Jelly:Hi Muizz!
White Valyrian:Hello Jelly it seem you made it in time XD
Jelly:Yes it all worked out in the end!
Simon N. (GM):Hi Muiz & Jelly :)
Jelly:I'm just heading for a quick loo break!
Hi Simon!
Simon N. (GM):Bill will be logging in shortly
White Valyrian:Hello Simon :)
Hello Matt
Simon N. (GM):brb beer run
White Valyrian:@Simon awesome good to have Droghall with us this session
White Valyrian:Hello Bill
Droghall:never fear droghall is here
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Ulfdin wanders off muttering madly to himself...
Droghall:"me sad to hear ally die"
Simon N. (GM):GM: As Rollo lays Shukra's body in the boat, you see several reptilian heads in the waters offshore
Rollo:Whats that in the water
Simon N. (GM):Lizardmen - watching you.
Rollo:Slaine, friends of yours or are these the Sandlanders?
Droghall:brb getting my sheet
Simon N. (GM):Slaine recognises them as Kormscale lizardmen, native to this region - they drove off the Sandlanders many years ago.
What does Slaine know about the Kormscale tribe?
Simon N. (GM):Roll History Slaine
Lord Borealis said they were hostile but hoped you could negotiate with them.
Laxus Draugnir:hopefully friends we do not want to face a hoard again
Simon N. (GM):You don't recall anything else.
Jelly:I'm assuming Bless is no longer active?
Simon N. (GM):When did you cast it?
Jelly:During the Frogmen fight.
Simon N. (GM):Hm, only about 15-20 minutes ago I'd say - so still running.
I'll put an angel wings icon on the Blessed
Jelly:Ok so then it's 10 total, not sure that makes a difference?
Simon N. (GM):Did you get Pinella in the Bless?
Jelly:I think it was everybody except Shukra.
It was towards the start of battle.
So I'm not sure Pinella was with us at that point?
Simon N. (GM):OK on a 10 - it's said there was an earthquake that breached the Lichway & gave the Kormscale access.
Simon N. (GM):They killed the priests, ambushed and drove off the Sandlanders, and eventually sacked their village.
Simon N. (GM):The Sandlander survivors retreated west up the coast.
Jelly:Slaine will raise up his hands in a sort of universal show of friendliness, or Lizardman sign for peace if he knows it.
Laxus Draugnir:"Slaine know ayting about our new company"
Simon N. (GM):OK Persuasion I think is right skill
Jelly:OOC oh sorry, yes I forgot to say Slaine relays all the stuff that Simon said.
Simon N. (GM):Slaine roll Persuasion
Laxus Draugnir:ooc can i roll history to know what are sandlanders?
OK Laxus
Jelly:OOC sorry guys I've been very unwell this week, resulting in a bit of a brain wipe! I've forgotten what our current quest is :-(
Simon N. (GM):A Kormscale swims forward.
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Simon N. (GM):Is that a 10 Laxus?
Rollo:We popped into this dungeon for a nose around before dropping Shukra (R.I.P.) off at her temple up the road.
Laxus Draugnir:oh yes 10 with blessing
Simon N. (GM):(w Bless?) The Sandlanders were a dour tribe of Kalayan fisher folk who buried their dead here, in the Lichway. As far as you know, they're extinct.
GM: Lord Borealis sent you in here after Dark Odo the Sorceress, as he's busy with the Nithian threat on his northern border.
Droghall:"you friend or food"
Laxus Draugnir:"Kalayans like Saya?"
Laxus mumble to himself Simon N. (GM):The Kormscale makes a peace sign as it climbs out of the water.
Droghall roll Might
Laxus Draugnir:00c nice i was in trouble as i forgot why were here in the firstplace XD
Simon N. (GM):It doesn't seem scared of Droghall!
Jelly:Odo must have put a spell of forgetting on me.......
Simon N. (GM):"I Ralsiss of Kormscale. This our place. Why you here?"
Laxus Draugnir:"Laxus Draugnir we are here to bring down a feamale sorceress"
Simon N. (GM):Ralsiss: "You see Toad-men?"
Laxus Draugnir:"we fought Toadmen are they your friends?"
Droghall:"me haven't they might"
Simon N. (GM):"No. Enemies!" he hisses.
Laxus Draugnir:"then we have the same enemy why are you showing yourself to us?"
Jelly:They are all ssssssssssslain! And that, by the way, isss alssso my name :-)
Simon N. (GM):Ralsiss hisses at Laxus then looks at Slaine: "We not allow humanss here. If these humanss are yourss, you may keep them. For sshort time."
I undersssssstand, of courssse. I will make sssure to keep them well under control.
Droghall:"human on back is mine"
Laxus Draugnir:"oh i am not just a human Ralsiss i am Laxus Draugnir noble elf of Imysthral"
Droghall:"he wounded so me help him"
Simon N. (GM):The lizardman nods to Slaine & Droghall. "We not understand why your tribe likesss humanss. Humansss bad. But... if you fight toad-men, that is good. Kill toad-men and bad humansss. And do not sstay too long."
Laxus Draugnir:"than you in luck the faster we find our bounty the sooner we leave"
Simon N. (GM):Ralsiss nods. "We are at peace." He turns to swim away.
GM: You see the lizardmen confer.
Rollo:Slaine can you teach me some of the lizardfolk language?
Simon N. (GM):They swim away.
Laxus Draugnir:sigh in relief "less enemies to deal with then Father and Pinella do you know where could we fing Dark Odo?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Learning languages - if you put your Language skill up +1 pip from CPs I'll say you can learn a new language.
Pinella:"I know the way."
Paxon of Mithra:"I, also! But beware - there is a magic ward on the door. Unless we approach via the Lichway."
Rollo:lean on (not lead of)
Jelly:It will take ssssome time but yessss, I believe I can teach you if you wish to learn!
Laxus Draugnir:"We try the door first maybe Slaine can break it"
"if not then we try the lynchway"
Droghall:"me can break door me have maul"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Pinella and Paxon explain that the quickest way is south from the prison cells, but there is a Magic Mouth warning spell on the door. Alternatively you could go east-south-west-north and come up via the Lichway.
Rollo:What does this ward do Pinella?
Laxus Draugnir:"then lets go lead the way"
Jelly:Perhapsss via our combined skillss in magic we could overcome the ward on the door?#
Pinella:"It makes a horrid bestial grunting noise, alerting Odo's guards."
Jelly:Hmmmm, perhapsss the long way around isss more prudent in that cassssse.
Rollo:can any of you magicians silence the alarm?
Jelly:May I make a magic roll DM?
Pinella:"I can detect magic - but not dispel it."
Simon N. (GM):Yes Slaine - what for?
Jelly:To see if there is any way of disabling the alarm?
Simon N. (GM):The Dispel Magic spell.
Jelly:Sssssssigh. Unforutnately I do not know htat one........
Paxon of Mithra:"To the Lichway? or the jail?"
Jelly:The lichway is ssssafest, I believe.
Laxus Draugnir:"yeas with an additon to surprise the Sorceress the lynhway is less dangerous and be the preferable option"
Droghall:"we just smash guards"
Laxus Draugnir:"do you know of the Lychway Ftaher Paxon?"
Paxon of Mithra:"Perhaps we can pick up the Sandlander treasure while we're at it..."
He nods to Laxus. "Indeed!"
Laxus Draugnir:"Sanlanders ruin? you know of it?"
Paxon of Mithra:"Their treasure is guarded by a weird monster, the Susurrus - if you listen you can hear it, like wind in the treetops!"
You can hear a whish whish whish sound
Laxus Draugnir:"speak of the devil?"
"like that?"
Jelly:GM would this be a monster that Slaine possibly knows of?
Laxus Draugnir:"well lets go the lynchway now before those toadmen show up again"
Jelly:Sounds like it would be at home in a forest.
Pinella:"If you listen, it's audible all through the complex."
Jelly:Yessss, no time to lossse.
Lead the way Paxon and Pinella.
Pinella:GM: It's pretty obscure - Lore TN 20
Simon N. (GM):(says GM) :)
Laxus Draugnir:ooc ouch thats high
Simon N. (GM):Paxon pushes open the doors... "The Crypt of Life!"
A 10' tall statue of a vampiric figure with mouth agape and fangs bared
stands on a low plinth on the NE wall. Words are carved into the plinth.
Rollo:scan the room for danger Simon N. (GM):Water flows from a pitcher held by the statue down through a floor grating.
Between two 3' high arches in the s and w walls flows a shallow stream.
Over it is a low stone bridge with rails of lashed bones
Jelly:Slaine will do a religion check on the crypt.
Laxus Draugnir:"what kind of human is this fangs and all?'
Simon N. (GM):Each upright is topped with a human skull, solid blobs of wax encrusted below each orifice
Jelly:And a Lore check on the monster:
That was for Susurrus but TN20 so fail :-(
Simon N. (GM):@Slaine - looks like the entry to the Lichway
Laxus Draugnir:plus 2 before we goret
Jelly:Oh yes sorry so 14 for the religion check.
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):To the SW is an archway with two bone lichgates hanging almost off their hinges.
The Lichgates are open and capped with human skulls.
Rollo:looks around, hows the light should i lite a torch? Simon N. (GM):It's dark in here
Paxon casts Light.
Illuminating the scene
Jelly:OOC what exactly is a lichway?
Sorry for my ignorance!
Laxus Draugnir:a gate way in my head cannon
Jelly:All i can think of is the Lich from the MM lol!
Simon N. (GM):(corpse-way) Rollo in the enhanced light you see something odd about the vampire statue's extended tongue.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6
Rollo:whats that, et a closer look
Paxon of Mithra:"This script on the plinth is interesting..."
Rollo:thank you Paxon, most illuminating.
Jelly:Laxus Monster Manual
Paxon of Mithra:"Bathe Sandlander and restful
"ease your cares
"Til the singer stills his song
"Then rise to claim your wares"
Simon N. (GM):@Rollo the tongue - at your shoulder height - appears to be hinged.
It looks like it could lift up from the floor of the vampire's mouth.
Laxus Draugnir:"is it a curse or premonition?'
Rollo:hmm what does this do
pull the lever Paxon of Mithra:"The Sandlanders buried their greatest treasures here... their wares?"
The tongue doesn't pull, but lifts up - underneath is a key.
made of silver
Pinella:"Paxon! Didn't you find a key hole beneath the Susurrus cage? Amdor said he'd cast a spell of unlocking... then Dark Odo attacked."
Laxus Draugnir:"but it will be guarden by the mosnter you mention before"
Rollo:Where there is a key there is a lock
Pinella:"The monster is caged, the bars too narrow to pass - but we found a keyhole beneath the cage."
"But no key - until now!" she sounds excited.
Laxus Draugnir:"a caged monster is good isnt?"
Jelly:It had better be a sssturdy cage!
Pinella:Pinella: "The stories say it sits atop the door to the Sandlander vault!"
Paxon of Mithra:"Excellent...."
rubs hands together "It seems our comrades did not die in vain!"
Rollo:it would seem our interests are aligned
Pinella:beckons to Rollo "This way!"
Laxus Draugnir:"lead the way then Father Paxon"
Simon N. (GM):Paxon crosses the Lichgate
Rollo:scan the cross roads for an ambush or trap
Simon N. (GM):GM: Beyond is the Lichway; the walls are covered in slabs like tombstones.
Rollo:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):each slab has a name in old Kalay script.
Laxus Draugnir:"Kalayan? if only Saya is alive she could have help us may she rest in eace"
Simon N. (GM):In a central vaulted chamber 40' high a stone statue of a grim skeleton stands 15' tall atop a pyramid.
Paxon of Mithra:"Ignore it - this way..."
Laxus Draugnir:ooc roloo lore?
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a Kalay depiction of Nergal, Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead
Laxus Draugnir:"Nergal it seems"
ooc everyone keeping up?
Simon N. (GM):Jelly are you following?
I''m moving the lizardmen up
OOC The Susurrus sound has put Bill to sleep! :-O
Jelly:Oh thankyou sorry I had my eye off screen for a moment.
Paxon of Mithra:"The Dronesong Hall!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: the strange Susurrus sound is combing from what looks like a headless gorilla made of honeycomb white cartilage(?)
Pinella:"The Sususurrus! Guardian monster of the Sandlanders..."
Jelly:OOC that's the weirdest sentence I've read in a long while!
Laxus Draugnir:"a strange creature i cannot fathom how it operate"
Jelly:OOC honestly who makes this stuff up lol
Simon N. (GM):Tattered shreds of once plush drapery hang from the walls.
Jelly:They must have had much better drugs in the 70s!
Simon N. (GM):In the centre is a 5' high stone platform into which is built a cage of silver bars.
The droning susurrus 'wind in trees' sound comes from the strange beast.
Jelly:GM now that Slaine has seen it, does he recognise it?
Simon N. (GM):DC 16 Lore Slaine
Laxus Draugnir:"what do we achieve releasing the beast?'
It sssems rather cruel to me but I believe it bessst if we keep him caged.......
Paxon of Mithra:"I found a secret keyhole on the east side..."
Rollo:lets give a try then good Paxon
Jelly:I do not know enough about hiss kind to tell if he will be violent........
Paxon of Mithra:he pulls out a stone, revealing a small keyhole.
"I believe this is the way to the treasure!" His eyes gleam.
Rollo:try the silver key in the hole The bars on the east side of the cage slide down, slamming into the stone!
The Susurrus turns, raising massive thorny fists...
Simon N. (GM):roll init pls
Aliegha:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Rollo:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:ooc droghall is fast for his size :D
Paxon of Mithra:rolling 2d6
Jelly:DM may I cast Bless again or is it too soon?
Paxon of Mithra:you can cast it whenever you like
Simon N. (GM):rem you lose 1D of magic on a failed cast
Susurrus init
#18 Rollo!
The Susurrus has moved, revealing the trap door it was standing on.
Paxon of Mithra:"The treasure door!"
Rollo:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Jelly:OOC now I have the Trap Door theme tune in my head!
That monster could have come from the show tbh!
Simon N. (GM):Rollo leaps onto plinth to attack?
actually do i need to with a long axe?
Simon N. (GM):Yes due to the angle
For Ulfdin!
Simon N. (GM):You give it a good wack
Laxus Draugnir:ooc so the lychway is like some sort of maze?
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
21 DMG
+2 if the bless is still on?
Jelly:Slaine hisses: don't get out of range for my ssssspells!
OOC that's 30ft radius everyone.
Simon N. (GM):Soak 23 so it takes a Stun
#16 Droghall
Rollo:Woah this THING is tough.
Jelly:GM can I stack the Bless spell if previous one is still on?
Laxus Draugnir:holy shit thats is one tanky monster
Simon N. (GM):no Jelly :)
they overlap not stack
Jelly:Just checking! Will the current one last the fight?
Droghall:i charge and attacktwice
Droghall:rolling 6d6 + 1
Rollo:(dont forget the bless bill ;-D)
Simon N. (GM):Droghall is not blessed
Droghall:rolling 8d6 + 1
Droghall:rolling 6d6 + 1
Simon N. (GM):2nd attack is a good crunchy hit
Laxus Draugnir:damn Droghall is a beast
Jelly:I mussst ssssay I feel rather sssssssorry for this beassst :-(
Droghall:"slaine please use magic make me better" (i mean bless)
Rollo:if you can bless us Slaine, can you curse the beast?
Simon N. (GM):The Susurrus tries to grab Rollo & Paxon to its thorny bosom
5D+2 after penalties
Jelly:I am a white shaman, I do not presently know any curssses or hexeesss.
vs Paxon
he should have stood well back...
Rollo:Look out good Paxo...
Simon N. (GM):rolling 8d6+2
Mortally Wounded. "eek!"
Simon N. (GM):The Susurrus clambers down
Droghall:"why humans so weak?"
Resist is 15 + its might
LOL :)
backs away
Jelly:So is it paralysed now??
Jelly:Oh that was it resisting? Blimey!
Simon N. (GM):She got 22, it got 40
brb beer
Jelly:+17 on Might?? that's insane!!
Aliegha:*aliegha takes out her Ruby Sword and charged at the monster
Simon N. (GM):No, resist is 15 + its might
Aliegha:how far can she travel 15?
Jelly:That's still loads lol
Simon N. (GM):charge 30' or dash 45'
dash is an action
Aliegha:charge and attack?
Simon N. (GM):she can dash & attack at -1D for 2 actions
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
does it hit?
Simon N. (GM):Block 26, parries
end turn
Paxon of Mithra:lies there Laxus Draugnir:move 15 feet and activate my Elven Sword moon light to transform Aliegha
Simon N. (GM):Aliegha gets a lot hairier :)
Jelly:OOC I love the bear token :-)
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus Shudders remembering the last time he was with Aliegha in this form was in bed Jelly:OOC is Paxon still alive? Or squashed under the Sussurus?
Laxus Draugnir:ooc buried underneath i believe
Jelly:I want to try to get to him to heal him.
Simon N. (GM):roll Wit (Medicine) Slaine
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
It missed stepping on him - he's alive but dying.
Slaine:Ok I'm under the bear now I think!
Simon N. (GM):Rem Heal is 5 rounds?
Slaine:I need to be able to touch him.
Droghall:i think bless would be better since we can kill it better
Slaine:Oh yes I have to concentrate for 6 turns, perhaps too risky :-(
Ok in that case I'll stay where I was before if possible and cast bless on the remaining party members who dont already have it
Simon N. (GM):ok you step forward then back & cast Bless
Slaine:That's Drog, Pinella, Paxon and Aliegah I think?
Aliegah is blessed
Slaine:Ok everyone remaining blessed!
Droghall:"oh yeah its all coming together"
Laxus Draugnir:Thanks Slaine
Slaine:You are welcome, childe.
Rollo:take advantage of the elevation of the platform (spend a hero point on dmg if i hit) Laxus Draugnir:Where is Aliegha in the turn order?
Rollo:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Slaine:Laxus she went before me.
Rollo:Hero Point is +6 DMG right?
Slaine:And remember +2 for Bless as well!
Simon N. (GM):can spend yp to 3
Rollo:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 9
Simon N. (GM):Stun - had 1 stun so now Severely Wounded
Rollo:Comon' guys hit it!
Simon N. (GM):#16 Droghall
Droghall:i make two mighty attacks
Droghall:rolling 6d6 + 3
It tickles!
Simon N. (GM):as it fends you off
with its thorny arms
GM oops
Droghall should have hit as it was out of Block
Simon N. (GM):Dodge 14 so hit
Droghall:they can only parry twice
Simon N. (GM):You can only block/parry 2 attackers
Droghall:"parry this you filthy casual"
Droghall:rolling 8d6 + 3
Simon N. (GM):'incapacitated' - it's knocked back
#11 Stamina to stay up
Simon N. (GM):rolling 7d6+2
It charges Droghall!
misses stepping on Paxon
Laxus Draugnir:thsi what i call a monster fight
Slaine:OOC yes very Godzilla esque!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6+2
"i see no god up here... but me"
Simon N. (GM):with -4 dice for prior damage, poor monster is parried :(
Droghall:oh shit wild die
Slaine:No good deed goes unpunished!
Simon N. (GM):35 to hit Droghall
Aliegha:thank god its not damage
Droghall:i spend a hero point on soak
actually two
Simon N. (GM):rolling 8d6+2
34-28 = 6, Droghall wounded
& Velo scurries off Droghall
Droghall:"this is not okie-doki
#10 Aliegha bear
Aliegha:attacking the bee hive with bear clws
Rollo:(i'm not sure which monster Pinella is cheering)
Aliegha:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 3
Aliegha:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):Stun adds up - Mortally Wounded! It collapses!
Laxus Draugnir:nice the bee hive is dead
Simon N. (GM):The Dronesong finally ceases.
Slaine:It lookssssss like sssome healing is in order.........
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus sheath the Elven Sword and run to Aliegha Simon N. (GM):All down the Lichway you hear the slamming of stone slabs as they hit the floor.
Slaine:Sssssssigh. It sssaddens me to sssse a wild beasst caged like thisssss, but It was him or usssss.
Simon N. (GM):Hundreds of skeletons are crawling out of their tombs.
Droghall:"run lizard kin run"
Can someone please do a screenshot for posterity?
I'm not tech savvy enough!
Laxus Draugnir:"well its time to dive in"
Slaine:I suppose this is the fun of R20, even Simon doesn't have that many minis :-)
Simon N. (GM):From down the Lichway you hear the horrified screams of some Toadmen... screams that turn to gurgling death cries
Simon N. (GM):The nearest skeletons lurch towards you...
Rollo:ive just zoom out to see all the skeles
Slaine:I think we need to jump into that trap door! Quickly!!
Laxus Draugnir:"Run Pinella"
Slaine:Uloc Besssskar!! RUN!!
Laxus Draugnir:is Aliegha still in bear form?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6
Slaine:Opp attack on one of my boys i think
Parry 17
Simon N. (GM):#10 Aliegha-bear
Droghall:there are no oppurtunity attacks in this version
Slaine:Oh I didn't know that.
Paxon of Mithra:GM: Jelly you moved your minis, you should only do that on a #7
We are on #9
Laxus Draugnir:"well see everyone down below lets go Aliegha"
leading the bear to the hole in the cage Slaine:Oh sorry. I thought because they didn't go on Slaine's turn they still had an action this round.
Or last round, I mean.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Does Laxus leap up & open trap door?
Slaine:I won't move them again this turn then.
Simon N. (GM):(OK thx Jelly)
Laxus Draugnir:climb down Simon N. (GM):Aliegh already went
GM: Yanking up the trapdoor, Laxus sees a deep pit; 20' down he sees gold, gems...
Laxus Draugnir:damn then Laxus wait for Aliegha
Simon N. (GM):candelabras, jewelry, silver flasks...
The hoarded wealth of the dead Sandlanders.
#7 Slaine
Droghall:"go jump with the other lizard kin"
Slaine:Slaine will head to the trap-door, whilst instructing Drog to shield Uloc and Beskar until they can safely move down as well.
Unless they can move this go?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Slaine climbs up into the cage, Looking down he sees the piled wealth of the Sandlanders 20' below in the pit.
Rollo:Can you see a way out Slaine?
Slaine:We will have to go into the pit, I believe......
Simon N. (GM):No way out visible in the treasure pit.
Rollo:Your down there Slaine, can you see a way out?
Laxus Draugnir:what is this?
Slaine:Unfortunately not!
Slaine:We will have to run down that other tunnel, as fassst as we can!
Simon N. (GM):That's a handy escape corridor Muiz
Rollo:scans treasure room rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):The walls have ragged drapes
2 of Rollo's party have climbed into a cage w only exit on east side
652 skeletons are approaching from the north.
Rollo:the only exit i can see is the tunnel to the north. There could be other routes behind the ragged drapses in the pit.
Simon N. (GM):the drapes are in the room
Slaine:OOC I honestly think that escape corridor is the only exit!
Rollo:im really confused. why have people gone in the cage
Slaine:Head there quick or its a TPK.
Because I thought there was a way out through the pit below.
Rollo:the northern tunne;
Pinella to this tunnel ... run
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can move 60' + Athletics check in one round if you do nothing else
Rollo:ive moved 30' if i can ready a counter attack as well i shall do that
Slaine:OOC no because we need space for other people to get in the tunnel as well :-)
Simon N. (GM):Full run - if a character takes no other action but move, they move up to 60' plus the result of an Athletics check. If sprinting in a straight line they may move 90' + double Athletics check.
You can move up to 45' & ready a counter attack at -1 die
(or 15' at full dice)
Laxus Draugnir:Droghall Turn?
Simon N. (GM):#16 Droghall
Droghall:first i call velo onto me
"come on boy"
i grab uloc and bescar and take throw them at the escape corridor if they let me
Slaine:Yes they should, I already told them to run so they know we're escpaing!
Laxus Draugnir:ooc Jelly maybe Slaine could use wand of Mithra to maybe turn the skeletons
Slaine:OOC I'm not sure if that would work as I'm not a cleric?
But could try?
Droghall:i try and throw them towards the escape door
Laxus Draugnir:gotta try anything as theyre are closing in
Droghall:rolling 4d6 + 2
Simon N. (GM):Droghall "ushers" the lizardmen towards the exit
Droghall:i move towards the door
"take velo and the human make sure there safe"
Pinella:looks behind her "Oh"
5 attacks on Pinella
Rollo:(its a shame none of us can fireball the cluster)
Slaine:OOC we're not very good at protecting our female magic user NPCs :-(
Laxus Draugnir:Rollo should have taken the unlucky in love drawback cause the number of times he loses his girls are riduculous
Rollo:the lad did last week we are diverse in our allies death toll
Pinella:highest was a 12 - no damage
3 on Droghall
no effect
1 on Beskar
Simon N. (GM):The skels claw at you ineffectually
Pinella:tries to break through Skels Droghall:"human not dead we must save her"
Pinella gets through the undead horde clawing at her
#10 Aliegha
Slaine:This is ssssoo tensssse!!
Aliegha:Aliegha moves to guard Laxus
moving crush a skeleton as well i gues i bear claw
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 3
Aliegha:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Laxus Draugnir:can i go Pick up Pinella and run to the corridor i would even spend a Hero Point to do it
Simon N. (GM):yes if you use enough actions and make a TN 10 Stamina/Lift roll
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Dash + Grab = 2 actions, ok you grab her
& I've put her under your control as you already noticed :) - Pinella clings to Laxus
#7 Slaine
Droghall:"uloc beskar take velo and my human and make sure there safe return them to me when i come to you"
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'm switching to the mass combat rules for the skels, only rolling their wild die, other dice avg
Rollo:(Why is Drg carrying Argun BTW?)
Simon N. (GM):Droghall roll Persuasion
Laxus Draugnir:"Doghall pet i believe
Droghall:rolling 2d6 + 2
Slaine:Can't Slaine order the boys to do that anyway?
Simon N. (GM):GM: The lizardmen leg it
Slaine:Since it's his turn he'll tell them as a free action.
Simon N. (GM):w Argun & Velo
Slaine:Can Slaine attempt to turn the skellies and run if using hero points?
Droghall:"slaine take the wounded man"
Simon N. (GM):You can Dash (action) + try to Turn (action) at -1D yes
Droghall:"ill hold them till you all are safe"
Slaine:Is that a magic roll?
Claws crossed!
Simon N. (GM):Daylight blazes forth from the Wand of Mithra. The skels take an involuntary step back.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
#18 Rollo
Rollo:Come along now folks
lets get out of here
can i get passed the people in the corridor?
stopping at 9pm
open door?
Simon N. (GM):The door bursts open...
Three giant rats look up from their cheese.
wrong tunr, please excuse me
end turn
Simon N. (GM):A noxious smell of rotting foods wafts from the storeroom
mould encrusted barrels have split and spilt their contents over the floor
#16 Droghall
Rollo:shuts door and points west Head that way
Simon N. (GM):(you start to shut door)
Droghall:i make three attacks on the skeletons next to me and pick up the wounded man
Droghall:rolling 8d6 + 7
Simon N. (GM):Droghall mows down the leading wave of skels
Droghall:i move 15 ft just behind slaine
Droghall:"i am here to make sure everyone lives"
"bear do not die hear me don't die"
Simon N. (GM):4 skels attack Droghall
Simon N. (GM):2 vs parry 2 vs dodge
highest 12
1 claws at Slaine
Rollo:i have to log off comrades. thank you for the game. :-D
Simon N. (GM):6 at Aliegha-bear
Simon N. (GM):(will end here)
Have 5 CP
highest 15
(she could block the 2 who wilded yup as first 2 rolls)
Laxus Draugnir:im Surprised Pinella survived that
Slaine:Thanks Simon! Amazing game, just the visuals alone of all those skellies lol!
Simon N. (GM):Cheers Jelly :)
ok next game in 2 weeks
Slaine:See everyone next time!
Laxus Draugnir:damn 2 weeks?
so same sunday
5 CP & 1 HP
Laxus Draugnir:cool thanks everyone for the game and see everyone 2 weeks time
Slaine:Ok I'll note that down!
Laxus Draugnir:im thinking Does aliegha also have CP?
Simon N. (GM):no, but I raised her stats recently
So use her current stats
Laxus Draugnir:cool less work for me Thanks Simon
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