Eunuch Cyclops Ogre & Izis |
Izis |
Simon N. (GM):OK so you're in the hall of mirrors with Viola. Rollo comes wandering in. :)
You could eg explore further or talk to Viola more. It's still only 2pm or so, over 4 hours to nightfall.
Laxus Draugnir:"Hmm were in a sittuation everyone we have the Tizun siblings, a yeti ape and the blood room filled with night things. what should we deal with first?"
"also what did you find Ulfdin on Tizun Thane corpses?"
Jelly:I think the yeti ape, potentially. OOC the night things are crazy hard to kill!
But we may just find another way to get rid of them, possibly linked to the Tizun siblings?
I mean if we explore a little more.
Ulfdin:I dont know. What did I find GM?
Simon N. (GM):The heavy gold ring w green zig-zag?
Laxus Draugnir:"which leads to another problem with the 12foot bronze giant gone will the traps of this castle be active against us?"
Wonder if the ring controls the golem?
Laxus Draugnir:"Ulfdin would you allow me and Slaine to inspect the green ring?"
Laxus Draugnir:(what role Simon?)
Slaine:I will attempt to ssscry this jewellery....
Magic roll Simon?
Slaine:Am i still down by 1D from the magic backlash?
Or did we have a little rest?
Simon N. (GM):yes until you rest an hour
Simon N. (GM):tell me if you want to rest 1 hr
Slaine:OOC Should we? I think Tizun thane's bedroom is prob prettty safe, especially if Viola has been staying here
Laxus Draugnir:(if you want Jelly lets rest for an hour before doing it)
Ulfdin:Sounds like a plan
Slaine:It would give me that 1D back in magic which is pretty crucial
Simon N. (GM):There's no bed in here, just giant mirrors.
8 & 1 smashed
Laxus Draugnir:(so we agree lets rest for an hour)
Ulfdin:Got the lounge with the hookahs
Slaine:SSounds like a plan!
Laxus Draugnir:"Viola i want to ask could lead us around the castle?"
Simon N. (GM):Viola looks nervous: "I know a bit of it - the harem... places I've been hiding."
Laxus Draugnir:"seem the Yeti Ape would be our first target then"
Simon N. (GM):"I know the secret door to the inner chambers."
Slaine:OOC has an hour past? I'll do the magic check if so.
Simon N. (GM):You settle down to rest in the Mirror Hall?
If so are you leaving the doors open?
Slaine:OOC I think the inner chambers sounds like it might hold some clues, head there first after the rest?
No I think we should definitely close them!
Laxus Draugnir:(yup and no we closed the doors )
Simon N. (GM):OK you close the double doors and sit down.
Ulfdin:Im thinking somewhere defensible
Simon N. (GM):As you rest, Viola tells you a bit about herself - she was a merchant's daughter in Nith, she fell asleep in the garden one day and woke up here. "My father is wealthy - he'd pay well for my return."
An hour passes peacefully, now 3pm. Slaine's magic is restored.
Slaine:We should return thisss child to her kin.
Slaine:Now, let me take a look at thisss ring.
Laxus Draugnir:"definitely)
Simon N. (GM):ok roll magic S
Laxus Draugnir:(oof those ones hurt)
Simon N. (GM):hm. definitely magical - some kind of key?
Slaine:Ahh, jusst as i sussspected.
We should head to the inner chamberss
Ulfdin:Keep hold of it Slaine
Laxus Draugnir:"So Viola, you know the secret way to these chambers?"
Simon N. (GM):"Yes - off the garden"
Laxus Draugnir:"lead the way"
Simon N. (GM):Viola leads you west. out the secret door into the garden.
Rollo wakes from a nap and follows you out. :)
Laxus Draugnir:(Matt is here hello)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Simon N. (GM):In the gardens the fountain plays peacefully and the sun shines; an idyllic scene.
Rollo:(Hi everyone :-D) (sorry I am late, so much going on atm)
Simon N. (GM):Viola leads you past the smoking lounge to a blank wall. She fiddles with something and a secret door swings open.
Laxus Draugnir:(its okay gald you made it)
Simon N. (GM):You see a long tunnel ahead.
Simon N. (GM):side tunnel off to north/left
You all see "PCS" on map ok?
Simon N. (GM):Viola looks left, shivers, then turns to you. "Where do you want to go? The harem? The ...blood temple?"
Simon N. (GM):(those are 2 places!)
Slaine:(I meant yes i can see PCs!)
Ulfdin:Blood temple sounds fun
Slaine:The blood temple? What iss thiss place?
Simon N. (GM):"Where the Shadow Dancers are..."
She points north.
Slaine:I do not think we should rissssk the night thingss jusst yet
Let usss travel firssst to the harem?
Laxus Draugnir:"its day time and ther weakness is light we should deal with them now before it gets dark"
Simon N. (GM):Viola looks relieved. "We can rescue Izis from the cyclops-ogre!"
Rollo:Izis, you have a friend, companion, colleague?
Simon N. (GM):"Yes - it guards her. It guarded all of us, until we escaped. It's an eunuch."
Laxus Draugnir:"i cant say no to maiden lets make this quick then"
agrees to the harem chambers
Simon N. (GM):"I like her well enough, but she's a Thief - likes to steal things! She has quite a cache hidden..."
Viola: "We must be quiet - Sega Thane dwells past those north doors..."
Ulfdin:Whats a Sega Thane
Simon N. (GM):"Tizun's brother - the Necromancer"
GM: You sneak past the north doors?
Slaine:Yess, let us be quiet
Simon N. (GM):OK you quietly head down the hallway and reach double doors at the far end.
Rollo:*creeps on tippytoes
Simon N. (GM):Viola listens then opens the doors onto a hall hung with numerous weapons, cross swords, halberds et al.
Ulfdin:Any interesting weapons
Slaine:OOC anything worth picking up Simon to replace what we have?
Simon N. (GM):Three doors in east wall, double doors to south w daylight underneath.
Viola points south.
The weapons look functional.
Slaine:Looking for a nicer spear and shield (i.e better than wood and bronze)
Simon N. (GM):Sword is 2d6/2d6+2 2-h
Halberd 3d6 2-h, with 10' reach.
The weapons are of bronze, similar quality to S's.
Laxus Draugnir:"nothing interesting unfortunately"
Rollo:Nothing there's beats the Nimothan Long Axe.
Slaine:OOC I think my spear is better than the Halberd? What does 2-h mean?
Laxus Draugnir:(2 handed)
Simon N. (GM):Your spear is 2d6/2d6+2 2-h
Slaine:Well my spear is damage 6D...
Simon N. (GM):Might 4D +2D 1-h
So the halberd is actually better.
Simon N. (GM):yes, but needs 2 hands
Laxus Draugnir:(with good reach for the mage as well)
Slaine:But I wouldn't be able to wield it and the shield I suppose?
Simon N. (GM):You would do 7D, no shield, 10' reach
Slaine:You know what, I'll take it anyway, don't necessarily have to use it every fight but good to have the option.
Laxus Draugnir:(attack f)rom a distances should be your strategy
Simon N. (GM):Well you can't really carry spear + halberd + shield easily
Simon N. (GM):(this is a realistic game).
You'll be quite encumbered.
Slaine:Can't i put the halberd on my back ala Geralt?
Simon N. (GM):LOL not a CRPG!
Halberd would let you attack from behind allies
Rollo:The spear is 'the king of weapons' Ryhalt Gallharrow
Slaine:I'll take it then, and leave my spear in its place. Will keep the shield if i can.
Simon N. (GM):I mean you could lug a bunch of stuff around then drop it to fight/cast spells I guess
Slaine:What does everyone else think?
Simon N. (GM):You can carry both, I'll say shield is boss grip so free action to drop
Laxus Draugnir:(i say keep the halberd and avoid close ranged combat"
Simon N. (GM):OK so Slaine leans spear against wall and picks up halberd - can use your polearm skill 5D to hit, 7D damage, 10' reach.
Slaine:Ok, I'll do that. And still got shield for any surprise attacks.
Simon N. (GM):Viola leads way to the south doors.
Slaine:So that's one more square than usual reach?
Simon N. (GM):Doors open onto a courtyard with lily pool and a covered walkway along west side.
Ulfdin:Check theres nothing lurking
Simon N. (GM):There are shrubs to N and S, the lily pads are very large.
As Ulfdin approaches, something moves in the pool!
Slaine:(Glad I still got mine lol)
Simon N. (GM):Suddenly, two grey-green reptilian figures emerge from the pool!
Laxus Draugnir:"peaceful not like the man eating plants of the silver palace"
Slaine:(Can I ask them to stand down in reptilian?)
Simon N. (GM):"Slaine! says Ulloc the lizardman.
Laxus Draugnir:"i speak too soon, Viola behind us"
Simon N. (GM):Ulloc waves to Slaine, his shaman. "Slaine!" says Beskar, his companion.
Slaine:Ahh, my tribe! What on earth are you doing here in thisss forsssaken place?
Simon N. (GM):Ulloc smiles toothily. "We have come to stop the Night Things, Wise One!"
Slaine:Thisss is good! But I am ssure they are not in that pool?
Or did you only jussst arrive?
Simon N. (GM):Ulloc looks slightly embarrassed. "Also, we have been collecting treasures."
Beskar nods. "Lots of treasure here!"
Aliegha: "Hmm..."
Laxus Draugnir:(OOC im really scared with the increase number of allies in our party, like something big is about to happen)
"What is it Aliegha?"
(OMG I totally forgot she was with us lol)
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha to Laxus: "Oh, I was wondering if they got a little distracted?"
Ulfdin:Treasure is a worthwhile distraction
Simon N. (GM):Ulloc: "We have been using this pool as a base, while we hunt the Night Things and gather treasure!"
Slaine:Material thingsss are not important, protecting the land from this ssscourge is!
Remember thiss!
Rollo:Slaine is really well connected around these parts. *Rollo nods approvingly
Simon N. (GM):Ulloc looks embarrassed. "But, master! We found a magic sword! It might help kill the Night Things!"
Laxus Draugnir:"well theyre here Aliegha and they dont seem to want to harm us so it is fine"
Ulfdin:Slaines right. We better take the treasure
Laxus Draugnir:(are they speaking lizard?)
Slaine:Well, its a meanssss to an end I supposse
Simon N. (GM):they are speaking common in deference to S's friends
Simon N. (GM):ULfdin roll Charm (command)
Laxus Draugnir:"a magic sword you say you caught my attention"
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Rollo:Well I am glad to have caught you up. Golden is this company.
Simon N. (GM):Ulloc looks at Ulfdin. "Treasure is ours... but you can have sword if you need it to kill Night Things."
Simon N. (GM):Beskar: "Wise One, I have gift for you..."
Laxus Draugnir:"our goal is the night things so any help is appreciated"
Simon N. (GM):The lizardmen dive back into the pool, emerging shortly with a glowing runesword and a blue gold streaked ring.
Simon N. (GM):Beskar offers Slaine the ring. "Is magic. Me not know what do."
Ulloc offers Ulfdin the sword. "Human sword - to kill human demons. You kill Night Things?" he asks hopefully.
Slaine:Hmmmmm, thankyou my friendssss
Ulfdin:I'll do my best. Many thanks
Slaine:Thesse will prove extremely usseful I'm sssure
(I'll do a magic check on both items)
ring first:
21 total
Simon N. (GM):GM: The sword is a +1 magic sword, +1 to hit and damage over normal sword 2d6/2d6+2 2-h, uses Blade skill.
The ring is a Ring of Free Action, wearer cannot be grappled, restrained, magically Paralysed etc
Laxus Draugnir:looks quiet jealous of Ulfdin new magic sword but stays quiet
Slaine:(Slaine puts on the ring)
Simon N. (GM):(OK note ring on sheet S)
Simon N. (GM):Beskar: "There are bad men to south" - be careful. He points to south doors.
Laxus Draugnir:"unfortunately we have to face them"
Ulfdin:"Friend Laxus - Take this sword. I much prefer the axe!"
Simon N. (GM):Ulloc: "Now we go, Wise One. Use treasures we found to kill Night Things, yes?"
Laxus Draugnir:Smiling Brightly "Ulfdin are you sure?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The sword does look to be of Imystrahli elven provenance, like most such blades in these lands.
Slaine:(are we going straight to the blood temple or will we rescue Viola's friend first?)
Rollo:Its a bit thin *looking at the magic sword
Simon N. (GM):Beskar returns to the pool and gathers up a sticky mud lump from underneath a lilypad - a lizardman 'coin pouch'.
Rollo:be careful you dont snap it
Laxus Draugnir:"well as a Silver Sword i will full use of this thank you Friend Ulfdin"
Laxus Draugnir:(rescue Viola friend i presume so were facing a yeti ape)
Rollo:Hefts axe to shoulder, smiles grimly at the weight
Simon N. (GM):GM: The lizardmen exit through the north door, Viola looks bemused but directs you to gates to the south.
They open onto a patio!
Slaine:(Oh they're not coming with us Simon?)
Simon N. (GM):ooc: they were bribing you to get out of suicide mission. :)
Slaine:I'm afraid human women are of no interessst to our kind, and my friendsss aren't the mosst intelligent.
(so they've literally left the entire complex?)
Simon N. (GM):There are large silk cushions and empty wine jugs scattered on the patio. The south side drops away to the blue waters of the lake, 20' below, and you can see the magnificent waterfall cascade down the crater.
(map to lower right)
Ulfdin:Any full wine jugs?
Simon N. (GM):roll Perception
(From Rollo): is Viola naked?
Simon N. (GM):she has a loncloth
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Rollo:Viola, take my cloak.
Simon N. (GM):(yes J) Rollo you can hear low voices from the square block building on east side of patio.
Viola takes the cloak.
She looks at it then puts it on. "Warm!"
Rollo:wait, I hear voices ... over there. *stalks forward
Simon N. (GM):There are 4 doors along n side of patio.
Simon N. (GM):OK roll stealth you too
Laxus Draugnir:ready his new magic sword
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):S also heard the voices
Slaine:Sorry is that Wit or Agility?
Simon N. (GM):(TN 15 for hearing, Wit)
Simon N. (GM):stealth Agility
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Slaine:That was for hearing, failed.
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin needs 8+3=12, Slaine 8, Rollo 8+1 = 9 in armour
Laxus Draugnir:(stealth is 10)
Ulfdin:Mine was stealth but got -2 because of armour
Simon N. (GM):chainmail is -3 (or +3 to roll)
Rollo:hahaha Ssslian must have ssslipped
Simon N. (GM):Slaine passes in front of a shuttered window slit. The voices stop.
"Ere, someone's out there!" "Wut? The Ogre?" "Better check..."
Rollo:can I creep through another opening widow door to the otherside?
Simon N. (GM):no, just slits
Simon N. (GM):GM: Three men come out of the double doors, weapons drawn
Slaine:(I think we'd better just prepare to fight)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Simon N. (GM):A 4th behind them is grabbing a sword. They have chain cuirass shield & sword.
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d6
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):They are about to say something when Ulfdin charges
Laxus Draugnir:(initiative?)
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin can get a free attack
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Rollo:these bandages itch*
Simon N. (GM):going for leader or another?
Simon N. (GM):OK you take down a surprised fellow while Rollo was distracting them - roll dmg
rolling 5d6 + 2
Rollo:examines finger nails and sighs*
Laxus Draugnir:(holy ahit)
Simon N. (GM):soak 14, Incapacitated - goes down.
Rollo:*Looks at Laxus in for a penny in for a pound
Simon N. (GM):"Atama!" yells the leader, raising his sword.
roll init everyone
Ulfdin:Got 17 for initiative
Slaine:(OOC that means 'head' in Japanese!)
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:(14 for initiative)
(oh does that mean their Kalayn gurads then?)
Rollo:+6 thats a 20 Init DM
Simon N. (GM):rollo has 4D agility? wow :)
Simon N. (GM):yes they look Kalay
Rollo:(you built him ;-D)
Simon N. (GM):I built him well!
Slaine:(do we roll our initiatve now too?)
Simon N. (GM):Slaine init?
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha is guarding the rear.
kitty is small
#20 Rollo
Slaine:Not great but then I don't particularly want to be up from anway, will be poking from behind friends!
Ulfdin:I think Im after Rollo
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):attacking leader or minion?
Rollo:+6 for the Charge is 34
Leader please Bob
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
#17 Ulfdin
Rollo:Can I use the 15' movement to withdraw 15'?
Ulfdin:Im going to use my special attack on a minion as he hasnt had an action
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):parry 16 - hit
Simon N. (GM):You bisect him :)
Simon N. (GM):The others stare in horror.
Laxus Draugnir:(only the leader left then?)
Simon N. (GM):leader + 1 +1 on ground
1 still in barracks
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus attacks the leader twice with the magic sword
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):ok, 19 to hit
Laxus Draugnir:roll damage
now severely wounded
Laxus Draugnir:(i only attack once then cause i did 7d6 so end of turn)
Simon N. (GM):The leader does a fighting withdrawal back into the barracks while his remaining minion slams the doors shut.
On the ground one man is unconscious, one very dead.
Ulfdin:Try and kick the door down
Slaine:(We didn't even wait to hear if they had anything to say lol!)
Slaine:Well, I think we sshould carry on.
Laxus Draugnir:(well theydid draw their weapons XD)
Slaine:(do we have to go through or is there another way?)
Ulfdin:I finish off the unconscious one
Laxus Draugnir:(i think this is just the guard barracks or something)
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "Those are Diker Thane's men..." she grimaces as Ulf kills the wounded. You hear a bar lowered across the barracks doors.
Ulfdin:"were his men you mean"
Slaine:(I don't think there's any point hanging around here, let's press on)
Simon N. (GM):"That should hold the bastards, Brazuro." "It better, Jude! Damn adventurers! Third lot this month!"
Ulfdin:Is the barracks made of wood?
Simon N. (GM):"Tell me about it! This used to be an easy gig when Tizun was alive..."
Jelly why are you talking in brackets?
The baracks is stone
Laxus Draugnir:(this is for out of character i presuem)
Slaine:(brackets mean OOC)
Simon N. (GM):best use OOC thanks. Also if you can keep PC discussion IC that's best. Otherwise gets v metagamey
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc so slaine youre not doing anything on your turn?)
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK you're out of combat
Slaine:OOC apart from saying we should move on, no.
Ulfdin:Lead on to the ball - less Ogre, woman!
Simon N. (GM):Viola points to the far door along north wall. "That one."
Laxus Draugnir:"alright lets leave them alone for now, time for the real battle"
Simon N. (GM):You see a sturdy wooden door.
Ulfdin roll Agility/stealth
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6+1
Simon N. (GM):It hasn't noticed the door crack open.
It's talking in a weird mumbling low voice.
Slaine:I shall cast blesssss on my frienddsss
Simon N. (GM):"Yu ver ver pritty Izis. Master Diker no hurt you."
Rollo:is is is it singing to her?
Laxus Draugnir:"it seem it doesnt notice us should we attack it now"
Laxus Whispered
Laxus Draugnir:"charge it si then"
Simon N. (GM):Izis: "I'm trying to tell you, you idiot, he's letting his men at me! You have to..." Ulfdin charges in!
Slaine:hang on guys can i please cast bless before that, I did ask?
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc of course sorry Jelly)
Simon N. (GM):The ogre whirls, grabbing a great axe from where it's propped on the wall. Slaine roll for casting Bless please
Slaine:Bless TN19. +2 to all attack rolls for allies within 30ft
Slaine:Ok so bless is active!
Simon N. (GM):success! ok you are all +2 on all rolls
roll init
Rollo:Bless you Lizard king for what I am about to receive
rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Slaine:Sorry all rolls,n ot just attack
13 total
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 1d6+1
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 3d6+3
Rollo:I am going to use another HP and Reaver Charge
Laxus Draugnir:18 to initiative
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 6
Slaine:Oh sorry mine is 15, I forgot the +2!
Everyone else remember to add +2 to initiative!¬
Rollo:oh yeah 26 ini DM :-D
Simon N. (GM):#24 Rollo you're up!
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc done already XD)
Simon N. (GM):M6 ogres are quite nasty...
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 8
+2 thats 31
Simon N. (GM):Parry 25 - hit!
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 4
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc damn these high damage rolls)
Rollo:No mate its the last d6 in the macro
Simon N. (GM):30 damage -20 soak = 10 = incapacitated - it staggers back and falls over!
Rollo:Grins at Izis then back at Viola :-D
Simon N. (GM):Viola smiles back at the handsome viking :)
& #15 Slaine
Laxus Draugnir:(ooc is that cyclop dead?)
Simon N. (GM):it just fell over, not dead
Rollo:He's down, finish him!
Laxus Draugnir:strikking at the fallen cyclop twice
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):It tries to fend you off - fails (TN 25) - hit
Laxus Draugnir:rolling for damage
Laxus Draugnir:second attack
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 6d6+2
Rollo:W are firing on all cylinders this evening
Laxus Draugnir:damn another stun
Simon N. (GM):s+s = W +I = MW - it stops moving
Laxus Draugnir:end of turn
Simon N. (GM):The ogre is dying!
Izis gets to her feet. "Anyone got a key for this bloody chain?!"
Laxus Draugnir:"unfortunately no it seems the guards still has them"
Rollo:Rollo frowns, looks that the shackles then grins wickedly
Laxus Draugnir:"youre confident you can break it Rollo?"
Rollo:mutter always wanted too or something like that
Slaine:OOC where are you finding these pics simon lol
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "Hello, Izis."
Izis: "Oh, hello Viola."
Rollo:did you say something?
Simon N. (GM):@Jelly I have a collection. :D
Laxus Draugnir:"theyre just catching up continue Rollo"
Rollo:is it getting hotter in here?
Simon N. (GM):GM: The chain looks very strong (break TN 22)
Laxus Draugnir:"hmm what do you mean?"
Simon N. (GM):Izis sizes up Rollo. "Please, help me kind sir..."
She bats her eyelashes at the handsome Nimothan.
Rollo:puffs out very flushed cheeks
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha: "I could smite the chain with the Sword of Spartusia?"
Rollo:We will have you out of there in a jiffy ;-D
Laxus Draugnir:"Aliegha let Rollo have this moment"
Slaine:And perhapsss some robess, for the lady?
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha looks confused. "Oh, er... ok."
Rollo:Woofdin, Erexsus find the key FIND THE KEY!
Ulfdin:I hit the chain with my axe
Laxus Draugnir:"its okay dear, unfortunately i dont have any spare cloak to offer"
Simon N. (GM):which axe Ulfdin? Your greataxe?
Simon N. (GM):ok roll damage
Slaine:OOC remember you still have plus 2
Simon N. (GM):2 handed great axe is Might +3D +1
Laxus Draugnir:"the key is most likely with the guards whom right now baricade themselves in the barracks"
Rollo:whaa...oh yeah... TO THE BARRACKS!
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin cuts through the thick brass chain - the axe will need some sharpening after that.
Laxus Draugnir:"it seems it is unneeded friend Ulfdin"
Simon N. (GM):Izis: "I'm free! Thank you!" she kisses Ulfdin.
Simon N. (GM):Viola: "Now Izis, how about the treasure you've been hiding?" She grins tartly.
Laxus Draugnir:"i have some whetstones if you want to sharpen your Axe Ulfdin"
Slaine:(OOC got to go in 5)
Simon N. (GM):Izis moves over to the east wall, removes a brick, and takes out her secret treasure...
OK stopping there - you get 6 CP, well done! +1 HP
Slaine:Brilliant game! Really good fun and we rolled so well
Rollo:I bet her treasure is not a sensible outdoor clothing
Simon N. (GM):Having a guide def helps a lot!
Rollo:Well done DM Huzzah
Ulfdin:Thanks guys. Top game
White Valyrian:really great game game short and sweet cant wait for next week
Slaine:When are we gaming next week?
Simon N. (GM):207gp, scroll of 3 spells, 7 arrows of berbalang slaying.
Rich are you keeping track of our treasure?
Simon N. (GM):Izis: "These arrows kill the gargoyle things..."
Slaine:Which three spells Simon?
Can I take 60 GP?
Laxus Draugnir:"hmm i will keep that in mind do any of you find ladies skilled with the bow?"
Simon N. (GM):spells are Invisibility, Hold Portal, lightning bolt, all at 8D magic
Slaine:Ah, so can't use them yet. I'll make a note anyway.
Got to go but see everyone next week.
Simon N. (GM):Hold Portal holds a door or window etc magically for 1 hour
You can use them, you roll 8D instead of your own Magic
You can either use them to learn the spell, or cast as a 1 shot at 8D
Laxus Draugnir:"hot damn thats pretty useful"
Rollo:(Good to 'see' you too Muizz. 'See' you next week).
Simon N. (GM):Hold Portal TN is 15
bye now
Slaine:Oh great! See everyone next time
White Valyrian:lol yeah Matt see you next week
Ulfdin:See you all next week
Rollo:Cheers Jelly be-careful with sword
Simon N. (GM):(you need Sorcerer perk to use the scroll)
ok I must go - have a good week!
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