Viola, Harem Girl of Tizun Thane |
Berbalangs |
GM: You have been heading south for half a day, and the sun is as high overhead as it gets this time of year.
White Valyrian:(oh yeah i hope its not too long)
Simon N. (GM):The forests of the Wilds of Chendu-Skar are rising up towards the crags of the Windlash Mountains.
Slaine knows it's not far now to the dark ravine from which the Night Things come on moonlit nights...
Ulfdin:Uldin has arrived!
Evening all
Simon N. (GM):Rollo has fallen behind, still nursing his new-healed wound, but Ulfdin puts on a burst of speed to catch up with the others.
Laxus Draugnir:(morning Rich XD)
Simon N. (GM):Hi Rich! :)
Slaine:[I don't like the look of that thing in the left hand corner!]
Ulfdin:Theres one at the top too
Simon N. (GM):Suddenly you see strange gargoyle-like creatures with leathery wings and pale milky eyes in the trees around you...
Slaine:[I'm having harpy flashbacks from the other game lol1]
Simon N. (GM):Slaine recognises the Berbalang - evil predatory spirits. Unlike the Night Things they can appear even in daylight. Unlike the Night Things - they can be killed.
Slaine:To your weaponssss!
Laxus Draugnir:(is there still light?)
Simon N. (GM):Your kitty is a few minutes to giant panther form.
It's about 1pm
Simon N. (GM):full daylight, sunlight filters through the pines.
You can roll init yup - Agility
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Ulfdin - 19
Oh dear :-(
Slaine would like to cast Bless if possible, but I guess not much point if I'm last in the round.
Laxus Draugnir:(it carries over to the next round doesnt it tho the blessing?)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
Bless lasts an hour
Slaine:Yes but would have been nice to do it first so you all get the benefit.
Simon N. (GM):I assume allies need to stay within 30' of caster to get the +2 on all rolls.
Slaine:Yup that's what the spell says.
Simon N. (GM):OK Berbalang & Ulfdin tie. They are moving in to attack with vicious claws.
Slaine:Prob best to stay together at this point anyway!
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin what do you do?
Laxus Draugnir:(crap here they come guys)
Ulfdin:Im going t move to the one there
Simon N. (GM):OK we'll roll attacks together, higher goes first Ulfdin.
Ulfdin:2 attacks with axe
first attack
Simon N. (GM):it knocks aside Ulfdin's first blow and slashes at him.
Ulfdin Parry is what? 21?
Simon N. (GM):ok, his 2nd blow strikes home (you have axe 7D?)
crunch roll dmg
rolling 5d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):wound - no blood flows from the rent, but it gasps in pain.
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha engages a berbalang, fending it off with her ruby sword. A third comes running in at Slaine.
Simon N. (GM):Slaine parry 18?
or lower?
So 19?
I've got a wooden shield
Simon N. (GM):OK Slaine fends it off with his shield.
good old shields :D
Simon N. (GM):The last one comes running at Laxus (run, -1D)
Laxus fends it off easily enough
Laxus Draugnir:(parry is 23)
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus attack the gargoyle twice
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 1d6
(a massive 26 damn)
Simon N. (GM):Mortally wounded - it falls, the body dissipating into misty white smoke!
Slaine:No bbq for usss tonight then :-(
thats my turn i guess
Simon N. (GM):Laxus can move up & 2nd attack on one on Slaine?
Simon N. (GM):You can move up to 15' for free each round
Slaine:[I finally recognise those dungeon tiles, I have the hard copy version lol]
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Laxus Draugnir:(slaines turn now right?)
Slaine:Right, is everyone still within 30 feet? I think so....
Slaine:Ok great, in that case Slaine attempts to cass Bless. +2 bonus to all rolls for allies.
Just what I needed. Phew!
TN 19
Simon N. (GM):OK TN 19, just!!
Slaine:Lasts for one hour.
Simon N. (GM):All allies get the +2 on all checks for 1 hour (in cludes initiative etc)
Round 2
Ulfdin your Berbalang is still attacking
Ulfdin:Is that +2 on attacks
Simon N. (GM):yup, on everything
Laxus Draugnir:(+2 or is it +2 pip?)
Simon N. (GM):You feel good vibes radiating from the lizard :D
Slaine:2D would be mental lol
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
ok roll Ulfdin
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
it misses Ulfdin anyway
rolling 6d6 + 2
First attack
rolling 5d6 + 4
Is it +2 dam?
Simon N. (GM):yes, damage is a roll right? :D
Simon N. (GM):incapacitating wound - as wounded, mortal wound - Ulfdin hews through it, it collapses into white mist.
Ulfdin:Huzzah - got 1 attack left
Can I move to the one near Slaine
Simon N. (GM):If you roll 15+ on Athletics, yes
rolling 5d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):OK if that was athletics for Ulfdin, success
I'll attack the other one
rolling 6d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin comes bounding through the trees, headless of pine branches!
His axe hews!
rolling 5d6 + 4
Simon N. (GM):wound, now seriously wounded
That's me
Simon N. (GM):It was attacking Slaine
miss again, just slashing his shield.
Slaine:That's a miss, Slaine fends it off with his shield.
winged ratssss
Laxus Draugnir:(lol winged rats)
Slaine:[what about the one on Aliegha?]
Simon N. (GM):Kitty turns into Big Cat and leaps into action, tearing down the one on Aliegha. Together they stab and claw it until it bursts.
Laxus Draugnir:(damn that quick wow)
Simon N. (GM):The last Berbalang is starting to turn translucent...
Laxus Draugnir:doing 2 attacks
Slaine:[Laxus has gone full on Drizzt with his black panther :-D
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Simon N. (GM):wound (just) - 3 wounds, it falls, smoke pouring from it.
can make last attack
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
Slaine:Remember to add +2
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 5d6+4
yup dont worry Slaine
Simon N. (GM):Laxus slices its head off before it can escape to some otherworld realm.
The Berbalang have proved no match for your awesomeness.
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha looks around, smiling. "No one wounded?!"
Laxus Draugnir:"victory for the righteous"
Simon N. (GM):Kitty: "purrrr"
Laxus Draugnir:"none on me"
petting the Magic Kitty
"Aliegha are you gurt?"
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha shakes her head. "I'm fine. They're vicious, but not too skilled."
Kitty purrs more.
Slaine:[sounds a bit like our whole group tbh lol]
Simon N. (GM):Ahead through the trees you see high cliffs rising, about a half mile off.
Simon N. (GM):You press on, and are soon approaching a narrow ravine in black basalt cliffs.
Laxus Draugnir:"yes we need to reach the source bfore the day is gone"
Simon N. (GM):The ravine is just about wide enough for four to walk abreast. It looks like there are ledges and even small caves high up on the ravine walls.
Ulfdin:Dont like the look of this!
Simon N. (GM):Ravens(?) circle high above. The whole area has a dark and sinister aspect.
{simon can I cast clairvoyance to scout ahead and around?]
Slaine:Slaine would like to check the ravine walls, caves and ravens.
No luck :-(
TN 23
It'sss too difficult to concentrate here.
Simon N. (GM):The casting fails, psychic backlash gives you a -1D penalty to magic until you rest an hour
it's about 1.30pm, nightfall in 5 hours
Laxus Draugnir:taking out a magic wand "Slaine would you like this wand of Mithra it can cast a light spell"
Laxus Draugnir:(holy shit that is a tough penalty)
Ulfdin:Move carefully into the ravine. Keeping to the left hand side
Slaine:Oh, thankyou childe of the foressst. Yesss, that would be very ussseful to me.
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin moves into the ravine. Others follow?
Slaine:[can I use the wand without attunement Simon?]
Laxus Draugnir:(there is atunement?)
Simon N. (GM):i posted description
I can look it up, hold on
Simon N. (GM):Roll your Magic skill vs TN 10 to cast "Light" spell - range 100', affected area glows like a torch for 1 hour. 3 charges per day.
no atuning needed per that
Slaine:Fantastic, thanks again Laxus!
Simon N. (GM):this one glows especially brightly
Laxus Draugnir:(no problem)
Simon N. (GM):if you are using it, let me know & roll Magic. Rem only 3 uses/day, failed roll uses 1 up.
Ulfdin is working his way down the gorge. Aliegha shrugs and follows him in.
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus follow Ulfdin
Simon N. (GM):There is a lot of rubble and rocks on the canyon floor.
Slaine:I shall follow as well.
Ulfdin:Keep as close to the left ravine wall as I can
Simon N. (GM):There are a few shallow caves at ground level too. About 300' into the canyon, you see ahead on the trail the body of a fallen warrior, his skull clearly crushed by a rock. He has a sturdy backpack, and a rusty greatsword lies nearby.
Ulfdin:Check the backpack
Simon N. (GM):His leather cuirass looks somewhat rotted by wind and rain, the body looks some weeks dead.
Ulfdin:Thankfully Ive got my lantern helmet!
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin forages - foul remains of rations, and a scroll tube, sealed.
Slaine:[I think we need to move very carefully through here!]
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin extracts the scroll tube - opening it?
Slaine:[Slaine will begin to walk with his shield protecting his head]
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Ulfdin:No waves it towards Slaine
and Laxus
Laxus Draugnir:"what is it Ulfdin?"
Simon N. (GM):Laxus & Slaine, you think for a moment you glimpsed something high overhead on the east side atop the ravine - a hairy head - a watcher? It's gone now.
Laxus can read quite well :)
Slaine:Thisss place is not ssssafe. We had bessst keep moving.
Ulfdin:Throw to scroll to Laxus. "Catch"
Laxus Draugnir:surprised "oh i will read it wherre we have arrived on safer ground lets continue for now"
Simon N. (GM):You notice a cave ahead on the right at ground level.
Ulfdin:Ulfdin keeps his shield over his head and moves carefully towards the cave
Simon N. (GM):GM: Moving forward, you pass another cave on the left. After a few hundred feet you see daylight at the end of the ravine, brilliant blue water, and a causeway leading out towards a magnificent palace at the centre of a volcanic caldera...
Slaine:Can I roll a history check? Wit I'm guessing?
Simon N. (GM):An old volcano crater, largely filled with water.
Ulfdin:Think we've reached......wherever this is!
To know more about the palace
Ulfdin:Ulfdin keeps a wary eye out
Simon N. (GM):A waterfall cascades down to the south-east.
Ulfdin:360 degree awareness plus up
Simon N. (GM):The causeway rises 20' above the lake, with sheer sides.
East of the causeway is a marshy air where you can see giant frogs croaking happily.
Laxus Draugnir:"incredible were in a dead volcano with a magnificent castle is this where the mad wizard lives?"
Simon N. (GM):Slaine - you recall tales of the Palace of Tizun Thane, an evil enchanter.
Possessor of vast riches and vast wealth/
Master of dark sorceries.
Laxus Draugnir:*Laxus began to read the Scroll"
Simon N. (GM):Wheeling over rocky islets to the west are crimson feathered avians - Blood Hawks, dangerous predators with unnatural razor-sharp talons.
Slaine:[OOC this reminds me of some of the lyrics to Shu Shu the Dragon, a 70s/80s Hungarian children's TV programme: 'Friendship is worth more than any kingdom']
Simon N. (GM):Laxus unfurls the scroll...
Slaine:These material richessss cosst a high price, to be ssure
Simon N. (GM):It says in Low Atlantean Common - "To Gain Entrance, Say To the Gate Guard - 'Take Us To Your Master'.
Ulfdin:Ulfdin is still looking about warily
Laxus Draugnir:"huh its intructions Ulfdin, saying if we meet a gate guard we should say 'take us to your master'"
Ulfdin:Ulfdin gives a thumbs up whiles keeping an eye on the hawks and the frogs
Simon N. (GM):The palace -
https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2966138474_10.jpg it looks a little unkempt, and what look like several large (near man-sized) apes are clambering around on the tiled rooftops, hooting and cackling.
What looks like a bronze statue, 12' tall, stands in the courtyard, past the open gates.
Ulfdin:And now also the apes.
Gues thats the gate guard
Simon N. (GM):ribbit say the frogs.
Laxus Draugnir:(lol thats cute)
Ulfdin:"Dodgy little froggy bastards!"
Slaine:[I think we should keep going to the main entrance]
Ulfdin:Lets go....carefully
Simon N. (GM):The hawks seem to be keeping an eye on you too - Blood Hawks are notorious for attacking lone travellers. The dingos of the air!
Slaine:Let'sss keep together.
Simon N. (GM):GM: You carefully head over the causeway to the wider plateau before the palace.
Laxus Draugnir:"so we enter the castle then?"
Simon N. (GM):As you approach, you see the statue - a warrior in plumed helm - the great bronze head turns slowly to look at you!
Laxus Draugnir:looking at the automaton "Take us to your master"
Simon N. (GM):The statue nods and turns, beckoning you to follow...
Laxus Draugnir:"lets hope im doing the right thing, yes Ulfdin we follow"
Simon N. (GM):It pushes open the double doors behind it and gestures you to come with it as it steps into the hallway beyond.
Ulfdin:Keep axe and shield ready and follow
Simon N. (GM):This is a banquet hall, with an air of musty decadence.
dust on every surface, many footprints.
Ulfdin:Look for anything remotely dangerous :-)
Simon N. (GM):you pass large tables with benches
the walls are bedecked with tapestries and penants
at the north end, behind you as you enter, is a huge portrait of a purple robed wizard.
ulfdin roll perception pls
Laxus Draugnir:(come on roll high)
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Slaine:Is Bless still active?
Ulfdin:19 dont know why the first one showed a 0
Simon N. (GM):No sign of danger, other than the 12' tall bronze golem... wait.. the eyes of the portrait! They are peepholes!
Simon N. (GM):(yes, so +2, which makes 21!!
Ulfdin:"The eyes on the painting. Someone can look through them"
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin, you realise - the eyes - someone or something is spying on you!
Ulfdin:Walk straight up to the painting! Looking straight into the yes
Simon N. (GM):Realising it's been spotted, the peephole-watcher pulls back, leaving the eyes blank. The portrait hangs about 15' up, above the entry doors.
The golem meanwhile has crossed the room and opened the far doors, beckoning you onwards.
Ulfdin:CouldI move a tableor chair or something to get higher
Slaine:I think we should keep going
Simon N. (GM):The trestle tables are about 4' high
Ulfdin:Not tall enough. Tell the others hat we're being watched
Laxus Draugnir:"lets continue to follow the golem for now we will investigate it ater"
Simon N. (GM):GM: There are small windows high on the east & west walls, through which light filters.
Rows of them, they look a lot like arrow slits, in fact.
Follow golem?
Slaine:[Let's stick with him]
Simon N. (GM):The south doors open onto a magnificent throneroom...
Dusty, though well travelled, the marble floor swirls with arcane sigils.
Ulfdin:"Magical people. Take a look"
Simon N. (GM):Heavy purple drapes hang behind the throne.
Slaine:Can I do a magic/arcana check?
27 total
-1 D for the magic backlash earlier
Simon N. (GM):OK roll Charm, TN 15
Sorry 19 wth +2
Simon N. (GM):Slaine stares into the vast gulfs of space, into the primal madness of the Universe, into the Vaults of Yog Sothoth and the mind of Nyarlathotep, Haunter of the Dark.
With a terrible wrench he tears his mind back to reality.
Laxus Draugnir:"What happen Slaine?"
Ulfdin:Glad I'm not too bright
Slaine:We mussst desstroy this place!
Simon N. (GM):An ugly feeling he has beheld secrets Lizardman Was Not Meant To Know.
Laxus Draugnir:"i see well if this is the source of the night things that is our goal inthe first place"
Slaine:It iss a portal.... a portal to chaos and madnessss
Simon N. (GM):The ebony throne is carved with writhing vines and flowers, buds of flowers like carved eyes of light coloured wood.
Around the walls are silent unmoving armoured figures - mannequins, in bronze cuirass & shield, carrying warspears.
GM The 6 dots on map show the 6 mannequins.
Ulfdin:"This ain't good folks"
Laxus Draugnir:wide eyed at the proposition "if its a door than we can close it calm yourself Slaine we will end this darkness"
Ulfdin:Wheres golem bloke?
Simon N. (GM):Golem bloke is now waiting for you at the south doors. You can see daylight under the doors.
Slaine:Thank you for those wisse wordsss foressst child.
Laxus Draugnir:follow the golem
Slaine:[let's press on, as long as we keep near him I think we're safe]
Simon N. (GM):The golem opens the south doors onto a cloistered courtyard.
Ulfdin:Stick with the golem
Simon N. (GM):You see overgrown shrubs and vines.
An ornate central fountain still gushes (18)
however there are droppings of dried ape(?) poo scattered here and there across the gardens.
(a) is a statue of a warrior with sword aloft
(b) is a matching statue warrior facing the first.
Simon N. (GM):The golem marches down to the fountain and turns left, heading for (b)
Slaine:[OOC I think this is all the stuff we'd be fighting if we weren't being escorted by the golem!]
Ulfdin:see what the golem does
Simon N. (GM):At (19) you see an open lounge with awning overhead, lots of embroidered silk cushions, brass hookahs and low tables.
A lounge!
On the far side of the garden are numerous plain doors, and windows above. There are more doors and windows along the west wall. The golem marches up to statue (b) reaches out and pulls down its arm, which rotates!
You hear a grinding noise.
Simon N. (GM):A secret door behind statue (b) swings open.
Laxus Draugnir:"a secret door intriguing"
Simon N. (GM):The golem strides into a plain hallway beyond, heading for double doors at the far end.
Laxus Draugnir:(continue to follow the golem)
Ulfdin:(Follow or look around first)
Simon N. (GM):The golem opens the far doors. Brilliant white light shines out.
Following the golem you enter a vast hall of mirrors...
Slaine:I'd say keep following, we don't want to get left behind.
Simon N. (GM):Each is 8' tall in elaborate carved frame.
The south-east mirror is shattered, and in front of it lies a corpse.
Ulfdin:Go in and inspect the corpse
Simon N. (GM):Really just a skeleton now, but still clad in purples robes matching those from the portrait in the banquet hall.
The golem heads over to it and stands. Ulfdin sees its skull is caved in; no sign of the brain - scooped out?
The corpse lies face down with feet towards the smashed mirror, as if he had just stepped out of the mirror...
Ulfdin:Ulfdin nods sagely, "Dead"
Simon N. (GM):One hand is beneath the body.
Laxus Draugnir:"Tizun Thane i presume i wonder how he died?"
Slaine:Can I do a medicine check on the skeleton?
To try to ascertain how he died?
Simon N. (GM):The golem nods and strides away, back through the doors, as Ulfdin turns over the corpse. Something rustles in the robe lining. On the now-exposed hand is a heavy gold ring with zigzag green line running through it.
OK Slaine roll medicine
Ulfdin:I'm going to take the ring
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin plucks ring from bony finger.
Slaine - crushed skull & brain removal would likely be fatal.
Slaine:Can I do an arcana check to see if this was some sort of ritual?
Simon N. (GM):Does not look ritualistic.
Laxus Draugnir:(should i roll for medicine or that is all we can obtain from the corpse)
Simon N. (GM):you can roll
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Laxus - no sign of defense wounds. It looks like the man was killed by a powerful blow to the skull, though there may have been additional head blows post death.
Looks more like an ambush or assassination than the result of a battle.
Ulfdin:(OOC I've got another game in 30 mins plus got to have food so will have to go soon)
Laxus Draugnir:"whatever killed him they knew to kill a mage is to aim for the head"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d1000
Play to 7.10 ok?
Simon N. (GM):You hear the receding foot stomps of the golem as it returns to its post.
to the golem
Laxus Draugnir:wait the golem is leaving us in the hall of mirrors?"
Ulfdin:He's taken us to his master
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin have a bonus CP
Simon N. (GM):Roll perception please
Ulfdin:I'm guessing that there is someone/thing about that was looking at us through the eyeholes
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:"i see so thats why"
seeing the corpse of Tizun Thane
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 4d6
Laxus Draugnir:keep it up
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Ulfdin:Got 19 on the Perception roll
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin you hear soft footsteps in the entry hall beyond the open doors.
Ulfdin:Get axe and shield ready and move carefully towards the door
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin approaches the doors...
Into the light steps a loincloth clad female form - a harem girl? She looks frightened, her hands raised.
"Please - help me!"
Laxus Draugnir:"hmmm and who are you?"
Ulfdin:Pull her into the room and check around behind her
Simon N. (GM):(OOC Imogen was here when I rolled this encounter, mildly embarrassing) :p
Ulfdin pulls her into the chamber.
Simon N. (GM):"I -I'm Viola. I was a slave to Tizun Thane..."
(Imogen is my lovely girlfriend, not a gamer) :)
Ulfdin:"What killed him?"
Simon N. (GM):"Thraak killed him - the beast!"
"But it drove him mad!"
Laxus Draugnir:"how did you survive all alone?"
Viola: "There were lots of us - I escaped, been hiding, scavenging food... I'm hungry." She looks hopefully at Ulfdin's backpack.
Ulfdin:Give her some food
Simon N. (GM):"Thraak is the Yeti-Ape - the monster!"
Laxus Draugnir:"there are others? where are they?"
Simon N. (GM):She eats hungrily of Ulfdin's rations.
Ulfdin:"Food for the Yeti Ape I imagine"
Laxus Draugnir:"my condolences for them then, can i ask have you seen any of tall obsidian creatures raoming at night?"
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "The Ogre still has Izis in the harem chambers, I think - Diker Thane likes her. I don't know where the others are. They might have been killed by the monsters."
Viola nods to Laxus. "The Shadow Dancers. On moonlit nights they come out from the Blood Hall. They kill anything they find, then leave north."
Laxus Draugnir:"Diker Thane is here? is the blood hall here as well?"
Simon N. (GM):"The Golem ignores them, but he won't let me leave - thinks I still belong to his master, I guess."
Viola nods: "Yes, Diker and Sega Thane both still live, though they've been trying to kill each other since Tizun died. I think..."
Ulfdin:(OOC Guys I'm going to have to shoot)
Simon N. (GM):"The Blood Hall - the big circular temple." She shudders. "No one goes in there."
OOC ok stopping there. 5 CP & 1 HP each
White Valyrian:cool thanks for the game Simon and great session everyone
Simon N. (GM):OOC Nice random encounter check getting Viola! lot luckier than last time I ran this :D
Slaine:Wow, lots to explore next time! Exciting! Thanks Simon for a great game again.
Simon N. (GM):Cheers guys :)
Ulfdin:Huzzah.Great game. Thanks all
White Valyrian:and more enemies to fight
Slaine:Which day are we next week Simon?
White Valyrian:see you next week Rich
Simon N. (GM):I can do Wednesday next week or maybe Thursday
will say Wednesday I guess
White Valyrian:cool cant wait for next session
Simon N. (GM):prob 6pm start best
Slaine:Sounds good. I can do either day as long as we finish 7pm latest because of other classes 7.30.
Simon N. (GM):oh, ok then 5pm start
Slaine:Sorry my evenings are getting busier!
Simon N. (GM):no probs Jelly :)
See everyone next week then :-)
Simon N. (GM):I'm enjoying use Roll20 "reveal map" for this one :D
White Valyrian:see ya Jelly
Simon N. (GM):The map is insane!
White Valyrian:yeah that was pretty cool
Simon N. (GM):Wait till you see more :)
bye now!
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