imon N. (GM):Hi Jelly!
Jelly:Our adventuring party is literally now a horde!
White Valyrian:hello Jelly
Simon N. (GM):GM: After a week resting & recuperating at Thiria Keep, Steward Dormythr escorts you east on the road to Tallas. Droghall's new Velociraptor runs alongside his ankles, sqawking happily and looking for eggs to snatch.
Laxus Draugnir:panic when heard of eggs Jelly:OOC thanks for the map (my sense of direction is terrible).
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus check on his Dragon eggs
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
magic cat is YUUUGE
Jelly:You have dragon eggssssss? I don't remember thissss?
Simon N. (GM):The dragon eggs are safe... for now...
Laxus Draugnir:two of them too
Jelly:OOC would Slaine know anything of cariing for them, being reptiod himself?
Laxus Draugnir:keep a watchful eye on his dragon eggs Simon N. (GM):You hike the 30 mile trail through the dangerous lands between Thiria Keep and Tallas... Chaos raiders dedicated to Tsathoggua haunt these lands.
on a 6 you meet some
+1 for laughs?
Simon N. (GM):no, though you do come across a burned-out wagon a few days old, no bodies.
Laxus Draugnir:Hello Matt
Simon N. (GM):Clearly your mighty horde deters attack.
Jelly:Hmmmmmmm......thissss looksssssss sssssuspicioussss.
Yessssssssss!! The Horde of the Unbroken, Ssssssssssssssscourge of the Night Thingssssssssssss!
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "We hunt the Chaos scum, but they have a strong base on the Black Orchid Isle."
Jelly:Black Orchid? Iss that not what your kind have a weaknesssss for, childe of the foressst?
Simon N. (GM):At the end of a long day's walk you see ahead the evening lights of Tallas, a strongly fortified port town and castle.
Laxus Draugnir:"they cross the water?"
Ulfdin:Thats the drug isnt it
Or is that black lotus
Rollo:The black milk, I have heard of it. The dreamers ale.
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "They must be able to cross the water. Perhaps aided by the dark magics of Tsathoggua their toad god."
Ulfdin:Or perhaps they use boats.............
Jelly:OOC does Slaine know of Tsathoggua?
Laxus Draugnir:"its an island my nimothian friends"
Simon N. (GM):Slaine knows Tsathoggua the Devourer is a minor Great Old One. GM: The gates are opened at your approach and you pass through the town to the castle of Lord Borealis. You are escorted up to the Throne Hall...
Rollo:Well, there's some interesting looking folk in here :-D
Slaine:OOC what's that massive gorilla looking thing?
Simon N. (GM):Beautiful concubines around the throne no doubt catch Rollo's eye more than Gaugh, Lord of the Winged Apes, or the golden warriors accompanying the sorceress Caldrea...
Slaine:OOC it's a gargantuan nandie lol
Ulfdin:And a few lasses who will catch a chill if they don't put some clothes on!
Slaine:OOC good name for a metal band!
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Milord! May I present the heroes who defeated the Night Things!"
Borealis, a ruggedly handsome and powerfully built Atlantean knight, steps forward, smiling.
"Be welcome in my Hall!"
The name Borealisssss sspeaks of light and justice. Thisss isss good, a weapon againssst the forcessss of chaosssss!
Droghall:seeing the shaman bow Droghall does too
Ulfdin:Ulfdin whispers to Rollo, "We're surrounded!"
Laxus Draugnir:"it is an honour young lord"
gave a short bow Simon N. (GM):Borealis also nods respectfully to Slaine, a shorter nod to Laxus.
Rollo grins like a hungry wolf at a feast
Laxus Draugnir:Ulfdin relax were among friends
Ulfdin:Ulfdin looks around warily
Slaine:OOC is there any way to get our large profile pics out of the way in order to see the whole board at once?
Simon N. (GM):Borealis: "These visitors are Caldrea of Caldrea's Tower, far to the north near Quodeth, and her companion Gaugh, Lord of the Winged Apes."
OOC yes Jelly
Rollo:Its ok Ulfdin, they seem friendly some of them are not wearing armour. Nothing at all in fact.
Simon N. (GM):go to settings - cog on top right - choose names only
Ulfdin:They'll catch a chill, I tell you.
Slaine:OOC thank you very much!
Simon N. (GM):Borealis grins: "Your Nimothan lasses wear rather more on cold nights, eh?"
Ulfdin:Saw a grown man catch a chill. Took 5 days to die. Snot and shit everywhere.
Rollo:We must keep the warm Ufdin :-D
Oh her comes the ale
Simon N. (GM):A serving wench brings drinks...
Ulfdin:Had good boots though. Look. Ulfdin poits to his feet
Simon N. (GM):Borealis looks at Ulfdin's feet and nods sombrely. "May we all be so well shod."
Slaine:Slaine grabs one of the larger mugs and chugs it down.
Ulfdin:Takes a couple of beers
Slaine:It'sssssssss going to be a long night.......
Laxus Draugnir:"i politely decline young bar tender i appretiate it"
Simon N. (GM):Caldrea's golden guards seem to be more statue than man.
Rollo:Rollo grabs the beer wench playfully
Slaine:Bottomssssssssssssssss up?
Simon N. (GM):Borealis: "Let us feast and celebrate your victory, friends. Kal, bring the promised gold!"
Rollo:swings her around and chugs a tankard dry
Simon N. (GM):The wench giggles while swung.
What a welcome!
Simon N. (GM):Miss Van Cleef gives Lord Borealis the eyes. "I'm
very pleased to meet a
gentleman, sir."
Rollo:Lord Borealis may i present Miss Matilda Van Cleef
Slaine:Slaine grabs hastily for another beer. 'Come Drog,Beskar, Uloc, we mussst take the chance to try out new human fooods and drink!'
Don;t be sssssssssshy now!
Simon N. (GM):Miss Van Cleef smiles winsomely & spends 2 Hero Points on her Seduction roll...
Rollo:She is a prof-ess-sorceress
Simon N. (GM):rolling 7d6+2
Droghall:"me no like booze too bitter"
Slaine:It's our chance to mingle and make friendssssssssssss outside of the foresssssst.
Laxus Draugnir:"Miss Caldrea i presume you are well verse with magic can i have some of your time?"
Simon N. (GM):sorry +12, that's a 42 - Borealis is clearly entranced.
Slaine:Alright then, a sssssssssoft drink for you.
Simon N. (GM):He ushers her & the rest of you to the great table.
Rollo:Rollo waves an empty tankard at the lizardfolks This must be one of the atlantean toga parties I have heard of!
Simon N. (GM):GM: The common folk & guards eat at the left table, nobles on the right...
Or perhapssssssss he's too big too fit?
Droghall:"me sit with armor guys they look shiny and cool"
Slaine:OOC sorry Simon i can't move Beskar or Uloc.
Simon N. (GM):Uloc & Beskar grab seats at the upper table
Ulfdin:Ulfdi keeps chugging ale
Simon N. (GM):The servants and concubines serve the feast while Borealis asks about your adventures.
>>OOC sorry Simon i can't move Beskar or Uloc.<< Roll20 keeps forgetting stuff I notice. :\
Kal, a big Dhari, pours out a sack of 2000 gold on your table.
Borealis smiles: "The promised reward."
Laxus Draugnir:"while Tizun Thane was dealt by someone else we did slay his relative Sega Thane the necromancer whilinvading Tizun Thane castle"
Rollo:OOC how much was the split last week Muizz?
Simon N. (GM):>>:"Miss Caldrea i presume you are well verse with magic can i have some of your time?"<< Caldrea: "Of course, warrior of Imystrahl."
Laxus Draugnir:"869 gold from our raid on the castle Rollo"
Simon N. (GM):A boy approaches Droghall. "Can I pet your chicken, sir?"
Rollo:rollo counts on his fingers looks at all the people and frowns Droghall:"yes don't pet too hard he no like pain he friendly though"
"be careful"
Laxus Draugnir:"i come across a couple of amazing finds while in the castle 2 dragon eggs with your vast knowledge i would like to know the method of hatching preferably the sfest way"
Slaine:OOC Laxus are you keeping all our gold for now or are we splitting it?
Simon N. (GM):Matilda: "So Lord Borealis, this
is a very fine castle.... you have someone to share it with?" Borealis sighs sadly. "No, my fiancee died before we were wed - D'hmis' sorcery, I suspect."
Rollo:Rollo smiles to himself as if he's just solved a difficult problem reaches out and takes the sack of gold Simon N. (GM):Boy - smiles - "Yes sir!" He gently pets Velo, who makes a happy clucking noise.
Rollo:This will do for Ulfdin and my share
Laxus Draugnir:ooc "im recording it for now but if anywant one i could split it im thinking of investing buy buying Droghall armour first before the split"
Slaine:Slaine, despite being a little tipsy, is still feeling rather out of place and a little lonely :-(
OOC sounds good to me and Slaine would approve!
Ulfdin:Ulfdin is getting absolutely shit faced!
Simon N. (GM):Caldrea's eyes widen. "Dragon Eggs? Amazing! Hmm... the ancient warrior knights of Atlantis and Imysrahl rode dragons to war... but I have never seen one."
Rollo:OOC it's ok I have just recorded 2000 gp on my sheet :-D
Simon N. (GM):Matilda pats Borealis hand sympathetically. "That must have been very hard for you. I myself have known the pain of loss... my dress, for instance, was
Slaine:OOC know I see where George RR Martin got his ideas...........
Simon N. (GM):Borealis sees Rollo pocket the gold and laughs. "I leave any division to your good selves!"
Rollo:This will keep Ulfdin well shod Lord Borealis hahahaha
Laxus Draugnir:repying to Caldrea "you heard tales of their hatching at least? your help will be greatly rewarded in more ways than one i might say"
Simon N. (GM):Borealis turns to Slaine. "It is good you are here. I have devoted my life to building a realm where all races can live together in peace. Sadly, my dream is oft threatened..."
Slaine:That isss indeed a noble dream!
Simon N. (GM):Caldrea nods to Laxus. "I know that great heat - fire - is needed for the hatching."
Rollo:Rollo oggles all the ladies and nods sagely Slaine:I am ssssorry if I and my tribe are a little quiet. We are not usssed to such large gatheringssssssss
Simon N. (GM):The ladies smile at Rollo.
Slaine:OOC the nerve of George lol
Ulfdin:Ulfdin falls off his chair and starts snoring
Simon N. (GM):Borealis nods to Slaine. "Do not worry, friends. But I do have a request for a further favour, if you have some time..."
Laxus Draugnir:"simple but i will keep that in mind may i ask what is your relations with lord Borealis?'
Rollo:Anshing you wisssh Lord Borealis
Slaine:OOC plus all the naked women. Simon I think you need to call plagiarism!
Simon N. (GM):OOC Me & George draw from the same well. >:)
Simon N. (GM):Caldrea to Laxus: "Actually, I do not know him well. But I heard a rumour Tizun Thane was dead, and I thought to call upon Borealis as the local ruler, before visiting Tizun's Hall."
Borealis: "Have you heard of the Lichway of the ancient Sandlanders, on the Korm Basin east of here? In territory claimed by the lizard folk, less welcoming than your own tribe."
Laxus Draugnir:"i see a fellow adventurer i say with your company"
looking at the giant ape "i say you are well protected"
Simon N. (GM):Gaugh grunts at Laxus and munches a side of beef.
Caldrea: "My mentor, Hyar Thomel, did tell me a little of dragons - I will check my notes."
Borealis: "The Lichway they say is best left well alone - some say the spirits of the dead Sandlanders still dwell there - and that is what worries me..."
"Dark Odo, former apprentice to D'hmis, has been seen near the Licheway. Doubtless with ill intent. In a few days I must travel north. Queen Veshni of Nith encroaches on the Drinn Peninsula, and must be deterred. I need good people to investigate in my absence."
Slaine:Hmmmmm, let me ssssssseeeeee.
GM can Slaine make a history check?
Rollo:A queen eh
Rollo's eyebrow cocks suggestively Simon N. (GM):Borealis: "Ha! Yes, she styles herself
Queen of Atlantis!"
Ulfdin:Ulfdin wakes up suddenly, smacks his head on the table and shouts, "WE SAIL TO FOREIGN SHORES!!"
Slaine:Ok a history check to see what Slaine knows about the other lizarfolk tribe and the Sandlanders:
Rollo:Rollo has a far away look, he mutters the queen of atlantis
22 total
Laxus Draugnir:"Dark Odo is what caught my eye you say this Dark is a former apprentice to Dhmis saying this person is no longer serving the Wolf Queen?"
Slaine:Who is thisss Dh'misssss?
Rollo:Dark Odo sounds like a dwarf
Simon N. (GM):22 - The Korm lizardmen are a fierce and xenophobic tribe who dwell along the coast 20 miles east of here. They don't like humans.
Rollo:Dhimiss is the harlot who sent her thugs to kill us in the mountains Slaine
Simon N. (GM):The Sandlanders are an extinct Kalay tribe, who buried their dead in a great vault called the Licheway.
Ulfdin:Didn't we have a run in with the Wolf Queen as well?
Droghall:ooc getting by xenophobic lizardmen is easy use the old slave trick where the rest of the party pretends to be slaves while the lizardmen guide them
Simon N. (GM):>>"Dark Odo is what caught my eye you say this Dark is a former apprentice to Dhmis saying this person is no longer serving the Wolf Queen?"<< Borealis: "Yes, they had a falling out years ago, I believe."
"Now she works alone, or with a gang of fellow villains."
Rollo:Dhimiss is the Wolf Queen ya'shay?
Laxus Draugnir:"i see and you plan to deal with her how if i may ask LORD Borealis"
Simon N. (GM):Borealis to Slaine: "The Korm lizardmen are savage, but they respect the Wise Ones such as yourself."
Rollo:Queens everywhere it would seem
rollo casts a greedy gaze around the Borealis buffet Slaine:OOC I don't remember that mountain attack? Was I playing Slaine or Saya at the time?
In the Palace of the Silver Princess?
Slaine:OOC Oh yes now I remember, long time ago lol
Slaine to Borealis: yesssss, and with my tribe as extra muscle I doubt we will have much trouble....
Laxus Draugnir:ooc we negotiated our way out of wolf queen lands with 3 horses
Simon N. (GM):The big warrior Kal is chatting with Viola the harem girl :)
Laxus Draugnir:she is a warrior?
Slaine:However, we mussst tread very carefully. It iss an unfortunate fact, but mosssst lizardfolk tribesss do not see a problem when it comesss to cannibalism of rivalsssss. They see it as a ssssssssource of power, infact.
Simon N. (GM):Borealis nods. "If you can find Dark Odo, stop whatever villainy the witch is up to, perhaps return her here, I'd be in your debt."
Rollo:Catsssh a queen eh?
Simon N. (GM):Caldrea to Laxus: "If you'd like to leave those dragon eggs with me, I'd be happy to research them..."
Rollo:I'm your man
rollo slams his palm down on the table, spilling his ale Simon N. (GM):>>Catsssh a queen eh?<< Dormythr: "You confuse Queen Veshni Ural of Nith with Dark Odo, I fear."
Rollo:Find a dwarf and cash a queen, it's like a bloody fairy tale
Droghall:"do you want to ride on my back little boy"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Eventually the feast winds down. Borealis invites Miss Van Cleef up to see his Atlantean etchings.
Slaine:Of coursssse, My Lord Borealisssssss, my tribe and I will of courssssssssse do what we can in the name of Light and Life.
Slaine:OOC no lizard lady-friend for Slaine :-(
Simon N. (GM):The boy looks warily at Droghall. "Er, maybe tomorrow."
Laxus Draugnir:"hmm i have two i could spare one for your research but i want an insurance in case anything happen to the dragon egg"
"hmm i have two i could spare one for your research but i want an insurance in case anything happen to the dragon egg"
Droghall:"hey big guard man you want ride on my back?"
Slaine:Drogo, perhapsssssss tomorrow morning when everyone is fressssh? I believe the humanssssss wish to ssssssleep now.
Come, let ussssss take a walk around the groundssssssssss, I can sssssssseee you are ressstlesssss.
Simon N. (GM):A drunken guard nods to Droghall. "Yaay!"
Droghall:i carry him around
Slaine:Ssssssssssssigh. And him too, then, I sssssupose.....
Beskar, Uloc! Come let usssss say our night prayersssssss to the foressst godssss outside.
Simon N. (GM):Uloc & Beskar nod to Slaine
Slaine:OOC Simon I'm assuming there are gardens or grounds where the lizardfolk can take a stroll?
Simon N. (GM):GM: The feast breaks up and serving girls show you to your quarters, much more luxurious than Thiria Keep.
Yes Slaine can walk in the gardens.
Ulfdin:Ulfdin passes out on the bed
Rollo:Rollo lurches drunkenly to his feet Who wantsh to be Queensh tonight?
he grins stupidly Simon N. (GM):GM: Do you want to take time to decide what to do?
Slaine:Slaine and co head out into the dusk to pay their respects to the forest gods and to give Drog his evening walk!
Rollo:rest then head to the licheway in the morning?
Slaine:OOC well I think Slaine feels pretty motivated to help Borealis.
Simon N. (GM):Viola rolls her eyes at Rollo. Kal: "Lady Viola, the gardens are lovely this time of night..."
Looks like Rollo is down to just Izis.
(From Laxus Draugnir): "Aliegha would you mind if i brought one of the serving girls to join our midnight fun?"
Simon N. (GM):(Aliegha giggles at something Laxus said)
Laxus Draugnir:ooc its not a harem if you cant keep it together Rollo
Simon N. (GM):GM: Night passes for you each in its own way...
Laxus Draugnir:"Caldrea i presume youll be resting for the night would you like to join me so we can further discuss the dragoneggs"
Simon N. (GM):Caldrea politely declines Laxus' offer. "I will be going to Tizun's Hall in the morning - I need my sleep." In the morning you breakfast back in Borealis' hall.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc damn the flex
Droghall:"can me have armor like the guard men"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Laxus Draugnir:indeed Jelly indeed
Rollo:So whats the plan? Track down this Odo or talk to the lizard folk?
Slaine:Yesssss, iss there a chance to forge sssome armour for Droghhall?
Simon N. (GM):Droghall speaks persuasively; Borealis smiles. "Of course! A stout leather cuirass!"
GM: It will take a weak to fit Droghall with a cuirass.
Laxus Draugnir:"i prefer plate armor if you have"
Droghall:"that sound good it sound tough like me"
Simon N. (GM):(they ignore Laxus)
Rollo:We could explore the country side while they make Droghall's armour.
Laxus Draugnir:"that would still make Droghall be armousless"
Slaine:OOC any lil side quests we can do in the meantime?
Simon N. (GM):1. A sorcerous tower on Sinking Isle holds a diamond as big as a man's head.
2. Cultists have been raiding the road between Tallas and Thiria in service to a Chaotic god.
3. The Licheway of the old Sandlanders west of Skyreach Tower has been attracting adventurers in search of treasure, but sinister Deep Ones have been seen in the seas offshore.
4. They say the Sorcerer Tizun Thane is dead, and now strange Night Things have been emerging from his mansion-fortress in the mountains, beyond the Wilds of Chendu-Skar. The villages south of the Tith River are in terror, and Lord Borealis of Tallas has offered a reward to halt their depredations.
5. Veshni Ural the Queen of Nith seeks heroes to find the Lost City of Cynadacea, home of her royal Atlantean ancestors, long believed lost beneath the Tjokren ice.
6. The High Priest of Nergal in Nith has been found dead - drained of blood! Cathrandamus, who brought the great elven ruby My Lady's Heart to the Temple of Nergal, is in line to succeed him.
Laxus Draugnir:how muchwould the leather cuirass for droghall be?"
Simon N. (GM):Borealis frowns: "Speak not of money, elf! Tis a gift to a friend!"
Slaine:OOC those are all fairly epic lol. Surely someone needs their cellar cleared of rats?
Rollo:The Licheway is close, lets gothere first.
Droghall:OOC number 2 seems like a quick enough mission just clearing cultists
Slaine:Yessss, we can try to talk to the lizardfolk there.
OOC true. What do we think, gang?
Slaine:OOC lichway or clear the roads of cultists?
Rollo:Licheway, get the skinny on the dungeon from the lizardfolk
Laxus Draugnir:"i see but please act as befit of your title lord or you present your self like a child"
Simon N. (GM):GM: After breakfast Borealis bids you farewell; of course your female companions are invited to stay and enjoy his hospitality.
GM: >>i see but please act as befit of your title lord or you present your self like a child"<< ok you're insulting Borealis...
Rollo:This is a good place Izis, you will be safe here :-D
Oh a breakfast duel. I haven't seen one of these since you killed your brother Ulfdin.
Droghall:"what best armor you make in case we need upgrade in future"
Simon N. (GM):Borealis: "We're all children to you elves. I take no offence, this time. But have care to match your words to your place."
Rollo:Yes, sharpens the appetite
Slaine:OOC Muizz why doesn't Laxus like Borealis?
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr @Droghall: "We can see about making you a suit of heavy mail, if you don't care to swim..."
Laxus Draugnir:ooc atlantean and elf dont actually mix
Simon N. (GM):(Muizz actually reads the campaign page) >D
Droghall:"me hold breath for hour me can walk under river me no need swim"
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr laughs: "Yes, but are you immune to
Slaine:OOC oh I see, sorry lol
Droghall:"no me not but me go in water only sleep we don't go water adventure much"
Slaine:That issss true and we lizardfolk actually enjoy ssswimming.
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Very well then! I shall speak with the smiths and we'll have you fitted for mail!"
Droghall:"thank you kind man"
Rollo:the size of him, covered in mail he'll have no trouble finding the sea bed.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc Laxus while trying to be respectful but doesnt want to be seen as beneath the atlantean lord and preferably as his equal at least but that is hard when you are surrounded with the atlantean personal army
Simon N. (GM):GM: You're escorted out of the castle by Knerren, one of Borealis' knights, who points to the coast road east. Knerren: "Six leagues east is an inn called the Lonely Goat, the last safe stop before Skyreach. A good place to base while you investigate. Or you may prefer to hire a boat down at our docks and approach the Licheway by sea? The old stone docks can still be seen from the sea."
Rollo:So lets visit the Licheway talk to the lizards, find out what we can about it. We may come across these cultist while in the area too.
Slaine:As I now have a tasssste for human ale, I think a stop at the Goat soundsssss a good plan!
Rollo:A boat is a great idea. Ulfdin your captain, no setting fire to the boat this time.
Laxus Draugnir:"i prefer not to dive into anther dungeon from our last adventure so my vote goes to the Goat inn"
Droghall:"me think we kill chaos cult they evil and against my God"
Simon N. (GM):(you're on the far right of city map)
I say take a boat!
Simon N. (GM):Knerren: "Either way, here's a pouch of 100 gold for your expenses." He hands it to Slaine.
Rollo:Looks like the road follows the coast. Guard, is the Goat approachable from the sea?
Droghall:"the Gods no like when people ignore them"
Slaine:OOC Goat not Boat lol
Simon N. (GM):Knerren: "Aye, there's sandy beaches all along the Korm basin where you can put in."
Slaine:OOC come on guys there hasn't been nearly enough tavern shenanigans in this campaign!
Laxus Draugnir:"Your Nimothian heritage call strongly to you Ulfdin but i prefer to not fight with the supernatural dead so soon from the last time"
Slaine:The Nimothans can do what they like, Slaine plans on getting smashed at the Goat with Laxus and crew.
Rollo:We can sail a boat to the Goat Inn. It's not far. Ulfdin is a very good seaman.
Droghall:thats odd since most sailors are always drunk
Ulfdin:I used to have a couple of characters in my crew - Master bates and Seaman Staynes
Laxus Draugnir:"helps them cope at sea i presue"
Rollo:And dont forget Roger, the cabin Boy
Laxus Draugnir:"this city looks interesting could we explore it first before going on our next adventure?"
Ulfdin:There's a snaggle toothed old crone
Laxus Draugnir:"also is that man dead?"
Rollo:Why dont you look around Laxus, I will look for transport
Ulfdin:"One for you, Rollo"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc i cant control Aliegha
Droghall:"me no got shiny round where shiny round?"
Laxus Draugnir:"well idont mind to split the gold we have now"
everyone got 573 gold each Simon N. (GM):>>ooc i cant control Aliegha<< She's a strong independent woman!
Slaine:I knew I ssshould not have let Drog put sssssssssugar in his porridge thissss morning, ssssssssssssssigh!
Thank you Childe of the Foressst.
Rollo:hes had three tubes of pringles as well Slaine
Simon N. (GM):Knerren goes over to inspect the body. "
Slaine:That'sss usually my line!
Ulfdin:And a litre of Coke
Laxus Draugnir:"so i presume correct Knerren"
Simon N. (GM):Knerren: "I'll get the guards."
Simon N. (GM):Knerren: "suggest you lot get going."
Ulfdin:Ulfdin wants to go in search of a sailing vessel
Slaine:Yesss, let'ssss carry on to the Goat?
Simon N. (GM):GM: I think majority vote was hire boat to sail to inn?
Droghall:liters are a weird way to measure hard drugs?
Aye to finding a boat i mena
Slaine:OOC I think if it was the drug form of coke, the entire city would be rubble right now!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK 50gp of Borealis' money gets you a keelboat with oars and single sail. You take it out on the morning tide and are soon sailing east along the coast.
Laxus Draugnir:i prefer not to get on sea but but at least were going to the inn
Slaine:OOC wht is the rum always gone?
Rollo:hang on who's this young lady?
Slaine:Bad luck rollo lol
Ulfdin:Ulfdin stands in the prow looking important
Simon N. (GM):GM: A half day's sail along the coast brings you to a sandy beach and the Lonely Goat Inn.
Droghall:now thats what i call a boat
Rollo:My what a stout prow you have Ulfdin
Slaine:OOC Simon is that the Goat underneath?
Rollo:The Inn is just over the dunes by the looks of it Slaine
Slaine:Let'sssssssss go, I'm thirssssty!
OOC can Drog get inside?
Simon N. (GM):A boy watches you approach. "Lizardmen! and folk!" he whistles.
Droghall:"me want barrel of booze"
Simon N. (GM):Inside you see a few dour-looking fellows, a husband and wife team at the bar.
Innkeep: "Er, barrel o'beer comin' up!"
Slaine:Not another Spoooooonsssssssssssss!
Rollo:Rollo heaves the boat up onto the hore and secures it with a sturdy seamen knot Simon N. (GM):A man steps forward, eyeing the lizardmen over. "Your kind ain't welcome here."
Ulfdin:"Piss off little man. They're friends"
Slaine:My tribe and I are different from those sssssavages upriver.
Simon N. (GM):A woman tugs his elbow. "Hush, Elno. Those ain't Kormers!"
Elno looks at Slaine. "Oh."
Slaine:My friendssss and I are thirssty and would like some drinkssss please.
Slaine puts gold on the table, including a handsome tip.
Simon N. (GM):He takes a step back, possibly as impressed by Droghall's immensity as Ulfdin's threat or Slaine's explanation.
Slaine:OOC not sure how much that would be Simon?
Simon N. (GM):The Innkeeps rustle you up drinks and food (3 gp?)
Laxus Draugnir:probably copper i bet
Laxus Draugnir:is that for everyone Simon?
Droghall:" how much is big barrel?"
Simon N. (GM):"A barrel? Eh, 5 gold?"
Slaine:OOC I mean I've paid for all our food and drink, except Drog's barrel!
Droghall:"sound good me pay" i hand over 5gp
Simon N. (GM):3gp is enough for food and drinks for all yup (about £150 IRL)
Slaine:Eat Out to Help Out!
Simon N. (GM):He heads off to get a barrel from the buttery.
Rollo:rollo nods too the boy as he enters the tavern Ulfdin:Give another 5gp "Drinks for all of the wall eyed gimps in the tavern" HAHAHA
Laxus Draugnir:yeah that makes sense i mean 3 gol per person is high way robbery in an inn
Simon N. (GM):Most of those here look like hunters; there is a priestess of Ishtar dining in the corner.
Droghall:i chug the barrel
Simon N. (GM):Droghall roll Stamina
Rollo:bloody hell, we left the citadel with all those gorgeous chicks for this shit pit. sigh
Simon N. (GM):Droghall seems unaffected. He may need to pee soon.
Rollo:it reminds me of your wedding ulfdin
Rollo:not the one you murdered
Laxus Draugnir:"just to make sure we are investigating for cultust terrorizing the road right?"
whisper to the group Rollo:one of the other ones
Simon N. (GM):One fellow better dressed than the others nods to Laxus. "So, what brings you fellows out here?"
Rollo:when we were stranded on the island of mongs and you married the chiefs daughter so we could escape
Simon N. (GM):"Cultists? That's about all we
don't have out here!"
Ulfdin:To Rollo, "aha remember it well. She had a face like a warthog"
Laxus Draugnir:"we are sent here to investigate on cultist terrorizing the area is i would say before my compratritate shouted it out"
Laxus Draugnir:"really so what do you have here?'
Rollo:yes they look like mongs, i bet this is the place
Droghall:"could me get some meat for small freind"
Simon N. (GM):"I'm Merkin, a man of substance in these parts. We have lizardmen, we have the ghosts of the Sandlanders, we have all kinds of adventurers passing through to search the Licheway for Sandlander gold..."
Ulfdin:That warthog looking creature could be my son
Slaine:DM can Slaine roll History or Religion to find out about Ishtar?
Rollo:i think that is the landlady
Simon N. (GM):Mrs Goatsman brings Velo some chicken.
"There you are little guy"
Ulfdin:Whisoers to Rollo, "She does look like a warthog|"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc wait were in the lynchway okay so were dealing with lizardfolk then?
Simon N. (GM):Ishtar is the goddess of Love. Also associated with protection & vengeance.
Slaine:Slaine decides he will go over and have a chat.
Rollo:great festivals, Ishtar does great festivals
Slaine:Greetingsssssss, priestessssss.
Simon N. (GM):She looks up. "Hello. I am Shukra, of Ishtar. You are...?"
Rollo:Rollo and my friedn her is Slaine
Slaine:Ssssslaine, of the Foressst Godsssssssssss. Well met.
Excussse my friend.
Simon N. (GM):"Pleased to meet you." She looks a little wary.
Rollo:Rollo beams warmly at the priestess of the love god Slaine:I underssstand your apprehenssion, but my friendssss and I have nothing to do with the sssavages around these parts.
Simon N. (GM):"Of course. Forgive me. What can I do for you?"
Slaine:OOC Simon, can Slaine make the Sign of the Guardian of the Nine to see if Shukra is one?
Slaine:Slaine makes a subtle gesture with his claw.
Rollo:Slaine is an accomplished prophet of the lizard people and a hermaphrodite
Simon N. (GM):She doesn't respond.
Slaine:Rollo! Will you pleasssse ssssssssshut up!
Simon N. (GM):Shukra: "Really? How fascinating. Are you travelling east?"
Slaine:Drog needsss to pee sssssssoon and if you're not careful it wil lbe on you!
Rollo:Rollo shrugs and smiles at Shukra
Droghall:"me no want to drown rollo"
Slaine:We are heading to the Licheway, yesssss. Do you know anything of it? I am worried it may contain desssecrated ground.......
Simon N. (GM):Shukra: "They say the ancient Sandlanders still guard their crypts, yes... I'm heading ti Skyreach, the Ishtar temple there. Mr Goatsman advised me the road east past the Lichway is bandit haunted, too dangerous for a lone traveller, and I should wait here until more travellers come."
Droghall:"me no mind break skull of bandit"
Rollo:I would be pleased to escort you Shukra of Ishtar
Slaine:Well, in that cassssssssse you are very weclome to come with usssssss.
Simon N. (GM):Shukra smiles at Rollo. "Thank you."
Slaine:If you can ssssstand the terrible jokessss of my friendssssss that is!
Simon N. (GM):"I have some healing magics that may prove useful if we are attacked."
Simon N. (GM):OOC me very tired after teaching so will need to stop soon
Rollo:OOC why do you wrie like Drog?
Simon N. (GM):GM: It's mid afternoon, you are only an hour from the Licheway. Do you want to rest here overnight?
Rollo:Aye. Decent place to stop.
Laxus Draugnir:"bandits oh how i love the simplicity no night things or necromancers not even giant ants just peasants simple weapons"
Simon N. (GM):GM:Mrs Goatsman fusses around getting rooms ready for you.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc yeah my internet is a bit unstable right dont know why
Simon N. (GM):As dusk approaches they shut and latch the stout oak doors of the inn.
Simon N. (GM):Apart from Shukra, just a couple rough looking fellows are spending the night.
Ulfdin:Thats Rollo and me
Simon N. (GM):LOL One of them tries to chat up Aliegha but she fends him off.
Droghall:"how much biggest room?"
Simon N. (GM):"Grand Room is, er, four gold"
Simon N. (GM):says Mr Goatsmab
"Great! Tis all yours!"
Simon N. (GM):"The hot bath is 2 silvers."
Slaine:Slaine quite fancies a hot bath.
Laxus Draugnir:"would you like to share a hot bath with me Aliegha?"
Simon N. (GM):The Grand Room's double bed just holds Droghall.
Aliegha giggles. "Surely! That salt spray has got in my hair!"
Rollo:Rough crowd
Rollo smiles warmly at Shukra may I escort you to your room?
Magic Cat:Rollo roll Seduction TN 17
Simon N. (GM):Magic Cat is hard to seduce
Rollo:I was trying to seduce Shukra but what they hell i am game
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
hah ha
Simon N. (GM):Shukra smiles: "Certainly. Tell me, do you know of Ishtar?"
Rollo:No but I am a quick learner
Simon N. (GM):GM: Rollo takes the love priestess to her room & I'll draw a veil on further events...
Velo gets his own pillow beside Droghall, aww
(upside down!)
Rollo:do the lizards shed?
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK must stop, have 3 CP & 1 HP
Slaine:Not sure, will have to look that up!
Thanks Simon, really fun game tonight as ever!
Simon N. (GM):thx Jelly :)
Rollo:Great game all, thank you :-D
thank you DM top work.
Ulfdin:Thanks DM. Thanks all. Great fun
Simon N. (GM):thx guys :)
Laxus Draugnir:great game everyone and thanks for running it Simon
Also Rollo your hoes aint loyal at all
Simon N. (GM):thx - probably some fighting next week
Droghall:why is rollo and the ishtar priest in a room with only one bed you obviously ment to put them in the double bed room
Simon N. (GM):>>Also Rollo your hoes aint loyal at all<< they give what they get :)
thx Bill :p
Laxus Draugnir:speaking of getting i should aliegha and laxus armour next time
Rollo:they are what they is DM ;-D
White Valyrian:Bye everyone see you all next week
Simon N. (GM):I think Miss Van Cleef is better off w Lord Borealis anyway.
bye Bill
Bye Muizz
Rollo:see ya'll next week
Droghall:what are you going out to get milk
Simon N. (GM):LOL. I think will go back to Monday 6pm next week if everyone can make that.
Simon N. (GM):No Tuesday games as teaching to 6pm Tuesdays now
Rollo:I DM Tuesdays, so that works well for me.
Simon N. (GM):cool, have set for 6pm Monday. Now I better reread Licheway :D
Rollo:I have been working on this interactive map of thule. I'll ping it over.
on messenger
Simon N. (GM):You can either approach it overland or by boat to the docks in a big cave overhang
Rollo:boat would please the nimothans.
Simon N. (GM):good night!
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