Party meets the good folk of Thiria Keep under Steward Dormythr.
Aliegha joins the party to go hunt the Night Things of Tizun Thane. Laxus seduces Aliegha. Rollo seduces
Radiant Mara (or vice versa!).
Mara |
Dormythr |
Aliegha |
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK, you rise around 2pm for a late lunch with the peasants whose son you returned home. Your horses are made ready and you ride out on the road east...
Are you skirting the Gulluvian border town of Brot-Kahn and making straight for Thiria Keep?
Laxus Draugnir:yup to meet up Cathrdamus i believe
Rollo:there is something familiar about that keep, somthing from my childhood
Simon N. (GM):GM: Bypassing walled Brot-Kahn, you ride swiftly. You see few signs of life here in the borderland, just a few large ravens eyeing you hungrily(?)
Simon N. (GM):As the sun is lowering behind you, you see ahead the fabled walls of Thiria Keep....
Rollo:Ah the Keep, On the Borderlands.
Simon N. (GM):This high towered Atlantean fortress has changed hands several times over the centuries. Today it is ruled by the Steward Dormythr, in service to the Lord Borealis of Tallas
Saya:OOC: finally a proper castle!
Simon N. (GM):You approach the gate?
Saya:Great minds think alike ;-)
Laxus Draugnir:lol an inside joke?
Saya:Not really, I think we're all just castle mad lol
Ulfdin:And Keep on the Borderlands was a DandD adventure from years back
Simon N. (GM):It's an old D&D adventure yup
Simon N. (GM):So was Silver Princess - Your GM is cunning & adaptive. :)
He knows how to find the light setting now :-D
Simon N. (GM):The gates are 1 on map, gate towers 2.
The gates are shut. Blue-clad soldiers gaze down from the parapet. "State your business. travellers!"
Ulfdin:"Im here spreading the word of he Allfaher, Odin 1 eye" :-D
Laxus Draugnir:"we are seeking shelter for tonight and trading our wares with the local merchants"
Simon N. (GM):Laxus can roll Persuasion :)
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 3d6
not a good start
Simon N. (GM):Not great. "Hm. And what wares might those be?!"
Laxus Draugnir:"treasures and relics we found in our travels good guard"
Ulfdin:"Ive got a smashing leather cuirass - not too worn"
Simon N. (GM):"Treasures and relics, eh? Say on - the Steward may be interested in such! What Elf magics have you brought to trade?"
Ulfdin:(We've still got the elf statue)
Simon N. (GM):I'll take it () is a whisper to other PCs.
Ulfdin:Yes mate cant do whisper hahah
Saya:(good idea we can maybe bring it out to show them?)
Laxus Draugnir:"Alas magical items are difficult to let go off but Elvin craft goods we have a plenty from finely crafted bust of the Silver Princess to beautiful cut gems"
Ulfdin:I hold up the statue
Simon N. (GM):ok roll Persuasion again (need 5 - v easy)
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 3d6
Rollo:Comon' let us in and I'll buy you guards ale and tell you the story of the bear woman or the mountains
Simon N. (GM):roll the wild die pls
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 1d6
Corporal: "Very good! You may enter! Find your way to the Tavern - the Steward may wish to speak with you."
There is a grinding sound as the portcullis is raised, then two guards pull open the gates and you may enter.
Laxus Draugnir:"Thank you guards, lets go to everyone"
Simon N. (GM):Guard: "Come with us to the Common Stable."
Simon N. (GM):The guards lead you through the bailey, past a smithy at #8, to the stables #4 where you are instructed to leave your horses.
A guard points you to the Inn #14 and tavern #15 off the fountain square #13.
Rollo:I have never been to the tavern here. I was to young last time.
Simon N. (GM):"You are under Lord Borealis' law, now, travellers. Enjoy your stay."
Saya:(an inn in the castle? Swanky!)
Laxus Draugnir:"Thank you" saying his goodbyes to the guards
lets go
Ulfdin:Cathrunwatsinname is probably in the inn
Simon N. (GM):GM: You make your way past provisioner #9 and trader #10 to the fountain square.
Laxus Draugnir:hopefullly
Rollo:we should be able to equip here
Simon N. (GM):The Inn looks to be just dormitories, whereas the tavern is a lively place full of light and jocularity.
Ulfdin:We'll soon change that!
Rollo:I swager into the tavern
Simon N. (GM):Dusk has fallen within the high walls of the keep, the shops shut for the night, but it's clearly a bustling little settlement in its own right.
Laxus Draugnir:"should we sell our treasures for gold first Ulfdin were running of coins soon if we dont"
Rollo:i toss a silver to a child and say warmly "sheath my horse please kiddo"
(From Rollo): Rollo's low atlantean leaves somthing to be desired
Simon N. (GM):Inside the tavern, skimpily clad serving slaves hurry back and forth under the direction of a rosy-cheeked Dwarf. The place is thronged with off duty soldiers, keep folk and some travelling merchants - no sign of Cathrandamus, but you do spot three familiar barbarians drinking in one corner, buxom wenches on their laps.
Saya:Is is those ones that almost killed us?!
Simon N. (GM):You can roll Stealth to avoid attention?
Saya:I think they owe us a drink. I'm very tempted to saunter up and demand they buy us a round!
Simon N. (GM):You need 6+ armour penalties, eg chainmail 9+
rolling 3d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):You can also saunter up :)
Rollo:(do i know these barbarians?)
rolling 3d6 + 2
rolling 3d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):The three look up as Saya approaches, one pushes a homely barmaid off his lap. smiling blearily. "Here girl! Come join us!" he grins.
They're ignoring the other 3 of you, you've avoided attention.
Rollo:Rollo sits in his lap
Ulfdin:Ulfdin is in the background in case it all goes wrong
Simon N. (GM):These are Cathrandamus' men who mortally wounded Rollo.
Rollo:ok i take that back
Simon N. (GM):>>Rollo sits in his lap<< really? no?
Rollo:Rollo claps his hands together loudly
greetings everybody
Laxus Draugnir:i mean that is crazy XD
Saya:Saya will put on an aggressive grin: 'not until you buy me a drink!'
Simon N. (GM):The Dharay gasp and growl at Rollo. "You again!"
Saya can roll Seduction
Rollo:(didnt realise i knew then and dont want to steal sayas thunder)
Saya:She really doesn't want to!
She'd rather make wine from their blood :-)
Simon N. (GM):Seduction roll does not mean you actually have nookie w em, can include honey traps :D
Rollo:I thought the smell of the stables was strong, but now i realise its your filthy dhari halfbloods
Laxus Draugnir:lol maybe when we outside the keep for now play nice XD
Ok I'll try it, but only with a view to slaughtering them!
Simon N. (GM):>>I thought the smell of the stables was strong, but now i realise its your filthy dhari halfbloods<< Rollo says this?
Saya:I'll double the roll Simon as part of my daily power?
rolling 3d6 +2
Ulfdin:Ulfdin is preparing for the inevitable.......
Simon N. (GM):The Dharay are swooning with lust for Saya and boiling with rage for Rollo.
team work
Simon N. (GM):Snarling, they get to their feet, the remaining wenches scurrying off.
Rollo:I charge Ice reaver style
Simon N. (GM):Dwarf barkeep: "Oi! No fighting in the pub! Take it outside!"
Saya:Simon do we get a surprise round because of the seduction?
Ulfdin:As Im unnoticed, I slip around behind them
Rollo:Dont worry innkeeper this wont be a real fight
Simon N. (GM):Dharay to Rollo: "You and me! Outside! Now!"
Ulfdin roll stealth pls
rolling 3d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):ok Uldin is unseen behind the trio.
Rollo:Rollo to Dhari. "Ok beastboy" then i ice reaver charge him and forearm sash him in the face
Simon N. (GM):ok better roll init everyone
Ulfdin:If any of the other two move forward I blindside them
Laxus Draugnir:my brawling skill is not existent
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d6+1
rolling 4d6+6
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 4d6+1
Simon N. (GM):GM: Is Laxus staying out of it?
Rem there are a lot of off duty soldiers in here BTW!
Laxus Draugnir:for now yeah
Simon N. (GM):OK Rollo springs forward, roll your Brawl attack w +6 for IRC
rolling 4d6+6
Simon N. (GM):he has block 14 so hit!
roll Might for dmg
Rollo:urm i have 6d6 brawl my mistake but does that mean i have another 2 attacks to go
Simon N. (GM):Dwarf: "Fists only! No weapons! No weapons!"
Simon N. (GM):but roll dmg each time pls
Simon N. (GM):Stun - you clonk him on chin, he staggers back.
Rollo:can i use the other attacks todrag him outside and throw him down the well?
fountain, but yes
Simon N. (GM):need 14+ twice
Rollo:clean the stink off dhari you smell like a beastman
Simon N. (GM):you grab him and heft him up... carry him out the door and throw him in the fountain!
Laxus Draugnir:lol i dont know to cheer or panic that we'll be in trouble after this
Simon N. (GM):The other two look on gobsmacked! The soldiers burst into appplause!
Dwarf: "Bravo! Bravo! Excellent!"
Rollo:Swagger back into the tavern. "Smells better aleady" "Drinks are on me"
Simon N. (GM):The other Dharay look cowed.
Do you want to go out of combat?
Saya:He needs to buy us all a drink, remember?
Rollo:Yes. "Come over here ladies and meet my friends"
Simon N. (GM):The two remaining Dharay sit back down. Serving wenches scurry over to attend to mighty Rollo and his friends.
Ulfdin:I go upbehind the other two, put my arms around their shoulders, "How y'doing lads?"
Laxus Draugnir:*whispering to Ulfdin and Saya "do we have coins for everyone?"
Simon N. (GM):The Dharay cringe at Ulfdin's embrace. Rollo notices a female form in the corner watching him - a priestess? She smiles and beckons to him.
Rollo:Laxus i think i left my purse in the fountain ;-D would you fetch it please?
arms around serving girls
Ulfdin:She'll catch her death dressed like that
Simon N. (GM):GM: Take off say 2d6 silvers each for entertainment?
you can roll the 2d6 yourselves
It's 10 silver to 1 gold
Simon N. (GM):Is Rollo ignoring the priestess?
After a short while the two remaining Dharay g o to check on their friend. They don't return.
Rollo:Rollo swaggers across the tavern toward the priestess wondering what antigravity magic she must be weaving
Laxus Draugnir:sighs "only as your good friend i will get you your purse"
goes to the fountain
Simon N. (GM):She smiles warmly: "Welcome, Nimothan. That was quite a display!"
Rollo:i tink the moment has past laxus worry not
Saya:Saya rolls her eyes and props up the bar, nursing a large glass of wine.
Simon N. (GM):Outside, Laxus sees the 2 Dharay picking their friend up from the fountain. They carry him towards the Inn/dormitory.
Rollo:"I was about to say the same to you priestess"
Ulfdin:Ulfdin sits at the table and giggles to himself
Simon N. (GM):"ha ha." She holds out a delicate hand. "I am Mara, Radiant of Azura ...and chaplain to the Steward Dormythr, master of this Keep."
Laxus Draugnir:"great they're staying here as well hopefully Cahtradamus is still here"
goes back to the tavern
Simon N. (GM):Laxus re-enters, sees Saya at the bar.
Rollo chatting w priestess.
Rollo:well met radiant Mara
Simon N. (GM):Laxus can tell she's a half-elf.
Ulfdin:Ulfdin is now arguing with himself
Rollo:I am Rollo, takes her hand and bows, these are my friends...Laxus, Ulfdin and Saya
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "As you know, the Realm of Law is narrow and constrained. Always the forces of Chaos press upon our borders...."
Mara nods over to the others. "Welcome to Thiria, friends."
Ulfdin:"I did not say that!"
Rollo:Indeed, is it true the caves of chaos are close by?
Ulfdin:"You are a lying bastard"
Laxus Draugnir:proceed to Rollo and Mara
Simon N. (GM):Mara nods. "Indeed! The Guard make periodic sweeps, slaughtering such Beastmen as seek to lair there. But, recently worse has come to the caves.... a foul cult of Tsathoggua the Devourer."
Ulfdin is now sitting there sulking!
Simon N. (GM):Mara glances at Ulfdin. "Is he alright?"
Rollo:lets go and find out.
Ulfdin? Would you like to meet Mara the radiant?
Simon N. (GM):Mara smiles at Laxus as he approaches. "Welcome, sword of Imystrahl."
(Still a bit sulky)
Rollo:more drinks bar tender
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "You are all welcome, for Lord Borealis welcomes all men and women of goodwill..."
The dwarf serves Rollo more ale.
Ulfdin:Ulfdin perks up at "drinks"
Rollo:drinks all round tavern keep
Laxus Draugnir:"thank young child"
Rollo:Rollo spills a fist of silver onto the table
Simon N. (GM):The doors open again, in comes a well dressed fellow with two men at arms. Mara: "Ah, Bailiff Tomandy! You should meet my new friends..." The bailiff smiles back. "Indeed, indeed Radiant. However the Steward requires your presence at dinner. We have a guest - the priest Cathrandamus of Nith..."
Saya:(I thought we had no money left lol)
(you were right Laxus!)
Ulfdin:"He owes us money"
Saya:(OOC are we actually going to steal back the Heart guys, or just collect our money? Saya isn't a particularly big fan of the wolf queen...)
Rollo:(oh sorry guys I have a few hundred silver and some gold - let me know if you need anything?_
Ulfdin:Both (I've got quite a bit of coin too)
Saya:(so we're stealing the Heart back?)
Laxus Draugnir:(personally yes but im not sure what the group thinks to do)
Simon N. (GM):Bailiff Tomandy nods to the dwarf. "Evening, Gimli. All quiet?" Gimli: "Oh yes, master Bailiff."
Ulfdin:(We want to stir the shite between them)
Laxus Draugnir:(oh yeah that
Simon N. (GM):Tomandy turns to Laxus: "Are you the one with the treasures of Imystrahl?"
Laxus Draugnir:"indeed we were about to discuss about it with this Mara here"
Simon N. (GM):Tomandy nods: "Then you are invited also. Come with me. Your three friends may come, too."
Rollo:Rollo holds the tavern door for Mara
Simon N. (GM):Mara smiles at Rollo (who can roll Seduction if he wants)
Laxus Draugnir:"well we cant keep the lord waiting , everyone?"
(hot damn )
Ulfdin:Ulfdin breaks wind and looks around as if to see who did it
Simon N. (GM):gonna call double 6s a success :)
Saya:Romance is in the air!
Simon N. (GM):Call it a 24. Mara ignores the uncouth Ulfdin, smiling up at Rollo.
Ulfdin:After Ulfdins fart theres definitly something in the air
Laxus Draugnir:(lol nice)
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "You may not be the hero we expected, Mr Rollo, but you may be the hero we need..."
Simon N. (GM):GM: You are escorted from the tavern round via the Guildhouse (#16) to the inner gatehouse and through to the Keep itself.
Rollo:nice place you have here
Simon N. (GM):You are taken to the washroom where you can clean up a bit, Mara going to her own quarters, then rejoin her and the Bailiff as you are brought in to the Grand Hall, where the Steward is dining with a couple dozen of his knights - and at the high table with the Steward & senior officials you see Cathrandamus, Aliegha by his side!
The dwarves Boron & Xyzom are dining at a low table (boom-boom) :D
Ulfdin:"Hey look it's Moron and Calgon"
Simon N. (GM):Tomandy nods to Mara. Mara steers Rollo Laxus & Saya towards the Steward's high table, while Tomandy steers Ulfdin towards the low tables.
Rollo:Rollo throw's back his head and guffaws at Ulfdins comment
Simon N. (GM):Cathrandamus & co look up at your approach with somewhat shocked expressions. Cath pauses open mouthed with a hunk of bread half way to his gullet.
Ulfdin:He shouts over to Rollo,"Enjoy dinner with Catheter and Allegro"
Laxus Draugnir:curious "suprised to see us Catradamus?"
Rollo:Tormandy, why do you make Ulfdin sit with the hairy children?
The dwarves glare daggers at Ulfdin as he's sat down beside them.
Saya:(Hmm, think he'd gotten away without paying us eh?)
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "Steward, this is Laxus, the purveyor of elven treasures, the hero Rollo, and ...I think this might be the Slayer, Saya of Dawnspire?"
Dormythr rises, offers you three his hand. "Welcome, all of you."
Serving maids bring wild boar and mead.
Laxus Draugnir:"my thanks for your hospitality young lord"
Rollo:thank you for your hospital staleward
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr smiles: "Not so young, I fear. Please, sit."
Ulfdin:Ulfdin is generally trying his hardest to really piss the dwarves off
Saya:Saya will hastily grab for the mead. It's going to be a long night!
brb - beer break!
Laxus Draugnir:sits down at the nearby chair
(damn this session was chaotic XD)
Dormythr: "We've heard a little of your adventures... especially you, Rollo. Slayer of the White Beast of Tjokren? Some say you killed Ser Kallegar of Orelustrah? Not to mention your recent adventures in the Silver Palace..."
Laxus Draugnir:(no Rollo youre playing you character right XD that i could not fault you)
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "I can only wish I had more men like you by my side!" He grins back.
Laxus Draugnir:"ooh and where id you hear that"
eyeing Cathradamus
Ulfdin:(Uldin is demonstrating swimming techniques to the dwarves by laying on the table and waving his arms about)
Simon N. (GM):Cathrandamus shifts in his chair, hand going to the stout leather pouch at his belt.
The dwarves glare balefully at Ulfdin.
Ulfdin:Gives them a big grin
Rollo:Rollo fixes his eyes on Dormythr's. "Why is that laird? What ails thee?"
Ulfdin:Ulfdin continues to wind the dwarves up by telling midget jokes and similar
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr sighs. "Too many, friend Rollo. Doubtless you've heard of the Chaos cultists that plague the road east to Tallas. But they are far from the worst..."
Mara pales.
Dormythr looks down into his wine. "The Night Things."
Saya:Saya is suddenly interested in the conversation.
Laxus Draugnir:intrigue "explanation plz"
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "Steward? Is this wise?"
Dormythr looks to Mara, shrugs sadly.
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Ah, Mara. I thought I was wise when I sent my son with our best knights..."
Rollo:Fo on laird Dormythr. I would have no other trouble Mara's radiance this night...
Simon N. (GM):Mara puts a tender hand on Dormythr's.
Dormythr looks to Rollo: "You have heard of the sorcerer. Tizun Thane? His palace in a volcano high in the Windlash mountains, beyond the Wilds of Chendu-Skar?"
rumours of a reward
Simon N. (GM):He nods. "Tizun Thane is dead. And now on moonlit nights the Night Things - the Dancers - roam abroad from his palace, slaying all they find. None can stop them - blade breaks like water on their stone hide."
"The villages beyond the river are terrorified. Some have even fled into Gulluvia!"
He rolls his eyes at such madness.
"For those who would stop this, they could name their price."
Saya:They haven't tried my blade! And there's only one person doing the slaying around here, thank you very much!
Rollo:Rollo looks at Mara
Saya:(guys are we going to ask back for the Heart?)
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr smiles at Saya: "Your courage does you credit."
Mara looks worried at Rollo.
Rollo:We will, or course need enchanted blades
Laxus Draugnir:(lets finish the conversation with Dormythr)
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "Steward, I brought them here as dungeon delvers who could hunt dpwn the Toad cultists... no man can face the Night Things!"
Rollo:It would seem you have a number of problems
Saya:(toad cultists also sound fun, to be fair!)
Rollo:Rollo gets up starts pacing
Laxus Draugnir:"without proper preparations of course)
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr listens to Rollo and chuckles. "Enchanted blades are a little thin on the ground here, in the Realm of Law."
Ulfdin:(Ulfdin is now very drunk and vomits over the dwarves)
Simon N. (GM):"I hear some of the Bitch Queen's Wolf Knights carry such."
Rollo:oh really? What of Aliegha's blade then?
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin make a Throw check :p
rolling 3d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha's hand goes to the hilt of her blade, the Sword of Spartusia.
Laxus Draugnir:(damn these awesome rolls tho)
Saya:(try saying that when you're drunk lol)
Ulfdin:(He's not as drunk as he is making out - just trying to wind the dwarves up)
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin vomits copiously over both dwarves! They roar in horror, scrambling to their feet as maids run up and splattered knights hurriedly withdraw.
Simon N. (GM):Boron: "Ye're dead, Jimmy!"
Simon N. (GM):Xyzom grabs a platter and swings at Ulfdin's head.
Ulfdin:Uldin grabs a whole chickes and waves it about
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 5d6+1
Ulfdin Block?
Hits if Brawl 5D+1 or less
Rollo:what are you eating Ulfdin, Fight Chicken?
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin bats away the platter, it goes flying off down the table.
Ulfdin:Strike back with the chicken
Simon N. (GM):The knights are forming a circle, cheering: "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
Rollo:set on fire then it would be a flaming chicken strike
number 1
Simon N. (GM):ok Ulfdin rolls to hit, their block is 16
Saya:Saya grabs another couple of mead glasses and downs them.
Ulfdin:First roll hits second miss
Simon N. (GM):Saya roll Stamina :)
OK Ulfdin roll Might for dmg
rolling 3d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin places a chicken over Xyzom's head.
Ulfdin:Picks up a large salmon. "Who's next?"
Simon N. (GM):Cathrandamus: "Boron! Xyzom! Stop this! This is unseemly!"
Laxus Draugnir:"my apologies for Ulfdin action steward he is a great swordhand and twice save my life i trusthim with ,my life but he often acts without thought so againapoligize"
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr turns to Rollo: "You better reign in your man there."
Simon N. (GM):The Steward nods to Laxus. "No offence taken. Here, bring him up to the High Table."
Bailiff Tomandy blanches at the thought of eating next to Ulfdin.
Ulfdin:"HERE FISHY FISHY FISH" Waving the salmon about
Rollo:Laird Dormythr, Ulfidin suffers from a battle melody
Laxus Draugnir:"plz Ulfdin here enjoy your meal in peace we will go an exciting adventure after discussing with the steward so plz exercise patience"
Simon N. (GM):might yup jelly
Ulfdin:Sorry your Stewardship. Was kicked in the head when I was but a bairn.
By an ox
Simon N. (GM):Saya is feeling v woozy.
Saya:She's hoping this is all just a bad dream!
Ulfdin:I keeps hearing voices ever since Your Stewardship
Rollo:Great laird Dromythr, we would be happy to rid you of these cave dwellers. But first the priest Kathryndamsel over there owes us payment.
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Oh?"
Rollo:Once we have been paid we will be able to take upon a new commission.
Namely your cave dweller problem.
Laxus Draugnir:(if Laxus was drinking he would do a spit take)
Rollo:We would be delighted t help wouldnt we comrades?
Simon N. (GM):Cathdramus glowers: "You will have your reward at the Temple of Nergal in Nith - as I promised!"
Laxus Draugnir:"of course"
"late as maybe i ask why does the temple of Nergal want with my lady hart if i may ask"
Simon N. (GM):Cathrandamus: "It is to be the Eye of Nergal! It shall forever signal the triumph of Man - over Elf."
He grins wickedly at Laxus.
Rollo:well this is awkward
Ulfdin:Ulfdin sits back, chews on his fish and watches with glee!
Simon N. (GM):Cathrandamus: "Just as the Warrior in Silver & Blue overcame the Silver Princess and plucked her dearest jewel, so today does the Temple..."
Laxus Draugnir:LAXUS SLAM THE TABLE "you are brave man saying that to my face Cathradamus"
Rollo:Why Kathryn you varlet, can not man and elf live together in harmony. *Roll puts his arm around Mara
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Cathrandamus! The benefits of Atlantean civilisation are for all Mankind - Personkind - People! Elfs included!"
Rollo:Rollo nods and squeezes Mara's shoulder
Simon N. (GM):Mara puts her arm around Rollo and snuggles in close...
Saya:Saya starts to move her hand towards her sword hilt.
Ulfdin:(Ulfdin chews his fish)
Simon N. (GM):Laxus roll Intimidate please
Rollo:(ooc this is great if tatentino did dnd)
Laxus Draugnir:"my party carry there part to help YOU get that Ruby compensation is what i demand"
Saya:(OOC I'm starting to flag sorry guys :-(
Rollo:(ooc np prob Jelly - get some rest)
Laxus Draugnir:(whats for intimidate?)
Simon N. (GM):Saya is slipping under the table... if she needs to leave early she gets 2 CP
Ulfdin:(No worries Jelly - get well soon)
Simon N. (GM):Intimidate is under Charm
Laxus Draugnir:(have a good rest Jelly)
Simon N. (GM):Cathrandamus looks a little wan, seeing the mood of the table is against him (what w Mara starting to nuzzle Rollo's neck) :p
Cathrandamus raises his hands. "My apologies. I...I spoke out of turn."
"Come... come with me to Nith. The Queen herself will want to congratulate you. She is always on the look out for capable men."
Saya:(OOC Bye guys I'll see you all next time!)
(try not to get yourselves killed!)
Can't come with you, Catheter. Got some Chaos fiends to kill
Laxus Draugnir:calming down Laxus gave some meat to his feline companion "it seem we will be staying here for quite awhile so i ask for insurance may i ask for the services of of Lady Aliegha until we get our just reward at Nith?"
Rollo:Aliegha and her blade would be moist welcome
Laxus Draugnir:(are we still continuing?)
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr: "Hm, that seems an excellent idea."
"With your permission, Cathrandamus? Her ruby blade might cut even Night Thing hide."
Rollo:What say you lady Aleigha?
Will you fight side by side with us aain?
Ulfdin:(Ufdin gives a big inane grin, bits of fish all around his mouth and in his beard)
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha looks unsure, looks to Cathrandamus.
After a long moment, he nods. "Very well. Go with them, my child. Face this evil together, for all Man - for all Person-kind."
Rollo:Rollo whispers to Mara, I think the priest has some sort of hold over her.
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha gulps, nods. "It will be hard without you, Father. But we'll meet again, in Nith."
Rollo:Excellent. Laird Dormythr we will need some supplies for the mission may we use your armoury in the monring ?
Simon N. (GM):Mara looks up at Rollo, snuggled up close. "Hmm."
Rollo:Rollo pours Mara a nice big goblet of wine
Laxus Draugnir:"i thank you for your cooperation Cathradamus"
Simon N. (GM):Dormythr smiles. "Excellent!" He turns to Rollo. "Of course. Anything you wish."
Cathrandamus gives Laxus a chilly look. "Don't mention it."
Ulfdin:"Ok then, we won't" :-D
Simon N. (GM)::D Dormythr: "You will all rest here in the Keep, overnight - I'll have guest quarters made ready."
Laxus Draugnir:"Lady Aliegha i welcome your services may we have excellent adventures together" (can i roll for seduction?)
Simon N. (GM):The meal begins to wind down.
Laxus ok you can try but will be a DC 30
Laxus Draugnir:(damn talk about hard to get sure i use 1 Hero Point to add a +6)
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha seems pretty nervous at the thought of being without her mentor.
You can add +18 w 3 you know :)
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 3d6+7
(double cause of attractive)
(so 30?)
Simon N. (GM):OK if you have Attractive perk... Laxus' unearthly elven beauty has a strange effect on Aliegha, awakening emotions long kept hidden...
Laxus Draugnir:(yup i do have attractive)
Simon N. (GM):There are some moonlit walks on castle parapets that night...
Rollo:doesnt she look like a bear?
Ulfdin:Ulfdin eats his fish
Laxus Draugnir:(she transformed to a bear i beliwve)
Simon N. (GM):She looks nice enough in human form, good looking, tall, athletic, not too hairy :D
Rollo:Laxus does have a thing for animals I suppose
Simon N. (GM):Mara invites Rollo back to her chambers to discuss the finer points of Azurite theology... :p
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
LOL, full moon tonight! :D
Ulfdin:She turns into a werebear
Rollo:Rollo doesn't say goodbye to anyone
Simon N. (GM):Laxus certainly has a wild night! Roll stamina check Laxus.
Laxus Draugnir:(hot damn)
Ulfdin:Ulfdin goes brawling
Laxus Draugnir:
rolling 4d6+1
Laxus Draugnir:(i thk i broke her)
Simon N. (GM):Making love to a werebear has its risks... but Laxus emerges relatively unscathed (14 or less Wound, 9 or less Incapacitayed, 4 or less Mortal Wound!)
Damn Laxus
Simon N. (GM):...And he wakes up in the loving arms of a nude but fully human Aliegha, snoring gently. :)
(she has Might 6D, he wasn't going to hurt her!) :D
Does Rollo spend the night with the dawn priestess likewise?
Laxus Draugnir:(im planning to seduce her all week actually hopefully making her to come to Laxus side in the fight against Cathradamus)
Rollo:defo without the lycanthropy hopefully
Laxus Draugnir:(lol yrah)
Simon N. (GM):Yes, apart from her slightly pointy ears and relative lack of body hair, the Radiant Mara is a pretty normal woman. :)
GM: OK will stop there. You all get 3 CP each & 1 HP.
Rollo:Rollo will be mumbling about Azura's blessings for some time.
Simon N. (GM):Bit generous to Ulfdin but I'm a kindly fellow. :p
Rollo:Before we stop DM, can we equip in the armoury and get to the dungeon doorstep?
Simon N. (GM):Rollo and Mara see the Dawn together...
Ulfdin:I played in character being Crazy and all
Laxus Draugnir:yeah Ulfdin definitely need extra cp for playing crazy
Simon N. (GM):Good point Ulfdin! Yes so you were entitled to the extra CP you got. We can do equipping now, but I want to leave start of mission to next week.
Laxus Draugnir:that i agree with
Rollo:do they have any steel weapons or armour available?
Simon N. (GM):The Steward is wearing steel cuirass, but they don't offer you any steel.
Laxus Draugnir:i doubt they give it free
Simon N. (GM):Boron & Xyzom's axes look to be dwarven steel, but the knights & soldiers have bronze weapons & gear.
Laxus Draugnir:damn does Mara have anything to offer?
Simon N. (GM):Mara to Rollo: "I... I have a mace, enchanted."
She offers it - it looks more ceremonial than effective.
"It may, I hope, smash Night-Thing hide. Bring it safe back, eh?"
thank you radiator lady
Simon N. (GM):GM: Mara's enchanted sceptre is +1 to hit, does Might+D6+1 damage, or Might+2D6 vs stone creatures.
uses Blunt skill.
Laxus Draugnir:"hopefully my silver sword does better than bronze, Mara could we sell our treasures for coin here?"
Simon N. (GM):It's really more of a spell focus but can be used as a weapon at a pinch.
Mara: "Yes, the merchants here give good coin..."
Rollo:is it worth trading up armour?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can sell treasure here at list value and buy armour
Iron Mail Cuirass +5 Soak, -2 Dodge; 400gp
Laxus Draugnir:(cool so we just convert what we have then
Simon N. (GM):Full Iron Mail +6 Soak, -3 Dodge; 600gp
Ulfdin:Night all catch you next week (tomorrow Matt)
Simon N. (GM):Bronze Cuirass +7 Soak, -3 Dodge; 900gp
bye Rich
Laxus Draugnir:(wait its bi weekly isnt it?)
Rollo:that godshite entitled altlantean woman took the steel cuirass and the magic sword from the last adventure
Laxus Draugnir:(bye Rich)
Simon N. (GM):Yes next Mini Six in 2 weeks
Simon N. (GM):doing a garden game next week :)
Laxus Draugnir:(we can have an adventure to hunt her down)
Rollo:Rich and I have a 5e game tomorrow Muizz
to bad i cant be there
Simon N. (GM):ok any questions before I log off?
Rollo:nah. take it easy and thanks that was fund simon
Simon N. (GM):cheers Matt :)
Rollo:All the bes Muizz, 'see' you in a fortnight
Laxus Draugnir:see you next time
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