Droghall:I am very large!
my dad can now control pc's and make them speak
Rollo:I'm looking for a committed and meaningful relationship.
Jelly:I am ssssso glad my clan is sssssssssafe!!
Laxus Draugnir:"i see..."
looks with doubt Uloc:Forest Gods Forever!
Droghall:"you no tool you important lizard kin"
Slaine:Loving that cat pic!
Rollo:Hi folks, how are ya'll
Simon N. (GM):good thx, just taking over characters
Ulfdin Baldpate:I'm mad, I am.
Matilda Van Cleef:This is all very odd.
Laxus Draugnir:"We are extremely grateful for you lizardsmen for your assitance and seeing all of you did more than your fair share we would be honored if you follow us back to human lands to received your share of the reward"
White Valyrian:Hello Matt
Matilda Van Cleef:GM: You are currently sunning yourselves on the rotunda of the Blood Temple.
Simon N. (GM):sorry back to GM :)
Slaine:Ah, mother sssssssssssssun!
Laxus Draugnir:"but does anybody know how to get down from here?"
Slaine:OOC it sounds like a package holiday gone wrong.
Simon N. (GM):You're on the roof about 25' above ground level, on the west side of the rotunda. You climbed out of a window just behind you.
Rollo:i can see Nandies over there
Simon N. (GM):If you scroll out enough you'll see a pic of the Halls that should help you visualise :)
The Nandies are clustered around a broken part of the roof, staring at you accusingly.
Rollo:I shake my axe at them
Simon N. (GM):On the east side of the rotunda cliffs drop down another 20' to the lake level.
Slaine:I ssssssssssstare accusingly back.
'Sssssacrifice isss part of life, you know'.
Slaine:You nandiessss sssshould be grateful to your heroic friend'.
Simon N. (GM):NW is the entry court, SE is the lily pond, SW the gardens, and beyond those some lakeside patios.
Directly north is a high and sinister tower.
Rollo:we could get down through the tower.
Simon N. (GM):The Nandies hoot mournfully.
Laxus Draugnir:"lets find a way down, should we go to the lily pond form and jump into the water or go to that snister looking tower"
Rollo:Rollo mimics crying
Simon N. (GM):The tower is about 40' higher than the rotunda.
Laxus Draugnir:"lets ignore the tower seeing that is more climbing and jump down at the lily pond hopefully the water shall break our fall"
Rollo:we can climb down to the pond. and the girls
Simon N. (GM):You set off across the roof...
Simon N. (GM):A few minutes later you reach the pond courtyard. It's a 15' jump from the roof to the pond, or you could tie the rope around an embrasure and climb down.
Droghall:i ask the lizard men how deep the pond is
Simon N. (GM):"Ten feet, master"
"no masters but shaman"
Laxus Draugnir:"my math is quite poor so i believe it is safe to jump into the water"
Droghall:i climb down on the rope
Simon N. (GM):Roll Might Droghall
Rollo:i tie a good sailors knot
Rollo:and lower the rope to a safe lookin spot
Simon N. (GM):Droghall climbs down, followed by Uloc & Beskar.
Slaine:I'll climb down as well
Droghall:i help the rest down
Simon N. (GM):You can all follow down the rope...
I'll move you to the lower floor map.
Droghall:i let them jump on me
Laxus Draugnir:followed the others and climb down Simon N. (GM):Uloc & Beskar go for a swim :)
Droghall:i go into the water
Rollo:i'll untie the rope coil it and climb down onto Droghall
Simon N. (GM):Suddenly you hear faint
CRACK CRACK sounds, not fat off - through the west wall?
OK Rollo roll Athletics
TN 10
Rollo:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Rollo starts to climb down ropeless, realises too late Droghall has gone for a dip, and falls into the bushes...
Base Soak 12?
Simon N. (GM):You pick yourself up, only injury to your embarrassment.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (are we exhausted?)
Simon N. (GM):You hear Miss Van Cleef shouting: "Gunshots! Professor Strabismas!"
You are tired but not exhausted yet
Rollo:Whats a gun Matlilda?
Simon N. (GM):Looking through the north doors, Laxus you see Miss Van Cleef in the armoury hall. She sees you.
Matilda Van Cleef:"Thank goodness! The Professor is in danger! Help!"
Laxus Draugnir:"alright lets go Droghall i follow you"
Matilda Van Cleef:Ulfdin rolls his eyes and chews on a branch.
Ulfdin Baldpate:chew chew Rollo:pull nettles out of my breaches, scowl and follow the crocodile man
Laxus Draugnir:"Ulfdin Guard Aliegha whil we go see whats up"
Simon N. (GM):Cat is happy to see Laxus.
Ulfdin nods and goes into the bedroom.
Miss Van Cleef hurries down the hall.
Laxus Draugnir:"oh hello friend thank you for guarding Aliegha while im gone would you like to follow me to help miss Matilda friend"
Matilda Van Cleef:"Er, Mr Crocodile, I don't think we've been introduced?"
Droghall:"me droghall me help?"
Matilda Van Cleef:"Charmed, I'm sure."
"There's a secret entry here - I just need to pull that statue's arm..."
Miss Vamm Cleef pulls the arm and the secret door swings open...
There are a lot of giant fire ants in the hall.
Slaine:What isss thisss ssssorcery?
Droghall:"move now me kill bug thing"
Slaine:OOC bugger I forgot about them!
Laxus Draugnir:"Droghall dont let it sting you it is highly poisonous"
Simon N. (GM):Beyond in the Hall of Mirrors you see flashing yellow & purple lights and hear a
whoop whoop sound.
Matilda Van Cleef:"The Time Machine! He activated it!" She goes pale.
Rollo:Dont you eat them Drohall?
Matilda Van Cleef:steps back Droghall:"Eat hard when bug live"
Simon N. (GM):The nearest ants tiurn in your direction.
Rollo teleports in :p
Rollo:stomp them Droghall
Simon N. (GM):OK roll init
Rollo:(i was tagging along - do you want me to go back to the pond?)
Simon N. (GM):(you're ok Rollo)
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 6
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Rollo:Wooah ini mis calculation shouldnt have added +6
Droghall:yeah bless is down now
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (i let Droghall goes first)
Rollo:(hahahaha ssssssigh hhahahaha)
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (you can always put CP into initiative cheaper that improving agility as a whole)
your go Rollo
Droghall:i did not know that laxus thanks
Rollo:can i get close enough to throw a javain?
or a javalin even?
Droghall:i'm surprised they made init a skill
Rollo:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):hit (TN 10)
Slaine:OOC well I guess in D&D it's based on a skill, so almost the same.
Rollo:whats the dmg please? sorry character sheet still in my office/
aka the shed
Rollo:i'l run and get int
So 5D+2?
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):Soak 14 - stunned
Rollo:(sorry about that folks - busy day)
Get that one Droghall
Simon N. (GM):#12 Droghall
Droghall:i move up and attack twice
TN 15
Droghall:rolling 6d6 + 1
Droghall:rolling 8d6 + 1
Simon N. (GM):explodes, explodes]
Simon N. (GM):ant is smeared all over the now badly cracked marble floor.
Simon N. (GM):Droghall enters the corridor...
#12 Laxus
OOC Jelly you can move Slaine & co up
Slaine:Oh yes sorry I always forget to move the minis!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
Miss Van Cleef is on #3 :)
Laxus Draugnir:"Impressive Droghall but be cauties there is a nest of them on the north door find a wa y to close it"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The ants appear to have chewed a hole through the north doors
Droghall:"thank for information"
Rollo:heft the war axe & take a few practice swings
Laxus Draugnir:takes out bow and aim at the nearest ant one attack
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):OK Laxus moves up shoots & hits
Laxus Draugnir:rolling 4d6+1
Rollo:looking at Matilda, do you think the prof prof fess sorcerer is sailing away on his ship?
Matilda Van Cleef:"I feel quite faint!"
swoons Matilda Van Cleef:#6 Slaine & co
Slaine:Slaine will cast Bless on the party:
Rollo:gallatntly catches swooning damsel Phew, just made the TN
Simon N. (GM):ok everyone +2 all rolls 1 hr
Slaine:Can Uloc and Beskar squeeze past Drog and attack the ants?
Simon N. (GM):Uloc and Beskar run past Droghall to attack ants...
Beskar:"We die for the wise one!"
Uloc:"We fall for the Wise One!"
Droghall:"you no fall today win now"
Slaine:Well don't be too much in a hurry today!
Simon N. (GM):GM: They are at 0 dice so can't actually attack
-3D INC, -1D move action
so they get 4d+1 > 1 +2 Bless = 3, miss
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (quite zealous arent they Slaine XD)
Simon N. (GM):GM; Droghall & Slaine can roll TN 10 Command to call them back before they're overrun
Droghall:"retreat you weak no die"
Slaine:OOC oh, why is that?
Droghall:rolling 2d6 + 2
Slaine:What is Command based on, is that a spell?
Droghall:"make retreat them"
Simon N. (GM):If you want to call em back
Slaine:Ok well in that case I'll use a hero point as I only have 2D.
Good job I did lol
OOC I mean why don't they have any attack dice?
Simon N. (GM):Slaine hisses loudly, calling back his minions
Simon N. (GM):-3D INC, -1D move action
Slaine:You know it'sssss not good to make fun of people'sss accentsssss.
(From the wounds you mean?)
Simon N. (GM):The ants chase the retreating lizardmen and attack Droghall...
Simon N. (GM):rolling 5d6
Droghall fends off Red One
Droghall:"good try but me big"
"forest command you die ant"
Simon N. (GM):Red One: Do you see size of that thing!
Red Two: Locking pincers in attack position...
Simon N. (GM):Red One: "You impacted on the surface!"
Droghall:" forest protect me it no protect you"
Simon N. (GM):Red Four has to sprint to get to the Death Star/Droghall
Red One: "Pull up! Pull up!"
Droghall:" me strong you weak"
Simon N. (GM):oops 19 & 18 were hits vs his Dodge
chomp chomp Let's blow this thing and go home!
1 wound, 1 no damage. Droghall SW
Matilda Van Cleef:Matilda #3
hugs Rollo tightly Slaine:Be careful, my warrior!
#21 Droghall
#21 Rollo
Droghall:its rollo actually
Rollo:Holding Matilda in his arms, Rollo whispers your ship is leaving soon, the lizards will kill the ants, and your pro-fess-sorcerer will take you home, we will never see each other again, so it's now or never Matilda. Rollo unleashes his most smouldering look (and nods toward the bushes) ;-D;-D
Slaine:Remember your +2s!
Simon N. (GM):The flashing lights and noises from the mirror hall are fading
Droghall you see some kind of machine in there but it's fading away.
Rollo roll Seduction pls
Matilda Van Cleef:"Oh my..."
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 3
Droghall:"me be overrun hurt bad machine leaving now bad thing happen now"
Laxus Draugnir:"this is a battle of attrition to which the ants will most likely win this battle is doom fall back Droghall and we close the chambers"
Matilda Van Cleef:Tipsy Matilda melts into Rollo's arms... they
fade to black in the bushes....
Droghall:"me severely wounded ants hurty"
Laxus Draugnir:"fall back Droghall"
Matilda Van Cleef:#12 Droghall
Droghall:i make one attack then fall back
Droghall:"me fall back do same lizard kin"
Laxus Draugnir:*closes the chamber
Droghall:"good thing you do"
Simon N. (GM):The seret door slams shut as Laxus pulls up the statue's arm.
Droghall:"me hold door shut as me can"
Simon N. (GM):The secret door is a wall section, looks very solid.
Laxus Draugnir:"no its secure Droghall leave it for now"
Droghall:oh ok that sounds fine then
Simon N. (GM):Short of a Nandie Bear not much is getting through soon.
Laxus Draugnir:"Slaine can you patch up DROGHALL"
Simon N. (GM):(out of combat)
Simon N. (GM):sounds of rumpy pumpy issue from the bushes Slaine:I was going to say, yes I can once we're out of combat lol
OOC eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can try to Heal w magic but +10 to TN
Slaine:Oh darn forgot about that! I may have to burn some HP
Laxus Draugnir:ooc does the TN is also the same for medical kit?
Slaine:I'll roll and then use Clear Mind to add HP if necessary Simon?
Sorry Perfect Clarity?
I'll add one HP now, and then can add one after if necessary.
Slaine:Is that enough to heal Drog fully?
Simon N. (GM):Droghall is healed back to Wounded
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (how long does it take to reach the logging village)
Slaine:Max TN is 23 so 33?
I think it might be worth burning a second HP?
Still leaves me with 2.
Simon N. (GM):You heal 1 wound level per casting
Slaine:Ah I didn't know that.
Simon N. (GM):TN was 15+10=25
If you try it a 3rd time TN will be 15+20=35
Slaine:OOC Bill what do you think, is it worth it?
Droghall:ooc im losing 1 die per attack while wounded and also one more wound puts me to severly wounded but i think you should not use it
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
GM: Strange ugly little men are watching you from across the garden.
Slaine:Ok I'll keep it back for now.
Oh great lol
Laxus Draugnir:"well lets go back to the room and recover"
Matilda Van Cleef:Uloc: "We have defeated the Night Things, Wise One. Is it time to leave?"
Uloc:"We have defeated the Night Things, Wise One. Is it time to leave?"
Yessss Uloc I believe it is, let's sssse what the ressst of the party ssssay.
Uloc:The evil looking little men glare at you, but seem unsure what to do about you.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (do we see the dwarfs?)
Droghall:i rawr at them to get them to run away
Simon N. (GM):roll Might Droghall
Droghall:rolling 4d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):The Tcho-Tchos hurriedly step back into their rooms.
Laxus Draugnir:putting back his bow Laxus readies his shield for another confrontations Matilda Van Cleef:"All alone in a strange world,
Droghall:" let leave we rest heal and do stuff more"
Rollo:Rollo looks very pleased with himself Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll move on now... You round up the rest of your group from the bedroom & leave the Halls via the front door?
Laxus Draugnir:"it seemthere i another secret passage its wise to leave them for now and recuperate"
Rollo:Back to the village?
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (is Aliegha still unconcious?)
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha is barely conscious, she gives Laxus a faint smile.
Aliegha:"Thanks for saving me
Laxus Draugnir:"thats my girl"
smilling back Aliegha:GM: It's early evening now - you'll not make Cahli tonight
Laxus Draugnir:"well no way i would leave you behind just rest save your strenght"
Slaine:Slaine is starting to feel like a ssssssssingle pringle. Sssssssssssssigh.
Droghall:"no girl lizards around no chance you stop being a single pringle"
Slaine:I'm ssssssssssorry but I'm not interested in humansssss in that way.
Simon N. (GM):GM OOC The rulebook suggests reptoids may be asexual...
Slaine:Anyway, I wouldn't want to catch any diseassses from you Rollo. No offense....
Simon N. (GM):BRB must get Pringles....
Slaine:Wow that's very progressive of the rulebook!
I suppose Slaine is also gender fluid at that rate.
Laxus Draugnir:looking back at the group "lets sleep at this castle for one more night to recuperate and leave tomorrow hopefully Aliegha can then ride on horse back by then"
(ooc there was a story recently about a python giving birth absent a partner)
Laxus Draugnir:Life finds a way
Simon N. (GM):GM: Droghall is much too big for the bedroom. The lizardfolk could sleep in the lily pool & the humans in the bedroom?
Matilda Van Cleef:"Make mad passionate love to me , you beast!"
Slaine:Yessss, we love that lily pool anyway.
Rollo:rollo looks confused Laxus Draugnir:"i suggest you make love somewhere else"
Matilda Van Cleef:rolls over and goes to sleep Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
GM: The night passes peacefully, you waken refreshed.
Going to move on now...
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (cool)
Simon N. (GM):Slaine uses healing magic on the wounded then you leave the Halls and trek back north, spending the night at Cahli and reaching Thiria Keep the next day.
You are swiftly ushered into the presence of Steward Dormythr...
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (leaving the castle the total amount of gold we got from Tizun Castle is 869 gold)
Rollo:Rollo looks nervous, anxious Laxus Draugnir:ooc (holy shit the fortress change since we left)
Rollo:oh my yes it has *Rollo begins to whistle Lady in Red"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (plz tell me Rollo girlsar wearing clothes)
Simon N. (GM):Steward Dormythr: "Welcome, honoured Lizardfolk guests."
Droghall:" yes me lizard kin"
Simon N. (GM):I think the harem girls are pretty much still in their harem outfits
It is quite warm. :p
Rollo:Rollo grins and winks at the lady in red then turns and smiles at Mara and shrugs Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Tell me, what news of the Night Things?"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (there Rollo Resposibility)
Simon N. (GM):(Rollo can roll Seduction vs lady in red)
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Droghall:" we seal night bads"
Laxus Draugnir:"we sealed them in the dark wizard castle they can no longer harm the people of thule no longer"
Simon N. (GM):Lady in Red smiles at Rollo. Dormythr: "May I introduce my companion Susana, my daughter Dormithe, my son in law Alokoth. You've met priestess Mara."
Slaine:The Night Thingssssss will terrorise no more.
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Excellent! Lord Borealis will wish to reward you personally."
"You are clearly weary from your battles. Rest and heal here. We will go to Tallas once you are recovered."
"And if there is anything I can do for you, just ask."
Rollo:I'll ahem need quite a big room.
Laxus Draugnir:"which we'll be honored to accept i am sad however we couldn't find your son remains"
looks apologetic Simon N. (GM):Dormythr chuckles: "Of course, good Rollo."
Droghall:" can you make colossal bow for me"
Simon N. (GM):"I know my son died bravely, on the mission you completed... A great bow? Of course - speak with our bowyers."
(From Laxus Draugnir): (is Aliegha open to Laxus Harem?)
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha is looking much recovered, her werebear blood makes her quite robust. She has been sticking close to Laxus.
Laxus Draugnir:"i too would like a large bow"
Magic Cat:"
purr" -cat is in giant form, getting nervous looks from the guards.
Dormythr: "But tonight, we feast!"
Laxus Draugnir:"calm my feline friend their is a feast waiing for you and no guard shall warm you"
Magic Cat:GM: Over the next week you rest and heal; Laxus and Droghall can have war bows made for them (Might attack, Might + 2D damage).
Magic Cat:Rollo gets to know all his new friends well...
Viola:"Can you escort me back to Nith? My father is wealthy - he'll reward you well."
Rollo:Nith? Wheres that Viola?
Aliegha:"Laxus, I heard from one of the guards that Cathrandamus is to be made High Priest of Nergal in Nith!"
Viola:"A great city, not far north of here."
Rollo:Kathrinedamas, that cur. Yes of course Viola, I'd be happy too.
Droghall:ill practice shooting my new bow
Viola:Viola smiles delightedly & kisses Rollo.
Laxus Draugnir:"oh congratulations for him"
hiding his disdain for the Nurgle Priest Droghall:at targets outside
Viola:The lizardfolk have time to visit the local Lizard Mound near Thiria Keep and be feted as heroes.
Simon N. (GM):The lizardfolk have time to visit the local Lizard Mound near Thiria Keep and be feted as heroes.
Droghall:that sounds good
You can have 5 CP & 1 HP each]
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (can my 2D skill on bow be switch from agility to might or do i relearn the bow entirely)
Simon N. (GM):OOC I'll let you switch it
Rollo:(excellent work DM)
Slaine:Yay, local lizard mound!
Droghall:ill use my cp to be better at bowing
Simon N. (GM):Slaine Uloc and Beskar are carried around on thrones made from the bones of lizardman enemies
Slaine:OOC yes we'd better get to Nith and get that statue back for you Laxus?
Rollo:i have polearm 6+2 if i put 6 CP into it is it 6+3 or 7?
Simon N. (GM):Droghall is petted and his hide oiled & massaged. And is given a pet velociraptor.
@Rollo 6+2 +1 pip > 7D]
Droghall:"yay velociraptor"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc sue we could go to nith but lets get the reward from the lord first
Rollo:Well played Lizardfolk. huzzah!
Laxus Draugnir:holly shit a velociraptor
Slaine:How many CP to increase a Pip again, and how many to increase a die?
I know it's different for skills and attributes.
Simon N. (GM):(it's the size of a turkey)
It costs # CP = to current dice to add +1 pip
Slaine:That's super cute.
Simon N. (GM):so 5D to 5D+1 is 1 pip
Laxus Draugnir:oh then its cute then fitting of a pet XD
Simon N. (GM):sorry 5 pips
Droghall:it shall ride upon my shoulder
Simon N. (GM):I am a bit tipsy
Well played Simon
Slaine:Yes brilliant game thank you!
Simon N. (GM):The turkey lizard sits on Droghall's shoulder, surveying its domain proudly.
Slaine:And is that the same for skills and attributes?
Simon N. (GM):cheers all :)
Skills cost 1 CP per die to raise 1 pip.
Laxus Draugnir:a fun game as always Simon
Simon N. (GM):Attributes cost 10
Rollo:i did enjoy imagining the NPCs were taken over by the omnipresent DM when they spoke as you
Slaine:Thanks. TBH is it worth making attributes better if you already have relevant skills?
Matilda Van Cleef:Why thank you, Rollo.
Simon N. (GM):I think it may be worth raising low attributes
Slaine:Eg I can keep increasing my Polearm skill instread of saving up CP for a Might increase?
Simon N. (GM):eg 1D to 1D+1 is only 10 CP
Slaine:Muizz didn't you say that you can raise initiative without having to raise Agility?
Simon N. (GM):>>Eg I can keep increasing my Polearm skill instread of saving up CP for a Might increase?<< Yes, & your skill can be up to 10D above your attribute
Slaine:Would be worth getting that a bit better.
Laxus Draugnir:only might is the only attribute if you want to raise anyother i feel is a waste of CP wish i could spend increasing myskills
Simon N. (GM):So w Might 4D you can have Polearm 14D
Slaine:Does seem very strange lol
Might Skills
Brawling Knife/Blade Mace/Blunt Stamina/Lift Throwing Axe Pole Arm Smithing Bow (War)
Agility Skills
Athletics Dodge Pickpocket Stealth Bow (Light) Crossbow Thieves Tools Initiative
Wit Skills
Simon N. (GM):Lore/History Language Medicine/Herbalism Sailing/Shipcraft Search/Perception Tracking/Survival Magic
Charm Skills
Command Courage Deception Persuasion Seduce Streetwise Ride/Animal Handling
Laxus Draugnir:tyour overall speed is the same but your reaction is lighning fast and twitchy so you act first doesnt mean to move faster thsn everyone
Rollo:Rollo returns Mara's magical mace, with deep thanks Slaine:I'm definitely upping init.
I feel like we're properly heroic now!
Laxus Draugnir:Dodge as well slaine
Slaine:I honestly thought we were toast last session.
Thanks Muizz good idea.
Laxus Draugnir:i very well thought Laxus would die XD
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "Thank you, Rollo."
Rollo:it was definitely close. Until that Wand came up
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
sorry missfire
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 6
Laxus Draugnir:i was hesitating thinking we should sacrifice ourselves for the greater good but thank god we keep fighting and survive the night
Rollo:apologies im trying to edit the roll20 sht
Simon N. (GM):GM: After a week you are all healed and refreshed. Aliegha occasionally talks about rejoining Cathrandamus in Nith.
For bringing My Lady's Heart to the Temple of Nergal, Cathrandamus has won great reknown.
Simon N. (GM):With the old high priest having recently been found dead, he is the obvious successor.
Slaine:That's not Slaine talking, btw!
Laxus Draugnir:previous priest died sounds suspicious
to me
Matilda Van Cleef:"I only hope Professor Strabismas returns some day soon... London is lovely in the springtime, Rollo. The smog lifts and you can see for a mile!"
Droghall:ooc in qoudeth the old grand visior died of a new quick illness and dradan taroth took power so im sure a sickness is just going around high ranking guys
Matilda Van Cleef:"Yes, smoke and fog."
Laxus Draugnir:"do we know more of the lady in red?"
"is she a mage?'
Rollo:Rollo has been avoiding Matilda for the last few days, its as if he has something or someone else in his sights Matilda Van Cleef:"I believe she is the mistress of Mr Dormythr."
"Rather blowsy, if you ask me."
Laxus Draugnir:gives a look at Rollo "i say Rollo for your sake you better be careful who you sleep with before you get into trouble"
Simon N. (GM):GM: After a week's rest you assemble for the journey east to Tallas and the fortress of Lord Borealis.
I'll stop there for tonight
Next game 6pm next Monday ok?
Rollo:Cheers guys, good game good gam
fine with me
Droghall:good game see you next time
Laxus Draugnir:"for the gold we got from the the dark wizard or any future adventures i will take record on what we currently have is that okay with everyone?"
thanks for the game everyone and i hope to see you all next week
Rollo:Lovely stuff cheers all :-D Ssssee you :-D
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