Monday, May 4, 2020

Silver Princess #9 evening 5/1/2215 - Adventuring - 6 CP

The Atlantean heroine Aliegha brings her master the priest Cathrandamus the great gem, he & his followers leave with My Lady's Heart, bound for Nith. The party (Rollo Saya Laxus & Ulfdin) decide to remain and continue exploring the Palace. Cathrandamus promises a rich reward should the party visit the Temple of Nergal in Nith.
Ballroom - a strange whistling snake charms and bites Ulfdin (wounded) before Laxus shoots it dead.
A Mithraic Bloodsucker vine plant on the ballroom balcony attacks, but is driven off then burned to death with expensive brandy. Cathrandamus looks back from a rise to see smoke and flames rise from the Palace.
Party goes to the Watchtower at sunset and encounters the strange sight of three swords fighting - and yelling - by themselves. They take rope ladder down to lower chamber (now in dusk) and descend steps, empty room, more steps - finding a spiked pit trap with corpse of a long dead adventurer, & Ulfdin finds a silver ruby-eyed statue in his pack. Further down they enter natural caverns. In a cave with a statue of two lovers they encounter a band of eight brigands, cultists of the Great Doom, and attack - all eight are killed, but Saya is wounded in the melee. They have 400 sp.

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