:(ooc did i miss something?)
Ulfdin:Viola is Gremlin grub
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc not on my watch)
Simon N. (GM):Laxus looks up. Viola is up there, gagged & bound, hanging by chandelier chains from the ceiling. She's still alive, being molested by the last 2 horrid gremlins, with vampire like fangs and drooling lips.
Rollo:Oh my love Vienna they have found you darling (;-D)
Laxus Draugnir:"Viola im here to save you & die Goblins"
Simon N. (GM):The ceiling is 15' up.
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus charge
Slaine:(ooc when you say molested do you mean attacked or sexually assaulted?)
Simon N. (GM):The Gremlins cackle from up high. They are out of most melee weapon range, though the halberd would reach.
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus takes out bow and shoot them down
Ulfdin:Is the chandelier tied by a rope/pulley?
Rollo:(I can hear them cackling)
Simon N. (GM):>>(ooc when you say molested do you mean attacked or sexually assaulted?)<< groping and tickling, she doesn't seem badly wounded.
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc can i shoot my bow?)
Slaine:(Ok good to know. Well not good, but means we have more time)
Slaine:Initiative or same order as before?
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin looks around and spots the rope tie off holding up the chandelier she's tied to.
Simon N. (GM):If it drops she'll get a bit squashed though...
Rollo:I'll catch you darling
Simon N. (GM):ok roll init
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc nice explodes)
Slaine:I thought it was just 1st die that explodes if it;s a six?
Rollo:(not in this macro its the last one for some reason)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d6+2
#19 Rollo you see Ulfdin heading for the chandelier-pull.
What do you do?
The gremlins are on the chandelier which Viola is chained under.
Rollo:lob a Javalin at the Gremlin
Simon N. (GM):ok it has cover so +5 TN
Slaine:(OOC try to stop Ulfdin Rollo or Viola will be squashed!!)
Simon N. (GM):roll to hit (-1D)
Ulfdin:Im not going to cut it Im going to untie and lower it
Rollo:Right you Lizardman. I'll get underneath the chandelier (wobbling) and get ready to catch Viola
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc i thought Rollo is lowering the chadeler?)
Rollo:(wobbling Rollo, not wobbling chanderlier)
Slaine:If you're strong enough Ulfdin that the rope won't slip?
Simon N. (GM):Rollo roll your javelin attack
to me
Ulfdin:Ill loop it round me
Slaine:Ok fingers crossssssed!
Rollo:I get my knife ready to chop the ropes off Viola
Ulfdin:Im a Nimothan Reaver - like lowering the sails on a Dragonship :-)
Rollo:or whatever her name is
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc wait what Rollo?)
Simon N. (GM):GM: #18 I take it Rollo is not throwing a javelin but is ready to free Viola from the chandelier - she's chained to it but looks like the chains could be unwrapped. #14 Ulfdin lowers the chandelier - the gremlins come down with it, cackling uproariously.
Rollo:(Aye DM - Slaine is wise)
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc oh cut the rope i thought you type cut Viola lol)
Simon N. (GM):Rollo catches the heavy chandelier and starts to free Viola from the underside.
Rollo:Hmm this knife wont work on chains
Unraveling the chains Rollo says is anyone good with knots?
Simon N. (GM):The gremlins look annoyed and move in on Rollo.. #9 Laxus & co you can attack the gremlins before they kill him?
Rollo:Hi V he smiles at Viola
Ulfdin:"Your a bloody Nimothan reaver!"
Simon N. (GM):Viola looks terrified.
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc are they still above?)
Rollo:Oh just just a few pints of blood
Simon N. (GM):(The room is too cluttered for your hoards of NPCs to get in here)
Rollo:you should have seen me last time Ulfin and I went into a church
Ulfdin:We burned it down!
Simon N. (GM):They are on the chandelier which Rollo & Ulfdin are holding about 4' up I'd say.
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc okay but are the Gremlins sword lenght?)
Ulfdin:And killed the priests
Rollo:Shoot the bloody imps
Simon N. (GM):They are about as long as a sword yup :D
Rollo:Its great fun going to church
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus attack the Gremlin twice
Slaine:'hoards of NPCs' lol
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Simon N. (GM):Laxus chops the head off a gremlin (instant kill)
Laxus Draugnir:second attack the other Goblin
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Laxus Draugnir:fucking hell im on a roll
Simon N. (GM):As the last Gremlin reaches to tear out Viola's throat, Laxus chops it in two!
Simon N. (GM):Rollo manages to un-chain & un-gag Viola, she collapses sobbing into his arms.
(combat ends)
OOC I need to finish early today, 7pm latest
Rollo:What do you think about keeping the chains on Viola?
Simon N. (GM):You can keep some chains for later :)
Laxus Draugnir:sighing "it seem we stumble to a treasure hoard and is that a DRAGON EGG?"
Rollo:(Rollo is a real dirt bag)
Ulfdin:Ulfdin starts sifting through the stuff in the room
Rollo:This looks like you shed Ulfdin
full of crap
Laxus Draugnir:rushing to a dragon egg
Simon N. (GM):If those dragon eggs are still good they must be worth a fortune!
Simon N. (GM):roll Lore re the eggs
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Laxus doesn't know much about the dragons. In the old days proud elven knights rode mighty dragon steeds. But that was long ago.
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc Damn Ulfdin is smarter than me XD)
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin roll your wild die.
Slaine:If that doesn't get us much info I'll use an HP
Simon N. (GM):18 is a pass - Ulfdin remembers the tails the old wise man used to tell, during the long winters when the snow lay deep...
Supposedly dragons nest in volcanoes, needing sources of great heat to warm their eggs enough to hatch. Otherwise the eggs can be dormant for centuries.
Dragon yolk is a major ingredient in powerful potions of course.
Ulfdin:Ulfdin relays the story whilst rummaging through the piles of stuff looking for weapons and loot
eggs even
Ulfdin:makes a big omlette too!
Rollo:I'll eat it if you dare me?
Ulfdin:Lets find a volcano!
Laxus Draugnir:"no Rollo this is treasure i claim these eggs as mine everyone can sort the rest among yourslves"
Slaine:We mussst try to hatch these eggssss.....my noble, scaled, bretheren the dragonssss
Rollo:ive heard they are a powerful aphrodisiac /winks at Viola*
Simon N. (GM):>>The chamber is jammed full of bric a brac - mummified human legs and arms, 2 dragon eggs, door handles, an 18" long wooden tube 1" diameter, door handles, assorted weapons, 2 picture frames...
Slaine:2 dragon eggs, a wooden cross, a shepherd's hook, more door handles, pillows..<< also mattresses, stuffed animals etc etc
Slaine:(OOC I'm not sure Rollo and Viola need one lol)
Simon N. (GM):No gems or gold.
Ulfdin:Look at the assorted weapons
Slaine:I will look at the long wooden tube, see if there's anything inside.
Laxus Draugnir:"Indeed Slaine and i will ride upon them if an Atlantean can do it that i a noble elf would be a cake walk"
Rollo:but this is a load of old crap, its not treasure Laxus
Ulfdin:Slaine beat me to it
Simon N. (GM):The wooden tube has clear glass at each end. One end makes things look far away. The other makes them look big.
Rollo:I want an egg too. its only fair
Slaine:what ssssssorcery is thisssss?
Here, Ulfdin, perhapssss you know what thiss isss?
Simon N. (GM):There are two greatswords, a great axe, numerous smaller weapons - swords, hand axes, maces, daggers etc.
Ulfdin:going to take a greatsword
Slaine:(OOC is Ulfdin a sea reaver, can't remember?)
Simon N. (GM):OK greatsword is 2-handed (Blade skill), 3D+1 damage.
Slaine:(then he might know about telescopes?)
Laxus Draugnir:"hmmm you planning to sell or harm the eg Rollo these are a rare find and must be given the utmost care"
Simon N. (GM):Telescopes are not common knowledge.
Ulfdin:Look at the tube. "I know not"
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha turns back to human form. "I'll go check on Izis."
Rollo:Dont they call that the Atlantean Long Eye Ulfdin?
Slaine:Well, it lookssss expenssssive. Laxusss? Is thiss some elven magic?
Ulfdin:I thought that was a disease?
Laxus Draugnir:"i follow suit Aliegha"
Simon N. (GM):Viola clings to Rollo. "We should leave here. The Night Things..."
Laxus Draugnir:bringing the eggs with him
*listening for the gentle clink of chains?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Grabbing the eggs you exit the red bedroom w the destroyed door.
All seems quiet.
You have 2 rooms left w intact doors.
Viola seems to have gone off the idea of nookie for tonight.
Rollo:Is Izis interested?
Simon N. (GM):Rollo can roll Seduction
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus begin locking room 33
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Rollo:Viola can have the rest of the niht off after her ordeal its only fair
Simon N. (GM):Rollo gets in through the door before Laxus locks it, finds Izis welcoming under the bed...
Laxus Draugnir:"Hello Izis we save Viola from a group of Gremlins its safe no"w
Simon N. (GM):OK will stop there.
Ulfdin:"I'll take my chances with the bloody night things rather than listen to the debauchery!"
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin can go sleep w the lizardmen?
Ulfdin:"shift over scaley"
Rollo:that was fun, thank you guys, thank you Simon
Slaine:Yesss, join our tribe!
Simon N. (GM):OK stopping there.
Ulfdin:Thanks Simon. Thanks all
Simon N. (GM):5 CP each +1 HP , 1 extra HP to Rollo
Jelly:Thanks Simon, really fun and ejoyable!
Rollo:Night all, morning Muizz
Simon N. (GM):thanks Jelly & Matt :)
White Valyrian:lol yeah morning for me
White Valyrian:night to everyone
Simon N. (GM):thx all & bye all
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