Thursday, October 17, 2019
Session #41 ca 15-30/9/2214: Vorstag & Zerda's boat sinks, the Temple of Set
Finnris has left the others to go explore the forests of Ammurath and hopefully forge alliances with the Ammur Dhari.
From conversing via Sending from Tarm Stonebreaker, Zerda can get his engagement rings crafted in Kal Zinan - if he helps Tarm recover the Atlantean artifacts from the Lost Tower of Viondor before sinister forces can loot the place. Vorstag suspects the Sinister Forces are the Pale Hand of Hyperborea, ancient foes of the Frost Giants.
Zerda & Vorstag Meet with Tormal & Tyarna Vorzin at Onther Tower, and two days later are invited to dinner with them by Duke Baerad Vorzin at the Vorzin estate. Lady Valeria of Clouds also present. Friendly discussions on working together and the creation of Zerda's Crown Inquisitors. Baerad advises being careful not to offend the Guardians of the Nine.
Meet with the Grand Vizier Dredan Taroth and secure a war galley to sail to Imystrahl on a diplomatic/trade mission, but two days out of Quodeth a terrible storm drives the ship aground near Garadu. Ship is repaired & re-launched before the Margish can summon enough force to attack, but once back at sea lightning strikes the mainmast and the galley breaks up in the storm. Zerda uses his Atlantean Hydrostat (burning out the crystals) to save himself, Vorstag, and a few dozen men from the three hundred on board, reaching land near the Three Towers Citadel now held by Quodeth.
29-30/9/2214: Back in Quodeth after the failed mission to Imystrahl, Zerda & Vorstag meet the Vorzins again, then go visit corpulent Nerim Terinth the Master of Coin and are invited to the Temple of Set, where the old high priest Yezin Rhond explains how Set maintains the Cosmic Cycle. In a moment of madness(?) Zerda promises the high priest he will help Set defend the Cosmos from cosmic entropy by being sacrificed to the Great Serpent at the Festival of Mid-Night in two day's time. Zerda & Vorstag suspect that the Great Old One Cult of three-headed Yig may have infiltrated the Temple of Set, possibly via the ambitious priest Vadhor Kheb (brother of the deceased Madhor). Zerda persuades a novice priest of Set to join him in being sacrificed.
Primeval Thule Plan B Campaign from 1/10/2214
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Session #40 6-12/9/9/2214 Tamalcan and Garadu (lvl 13-14)
M7 Dumet (September) - 6am/6pm (1/7 is the Autumn Equinox, festival of Set)
M8 Abron (October) - 9am/3pm > TWILIGHT (15/8 is first day of no sunrise, festival of Tiamat) 27/8 Harvest festival of Kishar
M9 Ulon (November) - LONG NIGHT (no sunrise all month, full dark)
M10 Tisra (December) - LONG NIGHT (1/10 is Winter Solstice, festival of Nergal. No sunrise all month)
M11 Samnu (January) - TWILIGHT (15/11 is last day of no sunrise, 16/11 festival of Azura)
NPCs at Tower
Sang Var, Wizard of the Black Circle
Kegarazhi, Sang Var's Daray guide.
Pyriador NPCs
Warthar Snowcloak, aged Druid of the 12 stones, dislikes Zerda (& vice-versa).
Garadu NPCs
Captain Azur Kang, gate captain at Garadu.
Balaku, Wizard of Garadu, rumoured to be part-Simian, small hunched and hairy. Crooked tower, wand of minor magics.
Valeska, voluptuous senior Priestess of Tiamat at Garadu, age ca 30. Level 3+ spells.
6/9/2214 - A little after midnight, rest then ascend to ruined library. Search library finding shards of stone shape spell. Ascend to snake mouth, kill three tough winged apes. Vorstag and Aeshma Cursed when Zerda touches the Eye of Azura embedded in the forehead of Tamalcan's withered corpse. Take his staff of charming and the Eye of Azura, rest then feather fall back to ground. Meet with Sang Var, Kegarazhi and co. Zerda tries to recruit Kegarazhi while Aeshma discusses the End of the World with Sang Var; he agrees the Black Circle will seek out Aeshma and co if the threat of the Pale Hand, Hyperborean servants of the Great Doom, becomes too great. Reach camp outside jungle, rest until afternoon then ride for Pyriador. Reach Pyriador late at night. Seek aid from the Druid of the 12 Stones, he can't help.
7/9/2214 Ride for Garadu, on the plains encounter a Margish patrol - Aeshma kills all their horses with a single spell. Vorstag & Aeshma camp outside while Zerda enters Marg, talks to a strange wizard, and brings back a voluptuous Priestess of Tiamat, who draws out the curses on Aeshma & Vorstag.
To ca 12/9/2214: Party returns to Quodeth, where there is much celebration. Zerda visits the Marsesk to tell them how he freed the soul of Princess Shabira, and plans to have the Eye of Azura carved into two linked rings for himself and Deyane, but only the gem masters of Kal Zinan have such skill. Vorstag meets Princess Jania Sedarnel and plans to go south again to visit the Temple of the White Apes. Aeshma meets with Kalesh Gan and they discuss cooperation between the Guardians of the Nine and the Black Circle of Thran.
M8 Abron (October) - 9am/3pm > TWILIGHT (15/8 is first day of no sunrise, festival of Tiamat) 27/8 Harvest festival of Kishar
M9 Ulon (November) - LONG NIGHT (no sunrise all month, full dark)
M10 Tisra (December) - LONG NIGHT (1/10 is Winter Solstice, festival of Nergal. No sunrise all month)
M11 Samnu (January) - TWILIGHT (15/11 is last day of no sunrise, 16/11 festival of Azura)
NPCs at Tower
Sang Var, Wizard of the Black Circle
Kegarazhi, Sang Var's Daray guide.
Pyriador NPCs
Warthar Snowcloak, aged Druid of the 12 stones, dislikes Zerda (& vice-versa).
Garadu NPCs
Captain Azur Kang, gate captain at Garadu.
Balaku, Wizard of Garadu, rumoured to be part-Simian, small hunched and hairy. Crooked tower, wand of minor magics.
Valeska, voluptuous senior Priestess of Tiamat at Garadu, age ca 30. Level 3+ spells.
6/9/2214 - A little after midnight, rest then ascend to ruined library. Search library finding shards of stone shape spell. Ascend to snake mouth, kill three tough winged apes. Vorstag and Aeshma Cursed when Zerda touches the Eye of Azura embedded in the forehead of Tamalcan's withered corpse. Take his staff of charming and the Eye of Azura, rest then feather fall back to ground. Meet with Sang Var, Kegarazhi and co. Zerda tries to recruit Kegarazhi while Aeshma discusses the End of the World with Sang Var; he agrees the Black Circle will seek out Aeshma and co if the threat of the Pale Hand, Hyperborean servants of the Great Doom, becomes too great. Reach camp outside jungle, rest until afternoon then ride for Pyriador. Reach Pyriador late at night. Seek aid from the Druid of the 12 Stones, he can't help.
7/9/2214 Ride for Garadu, on the plains encounter a Margish patrol - Aeshma kills all their horses with a single spell. Vorstag & Aeshma camp outside while Zerda enters Marg, talks to a strange wizard, and brings back a voluptuous Priestess of Tiamat, who draws out the curses on Aeshma & Vorstag.
To ca 12/9/2214: Party returns to Quodeth, where there is much celebration. Zerda visits the Marsesk to tell them how he freed the soul of Princess Shabira, and plans to have the Eye of Azura carved into two linked rings for himself and Deyane, but only the gem masters of Kal Zinan have such skill. Vorstag meets Princess Jania Sedarnel and plans to go south again to visit the Temple of the White Apes. Aeshma meets with Kalesh Gan and they discuss cooperation between the Guardians of the Nine and the Black Circle of Thran.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Session #39 5/9/2214 Tower of Golden Scales (Lvl 11-14)
Vine Cellar - brutal fight with 12 plant zombies. Finnris takes skull of a strange snake-woman skeleton.
2nd floor (50' up) - meet and release snake-demon familiar, free souls from statues & paintings, kill secret-door-elementals, free the souls of Shabira & Pentathur from their bottle prisons.
Saya’s Tale, The Ammur and the Tower of the Golden Scales, Part II.
5/9/2214, Uluon, the Long Night.
Quodeth, House of the Crescent Moon
Heavy Rain hammers the roof tiles of the House of the Crescent Moon, a gust of wind whines through the door to the vegetable garden, which clatters ajar in its frame. The retainers pass around the excellent brandy, olives, and cheese. Saya quaffs down a slug of wyvern smoke and continues her tale.
The Tower of Golden Scales shimmers in the full moonlight. Inside our heroes had a simple choice to make, down or up. But as they discussed this, the Finnris spoke to Zerda.
“Zerda, I would have words with you.”
Zerda intrigued, follows the barbarian outside. The surrounding Jungle is dark and foreboding.
“Zerda, I want you to have the Dawn Spear.” Said Finnris, thrusting the shaft of the weapon into Zerda’s chest.
Zerda taken aback did not understand and for once was lost for words.
“Consider it a wedding present Zerda.” Finnris said.
“It is your time, Atlantean. Take it!” Finnris seizing the opportunity to talk over his friend for once continued.
“The Festival of Azura is in a few months, what better way to grow your fame Atlantean than in triumph at the Spire of Dawn with the greatest symbol of Azura’s power.” The Dhari then clapped Zerda on the shoulder and stalked back into the Tower.
The descent
The heroes gathered around the stairs down to the dungeon, a moist loamy smell came from below. Aeshma and Vorstag descend the stairs into the rotting cellar first. They came into basement, freshly overturned earth befouled with moon vines of many colours filled the chamber, in its centre a stone sarcophagus on top of which was a strange skeleton.
As they moved further into the room, rotting corpses burst from the earth to attack. The battle was terrible, the rotting zombies spewing noxious gas and vomiting rancid vines over them. Vortsag surrounded, screamed for help, Finnris cut through the undead to his aid, Vorstag relieved retreated to shout instructions from the atop the stairs. Aeshma in the thick of the battle channelled thunder destroying several zombies and making Finnris ears ring even more than the exploding zombies burned his flesh. Zerda and Craw charged in, and the battle was soon won. But the Heroes had been battered. What was this unholy place? The chamber, strewn with strange moon vines was ancient, certainly from the times of Nessk. The serpent woman atop the stone coffin must have lain there for an eternity. Indeed, since before the time Tamalcan, the Towers most recent owner.
The ascent
With no further route below the heroes determined to ascend the Tower.
Craw, his mercenary looting instincts finely tuned took the lead, climbing the steps to the next level, which was mostly collapsed, he pressed on up another flight of stairs into a high-ceilinged chamber. Moonlight spilled into the room through a fissure in the wall illuminating life-like statues, twisted in torment. Paintings on the wall’s, depicted further scenes of despair, tortured victims writhe in agony. Opposite the staircase three massive skulls, a dragon, a giant ape and a huge ram, they had found Tamalcan’s trophy room. Craw wasted no time searching and discovering a small talking snake. Craw and the serpent got on very well, the serpent was called Oraborn, and it seems was the wizards familiar. Oraborn had been trapped in the Tower by the same magic that ended his master Tamalcan. Craw interviewed Oraborn about the Tower and its contents then satisfied agreed to free him and promptly took him outside to freedom. Outside the Tower, the serpent no longer hampered by the curse that held him in the Tower took his pure form, a giant dark naga from the upper hells. Craw and Oraborn wish each other well and parted company. Back in the Tower, Craw destroys the statues and paintings Tamalcan has imprisoned tormented souls within. Then he promptly opens the secret door to Tamalcan’s office. At which point two guardian earth elementals attack. The fight is short, the heroes shoving and pushing each other to be first over the rubble into Tamalcan’s office.
Tamalcan’s office is dominated by an excellent desk, atop the desk two crystal decanters, pulse with strange lights, a stylish magnifying glass beside them. The Heroes quick to purpose release one of the crystal stoppers, vapour pours forth, and the room is filled with crackling energy as the heroes are transported to a pocket of hell created by the twisted sepentmancer Tamalcan.
A blazing sun beats down on the bone-dry desert, a man hangs from a large dead tree. The General Pentathur, kidnapped by Tamalcan over a hundred years ago, still alive. The heroes cut him down and are attacked by a pair of vulture demons swopping out of the blinding sun. The demons did not last long. The general’s shade finally released from Tamalcan’s torment promises to aid the heroes from the beyond as his spectral form dissipates.
Next, they open the other bottle and again are transported to another pocket dimension the fiendish wizard has conjured for his pleasure, this time it’s the prison of Princess Shabria Marsek. The enchantment here is different, and the Princess must be persuaded three times to leave the pocket universe Tamalcan has imprisoned her in, but at a cost. A foul beast vomited from hell attacks this time laying all but Craw and Finnris low, they stand firm and smite the foul demonic insect, but not before it drained Finnris terribly. Freed from torment the Princess vows to aid the heroes from the beyond, just like her love general Pentathur. Then fades into the afterlife.
The heroes gather back in the trophy room, look up the stairs to the next level and wonder what could strange devilments would be next?
Saya starts, and stops her tale, as the door to the House of the Crescent Moon is pounded.
“Open up in the name of the Grand Vizier!” comes a gruff command from outside.
The retainers shocked, look around at each other nervously. Outside a full platoon of the Grand Vizier’s bodyguard stands ready, steel shields and war spears glistening in the heavy rain.
2nd floor (50' up) - meet and release snake-demon familiar, free souls from statues & paintings, kill secret-door-elementals, free the souls of Shabira & Pentathur from their bottle prisons.
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Shabira Marsesk, Princess & Priestess of Set |
5/9/2214, Uluon, the Long Night.
Quodeth, House of the Crescent Moon
Heavy Rain hammers the roof tiles of the House of the Crescent Moon, a gust of wind whines through the door to the vegetable garden, which clatters ajar in its frame. The retainers pass around the excellent brandy, olives, and cheese. Saya quaffs down a slug of wyvern smoke and continues her tale.
The Tower of Golden Scales shimmers in the full moonlight. Inside our heroes had a simple choice to make, down or up. But as they discussed this, the Finnris spoke to Zerda.
“Zerda, I would have words with you.”
Zerda intrigued, follows the barbarian outside. The surrounding Jungle is dark and foreboding.
“Zerda, I want you to have the Dawn Spear.” Said Finnris, thrusting the shaft of the weapon into Zerda’s chest.
Zerda taken aback did not understand and for once was lost for words.
“Consider it a wedding present Zerda.” Finnris said.
“It is your time, Atlantean. Take it!” Finnris seizing the opportunity to talk over his friend for once continued.
“The Festival of Azura is in a few months, what better way to grow your fame Atlantean than in triumph at the Spire of Dawn with the greatest symbol of Azura’s power.” The Dhari then clapped Zerda on the shoulder and stalked back into the Tower.
The descent
The heroes gathered around the stairs down to the dungeon, a moist loamy smell came from below. Aeshma and Vorstag descend the stairs into the rotting cellar first. They came into basement, freshly overturned earth befouled with moon vines of many colours filled the chamber, in its centre a stone sarcophagus on top of which was a strange skeleton.
As they moved further into the room, rotting corpses burst from the earth to attack. The battle was terrible, the rotting zombies spewing noxious gas and vomiting rancid vines over them. Vortsag surrounded, screamed for help, Finnris cut through the undead to his aid, Vorstag relieved retreated to shout instructions from the atop the stairs. Aeshma in the thick of the battle channelled thunder destroying several zombies and making Finnris ears ring even more than the exploding zombies burned his flesh. Zerda and Craw charged in, and the battle was soon won. But the Heroes had been battered. What was this unholy place? The chamber, strewn with strange moon vines was ancient, certainly from the times of Nessk. The serpent woman atop the stone coffin must have lain there for an eternity. Indeed, since before the time Tamalcan, the Towers most recent owner.
The ascent
With no further route below the heroes determined to ascend the Tower.
Craw, his mercenary looting instincts finely tuned took the lead, climbing the steps to the next level, which was mostly collapsed, he pressed on up another flight of stairs into a high-ceilinged chamber. Moonlight spilled into the room through a fissure in the wall illuminating life-like statues, twisted in torment. Paintings on the wall’s, depicted further scenes of despair, tortured victims writhe in agony. Opposite the staircase three massive skulls, a dragon, a giant ape and a huge ram, they had found Tamalcan’s trophy room. Craw wasted no time searching and discovering a small talking snake. Craw and the serpent got on very well, the serpent was called Oraborn, and it seems was the wizards familiar. Oraborn had been trapped in the Tower by the same magic that ended his master Tamalcan. Craw interviewed Oraborn about the Tower and its contents then satisfied agreed to free him and promptly took him outside to freedom. Outside the Tower, the serpent no longer hampered by the curse that held him in the Tower took his pure form, a giant dark naga from the upper hells. Craw and Oraborn wish each other well and parted company. Back in the Tower, Craw destroys the statues and paintings Tamalcan has imprisoned tormented souls within. Then he promptly opens the secret door to Tamalcan’s office. At which point two guardian earth elementals attack. The fight is short, the heroes shoving and pushing each other to be first over the rubble into Tamalcan’s office.
Tamalcan’s office is dominated by an excellent desk, atop the desk two crystal decanters, pulse with strange lights, a stylish magnifying glass beside them. The Heroes quick to purpose release one of the crystal stoppers, vapour pours forth, and the room is filled with crackling energy as the heroes are transported to a pocket of hell created by the twisted sepentmancer Tamalcan.
A blazing sun beats down on the bone-dry desert, a man hangs from a large dead tree. The General Pentathur, kidnapped by Tamalcan over a hundred years ago, still alive. The heroes cut him down and are attacked by a pair of vulture demons swopping out of the blinding sun. The demons did not last long. The general’s shade finally released from Tamalcan’s torment promises to aid the heroes from the beyond as his spectral form dissipates.
Next, they open the other bottle and again are transported to another pocket dimension the fiendish wizard has conjured for his pleasure, this time it’s the prison of Princess Shabria Marsek. The enchantment here is different, and the Princess must be persuaded three times to leave the pocket universe Tamalcan has imprisoned her in, but at a cost. A foul beast vomited from hell attacks this time laying all but Craw and Finnris low, they stand firm and smite the foul demonic insect, but not before it drained Finnris terribly. Freed from torment the Princess vows to aid the heroes from the beyond, just like her love general Pentathur. Then fades into the afterlife.
The heroes gather back in the trophy room, look up the stairs to the next level and wonder what could strange devilments would be next?
Saya starts, and stops her tale, as the door to the House of the Crescent Moon is pounded.
“Open up in the name of the Grand Vizier!” comes a gruff command from outside.
The retainers shocked, look around at each other nervously. Outside a full platoon of the Grand Vizier’s bodyguard stands ready, steel shields and war spears glistening in the heavy rain.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Session #38 25/8/-5/9/2214 Politics & Stone Dwarves
25/8/2214 Meeting of the Royal Council chaired by Grand Vizier Taroth. Zerda made Colonel.
26/8/2214 Meet Ayilda at Seal Inn
27/8/2214 Leave Quodeth with military horse escort.
3/9/2214 Reach Pyriador, talk with Ammur chiefs
4/9/2214 Leave Pyriador at dawn with Daray Longrunner guides, camp on edge of the jungle of Bura.
5/9/2214 Enter Jungle of Bura on foot. Travel in circles for hours until Aeshma uses flight magic to spot the Tower. Reach Tower of Golden Scales after nightfall, meet Sang Var of the Black Circle and his entourage.
Argul Longrunner, Ammur Chief of Pyriador Hold, wealthy & reluctant warrior (m)
Belanthe the Beautiful, daughter of Argul Longrunner (f)
Tariss Storm Eagle, Chief of Rethenna Hold, victor over the Golden Ones, eager to fight the Lomari (f)
Rarno Redspear, Chief of Olodawl Hold, said to be hosile to outsiders (m)
Warthar Snowcloak, ancient Druid-Guardian of the Twelve Stones, the Guardian Menhir of Giantstead Grove (m)
Tower of Golden Scales
Sang Var, Wizard of the Black Circle of Thran, rumoured 3rd or 4th in the Circle (m)
Kegarazhi, Dhari archer warrioress, Sang Var's guide/pathfinder (f)
The PCs travelled west from Pyriador with guides on the road to Morlun, & camped last night on the edge of the jungle closest to the Tower of Golden Scales, NE of current location at the Tower. The Jungle of Bura is only penetrable on foot, so the PCs left their horses (which are Thulean horses, ie more like ponies) with the friendly Longrunner Daray guides at the jungle's edge; they will wait for them there until their return, or until it looks like they're not going to return...
Saya’s Tale, The Ammur and the Tower of the Golden Scales
5/9/2214, Uluon, the Long Night.Quodeth, House of the Crescent Moon.
The retainers at the House of the Crescent Moon have gathered in the oecus for a feast. As the bard Saya is recounts the Heroes recent adventures. Oil lamps splutter around the comfortable parlour; the crowd hangs on to her every word. Even the sentries’ outside strain to listen. My friends, she begins, a month after the battle of Woe our master Zerda, Aeshma and the handsome giant Vorstag were summoned to a Royal Council by the Grand Vizier himself. Grand Vizier Dredan Taroth, pleased with the expansion of Quodethi territory, rewarded Zerda with a promotion to Colonel whilst unofficially encouraging his romantic attentions towards our young and beautiful Queen. Saya’s eyes lower to her lute for a fraction of a second and several of the other young ladies shuffle uncomfortably, stealing glances at eachother. The Grand Vizier ever watchful, his agents reported the Lomar Imperator was relieved not tohave been forced into war with Quodeth. He was pleased the Lions of Nergal were allowed to return to Lomar, thus preventing the Imperator from declaring war. But the Lomari have expanded their borders elsewhere into the Ammurath, threatening Quodethi influence in the South. Lomari forces have annexed Chier on lake Kydar, unsettling the Dhari tribes, tribes traditionally friendly with Quodeth. General Urugan outlined the strategic value of the Morlun-Pyriador trail. Especially now the Ammur at Morlun had been wiped by the Golden Ones of Hastur. General Urugan stressed that would connect Lomar to Marg allowing Quodeth’s rivals the option to assault Quodeth by land. More speculatively he continued, theLomari at Cheir could follow the Kydar River upstream from Cheir to Morlun, thus reaching the Morlun-Pyriador trail and opening up a land route to Marg & Quodeth without having to force through the rugged wilds of Giantstead Grove.The champions of Quodeth, Aeshma, Vorstag, and Zerda elected to undertake a mission to the Ammur to promote Quodethi influence and renew alliances with the Dhari. While the Mistress of Black Flame, Aeridnis Vorzin would lead an embassy to Katagia. However, our master, ever the romantic had another more personal reason to venture into the deadly Bura Jungle, he seeks to find the most magnificent gemstone of all Thule, the legendary Eye of Azura and present it as a wedding gift to the Queen. Before leaving our lord Zerda, stole a moment with the Queen… Do you remember when we first met, my Queen? The night of the yellow moon?It snowed that night, the first time it has done so during my time in Quodeth. I said at the time, and I believe it even more so now, that this was a sign from Asura. Like the snow, you came into my life fresh, bright, pure, full of new possibilities, and influencing all of Quodeth. A new dawn. But there was also a coldness to you, my Queen. An icy reserve. You didn’t know me, this humble but handsome man from a far-off land, you had every right to be cautious - particularly in the nest of vipers that this court can become.
I am not one for superstitions, my Queen, but I chanced a meeting with a fortune tellerbefore our first introduction (one of my Dhari friend’s more strange ideas). She told me that you were in my future. Being young, naive and ambitious, I saw this as an opportunity to improve my status - I never thought I would feel the way I did when I first laid eyes on you, and how I feel looking at you now. I could recite a thousand stories that the city folk say of your beauty - but that would be an injustice. Your position, wealth, looks and everything else that raises you aboveall others, these are all great qualities, but even without these I would still feel the same as I do now. I would treat you now not as a subject treats his monarch, but as a person treats the one they love. I cannot offer you more than you already have, Deyane - you already have my heart. But, if you would have me, I will spend the rest of my life by your side, as your lover, your confidant, your general, and your husband. Deyane - will you marry me?The ring I have given is just a temporary item, a placeholder, for what I endeavour to bring you. The Lady Tyarna Vorzin has told of the Tower of Golden Scales, and the cruel Tamalcan and his many treasures acquired. She spoke of the greatest blue diamond, the Eye of Asura. Since the Tower is a key location to avoid linking the Margish with Lomar, an expedition should be sent there with all haste. I have volunteered to travel there with my fellows. I will bring this back for you, my Queen - as an engagement present.May Asura’s light shines upon us this day, and for the rest of our lives! This will be a new dawn for you, for me, and for Quodeth!His heart full of romantic ambition, Zerda gathered his companions. The savage Finnris superstitious as ever, worried he had not visited the fortune teller, bickered with Vorstag and became distant. After reaching the garrison at Three Towers by galley, the Heroes took the well-used trail to Pyriador, where they found Ammur Dhari tribes have gathered for a moot.Our heroes were greeted by the Chief of Pyriador Argul Longrunner, famous among the Ammur not only for the beauty of daughter Belanthe but also his wealth. At a great feast, the heroes were roused by the passionate words of the ancient Druid-Guardian Warthar Snowcloak and Tariss Storm Eagle, Chief of Rethenna, both speaking against the Lomari and challenging all Ammur to unite and expel the land-hungry invaders. The druid wanted clans to follow Rarno Redspear’s example and take up their war spears.Having renewed alliances and promising to return, the heroes set out west to the Tower of Golden Scales and get lost.Growing more distant, Finnris curses the jungle, but Aeshma shows him the way by literally lifting his spirits above the foreboding Dura Jungle. The Tower of Golden Scales is an imposing structure over 100’ in height, the roof shaped like a giant cobra in the unmistakable architecture of Nesk, scales of the body of the tower shine in the moonlight.
Renewed the heroes press on to the Tower, encountering a large party of Kalay camped in the jungle a short distance from the Tower. They are led by one of the sinister Wizards of Thran. Finnris recognises the Wizard as Sang Var of the Black Circle 3rd or 4th to the Infamous Nephron Vier. The Wizard claims to be a descendant of Tamalcan the wicked, the lovestruck lord of the Tower of Golden Scales. Sang Var entertains the Heroes at his camp, telling them of flying ape demons inhabiting the Tower. Sang Var suggests the heroes try their luck. The decayed Tower radiates eerie silence. As the heroes enter three statues animate Ashma and Zerda thinking fast, as ever hand over their traveling clothes and weapons appeasing the enchanted stone butlers, but Ayelda stubbornly resists and a battle between the stone and flesh ensues. The rock butlers are swiftly beaten, and the chamber searched. Here we leave our heroes in the serpentine ruins of Nesk. They must choose between the crumbled staircase rising up the Tower or shadowy steps leading down into dungeons beneath…
The southern fringes of the Jungle of Zaal (where Oola, Mistress of the Whip, came to grief last year) are regarded as only semi-permeable. A small elite force may pass through there, or through the more rugged Kurmanur Wilds to the south, from Rethenna to Ansumo. But without the construction of waystations an army cannot be kept in supply through there, and would likely take losses from the local wildlife, from disease and from Degenerates, making any military expedition risky.
The preferred invasion route would likely be via the Morlun-Pyriador trail, especially as the Ammur at Morlun were wiped out last year by the Golden Ones of Hastur. That would give Lomar a land route to Marg and the option to link up with Marg to assault Quodeth by land.
More speculatively, the Lomari at Cheir could also follow the Upper Kydar River upstream from Cheir to Morlun, thus reaching the Morlun-Pyriador trail and opening up a land route to Marg & Quodeth without having to force through the rugged wilds of Giantstead Grove.
26/8/2214 Meet Ayilda at Seal Inn
27/8/2214 Leave Quodeth with military horse escort.
3/9/2214 Reach Pyriador, talk with Ammur chiefs
4/9/2214 Leave Pyriador at dawn with Daray Longrunner guides, camp on edge of the jungle of Bura.
5/9/2214 Enter Jungle of Bura on foot. Travel in circles for hours until Aeshma uses flight magic to spot the Tower. Reach Tower of Golden Scales after nightfall, meet Sang Var of the Black Circle and his entourage.
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Finnris Map |
Argul Longrunner, Ammur Chief of Pyriador Hold, wealthy & reluctant warrior (m)
Belanthe the Beautiful, daughter of Argul Longrunner (f)
Tariss Storm Eagle, Chief of Rethenna Hold, victor over the Golden Ones, eager to fight the Lomari (f)
Rarno Redspear, Chief of Olodawl Hold, said to be hosile to outsiders (m)
Warthar Snowcloak, ancient Druid-Guardian of the Twelve Stones, the Guardian Menhir of Giantstead Grove (m)
Tower of Golden Scales
Sang Var, Wizard of the Black Circle of Thran, rumoured 3rd or 4th in the Circle (m)
Kegarazhi, Dhari archer warrioress, Sang Var's guide/pathfinder (f)
The PCs travelled west from Pyriador with guides on the road to Morlun, & camped last night on the edge of the jungle closest to the Tower of Golden Scales, NE of current location at the Tower. The Jungle of Bura is only penetrable on foot, so the PCs left their horses (which are Thulean horses, ie more like ponies) with the friendly Longrunner Daray guides at the jungle's edge; they will wait for them there until their return, or until it looks like they're not going to return...
Saya’s Tale, The Ammur and the Tower of the Golden Scales
5/9/2214, Uluon, the Long Night.Quodeth, House of the Crescent Moon.
The retainers at the House of the Crescent Moon have gathered in the oecus for a feast. As the bard Saya is recounts the Heroes recent adventures. Oil lamps splutter around the comfortable parlour; the crowd hangs on to her every word. Even the sentries’ outside strain to listen. My friends, she begins, a month after the battle of Woe our master Zerda, Aeshma and the handsome giant Vorstag were summoned to a Royal Council by the Grand Vizier himself. Grand Vizier Dredan Taroth, pleased with the expansion of Quodethi territory, rewarded Zerda with a promotion to Colonel whilst unofficially encouraging his romantic attentions towards our young and beautiful Queen. Saya’s eyes lower to her lute for a fraction of a second and several of the other young ladies shuffle uncomfortably, stealing glances at eachother. The Grand Vizier ever watchful, his agents reported the Lomar Imperator was relieved not tohave been forced into war with Quodeth. He was pleased the Lions of Nergal were allowed to return to Lomar, thus preventing the Imperator from declaring war. But the Lomari have expanded their borders elsewhere into the Ammurath, threatening Quodethi influence in the South. Lomari forces have annexed Chier on lake Kydar, unsettling the Dhari tribes, tribes traditionally friendly with Quodeth. General Urugan outlined the strategic value of the Morlun-Pyriador trail. Especially now the Ammur at Morlun had been wiped by the Golden Ones of Hastur. General Urugan stressed that would connect Lomar to Marg allowing Quodeth’s rivals the option to assault Quodeth by land. More speculatively he continued, theLomari at Cheir could follow the Kydar River upstream from Cheir to Morlun, thus reaching the Morlun-Pyriador trail and opening up a land route to Marg & Quodeth without having to force through the rugged wilds of Giantstead Grove.The champions of Quodeth, Aeshma, Vorstag, and Zerda elected to undertake a mission to the Ammur to promote Quodethi influence and renew alliances with the Dhari. While the Mistress of Black Flame, Aeridnis Vorzin would lead an embassy to Katagia. However, our master, ever the romantic had another more personal reason to venture into the deadly Bura Jungle, he seeks to find the most magnificent gemstone of all Thule, the legendary Eye of Azura and present it as a wedding gift to the Queen. Before leaving our lord Zerda, stole a moment with the Queen… Do you remember when we first met, my Queen? The night of the yellow moon?It snowed that night, the first time it has done so during my time in Quodeth. I said at the time, and I believe it even more so now, that this was a sign from Asura. Like the snow, you came into my life fresh, bright, pure, full of new possibilities, and influencing all of Quodeth. A new dawn. But there was also a coldness to you, my Queen. An icy reserve. You didn’t know me, this humble but handsome man from a far-off land, you had every right to be cautious - particularly in the nest of vipers that this court can become.
I am not one for superstitions, my Queen, but I chanced a meeting with a fortune tellerbefore our first introduction (one of my Dhari friend’s more strange ideas). She told me that you were in my future. Being young, naive and ambitious, I saw this as an opportunity to improve my status - I never thought I would feel the way I did when I first laid eyes on you, and how I feel looking at you now. I could recite a thousand stories that the city folk say of your beauty - but that would be an injustice. Your position, wealth, looks and everything else that raises you aboveall others, these are all great qualities, but even without these I would still feel the same as I do now. I would treat you now not as a subject treats his monarch, but as a person treats the one they love. I cannot offer you more than you already have, Deyane - you already have my heart. But, if you would have me, I will spend the rest of my life by your side, as your lover, your confidant, your general, and your husband. Deyane - will you marry me?The ring I have given is just a temporary item, a placeholder, for what I endeavour to bring you. The Lady Tyarna Vorzin has told of the Tower of Golden Scales, and the cruel Tamalcan and his many treasures acquired. She spoke of the greatest blue diamond, the Eye of Asura. Since the Tower is a key location to avoid linking the Margish with Lomar, an expedition should be sent there with all haste. I have volunteered to travel there with my fellows. I will bring this back for you, my Queen - as an engagement present.May Asura’s light shines upon us this day, and for the rest of our lives! This will be a new dawn for you, for me, and for Quodeth!His heart full of romantic ambition, Zerda gathered his companions. The savage Finnris superstitious as ever, worried he had not visited the fortune teller, bickered with Vorstag and became distant. After reaching the garrison at Three Towers by galley, the Heroes took the well-used trail to Pyriador, where they found Ammur Dhari tribes have gathered for a moot.Our heroes were greeted by the Chief of Pyriador Argul Longrunner, famous among the Ammur not only for the beauty of daughter Belanthe but also his wealth. At a great feast, the heroes were roused by the passionate words of the ancient Druid-Guardian Warthar Snowcloak and Tariss Storm Eagle, Chief of Rethenna, both speaking against the Lomari and challenging all Ammur to unite and expel the land-hungry invaders. The druid wanted clans to follow Rarno Redspear’s example and take up their war spears.Having renewed alliances and promising to return, the heroes set out west to the Tower of Golden Scales and get lost.Growing more distant, Finnris curses the jungle, but Aeshma shows him the way by literally lifting his spirits above the foreboding Dura Jungle. The Tower of Golden Scales is an imposing structure over 100’ in height, the roof shaped like a giant cobra in the unmistakable architecture of Nesk, scales of the body of the tower shine in the moonlight.
Renewed the heroes press on to the Tower, encountering a large party of Kalay camped in the jungle a short distance from the Tower. They are led by one of the sinister Wizards of Thran. Finnris recognises the Wizard as Sang Var of the Black Circle 3rd or 4th to the Infamous Nephron Vier. The Wizard claims to be a descendant of Tamalcan the wicked, the lovestruck lord of the Tower of Golden Scales. Sang Var entertains the Heroes at his camp, telling them of flying ape demons inhabiting the Tower. Sang Var suggests the heroes try their luck. The decayed Tower radiates eerie silence. As the heroes enter three statues animate Ashma and Zerda thinking fast, as ever hand over their traveling clothes and weapons appeasing the enchanted stone butlers, but Ayelda stubbornly resists and a battle between the stone and flesh ensues. The rock butlers are swiftly beaten, and the chamber searched. Here we leave our heroes in the serpentine ruins of Nesk. They must choose between the crumbled staircase rising up the Tower or shadowy steps leading down into dungeons beneath…
Lomar/Ammur Political Situation M9 2214 AR
The Ammur barbarians would like to push the Lomari back to the Lomari fortress of Castle Honorsblood, at the western edge of the Ammurath forested highlands, and to Woth'uram at the west edge of Lake Kydar. Recently the latest Lomari offensive has taken the clanholds of Belanour, Valiri & Cheir (known for its Zuaba gems) on Lake Kydar, threatening the Ammurath strong (though ruinous) former elven fortress known as Majestic Keep. If the Keep is taken, that opens the way to Rethenna hold and perhaps even through the Jungle of Zaal to the Quodethi town of Ansumo. Meanwhile to the south the Ammur chief at Ultriash in Giantstead Grove has sworn vassalage to the Imperator of Lomar. The Lomari are building up forces at Ultriash & have occupied the Guardian Menhir site known as the Twelve Stones.The southern fringes of the Jungle of Zaal (where Oola, Mistress of the Whip, came to grief last year) are regarded as only semi-permeable. A small elite force may pass through there, or through the more rugged Kurmanur Wilds to the south, from Rethenna to Ansumo. But without the construction of waystations an army cannot be kept in supply through there, and would likely take losses from the local wildlife, from disease and from Degenerates, making any military expedition risky.
The preferred invasion route would likely be via the Morlun-Pyriador trail, especially as the Ammur at Morlun were wiped out last year by the Golden Ones of Hastur. That would give Lomar a land route to Marg and the option to link up with Marg to assault Quodeth by land.
More speculatively, the Lomari at Cheir could also follow the Upper Kydar River upstream from Cheir to Morlun, thus reaching the Morlun-Pyriador trail and opening up a land route to Marg & Quodeth without having to force through the rugged wilds of Giantstead Grove.

Friday, September 13, 2019
Downtime & The Tower of Golden Scales to 25/8/2214 AR lvl 10-13
Income M7 2214
Aeshma: Level + INT bonus x 100gp (Tier II Moderate) - is promoted to Senior Panjandrum, in a good position to lead the Crown Inquisitors
Zerrda: Level + INT bonus x 50gp (Tier I High) - will become Tier II high (x50 > x200) on marriage
Vorstag - none yet, getting his trade empire established.
NB for those of you with Followers & lots of cash, it's worth spending money on stuff like bronze armour, dwarf steel weapons, dwarf steel shields etc for your Companion Followers.
Dwarf steel mail (heavy, AC 17) & steel cuirass (medium, AC 17) are also available but a bit pricy at 6000gp and 9000gp respectively...
With your Kal Zinan trade links you can get steel-tipped war spears at 400gp, steel swords at 500gp, steel-faced shield also 500gp.
And bronze cuirass (AC 16 medium) is a snip at 900gp; iron chainmail (AC 16 heavy) is 600gp.
Lord ZERDA - permitted by the Grand Vizier to propose to Queen Deyane; High Income (Tier I, Tier II on marrriage)
"Actually the main plan Zerda wanted to do in the meantime was establish support amongst the nobles and throne for creating the ‘Quodethi Inquisitors’ - a small force charged with looking into magical and otherworldly threats (such as the Cthulhu cultists we’ve encountered), that answer only to the Crown (the queen herself).
If the party is in agreement, he wanted to send individuals to houses they have connections with:
Vorstag to the Sedarnels. Given Metira’s fate which we’ve agreed to keep quiet, Princess Janis will be easy to persuade.
Finnris to the Vorzins. Lady Aeridnis and Tyarna are both fond of of the Dhari, and he’s fought similar threats with Aeri before, again should be easy enough.
Aeshma to the Priesthood. We have our suspicions about the High Priest of Mithra, but if we make the case that this will further promote the nine powers amongst the masses, perhaps he can be swayed. And there are other high priests to appeal to.
Zerda and Craw to the Marsesks, Baron Urugan and Azarde. The safety of the queen is paramount to Sir Stannis (?), so easy enough. The Baron’s support would look good and he may have good military insights. And burying the hatchet with the captain of the royal guards is a necessary evil. Also a member of the throne itself, so a vital ally.
*actually, Craw might be best served to scout out and train recruits. I’d assume we’d all be members (other than Zerda, at least publicly not a member), but a few good soldiers/detectives wouldn’t go amiss."
For the eyes of Yentüll, head of House Saväschu.
Dear father,
I have waited for a response to my previous letter for several months now. I will assume it arrived safely, but you decided it did not warrant a response - and that you are unwilling to sell the business in Renshaar to me. Perhaps you’d consider an offer from my good friend, the giantkin Baron Iceslider of the Isle of Woe? Or perhaps even the Kalayan Senior Panjandrum Aeshma of Mithra? It may even tickle the interest of my closest of allies - a Dhari, as I’m sure you and mother are horrified to hear - the undefeated champion Pit Fighter ‘Finnris the Formidable’? Of course, Admiral Azarde Two-Blades is very fond of travelling, and could do with some time away from the city if you were to indulge him? But I digress...
Perhaps you have not heard, but the last few months have been very kind to your son and heir - the same one you forced into exile so long ago. Following an extraordinary victory, capturing the Isle of Woe from Marg, the Grand Vizier himself has named me General of the Armies of Quodeth, a role I have humbly accepted. But that’s not all, father. For many months I have been courting a most magnificent lady: smart and fearless, powerful and enticing, youthful yet wise beyond her years and, of course, the most beautiful woman I have ever set eyes on. I have been given permission, and will soon propose to her. Her name is Deyane Hazeda... you may have heard of her. Soon enough, we will be wed, and since it is tradition, I will be extending invites to you, mother and my sisters - my blood.
This is to be a peaceful occasion - be warned that if you or the Diluvials have any plans to the contrary, you will be met by the full force of the Royal Guard, White Guard and the entire Army of Quodeth. I hope that is clear enough.
I look forward to your response - give my love to mother and my sisters.
Zérda - General of the Armies of Quodeth, future Prince-Consort of the Peacock Throne
Downtime: "Finnris rewards the surviving the Dhari warriors 100gp each and bids them farewell following a raucous night at Valaya's Inn, Ghanport (all welcome). Upon return to Quodeth, he will continue his historical studies, visiting Tyarna at the Onther Tower - he has a cyclops skull from the Zinadar mountains for the archives. When he gets restless he will take Tor Man for a trip on the Autumn Moon back to Ghanport (it was excellent night), from there they will try to connect with Tor Man's people. Fin can speak with the Vorzin's if Zerdan wishes it. However, he is much more excited about a quest to the legendary Tower of Golden Scales."
From the Lady Tyarna Vorzin, Mistress of Histories at the Onther Tower, 25/8/2214 AR:
"The Tower of Golden Scales is an ancient and long-abandoned tower, shaped like a rearing cobra. It was built by the serpentmen of ancient Nessk. Once smaller buildings surrounded it, their scarce remains now indistinguishable from natural rock formations between the trees. They were already long gone by the time the dreaded serpentomancer, Tamalcan the Merciless, claimed the tower for himself around 2050 AR, 144 years after the Sinking of Atlantis.
"Tamalcan extorted tithes from surrounding settlements, defeated rebellious armies, and earned the rightful spite of every living soul in a thousand miles. Among the greatest treasures he acquired was the greatest blue diamond, that some call the Eye of Azura. But then in 2076 AR - 138 years ago - he fell in a sick kind of love with a highborn Princess of Quodeth called Shabira Marsesk, who was also an anointed priestess of Set. The Priestess didn’t return his feelings, for she already had a man she loved, the young warrior-general Pentathur. The cruel Tamalcan abducted both of them.
Shabira’s angry father, King Yero III - the last monarch of House Marsesk - searched far and wide to find a sorceror who could defeat Tamalcan, and at last succeeded. The great sorcerer Monel Suk, Renegade Wizard of the Black Circle and Master of Homunculi, took the job. He acquired a small hair of Tamalcan, then using sympathetic magic and horrendous necromancy, he sipped the life force out of Tamalcan from the safe distance of his dark chambers.
The hated Serpentmancer was dead, but the King’s men never found a trace of Shabira nor Pentathur in the tower, and dared not to ransack the place, as Tamalcan’s beasts were still around… and some of them still are, to this day."
Aeshma: Level + INT bonus x 100gp (Tier II Moderate) - is promoted to Senior Panjandrum, in a good position to lead the Crown Inquisitors
Zerrda: Level + INT bonus x 50gp (Tier I High) - will become Tier II high (x50 > x200) on marriage
Vorstag - none yet, getting his trade empire established.
NB for those of you with Followers & lots of cash, it's worth spending money on stuff like bronze armour, dwarf steel weapons, dwarf steel shields etc for your Companion Followers.
Dwarf steel mail (heavy, AC 17) & steel cuirass (medium, AC 17) are also available but a bit pricy at 6000gp and 9000gp respectively...
With your Kal Zinan trade links you can get steel-tipped war spears at 400gp, steel swords at 500gp, steel-faced shield also 500gp.
And bronze cuirass (AC 16 medium) is a snip at 900gp; iron chainmail (AC 16 heavy) is 600gp.
Lord ZERDA - permitted by the Grand Vizier to propose to Queen Deyane; High Income (Tier I, Tier II on marrriage)
"Actually the main plan Zerda wanted to do in the meantime was establish support amongst the nobles and throne for creating the ‘Quodethi Inquisitors’ - a small force charged with looking into magical and otherworldly threats (such as the Cthulhu cultists we’ve encountered), that answer only to the Crown (the queen herself).
If the party is in agreement, he wanted to send individuals to houses they have connections with:
Vorstag to the Sedarnels. Given Metira’s fate which we’ve agreed to keep quiet, Princess Janis will be easy to persuade.
Finnris to the Vorzins. Lady Aeridnis and Tyarna are both fond of of the Dhari, and he’s fought similar threats with Aeri before, again should be easy enough.
Aeshma to the Priesthood. We have our suspicions about the High Priest of Mithra, but if we make the case that this will further promote the nine powers amongst the masses, perhaps he can be swayed. And there are other high priests to appeal to.
Zerda and Craw to the Marsesks, Baron Urugan and Azarde. The safety of the queen is paramount to Sir Stannis (?), so easy enough. The Baron’s support would look good and he may have good military insights. And burying the hatchet with the captain of the royal guards is a necessary evil. Also a member of the throne itself, so a vital ally.
*actually, Craw might be best served to scout out and train recruits. I’d assume we’d all be members (other than Zerda, at least publicly not a member), but a few good soldiers/detectives wouldn’t go amiss."
For the eyes of Yentüll, head of House Saväschu.
Dear father,
I have waited for a response to my previous letter for several months now. I will assume it arrived safely, but you decided it did not warrant a response - and that you are unwilling to sell the business in Renshaar to me. Perhaps you’d consider an offer from my good friend, the giantkin Baron Iceslider of the Isle of Woe? Or perhaps even the Kalayan Senior Panjandrum Aeshma of Mithra? It may even tickle the interest of my closest of allies - a Dhari, as I’m sure you and mother are horrified to hear - the undefeated champion Pit Fighter ‘Finnris the Formidable’? Of course, Admiral Azarde Two-Blades is very fond of travelling, and could do with some time away from the city if you were to indulge him? But I digress...
Perhaps you have not heard, but the last few months have been very kind to your son and heir - the same one you forced into exile so long ago. Following an extraordinary victory, capturing the Isle of Woe from Marg, the Grand Vizier himself has named me General of the Armies of Quodeth, a role I have humbly accepted. But that’s not all, father. For many months I have been courting a most magnificent lady: smart and fearless, powerful and enticing, youthful yet wise beyond her years and, of course, the most beautiful woman I have ever set eyes on. I have been given permission, and will soon propose to her. Her name is Deyane Hazeda... you may have heard of her. Soon enough, we will be wed, and since it is tradition, I will be extending invites to you, mother and my sisters - my blood.
This is to be a peaceful occasion - be warned that if you or the Diluvials have any plans to the contrary, you will be met by the full force of the Royal Guard, White Guard and the entire Army of Quodeth. I hope that is clear enough.
I look forward to your response - give my love to mother and my sisters.
Zérda - General of the Armies of Quodeth, future Prince-Consort of the Peacock Throne
Downtime: "Finnris rewards the surviving the Dhari warriors 100gp each and bids them farewell following a raucous night at Valaya's Inn, Ghanport (all welcome). Upon return to Quodeth, he will continue his historical studies, visiting Tyarna at the Onther Tower - he has a cyclops skull from the Zinadar mountains for the archives. When he gets restless he will take Tor Man for a trip on the Autumn Moon back to Ghanport (it was excellent night), from there they will try to connect with Tor Man's people. Fin can speak with the Vorzin's if Zerdan wishes it. However, he is much more excited about a quest to the legendary Tower of Golden Scales."
VORSTAG - Becomes the Baron of Woe.
Sets up trade empire with Sea Daray, Isle of Woe, Quodeth and the Dwarves of Kal Zinan. Tier II Moderate Income from M8 2214.
From the Lady Tyarna Vorzin, Mistress of Histories at the Onther Tower, 25/8/2214 AR:
"The Tower of Golden Scales is an ancient and long-abandoned tower, shaped like a rearing cobra. It was built by the serpentmen of ancient Nessk. Once smaller buildings surrounded it, their scarce remains now indistinguishable from natural rock formations between the trees. They were already long gone by the time the dreaded serpentomancer, Tamalcan the Merciless, claimed the tower for himself around 2050 AR, 144 years after the Sinking of Atlantis.
"Tamalcan extorted tithes from surrounding settlements, defeated rebellious armies, and earned the rightful spite of every living soul in a thousand miles. Among the greatest treasures he acquired was the greatest blue diamond, that some call the Eye of Azura. But then in 2076 AR - 138 years ago - he fell in a sick kind of love with a highborn Princess of Quodeth called Shabira Marsesk, who was also an anointed priestess of Set. The Priestess didn’t return his feelings, for she already had a man she loved, the young warrior-general Pentathur. The cruel Tamalcan abducted both of them.
Shabira’s angry father, King Yero III - the last monarch of House Marsesk - searched far and wide to find a sorceror who could defeat Tamalcan, and at last succeeded. The great sorcerer Monel Suk, Renegade Wizard of the Black Circle and Master of Homunculi, took the job. He acquired a small hair of Tamalcan, then using sympathetic magic and horrendous necromancy, he sipped the life force out of Tamalcan from the safe distance of his dark chambers.
The hated Serpentmancer was dead, but the King’s men never found a trace of Shabira nor Pentathur in the tower, and dared not to ransack the place, as Tamalcan’s beasts were still around… and some of them still are, to this day."
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Session #37 25/7/2214+ capture of Woe Fortress
![]() |
The enemy are surrounded |
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Session #35 18/7/2214 Battle on the Docks of Woe
Finnris followed by dwarf arbalesters joins the main battle; strange Daray Sea Folk emerge from the deeps to join the attack; their leader summons mephits who blanket the streets in fog. Confused and frightened, many of the defenders retreat. After the fog lifts detachment of Lomari Pride of Nergal are surrounded in a street; Aeshma negotiates with them.
Vorstag account of last session including start of battle: the waves rolled like exploding thunder as the ship pierced the waves ,it slid across the waves traveling towards the vile slaver base that of which had its defenses sabotaged by me. The ship docked violently next to the pride of nergal the bronze lions roared for they knew they would kill many a man and they would fall in glory. The powerful priestess cast an impressive wind spell, the dwarfs at the front fell down and a command from me was misinterpreted as i said get up they thought I meant to charge towards the lions and their commander allowed it and charged towards them himself. the dwarf's were quickly slaughtered as they fell for the lions trap. aeshima teleported toward the priestess only seconds after the priestess transformed her into a goldfish and put her in her water skin. the dwarfs retreated after being decimated ,the marines had already set up defenses as the dwarfs had retreated. I bravely jumped off the ship to rescue aeshima from the priest I bravely charged towards the priest i attacked her and almost killed her but it mattered not as my goal had been accomplished our friendly neighborhood warlock had been rescued. The lions had gotten onto ship and were fighting the marines. Thankfully an army rose up from the sea and the king of their nation was able to get the bronze lions to retreat until he dispersed his spell eventually the bronze lions realized they were outnumbered so they called a cease fire and a quick negotiation ensued.
Vorstag account of last session including start of battle: the waves rolled like exploding thunder as the ship pierced the waves ,it slid across the waves traveling towards the vile slaver base that of which had its defenses sabotaged by me. The ship docked violently next to the pride of nergal the bronze lions roared for they knew they would kill many a man and they would fall in glory. The powerful priestess cast an impressive wind spell, the dwarfs at the front fell down and a command from me was misinterpreted as i said get up they thought I meant to charge towards the lions and their commander allowed it and charged towards them himself. the dwarf's were quickly slaughtered as they fell for the lions trap. aeshima teleported toward the priestess only seconds after the priestess transformed her into a goldfish and put her in her water skin. the dwarfs retreated after being decimated ,the marines had already set up defenses as the dwarfs had retreated. I bravely jumped off the ship to rescue aeshima from the priest I bravely charged towards the priest i attacked her and almost killed her but it mattered not as my goal had been accomplished our friendly neighborhood warlock had been rescued. The lions had gotten onto ship and were fighting the marines. Thankfully an army rose up from the sea and the king of their nation was able to get the bronze lions to retreat until he dispersed his spell eventually the bronze lions realized they were outnumbered so they called a cease fire and a quick negotiation ensued.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Session #34 Assault on the Fortress of Woe (lv 9-12)
14/7/2214 Escape Fortress of Woe, pursued by Pride of Nergal and tracker hounds.
15/7/2214 Reach hidden boat on beach, rest until dawn - two shambling mounds pass close by. Row out and rendezvous with Lomari war galley.
16/7/2214 Return to Hurhun and meet with Admiral Azarde.
17/7/2214 Fleet departs Hurhun
18//7/2214 Attack on the Fortress of Woe; 3 war galleys enter the harbour and the assault begins.
Escaping the slaver citadel, PCs return to Hurhun and lead the Quodethi assault fleet against the fortress harbour, meeting heavy resistance from the Pride of Nergal detachment.
The Raid of the Isle of Woe – Part 2
With the boom disabled, we go over the wall and aim to return to the cove where we left the launch so we can take the information we have back to the Quodethi fleet. Not too far away is a grassy knoll and we decide to go that way, planning to use the knoll to screen our departure from the guards on the walls.
On the far side of the knoll looking out on the approach to the harbour we find a somewhat dilapidated watch tower garrisoned by a squad of guards. Aeshma tries the same con as before but succeeds only in spooking them. As the alarm is raised, Vorstag and BB manage to kill the guards’ captain but the others are able to retreat into the tower before we can catch up with them.
The guards pull back to the roof and are able to drop the trapdoor access just as Aeshma gets there. Unfortunately she is seconds too late and instead tries to force open the trapdoor. Amos uses the Thundersword to smash through one of the remaining doors at ground level and finds an alternative route up the back half of the tower. Leaving that door open for BB, Amos and then Vorstag focus their efforts on the trapdoor while Aeshma descends to try to find another way up.
Evidently bored by trying to break down the trapdoor by conventional means, Vorstag assumes his giant sized form, shattering a good portion of the aging tower and nearly knocking Amos off the now seriously damaged staircase. Both are injured by the falling rubble, but Amos takes advantage of the prone Vorstag as a soft landing pad. With BB attacking from the other side the guards are soon dealt with, the last falling to Aeshma’s Eldritch Blast.
Moving towards us from the town we see a group of reinforcements heading by a group of heavily armoured warriors who we recognise as the Pride of Nergal from their armour. Being heavily outnumbered we flee into the cover of the jungle and are able to outdistance the Lomari hoplites.
We return to the launch and, taking cover next to it, decide to rest. Nearly an hour later a pair of shambling mounds wander along the treeline casually feeding. We are sufficiently well hidden that they pass us by without incident. Once they have moved clear we set sail in the launch back to the Quodethi fleet in Hurhun.
We make our report to Admiral Azarde on the presence of the Pride of Nergal and our sabotage of the boom. For the attack we are posted to the lead war galley along with a squad of dwarf silver shields and another of arbalesters as well as a company of Quodethi marines.
The galley gets into the harbour without hindrance but as she manoeuvres next to the dock a large group of Lomari soldiers form up on the quay to oppose us. They are supported by scorpion archers and a pair of Red Chimera warriors. For the moment there is no sign of their priestess.
Seeing them in formation, Aeshma plans a spell to disrupt it but as she casts it the Lion Priestess appears from the shadows and counterspells it. The fight does not start well: a mistaking of Vorstag’s shout of encouragement to the dwarves as an order to advance throws them into the front line of the Lomari who start killing them with their renowned efficiency.
Aeshma tries to take the fight to the priestess by teleporting next to her, but instead becomes polymorphed into a small fish that the priestess carefully places in a waterskin. BB moves forward to engage one of the Chimera fighters while Vorstag orders the dwarves to fall back to the galley. Once they have re-embarked, he sneaks forward and manages to land a powerful blow on the unsuspecting priestess, breaking her concentration and returning Aeshma to her normal form.
Flanked by Aeshma and Vorstag, the priestess stands little chance and with seconds is killed. Aeshma declares her death to the Lomari soldiers who cry out in anger and, following their priestess’ last order, advance to board the ship while the as yet untried Quodethi marines steady themselves to hold the line against them…
15/7/2214 Reach hidden boat on beach, rest until dawn - two shambling mounds pass close by. Row out and rendezvous with Lomari war galley.
16/7/2214 Return to Hurhun and meet with Admiral Azarde.
17/7/2214 Fleet departs Hurhun
18//7/2214 Attack on the Fortress of Woe; 3 war galleys enter the harbour and the assault begins.
Escaping the slaver citadel, PCs return to Hurhun and lead the Quodethi assault fleet against the fortress harbour, meeting heavy resistance from the Pride of Nergal detachment.
With the boom disabled, we go over the wall and aim to return to the cove where we left the launch so we can take the information we have back to the Quodethi fleet. Not too far away is a grassy knoll and we decide to go that way, planning to use the knoll to screen our departure from the guards on the walls.
On the far side of the knoll looking out on the approach to the harbour we find a somewhat dilapidated watch tower garrisoned by a squad of guards. Aeshma tries the same con as before but succeeds only in spooking them. As the alarm is raised, Vorstag and BB manage to kill the guards’ captain but the others are able to retreat into the tower before we can catch up with them.
The guards pull back to the roof and are able to drop the trapdoor access just as Aeshma gets there. Unfortunately she is seconds too late and instead tries to force open the trapdoor. Amos uses the Thundersword to smash through one of the remaining doors at ground level and finds an alternative route up the back half of the tower. Leaving that door open for BB, Amos and then Vorstag focus their efforts on the trapdoor while Aeshma descends to try to find another way up.
Evidently bored by trying to break down the trapdoor by conventional means, Vorstag assumes his giant sized form, shattering a good portion of the aging tower and nearly knocking Amos off the now seriously damaged staircase. Both are injured by the falling rubble, but Amos takes advantage of the prone Vorstag as a soft landing pad. With BB attacking from the other side the guards are soon dealt with, the last falling to Aeshma’s Eldritch Blast.
Moving towards us from the town we see a group of reinforcements heading by a group of heavily armoured warriors who we recognise as the Pride of Nergal from their armour. Being heavily outnumbered we flee into the cover of the jungle and are able to outdistance the Lomari hoplites.
We return to the launch and, taking cover next to it, decide to rest. Nearly an hour later a pair of shambling mounds wander along the treeline casually feeding. We are sufficiently well hidden that they pass us by without incident. Once they have moved clear we set sail in the launch back to the Quodethi fleet in Hurhun.
We make our report to Admiral Azarde on the presence of the Pride of Nergal and our sabotage of the boom. For the attack we are posted to the lead war galley along with a squad of dwarf silver shields and another of arbalesters as well as a company of Quodethi marines.
The galley gets into the harbour without hindrance but as she manoeuvres next to the dock a large group of Lomari soldiers form up on the quay to oppose us. They are supported by scorpion archers and a pair of Red Chimera warriors. For the moment there is no sign of their priestess.
Seeing them in formation, Aeshma plans a spell to disrupt it but as she casts it the Lion Priestess appears from the shadows and counterspells it. The fight does not start well: a mistaking of Vorstag’s shout of encouragement to the dwarves as an order to advance throws them into the front line of the Lomari who start killing them with their renowned efficiency.
Aeshma tries to take the fight to the priestess by teleporting next to her, but instead becomes polymorphed into a small fish that the priestess carefully places in a waterskin. BB moves forward to engage one of the Chimera fighters while Vorstag orders the dwarves to fall back to the galley. Once they have re-embarked, he sneaks forward and manages to land a powerful blow on the unsuspecting priestess, breaking her concentration and returning Aeshma to her normal form.
Flanked by Aeshma and Vorstag, the priestess stands little chance and with seconds is killed. Aeshma declares her death to the Lomari soldiers who cry out in anger and, following their priestess’ last order, advance to board the ship while the as yet untried Quodethi marines steady themselves to hold the line against them…
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Session #33 14/7/2214 - The Isle of Woe (lvl 8-12)

The Raid on the Isle of Woe (Part 1) Judith/Aeshma
With the launch hidden under the vegetation, we head through the jungle towards the Margish Slavers’ fortress. A couple of hours later the typical jungle sounds are drowned out by the din of a Dhari warrior crashing through the undergrowth pursed by an enormous troll. The Dhari cries out for help and we oblige, attacking the troll. The Dhari, BB McGinty, turns out to quite a skilled warrior but on his own would still have been outmatched by the monstrous troll.
As we rest after the fight BB tells us that he had been a mercenary in the employ of the Slavers but had been forced to run after killing another of their mercenary soldiers in a fight over a girl. He goes on to say that shortly before he fled, he observed a band of armoured Lomari disembark: forty of the Black Lions of Nergal, a Lion Priestess and their entourage. Even such a small group of such renowned warriors will stiffen the resistance of the Margish against the attacks of the combined Kal Zinan and Quodethi forces.
Soon the jungle thins and we reach a ridge line overlooking the natural harbour where the Slavers have built their fortress. A cluster of buildings are surrounded by a curtain wall about 15’-20’ high, punctuated by watch towers and ending in two larger towers that make high walls protecting access to the harbour. Looking at the two harbour towers, Aeshma thinks it likely that they support an underwater boom to defend the harbour, and that the boom will need to be sabotaged to allow the Quodethi galleys into the harbour to land.
The town looks like it holds a little over a thousand people but most of those are likely to be slaves held in large warehouses. The wall has a sturdy main gate, a smaller postern gate and a water gate that allows a small stream to run under the walls and into the town. With the vegetation having been cleared near the town walls we decide to use the cover of darkness and the stream bed to approach the walls.
Being stealthier than the others, Aeshma and Vorstag go forwards to open the water gate and are quickly joined by Zerda. The others soon join us and after we dodge a group of inebriated soldiers – with a little help from Zerda – we decide to use the walls to access the nearest harbour tower. Aeshma and a disguised Zerda, aided by their minder, Vorstag, con the guards into letting us in to the tower, while BB, Amos and Finnris wait the chance to follow.
Vorstag kills two of the guards while with equal speed Aeshma and Zerda kill the third before any alarm can be raised. We take the crimson sashes that identify the Slaver soldiers and start along the wall. Aeshma cons her way through the next two towers by pretending to be a new officer on an inspection patrol.
Soon we reach the harbour tower which is manned by a squad of guards who are both tougher and less gullible than the wall guards led by Captain Volstrak. He allows Aeshma and Vorstag into the tower to explain what they are doing. While these discussions under way, the rest of the party decide to find their own creative way to get into the tower: Zerda, disguised as a woman, convinces the guards on the parapet to throw down a rope to let her up while the others climb. Unfortunately there are more guards on duty than they expected and one is able to give the alarm.
Unsurprisingly the discussion downstairs are quickly curtailed by the alarm being raised and the increasing sound of fighting on the roof as Zerda is quickly joined by BB, Finnris and Amos. Taking advantage of the distraction Vorstag focuses on assassinating Captain Volstrak before he can join the fight and his men last only a few seconds longer. On the next floor down we find one end of the huge winch mechanism used for raising and lowering the harbour boom. Using the Thunder Sword Amos smashes it into unusable splinters and cuts the rope releasing the boom to fall to the sea floor.
With the main harbour defence out of action for at least a week we focus on getting back to the launch so we can alert the fleet to the presence of the Lomari contingent…
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Isle of Woe Slaver Fortress |
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Session #32 20/5-14/7/2214 - Ruins of Hurhun (lvl 8-11)
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Ruins of Hurhun |
23/5: Departure for Quodeth.
5/6: Arrive in Quodeth, meet with Queen Deyane & co.
12/6: Leave Quodeth on a fast Xebec back to Kal-Zinan.
22/6: Arrive back in Kal-Zinan.
25/6: Leave Kal-Zinan at the head of the dwarf army on the Road of Smoking Waters.
1/7: Autumn solstice. Leave the mountains.
3/7: Reach Hurhun. Battle skeletal cyclops, chimera and band of scavengers; Amos proving adept with the dwarven thundersword. Aeshma tells the scavenger gangs the Good Word of Mithra.
10/7: Quodeth fleet under Admiral Azarde arrives at Hurhun quays. Plan is made to send PCs as scouts to Isle of Woe, dropped off on a ship's boat away from the island.
13/7: Evening - PCs arrive at Isle of Woe on a jungle beach 12 miles from the Fortress of the Slavers. Council boat & battle zombies & ghasts.
14/7: Dawn - PCs set off for the slaver fortress.
The Chimera of Hurhun - by Aeshma
Once back in Kal Zinan we are introduced to a Quodethi Myrmidon, Amos of the Iron Hills, a survivor of the troglodyte raids on merchant caravans. With limited employment prospects from the dwarves, he agrees to join us for a short time.
Zerda negotiates with the High Master about the alliance against the Margish forces on the Isle of Woe. It is agreed that 500 of Kal Zinan’s heavy infantry and arbalesters will march from the dwarf city to rendezvous with the Quodethi fleet at the deep water harbour of ruined Hurhun.
Following his abortive discussions with the Lomari, Durmuth Ursk, High Priest of Nergal, feels that it is likely the Lomari will ally with Marg now that Quodeth has forged an alliance with Kal Zinan. Aeshma feels that Durmuth Ursk is checking we will be suitably belligerent as the dwarves’ allies given his natural preference for the militant approach of Lomar against Quodeth’s more mercantile attitude.
We return to Quodeth in company with the Indefatigable carrying the armaments purchased by Vorstag on behalf of the Sedarnels. Zerda reports back to the Palace where it is confirmed the Quodethi forces will be under the command of Azarde Two-Blades while Zerda is to be the liaison between Quodeth and the Kal Zinan dwarves. Finnris visits the gypsy fortune teller whose last card is turned to reveal a rearing lion: perhaps a portent of war with Lomar?
Leaving the Autumn Moon in Quodeth we take a fast Xebec back to Kal Zinan where Aeshma is able to collect the shield that Tarm has enchanted for her. She now gives her magic bronze shield bearing the sunburst of Mithra to Finnris.
As planned we march with the dwarven vanguard towards the ruined city of Hurhun. As we walk amongst the shattered building we hear the alarm raised by the dwarvish scouts ahead of us. Seconds later a skeletal cyclops looms over a broken wall but Vorstag and Finnris are able to react more quickly and destroy it before it can make its strength felt.
Aeshma and Vorstag are able to spot movement in the shadows as a leonine monster tries to take advantage of the distraction offered by the cyclops to ambush us. Amos too had an inkling of its presence and charges to take it on with his greatsword. The creature, a chimera, counterattacks with terrifying effectiveness, tearing gouges with its claws and spitting poison from its snake-like tail. Vorstag tries to use his harpoon to drag it closer to us but the chimera proves too strong and leaps away.
Finnris pursues it followed by Amos while Zerda and Aeshma use magic against it: a combination of eldritch blasts and a flaming sphere. Eventually they bring it to bay in its lair and, although by this point seriously wounded, Amos is the one to land the killing strike.
Exploring the lair we find 1400gp, a Spider Pot and a magical stone eye, identified by Zerda as an Eye of Dhuoth. As it is an artefact of the Great Old Ones Aeshma advises giving it into the keeping of her patron Kallesh Gan at the Church of Mithra where it can be studied and kept out of the hands of those who would use it. Vorstag thinks it might be used to research a cure for the Plague of Eyes. All this discussion is moot when Amos uses the Thunder Sword borrowed from Finnris to shatter it.
A little while later as we rest following the fight with the chimera, we are attacked by a band of scavengers. Most are killed but the last two surrender, saying they had only attacked because they were hungry. Aeshma pays the dwarven commissary for some rations to feed them and warns them against the lure of dark cults.
The next (edit) week, the war galley Pride of Quodeth arrives carrying Admiral Azarde Two-Blades. In a rare departure from their usual sniping conversation, Azarde warns Zerda about Niram Terinth, another of Queen Deyane councillors as well as being a particularly wealthy merchant and Guildmaster of the Mint whom he suspects of being a Set cultist.
Bearing in mind the possibility of the Margish slave citadel being reinforced by Lomari troops Finnris then Zerda propose a small scouting party go ahead to the Isle of Woe to make a reconnaissance. Aeshma agrees with one of Azarde’s aides a code of light flashes to enable us to report on the Margish and Lomari presence on the island.
Using a borrowed launch we safely reach the island and drag the launch up the beach to hide under some vegetation. From the lie of the land it looks like it will take a couple of days to reach the Margish fort…
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Session #31 - Warlock Cultists of Kal-Zinan (lvl 9-11) 1-20/5/2214 AR
Lorthnu'un of the Golden Chalice |
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Aybrel Arn the Merchant |
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Dwarf Warlock Cultist of Lorthnu'un |
3/5 Departure for Kal Zinan with the Crescent Moon & war galley Indefatigable under Corvin Vorzin to return Ironmaster Bronn.
11/5 A sudden gale causes the ships to seek coastal shelter. Overnight at a Kalay fishing township.
18/5 Arrival at the river up to Kal Zinan, leave the Indefatigable.
19/5 Arrival at Kal Zinan Houses of Waiting
20/5 Meet with the Council of Masters, later same day attack Lorthnu'uun cultists and rescue kidnapped female merchant Aybrel Arn.
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Troglodyte Slaves of the Golden Chalice |
The Slaves of the Golden Chalice - Aeshma
Having safely returned to Quodeth with the rescued Ironmaster Bronn our thoughts turn to returning him to Kal-Zinan. Vorstag plans to take full advantage on the commercial opportunities presented by a return trip and once more speaks with Princess Jania Sedarnel with an offer to once again act as her trading agent to the Dwarf city. She agrees and provides 20,000gp with which to purchase trade goods.
Zerda meets with Queen Deyane and they declare their mutual love but the Queen draws back from making any formal arrangement as she is afraid that it would put Zerda in danger from her political opponents. As the Queen’s birthday is only three weeks away, Zerda has to decide whether to delay leaving for Kal Zinan or leave as planned and miss the event. Bearing in mind the Queen’s concerns, he decides to leave on schedule but presents her with the gift of a Ring of Mind Shielding to help protect her.
We meet with General Irmal Urugan to discuss the situation with Marg. There is little appetite amongst the Quodethi for a direct attack on Marg – the suggestion instead is to attack the Margish slave trade. Zerda is to carry a proposal to the dwarves that the Quodethi fleet will transport the dwarvish legions to the Isle of Woe to dislodge the Margish slavers there and take the island over as a Quodethi trading post with the Dwarves as preferential trading partners.
The night before our scheduled departure Randall of the Seven Knives meets with Vorstag to pass on a warning that pirates commanded by Trizel Black Moon are planning to attack the Autumn Moon on her return from Kal Zinan to steal her cargo. He is asked to pay protection money to prevent this from happening. Initially he refuses, convinced that he and his allies will be able to defeat any pirates. Aeshma argues against his recklessness pointing out that a pirate ship is likely to carry a couple of hundred raiders, not to mention the risk that Autumn Moon could be sunk at which point no one gets any money. In the end he meets again with Randall and a payment of 1500gp is agreed.
We leave Quodeth with the Autumn Moon sailing in company with the Quodethi war galley Indefatigable commanded by Corvin Vorzin. About six days from Kal Zinan we are hit by a gale and the two ships are forced to take refuge behind Mossbeard Island to ride out the storm. The villagers of Ur-Dragh say that they have seen Giantish ships heading to the Giants’ Graveyard which is said to lie beyond Nimoth. Listening to their descriptions, Vorstag decides they are probably Hill Giants.
Once the storm has cleared we continue and arrive safely at the estuary of the Swiftice River. The party along with Aeshma’s guards transfer to the Autumn Moon to ascend the locks. We are welcomed to Kal Zinan and bidden to the Houses of Waiting. All the gossip at the inn concerns a string of a recent attack on a merchant caravan where the men were killed but all the women carried off by troglodyte raiders. Zerda recalls from his reading that the Great Old One Lorthu’un of the Golden Chalice whose cult has recently arisen in Kal Zinan favours women as sacrifices.
Not long afterwards we meet the Council of Kal Zinan and as promised are given Ironmaster Bronn’s weight in gold as a reward: 12,000gp. Speaking with the dwarves after the official ceremony we hear that Aybrel Arn, Vorstag and Finnris’ business contact from their previous visit, has been kidnapped by dwarf cultists. We are asked to rescue her and are given a platoon of the Silver Shields to assist our efforts. Vorstag tries to push ahead with his agenda to establish a trade deal between Quodeth and Kal Zinan, but it is suggested that we need to prove ourselves to the dwarves first before a worthwhile trade deal can be brokered.
Before leaving on the mission Aeshma arranges with Tarm to enchant a steel shield for her which will be collected later. Zerda finally manages to upgrade his armour to a dwarf steel cuirass.
We descend into the lava caves beneath Kal Zinan where dwarf patrols had previously spotted troglodytes. The air quickly warms up and the dwarves warn us that the magma must be seeping. Only a few more minutes pass before the troglodytes launch their ambush. Aeshma and Vorstag spot them easily, but Zerda and Finnris are caught unawares. The troglodytes are surrounded by a sickly green glow that weakens and poisons their enemies – a malady which Aeshma falls victim to. As a temporary measure to allow her to continue the mission she takes some antitoxin, but its palliative effects will not last long.
A bit further on we reach the caves where the cult is based. From the chanting it seems we have at least an hour before the ritual is complete so we allow ourselves a few minutes to recover from the fight with the troglodyte patrol. Moving forwards we can see a quartet of dwarven warlocks surrounding an altar on which is bound Aybrel Arn. The Golden Chalice of Lorthu’un stands on a nearby dais and beyond it a shimmering image of the Old One is gradually coalescing as Lorthu’un is summoned into the world. More troglodytes stand guard nearby.
Determined to take full advantage of our stealthy approach Vorstag moves up to strike the nearest warlock before any plan of attack can be agreed upon. As a result the party end up split between the lava caves as we focus on pushing as many of the troglodytes as we can into the bubbling magma pools. Vorstag works his way through the warlocks with his usual efficiency; Zerda uses his Grease spell to great effect; Finnris bull-rushes troglodyte after troglodyte into the magma with the Spear of Asura while Aeshma achieves the same result with her shield.
Eventually we stand victorious and the summoning is averted. As for the Golden Chalice, we do not know how it can be destroyed so we settle for putting it beyond use for a few centuries at least by dropping it into a magma pool. With that done we start the climb out of mines and back to Kal Zinan.
Monday, July 15, 2019
what vorstag thinks of the npc's and pc's
Zerda the Defier: strong smart and confident but can get a bit cocky has aspirations of freeing all slaves a noble but nie impossible cause a good shoulder to lean on and is great for accidentally/purposefully getting you into positions of wealth and power over all a good person.
Aeshma the soon to be high priestess: and firm strong intimidating but devout person knows how to stand her ground and fight back against evil although she is completely terrifying and her evil background makes her harder to trust but after a while you find out she is one of the most trustworthy people you can find overall she is frightening but trustworthy and ready to fight down to the last dying shred of hope.
Fenris the steadfast: a powerful ally who can take a hit and return it 3 times harder he will never give up but is willing to be bossed around by myself and Aeshma a bit to much he will smite the undead with holy fury but will sometimes be a little too safe and refuses to hit as hard as possible in situations but he will always have your back and will never betray/abandon you in your time of need overall he will never let you die and will fight to protect his allies until he himself has fallen.
the Lord Majesty The Queen: a young woman that seemed to be a puppet but has currently really taken charge in matters of keeping the populace calm better than most i would say she is obviously swooning over zerda and zerda is doing the same but zerda not as much for love possibly,she keeps calm in almost all situations and her royal friends pay very well which is good in my books overall she will keep her calm and will always be nice to those who show her respect and kindness as well.
Draiden tarroth the richest man in qoudeth: a suspicious man who controls a lot of the trade going through qoudeth he is a mysterious man who most likely assassinated the previous grand vizier Draiden has a lot of money which he happily gives away in return for steel he would most likely back stab and betray you overall he is a man you should never trust and if you did you would soon learn of your fatal mistake but when its too late.
House Sadarinal: one of the major noble houses which are trying to make an incursion into the trade market and especially spices and fabrics they are a wealthy house that spends very little on their current estate since they believe they will soon be in the palace but because of this they are able to fund the trading of qoudethey products that cost around 10,000gp and in return get steel weapons back from kalsanan overall it is a trust worthy house that is very rich and responsible and will be very nice to you if your nice to them.
House Vorzin: one of the major noble houses which maintain their noble house very well and they have a very good house guard platoon and have assisted in helping save the city and helped in saving the noble librarian from the moon they have a few mighty wizards and they control the legendary tower of black flame overall the vorzins are a trustworthy house that are very good at witch craft and wizardry they also are good at training their personal guards and will pay very well for doing jobs for them.
Aeshma the soon to be high priestess: and firm strong intimidating but devout person knows how to stand her ground and fight back against evil although she is completely terrifying and her evil background makes her harder to trust but after a while you find out she is one of the most trustworthy people you can find overall she is frightening but trustworthy and ready to fight down to the last dying shred of hope.
Fenris the steadfast: a powerful ally who can take a hit and return it 3 times harder he will never give up but is willing to be bossed around by myself and Aeshma a bit to much he will smite the undead with holy fury but will sometimes be a little too safe and refuses to hit as hard as possible in situations but he will always have your back and will never betray/abandon you in your time of need overall he will never let you die and will fight to protect his allies until he himself has fallen.
the Lord Majesty The Queen: a young woman that seemed to be a puppet but has currently really taken charge in matters of keeping the populace calm better than most i would say she is obviously swooning over zerda and zerda is doing the same but zerda not as much for love possibly,she keeps calm in almost all situations and her royal friends pay very well which is good in my books overall she will keep her calm and will always be nice to those who show her respect and kindness as well.
Draiden tarroth the richest man in qoudeth: a suspicious man who controls a lot of the trade going through qoudeth he is a mysterious man who most likely assassinated the previous grand vizier Draiden has a lot of money which he happily gives away in return for steel he would most likely back stab and betray you overall he is a man you should never trust and if you did you would soon learn of your fatal mistake but when its too late.
House Sadarinal: one of the major noble houses which are trying to make an incursion into the trade market and especially spices and fabrics they are a wealthy house that spends very little on their current estate since they believe they will soon be in the palace but because of this they are able to fund the trading of qoudethey products that cost around 10,000gp and in return get steel weapons back from kalsanan overall it is a trust worthy house that is very rich and responsible and will be very nice to you if your nice to them.
House Vorzin: one of the major noble houses which maintain their noble house very well and they have a very good house guard platoon and have assisted in helping save the city and helped in saving the noble librarian from the moon they have a few mighty wizards and they control the legendary tower of black flame overall the vorzins are a trustworthy house that are very good at witch craft and wizardry they also are good at training their personal guards and will pay very well for doing jobs for them.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Session #30 - Red Chains of Marg ca 1/4-30/4/2214 AR (lvl 7-10)
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Finnris's date, Mistress of Histories Lady Tyarna Vorzin |

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The nightmarish city of Marg |
In Quodeth we meet with General Irmal Urugan ahead of our trip to Marg to rescue the kidnapped Ironmaster Bronn. We are told that Lady Aeridnis Vorzin is to accompany us to Marg to help in our mission. Zerda is given a bag containing 1000 Margish Krakens – gold coins that in Marg are fixed to the price of a healthy field slave – about 10gp.
We are told of a hidden cabal in Marg that stands against Margish slavery. Not far from the city is the Hidden Harbour of Asura through which escaped slaves may be taken to safety. In addition there is a sanctuary within the city. Our advice is to seek out a man called Noble Freeman, a former slave but now an astrologer. Also we may be able to contact the underground cult of Asura by seeking out a Nimothan woman called Uthlita Belyr. To identify ourselves as allies of Asura we are given a codeword – Klestain – but are warned that this code word is about ten years old so may no longer be in use.
Having purchased a few supplies we sail on Captain Aldus’ Xebec “Gold Lion” to Marg. The city is surrounded by bayou – a further barrier to escaping slaves. We have no problems with the dockside authorities – Zerda and Aeridnis pose as a wealthy Atlantean couple looking to purchase slaves. The rest of us pose as their advisors, servants and bodyguards.
Walking through the city Finnris is recognised by someone from his tribe, Besham Judicus, one of his few allies from the time his mother was burned as a witch. The Narthans settle down to catch up with news and it transpires that Leeston, the chief’s son, was kidnapped by Margish slavers. Judicus has identified the ship he was transported on as the “Tarhun’s Fury” and is searching for its crew.
In a nearby tavern Vorstag buys drinks for the room for the rest of the evening while Aeshma meets a sailor who, after a bit of prompting, recognises her as the daughter of the pirate captain Kashan, one of the Golden Sea corsair cabal known as the Lords of Dismay. He advises that if we’re interested in the Narthan prince, we speak to Nalfir, the dealer who bought the slave. Questioning him about dwarf slaves, he suggests seeing Dasab the Sorcerer – a man who has a sinister reputation even by Margish standards.
After several hours searching, Aeshma and Vorstag finally locate the shop of Noble Freeman and manage to convince him that we are intending to find and free Leeston and Bronn. For a way out of the city he tells us to go to the Slave Mortuary and seek out the priestess Uthlita Belyr. He tells us the password is Erdigast.
Some more investigation headed by Zerda and Aeridnis again points to Nalfir and Dasab. Eventually we hear that both prisoners are to be moved to the catacombs – a place according to Margish rumour that slaves never leave.
We soon identify a decent place for an ambush. Aeridnis throws down a Fog Cloud behind the escort so, while the fight can be heard, we can’t be identified. A Sorcerer, two cyclops and a number of guards form the escort. The sorcerer is our first target and is quickly dealt with. Aeridnis uses a couple of fireballs to some effect but as she moves to melee is struck down by one of the cyclops. Aeshma attempts to hit the cyclops with Eldritch Blasts but after several misses she too moves to melee.
Vorstag, Zerda and Finnris work their way through the guards and the cyclops with their usual efficiency, and before any guards can reach us in response to the noise of the fight we release Bronn and Leeston and head for the Slave Mortuary to rendezvous with Uthlita Belyr.
Our mission successfully accomplished, we return to Quodeth.
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Margish Armoured Cyclops |
Friday, July 12, 2019
Letter from Finnris to Lady Aeridnis
Lady Aeridnis Vorzin,
Mistress of the Tower of Black Flame,
c/o Blackey,
Greetings Noble Witch,
Thank you for your letter it was excellent to hear from you.
Blackey delivered the message just before the assault on Bruneval's Ghostberg. I read it to the crew as we disembarked, oh how they laughed at my mistaking Dragon's piss for Quodethi brandy. I had been wondering why passing water burned so much, and now the smoke and smell of sulphur makes sense, I thought it was one of Zerdas pranks.
Bruneval had his trap well prepared, and we strode straight into it! We were quickly surrounded, Vorstagg and I bore the brunt of the attacks, Zerda wielded magic and blade and Aeshma danced among the horde barely taking a scratch. We were hard pressed, but ultimately our teamwork and a charge from the brave Quodethi marines won the day. In the climax of battle, everything came together beautifully. Aeshma kept us in the fight, Vorstag commanded the sailors skilfully, and Zerda blew me mightily hard, right across the battlefield, where we ended the villain, Bruneval for the second time this moon. We returned to Quodeth triumphant!
Your mother, High Diadem Liana, consecrated the remains of the undead pirate lord, to ensure he would never trouble Quodeth again. If I had not known otherwise, I would have thought you and Liana sisters Aeri.
Now we make preparations for the next mission - the most dangerous yet...
Aeri, will you join with us?
Your friend,
c/o Blackey
The Autumn Moon,
Quodethi Navy Auxiliary Dockyard.
P.S. I left a case of Dwarven Stout on the roof terrace for you. It’s a soothing brew, great for flushing out the system and the stone bottles keep the ale chilled.
P.P.S. There appears to be some fire damage on the roof terrace. Part of the balcony and some of the floor tiles have melted and cracked, and there is a dark stain around the damage, it's as if a liquid fire has splattered the corner masonry. You should have a mason look at it, least a tile or brick falls and brains some vagabond lurking in the back alley.
Mistress of the Tower of Black Flame,
c/o Blackey,
Greetings Noble Witch,
Thank you for your letter it was excellent to hear from you.
Blackey delivered the message just before the assault on Bruneval's Ghostberg. I read it to the crew as we disembarked, oh how they laughed at my mistaking Dragon's piss for Quodethi brandy. I had been wondering why passing water burned so much, and now the smoke and smell of sulphur makes sense, I thought it was one of Zerdas pranks.
Bruneval had his trap well prepared, and we strode straight into it! We were quickly surrounded, Vorstagg and I bore the brunt of the attacks, Zerda wielded magic and blade and Aeshma danced among the horde barely taking a scratch. We were hard pressed, but ultimately our teamwork and a charge from the brave Quodethi marines won the day. In the climax of battle, everything came together beautifully. Aeshma kept us in the fight, Vorstag commanded the sailors skilfully, and Zerda blew me mightily hard, right across the battlefield, where we ended the villain, Bruneval for the second time this moon. We returned to Quodeth triumphant!
Your mother, High Diadem Liana, consecrated the remains of the undead pirate lord, to ensure he would never trouble Quodeth again. If I had not known otherwise, I would have thought you and Liana sisters Aeri.
Now we make preparations for the next mission - the most dangerous yet...
Aeri, will you join with us?
Your friend,
c/o Blackey
The Autumn Moon,
Quodethi Navy Auxiliary Dockyard.
P.S. I left a case of Dwarven Stout on the roof terrace for you. It’s a soothing brew, great for flushing out the system and the stone bottles keep the ale chilled.
P.P.S. There appears to be some fire damage on the roof terrace. Part of the balcony and some of the floor tiles have melted and cracked, and there is a dark stain around the damage, it's as if a liquid fire has splattered the corner masonry. You should have a mason look at it, least a tile or brick falls and brains some vagabond lurking in the back alley.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Session #29 22-29/3/2214 AR (lvl 8-10) - The Golden Ghost #4 - Attack on the Ghost Berg
22/3/2214 Meeting with General Baron Urmal Urugan, Queen Deyane & Grand Vizier Dredan in the Royal Palace Tower of War. Decision to send PCs with 20 crack Quodethi Marines to the ghostberg floating in fog a mile off shore.
The Battle of the Iceberg - Aeshma
The next day we meet with the Queen and General Urmal Urugan at the Tower of War to discuss the threat posed by the haunted iceberg in Sarvin Bay. Now we know that Bruneval is cursed, the discussion turns to his true nature and how he and his undead followers may be best defeated. Zerda suggests that if Bruneval is slain then the undead too will collapse; Vorstag, calling on his knowledge of Kang, the White Death, believes that the ice itself is the root of the problem, the glacier being calved from Kang itself.
We ask for a couple of shallow draught boats with which to approach and support from the Quodethi military. Two barges are found and a platoon of twenty marines with a sergeant are placed under Zerda’s command. The plan is for the marines to act as artillery support while we take the fight to the undead, but as they say: no plan survives contact with the enemy…
The first boat carrying Zerda, Vorstag, Finnris and Aeshma, handled by Zerda’s servant Thagnar and four marines, moors to the iceberg long enough for the four of us to disembark. Wearing crampons to make it easier to move on the ice we climb towards the icebound longship. Vorstag grows to giant size ready for a fight while Aeshma calls on Mithra to ward her from Evil.
All around us on the slope the ice has been disturbed as if the undead hidden below are merely waiting for the right time to attack. Above us we see the longship, gilded shields glittering on its sides. Bruneval steps to the fore, surrounded by about fifteen of his draugr, gloating that we have fallen into his trap. As expected the ice around us shatters and the remaining thirty or so draugr surround us.
Before we can act further, Bruneval’s other ally, the hydra, comes at his bidding and upturns Thagnar’s barge before its many heads swoop down on the unfortunate marines. Bruneval is too well hidden behind his draugr for any but the most accurate ranged attack to hit, so the four of us stand back to back, ready for the attack.
The battle lasts barely a minute but it seems like hours have passed. Vorstag quickly shrinks back to his normal size so as not to offer so large a target, but strikes down more draugr as every second passes; Finnris mows down the undead with wild swings from the Spear of Asura, withstanding their return attacks only by dint of his uncanny endurance, but even he has his limits and is soon forced to resort to a less reckless strategy. Zerda summons a gust of wind, throwing the undead away from him while using his magic to defend himself from the few attacks that reach him. Mithra’s protection blocks most of the draugr’s attacks against Aeshma as she steadily wears down her opponents.
Away from our sight, the hydra is waging its own battle against the marines. Thagnar is killed but the remainder are able to damage the hydra sufficiently that is chooses to retreat rather than continue its attack. His loud voice easily carrying above the sounds of battle, Vorstag exhorts the surviving marines to join the fight against the draugr.
Seeing his draugr falling before us, Bruneval is forced to join the fight but rather than attack us directly he chooses to target our marine allies. Seeing his chance, Finnris takes advantage of Zerda’s Gust of Wind to speed over towards Bruneval. As before, the cursed Frost Corpse has no defence against the Spear of Asura and is killed. At the same time the handful of remaining draugr crumble to the ice.
As the ice melts around the longship, we take the gilded shields and make a good profit selling them to a collector. The proceeds are split between the party and the marines or, in the case of those who fell in battle, the marine’s family. Vorstag donates his share to their cause and further decides to fund a memorial to the marines who died in the defence of their city against the undead.
23/3/2214 Assault on the Ghostberg, battle with legions of Draugr & Bruneval's hydra; around 34 Draugr + Bruneval - 8 marines are killed before Finnris fells Bruneval and the remaining draugr collapse. Bruneval's remains are taken to the Tower of Azura for consecration and ritual burial.
29/3/2214 Vorstag and Zerda carouse. Gilded shields taken from the draugr ship on the melting iceberg are sold to a collector for 6000gp; Vorstag gives his share to the survivors while Zerda Finnris & Aeshma take 1000gp each.
The Battle of the Iceberg - Aeshma
The next day we meet with the Queen and General Urmal Urugan at the Tower of War to discuss the threat posed by the haunted iceberg in Sarvin Bay. Now we know that Bruneval is cursed, the discussion turns to his true nature and how he and his undead followers may be best defeated. Zerda suggests that if Bruneval is slain then the undead too will collapse; Vorstag, calling on his knowledge of Kang, the White Death, believes that the ice itself is the root of the problem, the glacier being calved from Kang itself.
We ask for a couple of shallow draught boats with which to approach and support from the Quodethi military. Two barges are found and a platoon of twenty marines with a sergeant are placed under Zerda’s command. The plan is for the marines to act as artillery support while we take the fight to the undead, but as they say: no plan survives contact with the enemy…
The first boat carrying Zerda, Vorstag, Finnris and Aeshma, handled by Zerda’s servant Thagnar and four marines, moors to the iceberg long enough for the four of us to disembark. Wearing crampons to make it easier to move on the ice we climb towards the icebound longship. Vorstag grows to giant size ready for a fight while Aeshma calls on Mithra to ward her from Evil.
All around us on the slope the ice has been disturbed as if the undead hidden below are merely waiting for the right time to attack. Above us we see the longship, gilded shields glittering on its sides. Bruneval steps to the fore, surrounded by about fifteen of his draugr, gloating that we have fallen into his trap. As expected the ice around us shatters and the remaining thirty or so draugr surround us.
Before we can act further, Bruneval’s other ally, the hydra, comes at his bidding and upturns Thagnar’s barge before its many heads swoop down on the unfortunate marines. Bruneval is too well hidden behind his draugr for any but the most accurate ranged attack to hit, so the four of us stand back to back, ready for the attack.
The battle lasts barely a minute but it seems like hours have passed. Vorstag quickly shrinks back to his normal size so as not to offer so large a target, but strikes down more draugr as every second passes; Finnris mows down the undead with wild swings from the Spear of Asura, withstanding their return attacks only by dint of his uncanny endurance, but even he has his limits and is soon forced to resort to a less reckless strategy. Zerda summons a gust of wind, throwing the undead away from him while using his magic to defend himself from the few attacks that reach him. Mithra’s protection blocks most of the draugr’s attacks against Aeshma as she steadily wears down her opponents.
Away from our sight, the hydra is waging its own battle against the marines. Thagnar is killed but the remainder are able to damage the hydra sufficiently that is chooses to retreat rather than continue its attack. His loud voice easily carrying above the sounds of battle, Vorstag exhorts the surviving marines to join the fight against the draugr.
Seeing his draugr falling before us, Bruneval is forced to join the fight but rather than attack us directly he chooses to target our marine allies. Seeing his chance, Finnris takes advantage of Zerda’s Gust of Wind to speed over towards Bruneval. As before, the cursed Frost Corpse has no defence against the Spear of Asura and is killed. At the same time the handful of remaining draugr crumble to the ice.
As the ice melts around the longship, we take the gilded shields and make a good profit selling them to a collector. The proceeds are split between the party and the marines or, in the case of those who fell in battle, the marine’s family. Vorstag donates his share to their cause and further decides to fund a memorial to the marines who died in the defence of their city against the undead.
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