Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday session #10 27-28/8/2213 Festival of Kishar Grand Ball/Night of the Yellow Moon (lvl 6-7)

Queen of the Peacock Throne
1.(Judith) Aeshma, lvl 7 Kalayan Sacred Slayer of Mithra (h-f), Swashbuckler Rogue-4/Fighter-1/Warlock-2.
2.(Bill) Vorstag Iceslider, the Frost Giant's Son, lvl 6 Goliath Ice Reaver of the Tjokren Glacier (g-m), Assassin Rogue-6
3.(Jack) Zérda “The Defier” of House Saväschu, lvl 5>6 Atlantean Noble of Katagia (h-m), EK Fighter-6
4. (Matt) Finnris, lvl 5>6 Dhari Outcast of the Narthan Highlanders (h-m), Slayer Barbarian-5>6

Zérda buys Rien from Kurturbal and finally meets Queen Deyane Verix Hazeda on the Night of the Yellow Moon. It snows - Queen Deyane gives her rallying speech to the people. The Grand Vizier Ibland Posk wants the PCs to investigate the rumoured return of the Dread Sorcerer Tur Nyaan to Voor Darayn. Lots of drinking late into the night with Lady Valeria of Clouds.

OOC: Vorstag was beaten up fighting the Cult of the Yellow Moon on 27/8, & Aeshma also needs a few days more long rest after returning a couple days ago from battling the same cult in Rethena. Ended session on 28/8 and probably aim to leave on 4/9 with all PCs tip-top.

4/M9 Ulon: The Quodeth war galley Indefatigable under Commander Corvin Vorzin sails for Ghan Port, due to arrive Tansere Citadel on 8/9 and Ghan Port on 9/9.

Tangled Webs - by Aeshma (Judith)

As we recover from our fight with the Cultist Metira we prepare for the ball at the Palace. Aeshma has a servant, Kallindri, assigned from the Temple of Mithra to help her to prepare for the event. Finnris has been spending time with Megera at the Fighting Pits while Vorstag briefly leaves Quodeth on a delivery errand to Anselmo.

At the Ball we are presented to Queen Deyane and Zerda finally has a chance to exercise his charms on her. Aeshma overhears a conversation between Duke Baerad and the Grand Vizier Iblan Posk referring to our group and suggesting that we will suit a plan they have in mind.

Suddenly messengers enter and report that it is snowing – an extraordinary event for Quodeth and something believed to be a harbinger of doom. Over the next few minutes we hear the rest of the story: a cult has attempted to summon an otherworldly creature in the city and their efforts have only been stopped by the intervention of Vorstag, Aeridnis and some guards and allies of House Vorzin. Vorstag arrives at the Ball fresh from battle and regales us with the story of his pursuit of Monyat and the desperate fight to disrupt the summoning of a giant Gibbering mouther. He is rewarded for his part in saving Quodeth with 1000gp.

The Queen addresses the people and manages to reassure them that the danger has passed and Quodeth is safe. In private discussion afterwards we tell her the truth about the death of Metira Sedarnel and share our concerns about similar corruption in other powerful noble houses – people such as Prince Dredan Taroth, although we point out that we have no proof. The Vizier suggests that this Long Night might pose more risks than usual as it coincides with a rare planetary conjunction when the barriers between the worlds are at their weakest. As they speak, Zerda manages to whisper to the Queen that we also have concerns about her Grand Vizier Iblan Posk…

He then tells us of a task he would like us to undertake: on the Daray Peninsular of the Kalayan Sea the Dread Wizard Tur Nyaan has apparently returned. For many years he had terrorised the area and local cities such as Ikath, Lomar, and even Katagia, sent him tribute. Then about a century ago a Katagian tribute caravan arrived to find the Wizard’s Palace Voor Darayn deserted with no sign of the wizard. In recent months news has reached Quodeth that Tur Nyaan is back and is once more demanding tribute, and Ikath and Lomar have already complied.

We agree in principle to travel to Voor Darayn to investigate and arrange to return to the Palace the next day for more detailed discussion of our plans. It is decided that we will take a Quodethi navy galley up the Quosa river to Ghanport where we will buy a tartane to travel to the Daray Peninsula. The Mithran monastery of Tiyerna is located on the coast due north of Voor Darayn and seems like a sensible base. For the ship and any other equipment we are given 4000gp and Zerda is able to equip his two guards from the city armoury. Aeshma hopes to be able to find some medicines against poison as the Daray Peninsular is renowned as a place of Setites and serpents.

Speaking later on the subject of various nobles’ agendas, Finnris points out that Prince Dredan was the mysterious nobleman who purchased the fearsome Ruk Nath who had been so significant a part of Metira’s plans. We are also reminded of the “coincidence” that a few years ago Dredan’s father died in mysterious circumstances, leaving him rich and head of House Taroth, and that King Verias died at around the same time in similarly mysterious circumstance.

Zerda queries if it is coincidence that we are being asked to leave Quodeth to go on a long, potentially hazardous journey across the continent just at the time that the city seems to be at increasing risk from cultists…

Checking items start of M9 2213 AR
Checking Xhondar Jhao's House of Curiousities, he has in stock: 1 healing potion (50gp), the Shield of Sunset (+1 magic shield, 1500gp), Instrument (quill) of Scribing (100gp), Bronze Cuirass of Gleaming (1000gp, never gets dirty), an Unbreakable Arrow (100gp), a Wand of Scowls (100gp), studded leather Smouldering Armour (145gp), a Mystery Key (50gp), a Tankard of Sobriety (100gp) and a Lock of Trickery with key (100gp).

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday session #8 28/11/2213 - Secret of the Moon Door #1

Related image
Moon Beast
Tyarna Vorzin has been kidnapped by Moon Beasts from the Onther Tower! During the investigation winged apes attack the tower and kill the student Plooth, who was working with Tyarna on uncovering the secrets of the Temple of the Moon by Lake Haal, on the edge of the Narthan Highlands. As the apes retreat one is killed, the other escapes. The Moongold Key is recovered from beneath Plooth's clothes chest. According to legend it opens the Moon Door, in an ancient temple of the old moon goddess Selene, on the shores of Lake Haal. It had been sold to Tyarna by the merchant Jangar, a little over a month ago.
Investigation leads to a sinister merchant named Turjak Bom, who apparently wields the power of Black Flame. A fight ensues, Turjak kills a guard before he and his entourage are subdued.

1.(Daphne) Lady Aeridnis of House Vorzin,  lvl 5 Atlantean Noble of Quodeth (h-f) Wizard-3/Fighter-2
2. (Tavid) Query, lvl 3 Quodethi Occult Scientist (h-m) Sorcerer-3
3. (Theo) Prelate Abron Nemruth, lvl 3 Sacred Slayer (h-m) Cleric-3
4. (Michael) Inquisitor Arcturus Damanacus, lvl 3 Atlantean Guardian of the Nine (h-m) Cleric-3
5. (Matt) Lieutenant Lucifer, lvl 3 Vorzin Guard Lieutenant, (h-m) Paladin-3

Dramatis Personae (NPCs)
1. High Master Tormal Vorzin, Panjandrum of the Onther Tower, grandfather of Tyarna & Aeridnis
2. Tyarna Vorzin, kidnapped Mistress of Histories at Onther Tower
3. Plooth, deceased Aspirant (student resident) at Onther Tower, acolyte of Mithra
4. Captain Veox - city guard captain also investigating Tyarna's abduction
5. Jangar, merchant who sold Tyarna the Moongold Key for 500gp a month ago.
6. Turjak Bom, sinister merchant, attempted to buy Moon-Gold key from Tyarna a week ago.
7. Deema, Turjak's Lomari lover, a wielder of magic.
8. Kalesh Gan, senior priest-Inquisitor of Mitra & Azura, Guardian of the Nine

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Kidnapping of Tyarna Vorzin (artist's impression)

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Arms & Armour of Primeval Thule

Ice Reaver Barbarian
Nimothan Ice Reaver
Only the Dwarves of Kal-Zinan know the secret of high-grade steel, which translates as +1 or better weapons & armour.

Quodeth, the main city, has large bronzeworks and produces bronze weapons and bronze breastplate (400gp) and full bronze cuirass (900gp) armour for the nobility; medium (50gp) & heavy (40gp) scaled armour of boiled leather (possibly with some bronze facing) for the common soldiers.

Katagia, Last Bastion of Atlantis, retains some ability at ironworking, and still produces heavy chain mail and medium mail cuirass armour of iron links, these both retail for 600gp a suit in Quodeth! There is also a light steel scale cuirass armour (equivalent to breastplate, 400gp) that was once common but is no longer produced. Katagian weapons are typically of forged iron, but inferior to dwarven steel - roughly equivalent to Quodethi bronze.

(New!) Fighter of Lomar
Warrior of Lomar
Imystrahl, the last elven city, used to produce armour of magically treated silver as hard as iron, mostly mail - medium chain shirt, medium mail cuirass, heavy chain mail, and for the nobility the silver cuirass, equivalent to bronze cuirass. While Imystrahl no longer manufactures anything much, great stores of this armour still remain in the city, and some is sold for the black milk.

The Beastmen of Ur-Ghom and elsewhere know nothing of metalwork, but produce razor-sharp stone axes, flint spears, and even sword-clubs inset with obsidian along the 'blade'. While these weapons can do terrible injury, against good armour of bronze, iron or steel they frequently break - roll of '1' on d20.

Atlantean Wizard
Wizard of Katagia

(New!) Thule Elf
Elf of Imystrahl
Kal Zimari Dwarf
Dwarf of Kal-Zinan
(New!) Cleric of Ishtar
Quodethi Priestess of Ishtar
Beastman Warrior
Beastman of Ur-Ghom

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

27/8/2213 AR Finnris tells his story. My Mother was a witch. She was burnt alive!

Image result for barbarian
Angry Finnris - Finnris Araya, Narthan, Exile.

Quodeth. Urgak's Camp. 27/8/2213 AR
Finnris Araya, sits apart from the other fighters, a broad Kalayan scarf draped over his head like a hood hides his face in shadow, he is working a whetstone across the edge of a great sword.  A group of bruised and cut pit fighters shoot murderous glances at him; their accusatory muttering demonstrates it is not only space that separates them.
Old Megara, the healer enters the common room, takes in the scene and nods to group of trained killers.  The pit fighters rise as one and shuffle out of the room, passing the tiny old Katagian lady as respectfully as is possible.  
Megara sighs. 
“Heroes” she mutters to herself.
“So sulky.”
Megara crosses the room to sit with the barbarian Finnris, placing an amphora full of dark liquid on the table.
“Fin look what I came across in the bazaar this morning, real Nar Highland Firewater.”
Megara winces at the thought of the headache she will have in the morning, a pit fighter training camp with all that yelling, clanging, and banging is not a place to be hungover.  The firewater had cost two golden peacocks, a small fortune.  Urgak had purchased the liquor.  Nar Firewater is rare in Quodeth, and he had searched high and low for it.  Urgak and Megara had discussed the situation at length and thought it best Megara talk with the Dhari before someone got killed, which would be bad and without profit a tragedy. 
Finnris, his face hidden in the cowl of Kalayan broadcloth raised his head slightly. 
“Fin, what has happened?”  The old lady’s hand seemed even smaller as she laid it on the barbarian’s brawny forearm.  
A low growl came from beneath the hood or was it a gruff sigh, Megara couldn’t quite tell.
“You refuse to see your friends.”
The Dhari shrugged massive shoulders, head lowered, his sandaled feet scratching the floor like a naughty child.
“You’re beating Urgaks fighters bloody in sparring Finnris.” Megara chastised the Narthan.
“The armourers have put up the prices because you have broken so many shields.” She continued.
“And!”  Now she was in full flow.
“Torsten the Nimothan will be in the infirmagia for weeks with the broken arm you gave him”
“Puny Nimothan” Finnris muttered.
“Fin” Megara’s tone was the assertive, commanding, the accent thoroughbred Atlantean nobility.
Finnris takes off the broad Kalayan scarf looks up at the great yellow moon in the sky above Quodeth and sighs.
“Those things in the sewers, the gibbering mutations, Megara they brought it all back.” He says flatly, glancing at her from the corner of her eye.
Megara pulls the cork from the amphora and fills a pair of chilled stone cups.  As she mixes her draught with chilled spring water, the Narthan drains his cup in one, then sucks in night air savagely through gritted teeth.
“Ha!” Finnris roars, glaring at the empty cup.
“This is good” He grimaces, refilling his cup.
“Brought what back, Fin?” Asks Megara.
She sips the potent spirit.  Cradling the cup in both hands.
The Highlander drains a second cup in a single giant swig and slaps his thigh mightily.
“Hoo, ha!” He exclaims.
“This is the good stuff.” The red-faced Dhari grimaces.
“Finnris Araya, tell me!” Little old grandmother Megara, orders Finnris the slayer to tell his tale.
The moon is a great silver light over the Highlands of Nar at that time of year, but on this night, it was a dark pale yellow much like the one above Quodeth tonight, Megara.
I and some of the other younger warriors were on guard, the rest of the clan feasted in the White Griffin Lodge, as is customary for the time of year.  Chief Evarr Halborn and his wife Elaine hosted great feasts, but none is more significant than the Feast of the Longest Night.  On patrol, we joked among ourselves of missing the feast, but we were uneasy of the eerie foreboding moon above.  That is when Ma came to us, she bid us be wary, that the yellow moon was a portent, that evil was abroad this night.
We didn’t think the screaming anything more than festive high spirits at first, but it became shriller, more desperate.  The shouting coming from the hall was no longer raucous but no full of rage, mindless roaring.  Ma led us to the Chief's lodge.  To us, it sounded like a battle.  Instinctively my stomach knotted.  Strange translucent yellow vapours drifted out of the gaps between the wooden walls and large entrance doors.  At first, I thought it light from inside spilling out until I noticed the vapour almost slither across the ground surrounding the hall like early morning mist.  Then, the lodge doors burst open and outran a naked woman; I did not recognise her; her face was streaming blood from the rents torn across it.  She was howling as she fled into the night.
We turned as one to look in the hall; it was a scene from hell.
The feast had turned into an orgy of madness; nothing made sense, the once happy clan rioted inside people were brawling, crying, babbling, hiding and even dancing amidst the chaos.
Ma took control.  She bid us first get the small children to safety, for they seemed the least affected.  We did this as she gathered about her those who still have their wits.  Our numbers swelled, she had us isolate and subdue the most dangerous warriors.  We took the Chief down first; he was bellowing like a raging bull.  It took a dozen of us to trap him at the back of the lodge, had he been himself I do not think it would be enough.  Ma spoke to him in her native Atlantean low and powerful, and he dropped like a stone. She lay her hands on his temple, and he sprang up, like a salmon leaping out of the Jandar river.  Confused at first, then with a few more words from Ma, Evarr regained most of his composure, Evarr is one of the toughest men I know, second only to my crazy Grandpa.
It was then Fearghal Keor arrived with a dozen kin, all of them armed.  Ma barked orders at him to help.  It is challenging not to obey when she uses this voice of command, believe me, I have tried, but Fearghal hesitated, at the time I thought it wounded his pride to recognise her authority, but now I believe he was calculating his response to a change in his plans.  Evarrs hulking presence settled it.  Fearghal Keor joined us, and in time we had separated the dangerously mad from the troubled and confused. 
Many were severely injured; Leaf the Lucky had lost an eye, but thankfully none had died.  But that was just the beginning.
We had corralled or bound most of the moon touched, but some still roamed the village.  It was Bearn Tuham found her first, Elaine Halborn had been hiding at the back of the hall, behind Evarr’s high roughly hewn seat or rule, below the griffin mantle.  Elaine was a beautiful woman, but now she looked more like a wild animal, her eyes white, rolled up into her head, her limbs contorted at unnatural angles.  She capered up on to the chair, pointed down the hall and screamed, inhuman, unintelligible it was awful to behold.  A big welt burst open on her forehead with a sickening squelch, a horrid third eye just popped out, right there on her forehead it was truly unnatural.  Another sprang out of a similar welt on her cheek, and Elaine now had four eyes rolling around on her face, the wailing, I will never forget it, sickening, subhuman, insane.  And there she died, just died, dropping in a tangle of broken bones on the chief’s, her beloved husband's chair all four eyes open and staring up at the ceiling.  Evarr composure leaked out of him like water down a drain, Leafstan his son raced to comfort him.
That’s when Ma sent me to seek a cure.  This curse of a terrible mutating madness then death.  Ma believed it to be sorcery.  She was a healer, blessed of Mitra; she knew things.
She urged me to seek help from the priests at the Temple of the Widest Sky.  Although it is only a few days ride from the camp, it is a dangerous journey even in summer, to travel alone through the long night was utterly reckless.  I left immediately.
So, across the highlands, I rode to seek help from Mitra’s followers.  I knew the way well; my Grandma had retired to the Shrine several years in the past.  She said she wanted to mourn my Pa who had died in Katagia when I was but a babe, but I secretly think she also wanted to escape my Grandpas eccentricities. 
Ishtar watched over me as I raced across the highlands, nothing troubled my journey, and I arrived at the highland shrine in good time.  I described the events of the night of the yellow moon, and the priests wasted no time in providing aid, giving me holy waters and bundles of blessed sweet-scented mountain jasmine.  Grandma also gave me her horse.  Even in old age, it was the swiftest of steeds, its hooves fleet and sure.  I arrived back at the White Griffin Lodge at dusk just three days after I had left.
But everything had changed.
Ma always joked with me that I would be late for my funeral, a tragic irony to be late for hers.
While I was away Fearghal Keor had demanded the clan formally meet, a Moot we call it, to discuss the events of the night of the yellow moon.  Many of the clan were sick and unable to attend, some were still mad with the gibbering fever and could not make sense, a few were dying horribly as the mutation took hold, their bodies wracked contorted spasms. 
It was at the Moot that Fearghal Keor accused Ma of witchcraft. He claimed she had cursed the tribe with Atlantean sorcery; he reminded them that she was from the hated Katagia.  It is true my Ma as Katagian, and the city-state is a hated enemy of the Highland people.  Bu Ma was no traitor; she had lived happily among the people for more than twenty years.  She had honoured my Pa’ dying wish and brought me to his tribe so that I would learn the Narthan ways. 
Fearghal is a reptile; he had pursued Ma’s hand in marriage for years.  Widowed as she was and he a prominent warrior, wedding the Keor warrior would have secured her position in the clan and my grandparents’ legacy would have given weight to Feargal’s ambitions.  But Astrios Araya, my Ma had spurned all Feargal Keors advances.  “He oils his mustaches with perfume like the degenerates of Orech, for Mitra’s sake.” She would joke.   And so, he became her enemy.  Perhaps this was his revenge,  for being rejected, so many times. But I believe there is more to it, he is a cunning brute, and I have not forgotten, he and his kin were conveniently absent the feast that night.
With no Narthan to speak for her, I and my grandparents absent and my Pa long dead, only Bearn Tuham made words on her behalf.  Ma was not allowed to speak, for she was Atlantean and only Nathans came to make words at the Moot.  Mahad lived happily amongst the clan for more than two decades, she was a famous healer, and many sought the wisdom of her counsel.  But sadly, on that night only Bearn dared to support her.  Fearghal’s family was healthy, almost entirely untouched by the sickness and Evarr could not overrule their majority claim without inviting a stiff challenge.  Fearghal claimed Ma had spread the illness with witchcraft and he demanded her death in the fires of Reth.  A terrible punishment.  Later Baishum Judocus the outlander told me the Moot was again another night of giddy madness, he believed sorcery to be at work again as on the night of the yellow moon.  He said a strange and bitter humour filled the air at the Moot that night.  The assembly was chaos; he would go on to say, he had never seen the Chief so subdued, withdrawn and confused.  And so, Fearghal the bloodthirsty, Ferghal the ambitious, pride swollen by support from the clan dragged Ma from the White Griffin Lodge and along with a mob of crazed clan folk, cast Ma cursing them, into the everlasting Fire of Reth that burned atop a cairn not far from camp.  And there she died. She was burnt alive.  
I did not know it; I was too late.  To the long hall I went first; sensing all was not well for the camp was all but empty, I found just Baishum, the hardened mercenary, was weeping in the door of the White Griffin lodge.  He told me what had happened; he was sorry, ashamed, Narthan law forbade him from speaking, they are going to burn her.
Up to the glen, I raced.  But too late.  I could hear the screams before I crested the hill and saw the flames.  I forced my way through the crowd.  By the time I reached the fire, she was dead.
What have you done? I screamed at the Chief.  A multitude of expressions clouded across his face, anger, pain, confusion.  Fearghal had told him I had run away.   I wept, exhausted, numb, heartbroken.  Falling to my knees, I gave him the cures the Priest of Mitra had given me, the remedies Ma had told me to fetch.  He just looked at me sweat beading his brow despite the chilly highland night, eyes red-rimmed, the whites yellowing and glazed.
Fearghal pompously barrelled his way through the crowd.  He bid the clan cast me into the flames as well.  Cheers came from his kin.  He was now the driving force of the clan.
Rage took me, and I attacked.  Fearghal a vastly more experienced warrior than I, also a brute and cunning with it.  But I was faster and struck first, taking him to the ground I tore at his face with my teeth,  for I had no weapons on me.  He was vain, and it is a weakness.  Grandpa taught me that.  I bit down and tore with my teeth not letting go; I was beaten unconscious by his kin.  I woke but wished I was dead.  Broken bones, missing teeth, I could only see out of one eye.  Fearghal’s kin had beaten me savagely; they had hacked off the warrior braids from head and beard, stabbed, kicked and punched me.  They were about to cast me unconscious into the eternal flames when Leafstalk Halborn intervened.  Later Baishum told me the Chiefs son Leafstan had laid about them in a rage, scattering them like a sabretooth among sheep. 
Evarr had stood with Leafstan protecting me.  The mob wanted blood.  Fearghal and his kin numbered most of the able warriors of the clan, and the clan would need warriors to survive the long night.  So Evarr proclaimed me an outcast to the mob.  Regaining his might, Evarr sent the Keors back to their lodges.  For several days Evarr kept me hostage in his Lodge. Evarr took no time and used Mitra’s cure immediately, it worked well enough and soon those not yet dead from the gibbering madness would become well again. 
Ma was right; the gifts from the Priests of the Shrine fo the Widest Sky cured those in the tribe who were not to far gone.  The others touched too much by the plague were placed in the fires of Reth.    
Evarr grief struck fell to a brooding silence.  All the time the Fearghal’s cronies stalked outside White Griffin Lodge pleading for my death.  Fearghal wanted revenge; I had torn off his nose with my teeth.  But he would not leave his lodge; he is as vain as he is ambitious. 
In the dead of night Leafstan Hallborn & Baishum Judocus secretly escorted me out of the camp.  Had they not, Fearghal’s kin would have surely captured me.  For several days we rode across east across the Highlands.  Leafstan gave me the tools to survive in the wilderness and Baishum shared his knowledge of the backwoods trails, cities, and peoples of Thule.   We parted in sadness at the Ghostwood Wilds.  An eerie place of whitewood pine and moaning winds.
And so I was outcast with no clan, no parents.  Grief consumed me; I lived like an animal in the Dhar Mesh until the Windrunners found me.  I stayed with them for many moons hunting beastmen.  Then, when I heard tales of an old Narthan fighting in pits of Quodeth, I thought it might be my crazy grandpa and came to look for myself.  Reborn I would become a famous warrior return to the tribe and take revenge.
But I got lost in the jungle; it happens more than I would like, I grew up in the highlands, the jungles tangled paths are still a mystery to me.  While lost I was captured by slavers traveling to Quodeth, and I found myself in chains again.  I pretended not to know the Atlantean tongue they spoke and played the submissive beaten slave until I heard them talking about the nearing City.  Then I jumped ship taking slaver bearing the keys with me, my chains dragging us to the bottom of the river, I thanked him for the ride as he drowned, freed myself and swam ashore.  No longer lost I walked the last few miles to the city.  
And so, I arrived in the City of Bridges, City of Thieves, Quodeth.  The rest of the story you know Megara.

Narthan Mammoth Hunters - White Griffin Clan
Evarr Halborn, Chief of the White Griffin Clan
Elaine Halborn, The Chiefs beautiful and considerate wife
Leafstan Hallborn, Evarr and Elaine's son
Bearn Tuham. Evarrs trusted captain
Fearghal Keor, a descendant of the great Kal
Grandma, Fionn Araya, Narthan Shield Maiden(retired), blessed of Mitra
Grandpa, Mot Araya, Narthan Adventurer (no fixed abode)
Pa, Narthan Adventurer deceased.  Rumoured to have died in the Circus Maxima of Katagia racing a chariot for the famous blue team.
Finnris Araya, Exile
Megara, Atlantean, Healer
Ma, Astrios Araya, Atlantean, blessed of Mitra
Baishum Judocus, Mercenary, permanent guest of the White Griffin Clan

Mot Araya - Grandpa
Mot Araya – Grandpa. 
Mot is a famous or infamous (depending on your point of view) Narthan warrior, and adventurer whose sandaled feet have trampled across the jeweled thrones of Thule.  He was once elected chief by the White Griffin clan but famously refused. 
“I will not be told what to do, so how could I tell others their business.” He is rumoured to have said.
 “Are you sure you are my grandson and not the spawn of some winged ape?” Mot often jokes with Finn.  It was Mot Araya showed Finnris the path of the Slayer.

Astrios Araya – Ma, Blessed of Mitra



Astrios burns in the Fires of Reth

Fearghal Keor 

Narthan Chariot

Tuesday session #9 11/8/2213 The Scent of Jasmine 3 (lvl 4-7)

1.(Judith) Aeshma, lvl 6>7 Kalayan Sacred Slayer of Mithra (h-f), Swashbuckler Rogue-3>4/Fighter-1/Warlock-2.
2.(Bill) Vorstag Iceslider, the Frost Giant's Son, lvl 5>6 Goliath Ice Reaver of the Tjokren Glacier (g-m), Assassin Rogue-5>6
3.(Jack) Zérda “The Defier” of House Saväschu, lvl 5 Atlantean Noble of Katagia (h-m), EK Fighter-5
4. (James) Cassandra,  Bearer of the Black Book, Quodethi  (h-f) Sorcerer-3>4

"Where's Finnris? They promised me Finnris!"
Defeat Test of Mind moving blocks with force cube; defeat Test of Heart by killing Ruuk Nath; finally find Metira Sedarnel - only she's not the cult sacrifice,  she's the high priestess of Cthulu! A huge battle ensues, with both Vorstag and Cassandra going down, but Vorstag is revived by Aeshma and Cassandra stabilised by Vorstag. Kill: 10 cultists, 2 cult thugs, 1 chosen cultist, & Metira the level 9 high priestess. Take the latter two bodies to Princess Jania, who is upset but grateful. Zerda & Jania plan to have Jania introduce Queen DeyaneHazeda  to Zerda at the Kishar Festival Ball in just over two weeks - 27/8/2213 - and get some additional guest invitations.

Demons in the Darkness - by Aeshma

We return to the surface briefly to catch our breath after the fight with the Gibbering Mouthers. An urchin, recognising Vorstag’s affiliation with the Seven Knives, asks his help in dealing with a nearby haunted house where he meets up with Cassandra and a group of travelling elves. Finnris is struggling with the acid burns from the fight and goes to the Fighting Pit for the assistance of their medic.

Once Vorstag returns along with Cassandra we head back into the tunnels where Aeshma hears the sound of distant chanting that she recognises as a paean to Great Cthulhu. The next room we find is a complex of symmetrical hallways through which we can see the shimmer of ghostly forms. The tops and bases of several of the inner hallway walls show gaps so we conclude it is some kind of trap. After some debate we decide to use the Cube of Meng to protect us as we cross the room.

Things do not start well as the moment we enter the room vast sections of wall start to move, crushing us against the outer wall. Then we see the moving walls have revealed a large gap running down the centre of the room towards the exit door. With four of us pushing the cube forwards, the spectres are unable to impede our progress and we escape the moving walls trap.

Without the chance to take a rest we continue into an arena, its galleries filled with battered corpses propped up in their seats. In the centre of the arena stands a huge, powerfully built warrior that Zerda recognises as the infamous Ruk Nath, a bare-knuckle fighter and gladiator of fearsome reputation. He shouts out a challenge, growling his anger that Finnris is not with us as he apparently wished to resolve a long-standing grudge.

Vorstag calls on his Frost Giant heritage and grows to ten feet tall. Cassandra decides that she is particularly unsuited to an arena fight and, citing feminine frailty, climbs up into the stand where she has a better view of the arena – and an excellent vantage point from which to cast spells. In Finnris’ absence, Ruk Nath decides the giant Vorstag is the next best target and charges at him, striking him with his powerful fists.

Ruk Nath is appallingly strong and willing to cause himself damage for a little bit of extra power behind his blows. As punch after punch lands, Vorstag tries to employ his usual hit and run tactics, hoping that Ruk Nath will instead attack Zerda, but the Pit Fighter pursues him. Aeshma and Cassandra use Ruk Nath’s single-minded focus on his prey to enable them to land their own magical attacks. Between us we manage to defeat Ruk Nath, Zerda landing the final blow. As he dies he tells us we have survived the final test and that we are “worthy”…

The chanting has reached a climax as we enter the adjacent shrine where we see a naked Metira kneeling on a stone altar. Purple robed cultists surround her along with a pair of muscled thugs and a finely robed priest. We are startled when she climbs down from the altar and announces that she is the cult’s high priestess and that we are to be the next sacrifices. The cultists hurry forwards to seize us, but as half of them fall in the first few seconds Metira decides they need support and summons a Nightgaunt, a demon from beyond. To our alarm we notice the blood from the slain cultists starts to dribble towards the altar, apparently fuelling the ritual. Zerda throws down his cloak to soak up some of it before it can reach the altar while Cassandra attacks with fire magic, cauterising wounds even as she inflicts them.

As we are still hoping to take Metira alive, Aeshma focusses her attacks on the cult priest who is soon killed but not before he manages to briefly afflict Vorstag with summoned night terrors. Cassandra carefully manoeuvres to blast as many cultists as possible with her favourite Thunderwave spell, using her expertise to limit the damage done to Zerda who has been mobbed by the cultists whose effectiveness is bolstered by a Nightgaunt summoned by Metira.

At the apse at the far end of the room we can start to see the result of Metira’s earlier chanting as a creature of nightmare starts to appear. With her acolytes falling before us, Metira calls down a flamestrike which strikes Vorstag, Aeshma and Cassandra. Still wounded from the fight with Ruk Nath, Vorstag falls unconscious while Aeshma and Cassandra are seriously injured.

Ducking out of Metira’s line of sight Aeshma offers a fervent prayer to Mithra before calling on the Sun God to strike down the cult high priestess. Golden energy smashes into Metira, causing injuries that should be fatal but she looks down at the gaping wound as if it is a mere inconvenience. Despite her assumed insouciance, the shock of the attack proves sufficient to break her concentration and both the Nightgaunt and the nightmare demon are flung back to their own realms.

Zerda hurries forward to try to grapple her but even restrained she retains enough focus and presence of mind to start summoning another Nightgaunt. One of the few remaining cultists stabs Cassandra even as Aeshma revives Vorstag. Despite our serious injuries we manage to kill the last of the cultists, then, knowing we are in no condition to take on another Nightgaunt, Aeshma calls for Zerda to hold Metira steady as she no longer has any choice but to strike to kill.

With its summoner dead, the Nightgaunt vanishes before it can attack. Vorstag is able to staunch the flow of blood from Cassandra’s knife wound and in the now-quiet shrine we are able to take stock. A small chest holds the cult’s treasure: nearly 2700gp in coins and gems, a Ring of Warmth (given to Vorstag) and a Potion of Revivify (which Zerda takes custody of).

We wrap up the bodies of Metira and the Cult Priest in robes taken from the dead cultists and cautiously sneak through Quodeth to reach the Sedarnel palace. With as much diplomacy as we can muster we explain that Metira had somehow become corrupted by Cthulhu with a side comment that Prince Dredan might have had some involvement. We are asked to keep things quiet, but Aeshma points out that the Temple of Mithra will need to know about the presence of such a cult in the city.

Believing that Queen Deyane needs to be warned, Zerda urges Princess Jania to arrange for us to all attend the upcoming ball at the Palace and for us to have the opportunity to speak with the Queen in private.

Metira pretends to be the sacrifice

Star Thing. You make my heart sing.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday session #7 27/8/2213 Night of the Yellow Moon 2

3 days Rethenna to Anselmo and a half day south to the crossroads, Aeridnis Vorzin (Wiz-4) and lizard-Bron have fallen in with a scholarly Sorcerer-Scientist Query (Sorc-2>3) and with Vorstag Iceslider (Rog-5), returning to Quodeth after a visit to Fat Gan. Encounter ghouls at the crossroad and kill all 5. In Quodeth gain aid from House Vorzin guard under Captain Indath, third son of Duke Vorzin. Locate the Yellow Moon cultists at the Temple of the Moon and interupt their ritual before summoning of Hastur's heralds can complete - one guard is killed by a cult dancing girl but the cultists are wiped out and Quodeth is saved. As snow begins to fall Queen Deyane gives an impassioned speech from the palace balcony, stiffening the resolve of her people and winning her their devotion.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Thulean Elf
The elves of Thule are a fading people, sinking deeper and deeper into dreaming lassitude with each passing year. Before the rise of Atlantis they were one of the dominant cultures of the continent, but as human civilization arose and grew strong, elven civilization grew old and decadent. The mighty elven kingdoms are long gone, leaving only a handful of crumbling city-states and lonely strongholds where the last vestiges of this once-great race pass their days in reverie and ennui.

Elves are few in number and have generally moved past a life of doing to a life of being. They love learning, study, reflection, and things of beauty. The great works of the elven race in the current day are now songs, studies of nature, and philosophical constructs that reveal the meaning and purpose of existence. They have little use for gods, and generally ignore human deities. The one practical talent in which elves still excel is magic; long ago, elves discovered and explored arcane lore, and much of Thule’s arcane tradition is based on this ancient elven knowledge.

Some elves find themselves cast in the role of tutors and mentors to the younger peoples of Thule, and in that role they can excel—but many other elves are so enmeshed in their own dreamlike concerns that they see little reason to engage in the mortal world at all. Others, such as the decadent nobles of Imystrahl, have embraced the worst excesses of hedonism or cruelty in order to impart some meaning, no matter how dark, to their empty existences.

Elven heroes, of course, are made of different stuff. They are exceptional members of their race, throwbacks to the days when elves battled terrible monsters for mastery of Thule. Some fight to protect the weakening enclaves of elven culture that remain in the world, some adventure to experience something new in their own long centuries of life, and still others seek to find the vitality and ambition in other races that their own people have lost.

The elves of Thule belong to the high elf subrace. They possess the abilities and traits of high elves found in other worlds, except as noted here.
Alignment: Like the elves of many other worlds, Thulean elves value freedom and individuality. However, most are self-centered and disinterested in the troubles of others, and many regard other peoples with open contempt.
Languages: Thulean elves speak Elven and Low Atlantean (the common tongue). They can read and write in any language they know.

Orethya and the Silver Swords
Long ago, the elven empires defeated the prehuman monstrosities that dominated the primeval continent and helped to civilize the barbaric human tribes that shared Thule with them. Now the great elven cities are in ruins, and the great warrior-heroes of elvenkind are no more . . . except, perhaps, Orethya, the Silver Sword of Imystrahl, sometimes known as the Last Hero of the Elves. Orethya has led a dozen desperate quests across the centuries, challenging the ancient enemies of elvenkind or safeguarding dangerous legacies left behind by her people. Some believe that she is deliberately erasing the history of her people, ensuring that future civilizations will not be influenced by the arcane lore and haughty pride of their predecessors.

The Silver Swords
For the last fifty years or so Orethya has led a small cadre of dedicated Knights - Myrmidons, in human parlance - based at the fortress of Serenport south of Imystrahl, which they have restored from near ruin. They call themselves the Silver Swords in her honour.


Suitable Heroic Narratives (Backgrounds)

The last organised military order of any merit in Imystrahl is the Silver Swords, 'Myrmidons' or 'Knights', dedicated to the Last Hero.

Thule has fewer standing armies than most fantasy
settings; the city-states can defend their walls and
project force a few days away from their gates, but
marching armies haven’t been seen on Thule since the
Lomar-Droum war sixty years ago, and there haven’t
been truly massive legions since the Atlanteans invaded
the Inner Sea more than five hundred years ago.
Atlantis is no more, and the Atlantean holdings
on hule are dwindling, but you are part of one of
Atlantis’s great gifts to hule: the Myrmidons, heavily
armored elite troops. Each myrmidon “century” had
its own fighting styles and legendary history, and the
Atlanteans’ enemies on hule were so impressed that
they started training “myrmidon” units of their own
and adopting at least some of the Atlantean trappings.
Now the phrase “myrmidon” means “elite trooper” and
doesn’t necessarily indicate an Atlantean heritage. You
are an elite trooper in one of Thule’s organized militaries
(even if you’re on detached duty to enable independent
adventuring). hose who see your raised weapon
or heavy armor know they’re facing the best of the best.
You’re a warrior through and through, capable of
striding purposefully straight into danger. Fearless
and cunning, you’re capable of great things on the
battleield, but teamwork and discipline are your biggest
assets. Your mere presence as a myrmidon makes
others ight better, because you inspire them to be as
brave and disciplined as you are.
In time, the myrmidon “century” (80–100 troopers)
you’re ailiated with may grant you an honor guard of
lower-level myrmidons to command as you see it.
Skill Bonuses (1st level): You are trained in Animal
Handling and Medicine. You know how to handle
mounts in battle, and you’ve learned how to deal with
typical battlefield injuries.
Inspiring Example (1st level): When you hit with
a melee or ranged weapon attack, you can use a bonus
action to inspire each ally within 30 feet of you. Until
the beginning of your next turn, inspired creatures add
1d4 to attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
You can use Inspiring Example once, and then you
must rest to regain the ability.
Patrol Leader (6th level): You gain the ability to
summon a raid (see Followers), which takes the form
of soldiers from your century temporarily placed under
your command to garrison your home base or patrol in
whatever area you are operating in. Your followers are
equivalent to guards.
Centurion (10th level): You become commander
of your myrmidon century. Your gain a company of
legionaries (see page 79). At 15th level, your followers
improve to veterans. In addition, once per three years
you can call an army to your banner. You are expected
to keep your century employed, either as mercenaries
or in the service of your home city; they can handle
routine duties while you are away.
Within the larger military force you associate with,
you’re regarded as elite, so other soldiers treat you with
respect bordering on awe, or with jealousy. The civilians
of your city-state are impressed as well, even if
they only know the myrmidons from military parades,
not military action.

In recent years, Imystrahl has occasionally allowed free mercenary humans known as Free Blades to join the ranks of her defenders - although only outside the walls.

Mercenary, wanderer, outlaw, fortune-hunter, freebooter—
the cities of hule are full of hard-nosed
adventurers ready to earn a living with a strong
sword-hand. Monarchs and nobles are always looking
for skilled soldiers, merchants need bodyguards, and
forgotten treasures lie waiting for the audacious explorer
bold enough to dare deadly jungles and cursed
ruins and claim them. he free blade is a true soldier
of fortune, a sell-sword who may try out a dozen different
careers as he or she searches for that one bold
stroke that might make a mercenary into a lord . . . or
even a king.
Whether you’re a professional mercenary with a
careful eye for the odds or a bored barbarian looking
for adventure, you keep your sword loose in the
scabbard and your coinpurse where you can see it.
You’re ambitious, resourceful, and pragmatic—all
the gold in the world is worthless to a dead man.
Above all, you are a great believer in the power
of opportunity. No matter where you are or what
you’re doing, you never stop looking for your next
big chance. If it involves making enemies or breaking
laws, so be it.
Fighting skill is the stock in trade of the free
blade—anyone following this path must be handy
with weapons and willing to ight for pay. Free
blades come from almost any culture or background.
Some are wandering barbarians, some are
desperate street thugs trying to get ahead, and a few
are highborn swordsmen or swordswomen forced by
family circumstances to carve out their own place in
the world. Even nonhumans such as dwarven mercenaries
or elven duelists are found in this opportunistic
Key Identity: Barbarian, ighter, ranger, rogue.
Even if you’re just beginning your career, you’ve already
been to more places and seen more things than
most people. Free blades are deined by their wanderlust;
you’re familiar with a lot of diferent places, you
have a knack for languages, and you have an uncanny
ability to it in wherever you ind yourself. As a
veteran of many skirmishes, riots, and tavern brawls,
you have learned how to inish ights fast when you
get an opponent at a disadvantage. It might not be
particularly honorable, but honor isn’t something
you worry about too much. As word of your prowess
spreads, you’ll ind that you are never really without a
job—there’s always someone hiring mercenaries, or a
band of outlaws in need of a leader.
Skill Bonuses (1st level): Your travels and business
associations have provided you with a certain breadth
of knowledge. You gain a bonus language selected
from the following: High Atlantean, Dhari, Kalayan,
Lomari, Nimothan, Urgan. You are also trained in
Opportunist (1st level): When you make an
opportunity attack, you gain tactical advantage.
Instead of making an opportunity attack, you can use
a combat reaction to move up to your speed.
Sellsword (6th level): Whenever you are paid
gold for your services, you get 50% more gold. In
addition, you gain tactical advantage on skill checks
made to interact with mercenaries or other soldiers
for hire.
Company of Blades (10th level): You have worked
for, with, and against many other sellswords and
earned their respect. You now have a company of elite
warriors at your call (see Followers, under narrative
beneits). he warriors of your company are equivalent
to berserkers or legionaries (see page 79); you can
choose which you prefer. When you reach 15th level,
they improve to veterans.


Imystrahl, the city-state that gives the region its name, is
Thule’s oldest realm, and by far its most decadent (and
on this continent, that’s saying something). The elves of Imystrahl are cruel, capricious, and dissolute, looking
inward in search of rarefied pleasures and interacting
with the outside world as little as possible. The noble
elves in Imystrahl’s highest castes don’t just spurn the
world outside the city’s walls—they spend as little time
as possible in the conscious world, preferring their
own drug-addled dreams as they consume the narcotic
known as the Black Milk.
Ordinarily, elves don’t sleep or dream in the traditional
sense, but Imystrahl’s decadence has turned
this on its head. The noble families of Imystrahl sleep
upward of 18 hours a day, dreaming vividly all the
while. Agents of the sinister being known as Nyarlathotep
introduced the Black Milk to Imystrahl, and it
quickly overtook the city’s other luxuries and diversions.
Nyarlathotep’s greater purpose for taking control of a
city of dreaming, sorcerous elves can only be guessed at.
For now, new temples (the only new buildings within
Imystrahl in almost 2,000 years) devoted to Nyarlathotep
have sprung up across the city, and strange, winged
creatures fly from marble tower to alabaster spire, consuming
the dreams of the sleeping elves.
Not every resident of the city is addicted to the Black
Milk. A caste of half-elves, prized because they have
elven blood yet do not succumb to the Black Milk,
keeps much of the city running. Though technically
slaves, they wield significant inluence on their drowsy,
decadent masters. Humans and people of other races are
generally slaves or “untouchables,” when they can even
gain access to the city in the first place. The red-plumed
guards of Imystrahl’s famed Bonedust Gate—half-elven
warriors of great repute—demand a truly compelling
reason or a truly significant bribe to allow travelers
beyond Imystrahl’s gates.
Imystrahl is a city-state in steep decline, but that makes
it all the more interesting for adventurers. If one needs a
sage with obscure knowledge about Thule’s distant past, a
rare reagent for a magic ritual, or a long-forgotten portal
to a far-off corner of the map, Imystrahl is the place to go
. . . but beware entanglement in Nyarlathotep’s schemes,
and know that a cruel elven sorcerer is doubly dangerous
when roused from dreamy sleep to black anger.

Elves came to Thule from the dying, time-distant world of Areon - a world that Men will one day, or had one day, call/ed Mars - via world-gates  more than 5,000 years ago, taking advantage of the Northern Polar Vortex. They were a more powerful, ambitious people back then. The elven nations of Imystrahl and Sersidyen went to war against the serpentmen and rakshasas (also believed to be first-arriving renegades from Red Areon's dying jungles) that already dominated the continent, and over the centuries, the elves ground out advance after costly advance. The rakshasas retreated to Hellumar and the serpentmen lost their great fortress of Bhnaal Pruth. As the elven numbers diminished through attrition, they bolstered their ranks with humans—sometimes slaves, sometimes mercenaries, sometimes junior partners in alliances of convenience.
The humans learned well from their elven masters, and in time they rebelled. The armies of Quodeth conquered Sersidyen completely, and the elves of Imystrahl retreated to hule’s southern coast. Elven dreams of empire diminished further when the Atlanteans arrived in 307 AR, sweeping elven fleets from the seas and sacking the city of Imystrahl itself. The elves repulsed the Atlantean raiders, but at great cost: the city lay in ruins, and elven armies elsewhere in Thule made their way home to Imystrahl.

Over time, the elves rebuilt, never forgetting the blow struck by the Atlanteans and occasionally using their magic to thwart Atlantis’s colonial ambitions in southern Thule. he elves rejoiced in 1906 AR when Atlantis sank beneath the waves, and many would love to see the last survivors of the Atlantean race leave Thule for good.
About 40 years ago, Imystrahl found a new decadence, one that would reshape (and perhaps doom) their society: the Black Milk. Introduced by Suric Dyamath, self-described “harbinger of Nyarlathotep,” this narcotic extract from jungle flowers has the city in its grip. Higher-caste
elves spend their days in slumber, dreaming strange dreams. Meanwhile, the city crumbles around them, strange monsters flit from rooftop to rooftop, and Nyarlathotep’s servants have functional control of the city.

At its height centuries ago, Imystrahl was an inspiring
metropolis of marble and alabaster, delicate white spires
rising above the deep blue harbor waters. Now the marble
is crumbling, much of the alabaster has been stripped to
pay for Black Milk, and a layer of soot means the city has
literally lost its luster. Stone walls surround the city in all
landward directions, and a series of breakwaters protects
the harbor from both weather and seaward raids.
Inside the city walls, Imystrahl is a warren of structures
constructed at odd angles, streets that dead-end
without warning, and tall buildings that often blot out
the sun. For the visitor, it’s a remarkably easy city to
get turned around and lost within. Because the elves
care for little other than their own narcotic dreams,
all manner of monsters lurk in the dark alleys and
shadowed balconies of the city—some summoned specifically
by Nyarlathotep’s agents to feed on the fevered
dreams of the elven nobles.
The city is also eerily quiet, because much of the
city is sleeping, day or night. he fastest way to draw
attention from the city watch (well-armed and brutal
half-elves) or house guards (mercenaries in the employ
of a high-ranking house) is to make a lot of noise.
Bonedust Gate: The main land entrance to
Imystrahl, Bonedust Gate is a fortress embedded within
the city walls. It takes its name from the fine white
powder on the inbound road—the powdered bones of
millennia-old enemies of the elves. It’s hard for ordinary
travelers to get past the surly guards at the gate, unless
they have black lotus to trade or enough gold to bribe
the guards (the bribe amount is variable, but 10–100 gp
for a small party is typical).
Western Dock: Any ship not obviously Atlantean or
hostile can dock at the westernmost pier in Imystrahl’s
harbor, but getting beyond that pier and onto solid
ground requires rare flowers or gold, just as for the Bonedust
Gate above. his dock is Imystrahl’s primary point
of contact with the outside world, though it’s mostly trade
goods, not passengers, that embark and disembark here.
Spire of Zaal: Among the more wakeful of the elven
nobility are the arcane sages of Zaal, who study ancient
elven scrolls and argue esoteric points of magic theory
from within the walls of this slim spire near the center
of the city. A product of centuries of magic, the Spire of
Zaal is far larger on the inside than it appears from the
outside, and even the sages don’t know where every hallway
leads (not that they’d admit this, though). The sages
are in the thrall of the Black Milk, though they aren’t
entirely crippled by it: they still rouse from their slumber
to continue their studies in its and starts.
The sages of Zaal can be information sources, patrons,
or antagonists, and the interior of the spire
can certainly be an adventure site in its own right.
Among the sages’ current obsessions: finding and restoring
the World Gate believed to lie somewhere underneath
Imystrahl, how to use Black Milk to open a path
to the Dream Dimension, and unearthing some lost
arsenals from the long-gone elven empire of Sersidyen.
Gyrann Prison: Many of the wretches in the dungeonlike
prison underneath Imystrahl are common
elven and half-elven prisoners, plus a few dissidents
troubled by the growing inluence of Nyarlathotep.
One wing, though, is composed of noble political
prisoners—elves who lost political struggles and are now
restricted to small but comfortable cells underneath the
city. The political prisoners get gifts, including Black
Milk, from their families. One prisoner, Dzorik Trenaal,
is a botanist trying to grow the black lotus hydroponically
underground. If Dzorik succeeds, he’ll win his
freedom . . . and cut off one of the few remaining reasons
for Imystrahl to contact the outside world.

Imystrahl (Small City, pop. 17,200)
City of the Black Lotus, the Sleeping Spires, the
White Teeth.
Imystrahl, home to cruel and decadent elves,
is an important trade hub along Thule’s southern
coast. The city is falling under the sway of
the Black Milk, an opiate supplied by servants of
Nyarlathotep, and the elves are increasingly too
busy dreaming apocalyptic dreams to care about
the outside world.
Authority: Vaas Kuruthim is the titular master
of the city, but he hasn’t been seen awake in
almost a year, and the Kuruthim family in general
rarely leaves their noble manor. Day-to-day
city operations fall to Crothia Zearein, “tyrant
general” of Imystrahl’s standing army, who has
resisted the lure of the Black Milk so far.
NPCs: Three quarters of Imystrahl’s residents are
elves, and most of the rest are half-elves and a
smattering of other races.
Thryn Seklekir is a half-elf captain of the guard
who tries to look outward on Imystrahl’s
behalf, visiting nearby towns and sometimes
hiring adventurers to surreptitiously advance
Imystrahl’s interests in the region. When he’s
in Imystrahl, he takes an interest in unusual
travelers and seeks news of the wider world.
Hayerik Muord is a canny elven trader who plies
legitimate goods on the Western Dock and
black lotus at Bonedust Gate—and takes pains
to keep the two businesses separate. So far,
she’s been able to sell Black Milk within the
city while keeping the followers of Nyarlathotep
at bay, but she worries that eventually
she’ll draw unwanted attention.
Prath Napratam and Suric Dyamath are the
agents of Nyarlathotep responsible for getting
as many elves dreaming as possible. Suric
understands the alchemical process required
to turn turn black lotus into Black Milk, and
Prath distributes it throughout the city.
Trade: The only import Imystrahl cares about is
black lotus from the northern jungle, though
the city can’t feed itself and imports fish and
farmed goods, mostly by sea, from the rest of
the region. They export “antiques,” which is a
kind way of saying that they’re stripping their
own homes bare to pay for more Black Milk. An
ordinary city would bankrupt itself in a matter
of weeks at this rate, but Imystrahl had millennia
to gather wealth and craft fine goods.
Concerns: A few forward-thinking elves are
worried about the Black Milk and the influence
of Nyarlathotep, but they have dificulty rousing
their fellows from slumber long enough to tell
them so. A broader concern among the elves
(when they’re awake) is that trouble stays far
from Imystrahl’s walls, so they sometimes order
the city’s small but well-trained army into the
field to keep nearby settlements in line.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday session #8 11/8/2213 Door of Varg-Sharsuni (PC level 2-5)

Image result for giant wolf spider
1. (Bill) Vorstag Iceslider, Goliath Rogue-5
2. (James) Cassandra, Human Quodethi Sorcerer-3
3. (Tom) Paelias, Elf Ranger-3
4. (Chris) Timbo, Human Lomari Fighter-2
5. (Megan) Hyas, Elf Wizard-2
6. (Michelle) Kiera, Elf Fighter-2

Exiting the sewers in the Sark District, Vorstag joins up with Cassandra, Paelias and three strangers - Timbo, Hyas and Kiera. Together they investigate a haunted house, kill brigands and spiders, lay a ghost to rest, and Vorstag goes to the Temple of Mitra & gets Kalesh Gan to exorcise a Door of Evil.

The Diary of Zérda 2 - 4/8/2213

Thursday, April 4, 2019


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Statue of Mithra

Priests of Mithra

The Golden Hall is Quodeth’s grand temple to Mithra,
god of the sun and sky. It is one of the largest temples
of all Thule’s cities, a sprawling cathedral that is home
to scores of Mithran priests and hundreds of temple
guards dressed in blue and gold. The priests of Mithra
are widely thought to spend too much time looking
out for their own property and influence, but many
Quodethi agree with the Mithrans that it is well past
time to curb the city’s worst excesses and uphold standards
of basic decency in society.

Image result for mithraic symbols
Priest of Mithra

High Curate Oruk-Maneth is the high priest of
Mithra in Quodeth. He is a sly, conniving old schemer
who doesn’t hesitate to use the temple’s inluence in a
hundred diferent ways, working tirelessly to appoint
viziers and panjandrums loyal to Mithra, challenge
the worst vices of the city’s low quarters, and generally
drag Quodeth toward a more pious, just, and conservative
set of values. Oruk-Maneth is especially annoyed
that he does not sit on the Royal Council, and he
makes a show of sorrowfully lamenting the fact that
Queen Deyane is denied the benefit of his wisdom.

The White Guard of Quodeth
Since the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, this small, ultra-elite band of devout Mithraic knights, never more than five or six strong, are traditionally charged with guarding the person of Quodeth's monarch, whoever he or she may be, with no regard for their own lives. Instituted by King Yero, first of the Paland dynasty, in 1946 AR, all swear a most sacred oath to that effect, and renounce all claims of familial loyalty. They normally have a potion of revivify on hand, and they include armoured Clerics, and even occasionally Paladins, amongst their number. They are typically drawn from the aristocracy of Quodeth, but it is not unheard of for common-born Mithraics of great merit to be appointed.
Famously, when Queen Nadersha, last of the Paland monarchs, fell at the Mammoth Gate holding Quodeth against the Jandar Horde in 2022 AR, all six of the White Guard were found dead beside her, defending their charge to the last. Even when the High Curate of Mithra Jhom Arn overthrew the corrupt Onther monarch King Zafid in 2130 AR, the Guard refused to stand down, and were incapacitated only through liberal use of priestly magic. They were reinstated by the first Hazeda monarch in 2140 AR. When King Verius II Hazeda died unexpectedly in his bedchamber 2209 AR, the two White Guard assigned to watch over him that night were also found dead at the scene, with no marks on the bodies. 'Foul air' is suspected. His daughter the new Queen Deyane Verix Hazeda sleeps in a different chamber.
The current Knight Commander of the White Guard is the aging Sir Sarris Marsesk, youngest brother to Prince Tromin Marsesk. Still a great warrior, he is widely considered to be only a few years from retirement. There is no love lost between Sir Sarris and Azarde Two-Blades, the handsome and dashing Captain of the two-hundred-strong Royal Guards, who some say has designs on the Queen's hand.

Sarris Marsesk

Items Available to Loyal Followers of Mithra

Potion of Healing 2d4+2 - 50gp - 2 days or in stock (3d6)
Potion of Greater Healing 4d4+4 - 250gp - 5 days
Potion of Superior Healing 8d4+8 - 1250gp - 10 days
Potion of Heroism - 1250gp - 10 days
Potion of Invulnerability - 1250gp  - 10 days
Potion of Mind Reading - 1250gp  - 10 days
Potion of Revivify - 1250gp  - 10 days
Shining Blade (magic +0 weapon, can shed light 30' as bonus action) - Weapon cost +200gp - 4 days
Shining Steel Blade (magic +1 weapon, can shed light 30' as bonus action) - Weapon cost +2200gp -24 days
Shield of Mitra (magic +1 shield) - 2000gp - 20 days
Scroll, 1st level Cleric Spell - 100gp - 4 days
Scroll, 2nd level Cleric spell - 250gp - 5 days
Scroll, 3rd level Cleric spell - 500gp - 7 days
Scroll, 4th level Cleric spell - 1250gp - 10 days


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