Rolo gets some w Viola |
Simon N. (GM):Hi matt, hi Muizz, hi Rich!
White Valyrian:Hello everyone
Ulfdin:Hi Simon. Hi Matt and Muizz
Hi Jelly
Are we text only today?
Simon N. (GM):much much easier for me
But feel free to secretly confer via Facebook chat :D
Jelly:I think I'll stick with text, bit of brain fog today lol so best to focus on just one medium!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Slaine if you have spare CP you can spend 1 each to learn the spells on the scroll, 1 hour per spell.
Simon N. (GM):absorbing the knowledge like that destroys the scroll.
Rollo:sounds like fpilet roll
Simon N. (GM):Toilet paper for the brain
Jelly:Yes in a sense! no alcohol involved but was assisting on a shamanic introductory course, ironically lol
Yes I have 11CP in fact, so I'll spend some on those
Simon N. (GM):currently it's 4pm, 2 hours to nightfall
White Valyrian:lol coincidence?
Simon N. (GM):You may want to find somewhere else to hole up for the night than the harem :)
Jelly:It says 8D magic on each of the spellls Simon, does that mean I can still cast them? Currently have magic 6D.
Slaine:Yess we had better find sshelter.
Ulfdin:Lounge with the hookahs?
Rollo:you look comfortable Ulfdin
Simon N. (GM):>>It says 8D magic on each of the spellls Simon, does that mean I can still cast them? Currently have magic 6D.<< Anyone with Sorcerer perk can use them, rolling 8D for the effect instead of your own Magic
Simon N. (GM):But they vanish after 1 use
Slaine:Oh fantastic! But are they one use only?
You got there first haha
Laxus Draugnir:"Aliegha this sword seem to be able to imitate the light of a full moon so i should ask hows your control when you transform into a bear?"
Slaine:Ok well still extremely useful.
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha: "I can control my transformation - except under a full moon."
Roll Perception TN 20
Laxus Draugnir:"was afraid you say that so let use it as a last resort"
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha grins: "Sure"
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d6+1
Laxus Draugnir:(6) for perception
Bah 19
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin you used a roller macro so wild die did not explode :)
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin:rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
OK everyone failed.
Rollo:Rollo is leering at the ladies
Simon N. (GM):Rollo roll Seduction :)
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (so only Slaine pass the perception)
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "We came here to rescue you Izid - now we better get out of here".
Rollo:Rollo scrathrs his groin
Simon N. (GM):Slaine got 14 not 29
The girls are currently ignoring Rollo.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (oooh Rollo)
Laxus Draugnir:"where do we go Viola?"
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "I just want to go back to Tallas." Izis: "I think that ogre had gold cached in his cell - the one next door."
Rollo stands
Laxus Draugnir:"also im curious to what those Kalayan guard said were the third adventurers to enter the palace who were the other group and what happen to them?"
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "There were some knights came in a while back. I think the Shadow Dancers killed them."
Laxus Draugnir:"alright lets go check the other rooms before we continue"
Ulfdin:Shadow Dancers ya say?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head onto the patio...
Slaine:I believe Viola sssaid they ressside in the Blood Temple?
Simon N. (GM):You see several guards in front of the double doors across the patio - two new arrivals are talking with wounded Brazuro & his man Jude.
The guards turn as you step out.
Simon N. (GM):Brazuro winces. "It's them!"
Simon N. (GM):Brazuro: "Hold them off while I get help!"
Slaine:OOC we just randomly attacked them last time too, seems a bit silly?
Simon N. (GM):Brazuro starts to hobble towards the north doors. The other three look uncertain.
GM: Jelly that should be IC
Slaine:Sssstop! No bloodssshed!
Ulfdin:"If you let us pass we'll let you live"
Laxus Draugnir:"yes the blood temple our original goal"
Ulfdin charges "well lets see where this lead first"
Ulfdin:Uldin slows his charge
Slaine:We need to sssave our sstrength.
Simon N. (GM):The three guards seem to have no desire to fight you, and back away through the east doors.
Laxus Draugnir:"luckily the guards share your sentiment Slaine"
Slaine:Turning to Ulfdin: Why mussst you alwaysss begin with violence? Too many knockss to the head?
Rollo:the dead dont ask difficult questions
Slaine:Well if it happenss again, my sspells will not ssave you.
Simon N. (GM):Brazuro hobbles through the north doors, then you hear him screaming.
Ulfdin:Ohh. That sound bad
Slaine:And we'l ssse if bleeding to death isss fun too....
Laxus Draugnir:"its the quickest way to solve our problems but for now we have to deal with an unexpected guess"
Simon N. (GM):OOC Just as I expected...
Simon N. (GM):The three guards shut the doors to #25
You hear Jude call out from behind the door in a squeaky tone: "Go in peace!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You see Brazuro being hauled back through the doors by the 2 lizardmen warriors.
Laxus Draugnir:"well im glad to see a familiar face"
Simon N. (GM):Lizardman: "We caught thisss one for you, Wise One". They throw Brazuro at Slaine's feet. The Kalayan gibbers in terror.
Lizardman: "Now we really must go..."
Slaine:You caught a wounded and panicked man? Sssshame on you!
Simon N. (GM):The lizardmen look abashed.
Laxus Draugnir:"Slaine dont be harsh on them they only did what they thought was right"
Simon N. (GM):"He was going to raise the alarm, wise one. Your human friends might have been in danger!"
Slaine:If you want to help, our goal isss to eliminate the Ssshadow Dancersss.
Laxus Draugnir:"the wizards family i presume it is better this way Slaine"
Simon N. (GM):Uloc nods, head down. "Yess, Wise One"
Slaine:In thiss case he wass trying to ssstop his comrades being slaughtered by some of the more hot-headed of our group. But you weren't to know.
Simon N. (GM):Beskar: "We will help."
Slaine:Good! May the blesssings of the Foresst Godsss be upon you.
Laxus, did you sssay that that sssword might help us against the Night Thingss?
Simon N. (GM):The lizardmen look happy at being 'blessed'.
Rollo:Slaine your accent is different to the other lizard folk
are you from a different swamp?
Laxus Draugnir:"seing this kalayan guard is jured should we let your two friends Saline to watch overthem as we collect the orges gold in his room?"
Slaine:Thisss magic wand of Mithra may help ass well.
Yess, that sssounds like a good plan.
Laxus Draugnir:"Yes but only use when we reach the blood temple Slaine"
Simon N. (GM):GM: It looks as if moonlight activates the Night Things, while daylight repulses them.
Slaine:sssoo, perhaps a plan would be to activate them in daylight when they are weakesst?
Slaine:I'm assuming they are under some sssort of protective ssspel when inactive?
Slaine:OOC can I make a magic check to validate that Simon?
Simon N. (GM):Brazuro: "The Night Things cannot be harmed!"
OOC sure Jelly
Slaine:Do you mean cannot or ssshould not?
Laxus Draugnir:"probably Slaine, we wont know till we reach the temple"
Slaine:They were made, they can be unmade.
Laxus Draugnir:"my friends says otherwise"
Simon N. (GM):GM: As the Night Things are made of enchanted ebony, they are likely invulnerable while dormant.
Slaine:Thisss is the law of the universsse.
Ha! Jussst as I thought.
Simon N. (GM):Brazuro: "Diker forbade the human sacrifices that kept the Night Things dormant. Some say he did not know the ritual..."
Slaine:We must activate them in the light using your ssword laxusss, and attack with the Wand of Mithra for good measure.
Simon N. (GM):Viola shudders: "I am afraid, but I will lead you to the Blood Temple if you wish."
Slaine:There is always a price for ssssuch powerful horrorsss.
Be brave Viola, the Foresst Goddss are with you.
OOC do we have enough time to get there before nightfall?
Simon N. (GM):Viola nods to Slaine and smiles wanly.
easily yup. it's only 4.20
(you can talk faster than you type) :D
Slaine:Friendsss, let usss put and end to thisss terror once and for all! As a Guardian of the Nine, it isss my duty.
Laxus Draugnir:"the sooner we do this the higher the chance we succeed lets go"
Simon N. (GM):Brazuro: "If it's ok with you, I'll stay with my men and tell them not to mess with you."
Ulfdin:You do that. Let go kill something
Rollo:What about the gold and tHe
girls like gold
Laxus Draugnir:"its not going anywhere"
Simon N. (GM):Izis emerges from room #28 grinning and carrying a large money pouch.
Laxus Draugnir:"quick with your hands arent you Izis"
Simon N. (GM):Izis: "Stupid ogre - found it easily!"
Laxus Draugnir:smiling at her
Simon N. (GM):"I certainly am!"
Slaine:I think we sshould give thiss man sssome of the gold as compenssation for his woundsss.
Rollo:guess you earned it
Izis I mean not the gaurd
Where isss my ssshare please?
Laxus Draugnir:"better a medical kit Slaine i will give one we keep the gold"
Slaine:Yesss, a good idea.
Laxus Draugnir:"we divide the spoils when were out of the castle"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Is someone taking Izis' gold?
Otherwise she hangs onto the bag.
Looks like several pounds weight in there.
Laxus Draugnir:"Ulfdin mind you to carry the sack of gold for us?"
Simon N. (GM):Izis sighs and hands over the pouch (562 gp, note on Ulfdin's sheet)
Rollo:here girl put it my pack. I’ll keep it safe. You’ve no pockets in that skimpy outfit
Simon N. (GM):brb beer run
Laxus Draugnir:"indeed pleasant to the eyhes but for now we need to move fast, Izis we divide the spoils later i promise"
Simon N. (GM):GM: While Brazuro hides in a corner, Viola leads the rest of you north...
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus gave a medical kit to Brazuro
Simon N. (GM):Back through the pool courtyard #30
back through the guard hall #31
Viola reminds you to be stealthy as you head west down the long passage that leads past Sega Thane's chambers.
Slaine:Shall we roll stealth Simon?
Simon N. (GM):Anyone have less than 2D Stealth?
Rollo:ill be quiet as a mouse
Simon N. (GM):eg Agility 2D -1 for armour
Slaine:2D stealth exactly, phew!
Simon N. (GM):Viola whispers: "Sega's guards do not hear very well - but they never sleep..."
Ulfdin:3D taking off the armour
Simon N. (GM):You reach the west end of the tunnel, Viola leads you north.
Izis: "I heard a rumour that girls who displeased Tizun ended up on the Blood Altar..."
You reach the north end of the tunnel and see massive bronze doors ahead. They are ajar.
Laxus Draugnir:"such a waste to beautiful girls sucha s all of you its a blessing he is dead"
Simon N. (GM):There is also a small door in the S wall.
Izis nods to Laxus: "Was a joyful day when Thaak killed him!"
Slaine:Childe of the foresst, perhapssss you can creep to that sssmall door and look through for ussss?
Simon N. (GM):Uloc nods, creeps to the door and looks through.
He turns back to Slaine. "Human figuress in armour, They do not move."
Slaine:OOC oh i meant laxus but forgot we had lizard fodder, excellent!
Simon N. (GM):"Lots" - he holds up both hands.
Laxus Draugnir:offended at Slaine small comment "i assure you i am large where it counts"
Slaine:Hmmm. We had bessst be careful!
I'm not sssure I know what that meannnssss?
Laxus Draugnir:"of course"
Simon N. (GM):Viola whispers: "All those chambers are held by Sega Thane, the Necromancer...."
GM: 4.40pm
Slaine:Do you know anything about the ssstome men in there, Viola?
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "I know Sega animates the dead to serve him!"
Slaine:Foul necromancsssy.....
Simon N. (GM):Izis: "Yes, I expect that's what happened to those knights...."
Slaine:Anathema to the foresst goddssss!
Laxus Draugnir:"Slaine send one of your friends to enter first to see whats in there"
Simon N. (GM):Viola shudders.
Slaine:I wonder if we should rissssk using the Invisibilty ssscrol?
It only worksss for one persson.
Simon N. (GM):Viola points to the eastern doors. "The Shadow Dancers are in there..."
Slaine:Perhapss there is a way to deactivate thesse ssstone guardsss?
Laxus Draugnir:"such magic would be sold in fortune but you decide what to with it Slaine afterall youre the only who can make sense of it"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Laxus Draugnir:"lets ignore the small room and focus on the night things"
Slaine:Perhapsss you are right. We can come back later if necesssary.
Laxus Draugnir:"Slaine friends will lead"
Simon N. (GM):You enter the Blood Temple... each niche but one holds a 12' tall, elegantly slim black ebon statue, in various poses as if performing some ritual dance. In the centre is a circular bloodstained altar with chains and manacles set into the stone.
Ulfdin:Try to break a finger off on of the statues
Slaine:I will check for any lingering miassssma.....
Simon N. (GM):They don't have fingers, each arm ends in a single claw tip.
Ulfdin:Try to break a claw tip
Slaine:OOC magic check to see if there are any magic traps, etc
Simon N. (GM):Above each statue is an opening that allows in daylight.
Ulfdin approaches the nearest statue, its claw is impervious.
You don't detect any traps.
Slaine:Let usss use your sssword Laxusss, and I will ready the wand.
Laxus Draugnir:"better be safe then sorry Slaine activate the wand of Mithra"
Simon N. (GM):Slaine does sense that this is an evil place, dedicated to the Haunter of the Dark. Likely the source of Tizun Thane's power.
Ulfdin:Move back to the doubl doors to give them room
Laxus Draugnir:"why do we need toshine moonlight Slaine?"
Slaine:Yesss, let us cleansse this place as quickly as possible
Simon N. (GM):Laxus uses a charge from the Mithraic wand, sunlight beams out. Nothing happens.
Slaine:The Night Thingsss are only vulnerable when activated.
Laxus Draugnir:00c (slaine has the wand)
Slaine:OOC Simon I actually have the wand
Haven't used it yet!
Simon N. (GM):ok sorry missed that
Slaine:We cannot desstroy them in thisss form.
Sssso need you to activate and then I sshall casst the light. Everyone elssse ready with weaponsss.
Laxus Draugnir:"you mean to call the night things here i wish nt to summon hundred of those things to attack us, our goal is to destroy the altar and this whole room"
Slaine:Thessse black figuress are the Night Thingsss.
OOC Simon how many of them?
Rollo:Kiss Viola for luck and heft my Ax
Simon N. (GM):Izis Viola Uloc & Beskar look distinctly nervous.
Slaine:They are much more vulnerable in daylight, which isss coming down from above, ssse?
Simon N. (GM):Viola kisses Rolo back :)
13 left yup, one niche empty.
Slaine:I'm asssuming we can activate them one by one ssso we are not overwhelmed.
Rollo:Can we wrap the manacles around the statues?
Laxus Draugnir:"alright lets hope this work prepare for hell everyone"
lift up his Elven sword and activate its light
Slaine:A good idea Rollo!
Ulfdin:Ive got rope we can wrap around them
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (wait cancel that actin)
Simon N. (GM):IC: As the moonlight washes over the Night Things... OOC The adventure itself doesn't actually provide a solution, I guess Albie Fiore left it to player ingenuity!
Laxus sheathes his sword again.
They were beginning to stir.
Slaine:Yesss letss tie them up firssst
Simon N. (GM):You could maybe tie up one per 50' rope
Rollo:How about the manacles?
Simon N. (GM):Although they are very tall and smooth.
Ulfdin:Ive got 100 foot of rope so thats 2
Simon N. (GM):The manacles are chained to the stone altar.
Laxus Draugnir:"i shouldnt be that eager lets bind these statues first?"
Slaine:OOC Simon do the other lizardmen have any rope on them?
Laxus Draugnir:"can we carry the night things statue?"
They are 12' tall stone statues.
Slaine:OOC I think we'll just have to tie up two and hope they're a lot weaker in the daylight.
Slaine:OOC or try to find some other way to destroy them. A magic spell, key etc
Laxus Draugnir:OOC (thats a lot to fight then)
Rollo:can we make the sun roof open wider?
GM: Ulfdin lashes rope round the NW two
Rollo:when does the sun set?
Rollo:maybe we should wait until noon tomorrow.
Simon N. (GM):You're just past Spring equinox
Slaine:I have the lightning bolt sssscroll. Could throw that in firsst once they are activated?
Rollo:wait what’s that noise?
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 1d1000
Simon N. (GM):You hear movement in the corridor outside.
Laxus Draugnir:"isnt it better if we locked the large doors that way they wont harm anyone and be trapped in this castle?"
Simon N. (GM):A lizardlike face peeks through the bronze doors at head height.
A foul stench wafts in with it.
Simon N. (GM):Slaine recognises the Troglodyte - subterranean lizardmen with terrible B.O.
Rollo:more relatives Slaine?
Simon N. (GM):Are you attacking it?
Laxus Draugnir:"More of your friends Slaine?"
And waits
Slaine:Nothing to ssssee here, brother!
Simon N. (GM):It talks to Slaine in lizard: "Greetingsss brother. Your friendss look tassty!"
You hear mutterings of lots more trogs from behind it.
Rollo:another different accent
Ulfdin:"No chance, Stinky"
Slaine:Unfortunately they are not on the menu! If you wisssh for food, I can point you towards a large, fat, tasssty ogre nearby.
Rollo:I thought that was you Ulf
Simon N. (GM):Roll persuasion Slaine, TN 5 as I rolled Friendly on reaction check :)
Slaine:Can I use a HP to use my power as well, Simon?
Slaine:Perfect Clarity to add +6
Rollo:reminds me of the time we were marooned and you made cheese sock
Simon N. (GM):that's +6 AFTER roll if you fail roll Slaine
anyone can spend an HP to get +6 pre-roll
Slaine:If i roll high I will try to persuade them to help us with the Night Things!
+6 = 20
Simon N. (GM):You have 4D persuasion?
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (damn youre charm is high 2?)
Simon N. (GM):I thought you were 2D charm
Slaine:Oh sorry I thought it was a Wit roll
Yes 2D charm. I'll roll again.
So 13 total.
Simon N. (GM):The trog sighs and nods. "Human girlsss look tasty. But we eat ogre instead. Where find?"
Slaine:I will point them back towards 24 and describe the room.
Rollo:more meat on the ogre Trog
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "I don't like how it's looking at me..."
Rollo:Rollo leers like the Trog
i know what he’s thinking Viola,
Simon N. (GM):GM: The trogs aren't inclined to help you, but Slaine persuades the trog and the dozen or so more behind it to go eat the ogre instead.
Simon N. (GM):They pad off to scavenge.
Izis: "One of the guards said this palace was built over troglodyte caverns - but I've never seen them before."
Rollo roll Seduction
Slaine:There mussst be a rift somewhere......
Rollo:rollo comforts Violaand says I can hear their claws scratching the floor
Laxus Draugnir:"it is unfortunate could have used their help but now we must continue to find a way to stop this night things"
Simon N. (GM):>>Rollo roll Seduction<<
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:"killing them one by one is too difficult"
Simon N. (GM):Viola smiles at Rollo and hugs him for comfort :)
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (dam rollo)
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "Please, protect me... "
Izis rolls her eyes.
Slaine:I agree, I think we need to prepare further before facing thissss.
Rollo:Rollo is here darling
Slaine:Viola, do you know where we might find the ssstore roomsss?
Laxus Draugnir:"whats your plan Slaine?"
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "There are stores all over, but many are looted. What are you looking for?"
Simon N. (GM):Viola smiles.
Laxus Draugnir:"so were staying the night and handle it tommorow?"
Slaine:I think that is wisssesst
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "There are rooms off the guardroom might have something. And they have strong doors."
Ulfdin:Better lock the doors in case these things wander
Slaine:Excellent! Let usss proceed.
Simon N. (GM):"One of them has dead bodies in it" - her nose wrinkles - "adventurers I think. Sega dumped them there."
Laxus Draugnir:"the guards are still there i presume?"
Ulfdin:Lead ontothecorpses
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "They were empty when I checked - just bodies."
GM: Viola leads you back west-south-east.
Back to #31, guard hall with weapons on walls.
Viola: "Tizun's eunuchs lived here." She points to the middle door. "The bodies were in there."
Laxus Draugnir:"sigh this is confounding why must human make deal with dark magics"
Slaine:My ssssentimentss exactly, Childe.
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "They have nice beds, I slept under one one night..."
Laxus Draugnir:"are the door secured?"
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "Heavy latches on the inside. Enough to keep the Night Things out, I think."
Rollo:Rollo murmurs into Violas ear
Laxus Draugnir:"alright then lets stay the night here then and planned how to deal with the night things"
Ulfdin:Check the bodies in the middle room
Simon N. (GM):GM: You open the middle room (Rollo is distracting Viola) .
A well furnished bedchamber, 5 bodies on the floor in some decay.
Ulfdin:Checking for traesure or decent gear
Laxus Draugnir:"if we could we should deal with Sega Thane we shouldnt let man continue to practice this dark arts"
Simon N. (GM):They wear either chain or plate cuirass and seem well equipped.
Laxus Draugnir:"are these the stweards knights and son?"
Simon N. (GM):All appear to have been adventurer types, human or half elf, 4m 1f.
They don't have any knightly sigils.
Slaine:I will check to ssssee that these have not the sssstain of necromancy upon them....
Magic check
Simon N. (GM):#1 chain cuirass shield 78 sp light bow 7 arrows sword wolvesbane
No necromancy
Not animated (yet)
Ulfdin:Take the sword and wolfsbane
Simon N. (GM):#2 chain wineskin lantern large sack sword
Rollo:how does the wine smell?
Simon N. (GM):#3 plate cuirass hammer 32 electrum pieces 73 silver fur pelt, sword
Laxus Draugnir:seeing the dead Half-elf really saddened Laxus "im sorry young one you die too soon"
Simon N. (GM):#4 plate cuirass greatsword mace sack 100 gold
Rollo:pass the fur pelt to Iris, here this will keep you warm
Ulfdin:Ill keep a record of the cash
Simon N. (GM):#5 female chain cuirass shield torch 42 cp garlic sword small gem
The wine smells good
Rollo:swig the wine, pass it round
Izis takes the pelt gingerly. "Smells like dead people."
She puts it down.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (was the feamle a half elf?)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 1d5
no, #4
Ulfdin:Drag the bodies out
Simon N. (GM):ok you drag the dead adventurers out into the guard hall
Viola: "Rolo, why don't you and I rest up in one of the other rooms?"
Ulfdin:I want the dead persons room
Rollo:Hand the mail to Viola- here this might protect you for a while (bit not from me)
good idea, winks at Ulfdin
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "I find running away works best..." GM: The plate is too big, but the dead woman's chain cuirass would just about fit
lets go try this on...
Simon N. (GM):GM: is Rollo going to north or south room?
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "Both the other rooms are nice... "
"Red to right, Green to left. Any preference?"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (any good armour for me?)
Simon N. (GM):There's 2 suits chain cuirass, 2 plate, can fit either on.
Simon N. (GM):Bronze plate cuirass is +7 soak -3 stealth & dodge
Slaine:I will take the green room with my lizardsss, will perhapsss remind ussss of the foressts of home.
Simon N. (GM):Slaine and the lizardmen go to the south (green room.) Viola leads Ulfdin to the north (red room).
Nature takes its course...
Im in the smelly room
Laxus Draugnir:"hmm im taking the Bronze plate armor"
Laxus Draugnir:"Aliegha do you want any of the armour?"
Rollo:(poor rollo worked so hard for that)
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha: "No thanks"
GM: about to stop, just one more thing...
Laxus Draugnir:ooc (hope not)
Simon N. (GM):Some hours later, Rollo is going at it with Viola for the third time, with her on top very enthusiastic. Something distracts him though as he looks up to the ceiling and sees the six leathery green, long-limbed red-eyed demon imps hanging on the ceiling, leering down at him & Viola.
(thx for choosing the north room Rolo) :D
Simon N. (GM):OK will stop there on cliffhanger!
Simon N. (GM):the demons look pretty well exactly like the Gremlins from Gremlins
Or rather Spike
Simon N. (GM):OOC funny thing is this adventure came out years before the film but they are called Gremlins in the adventure & description matches
White Valyrian:damn that hall with the night things just left me stump
Simon N. (GM):GM: Are you guys good to play again this Thursday?
Slaine:I think we can do it but just need more rope or some other thing to restrain their claws.
White Valyrian:but im glad i got new armor
always im good
Slaine:Yes should be fine.
Simon N. (GM):I'll assumed Laxus cleaned off the corpse armour
5pm yup
Ulfdin:May be a bit late - back cracked but will be here
Slaine:I've got a skype call, see everyone next time! Let me know in the chat how many CP, HP etc?
Simon N. (GM):>>I think we can do it but just need more rope or some other thing to restrain their claws.<< Given their poses I don't really see how you hope to do this. They can just move when they animate.
Simon N. (GM):You can't rope their arms to sides when they are un-animated.
Rollo:Have you got a pic of the statues?
Ulfdin:Just tie their legs so they fall over
Simon N. (GM):I can't find a proper faceless pic
ok Simon
White Valyrian:yeah preferably i thought of burying them undernaeth the rubble or locking the giant bronze door so they couldnt escape
Simon N. (GM):They're kinda like a preying mantis w no face that dances :)
Simon N. (GM):going to say 4 CP, +1 CP to Rollo for getting into trouble :D
Simon N. (GM):& 1 HP of course
Ulfdin:Cheers. Thanks all see yousoon
Simon N. (GM):OOC I always feel bad when I kill cute NPCs, hope Rollo can save Viola!
Bye all!
Rollo:i wanna pump my charm up. It’s 2D currently how many CP does it tkae
Simon N. (GM):20 to raise 2D to 2D+1
Rollo:oh ok, cheers Simon see ya Thursday
Simon N. (GM):but only 2 to raise Seduction 2D to 2d+1
White Valyrian:just improve seduction instead cheaper
Simon N. (GM):got to get dinner on, cya Thursday!
White Valyrian:see ya everyone
Rollo:Cheers all good night and good morning Muizz
White Valyrian:you too Matt
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