GM: You are in the Runehall.
Simon N. (GM):To the south is the old guardroom where you heroically defeated some toadmen.
North Aliegha Cat & Laxus are at the door the bandits thought a wizard was behind.
& there are brass bound double doors to SE
Jelly:Slaine will join Laxus to the north.
Issss there anything of interressst in here?
Laxus Draugnir:Knocks the door "Anyone their we have gotten rid of the bandits"
Rollo:Shukra and the lads can keep an eye on the south.
Simon N. (GM):Guardroom #5 - broken bunks & shredded bedding litter the floor. There are 2 massive stone levers coming up from the SW floor, looks like they connect to the Stonegate to open and close it?
Simon N. (GM):through door "You h-have? I mean,
you have? And who might you be?"
"I was just preparing to unleash my mightiest magics upon those poor wretches!"
Laxus Draugnir:"Laxus of the Silver Sword and my companions"
Simon N. (GM):Laxus roll Charm (persuasion?)
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
(oh exploded die nice)
Simon N. (GM):"Of the Silver Sword? You mean the Elven Heroes of Old Imystrahl?! I am truly impressed!""
You hear the door being unlatched.
You see a tall bearded man in starry blue robes (well worn) carrying an elaborately carved and painted 5' staff.
Simon N. (GM):Behind him is the remains of an old armoury, battered shield and broken weapons.
"Amdor the Mighty, at your service!" bows
Ulfdin:"I am Osric Lord of the Crimson Jockstrap and king of the stoats of Ferretweasel"
Simon N. (GM):bows "Very pleased to meet you, King Osric!"
Laxus Draugnir:"Greetings Amdor may i ask what brought a wizard such as yourself here and alone"
Jelly:Sssssssssslaine, shaman of the Foresssst Godssssss. A pleasure.
Rollo:see's Slaine's shoulders slump and belly laughs Simon N. (GM):"Oh, I was with a party, but of little account. We were ambushed by the forces of Dark Odo... she cast some sinister magic that temporarily befuddled me..."
Dark Odo is a she hmmm
Ulfdin:I was befuddled once. Neede a strong oitment to unbefuddle me
Laxus Draugnir:"Dark Odo she is here?"
Simon N. (GM):"By the time my powers returned, the others were gone - captured! Fighting off the brigand hordes I took sanctuary here and prepared a spell of utmost puissance... You are lucky I did not incinerate you all!"
Ulfdin:My magical golden codpiece would hav esaved me
Laxus Draugnir:"where did you last saw her?"
Simon N. (GM):nods to Laxus "My party had just discovered a hidden trapdoor, guarded by a strange whistling beast... no doubt the guardian of the old Sandlanders' treasure. When we were ambushed by Odo and her fell minions!"
Rollo:Mighty Amdor of the magnificent beard would you like to have your revenge?
Ulfdin:Was it the Whistling Werebeast of Waterbury?
Simon N. (GM):"I saw her in the chamber I term
dronesong hall, where the Guardian beast stands caged."
nods to Rollo "Indeed!" strokes beard
Jelly:OOC didn't we come across Odo a while back? My memory isn't great........
Simon N. (GM):"Beware though, Odo is not the only danger to lurk in these depths... we had previously encountered frog-men!!"
Laxus Draugnir:"we noticed we just dispatched some of them"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can roll Lore/History to replace your own memory Jelly :)
Rollo:Damn the web toed bandits
Jelly:OOC thanks! I think at the time my character was Saya anyway!
Simon N. (GM):"Dispatched? Excellent!" Amdor beams happily.
Simon N. (GM):"Ah, yes, the guard hall!"
Rollo:Sorry Slaine, Beskar, Uloc and big lad no offence intended.
Ulfdin:I'm going to have a nose in the armoury
Simon N. (GM):GM: You were told Dark Odo was once apprentice to Baroness D'hmis, but they had a falling out.
Slaine:Baroness Dh'missssssssss?
Rollo:Yes thats right Slaine. But the lord neglected to mention Dark Odo was a woman.
Laxus Draugnir:"half-elf baron at the west Slaine"
Uloc:Water has ebbed into the arnoury over the years and not much in there is salvageable. Ulfdin finds a decent bronze axe head.
Rollo:What do you have there might king Ozric?
Uloc:Amdor: "A woman! Of course she's a woman! And what a woman...."
faraway expression Laxus Draugnir:"a sorceress her own right if Dark Odo is strong as her we'll be bit in trouble"
Ulfdin:The bronze axehead of the Flailing Chicken
Laxus Draugnir:"lets continue to explore this place starting the forgman room"
Simon N. (GM):Amdor: "There are two ways on from here - south east goes to the Lichway and the treasure room, but yes there are more chambers to the south..."
Ulfdin:"Treasure Room y'say?"
Rollo:Ulfdin look what i found in the boat
shows Uldin the dagger and potion bottles Laxus Draugnir:"treasure room?"
Simon N. (GM):Through the west doors you see a passage that turns south. Past a door in the north wall you hear movement.
sounds like debris being pushed about.
Simon N. (GM):thanks for moving the boys Jelly :)
Simon N. (GM):Rollo you can make Shukra move too :D
Laxus Draugnir:"hmm it seems their is some activities going on here lets deal with anything posing athreat first before challenging the treasure room"
Rollo:Aye DM, just noticed. thx
Simon N. (GM):Amdor holds his ornate staff dramatically. It isn't very well painted.
Ulfdin:OOC I've lost Ulfdin
Rollo:After you
holds the door open Simon N. (GM):baby ulfdin
Rollo:Kind Ozric what sorcery has befell you?
it happening again, it must be a full moon
Laxus Draugnir:take a peek around the corner Aliegha:pushes door open. The lone toadman looks up from rooting through the debris.
RIBBIT Rollo:cures of the cheese eating werehobbit
Aliegha:Froggy takes a step back.
Laxus Draugnir:"well it seems we a lone frogman Slaine want to interrogate this creature?"
Ulfdin:"Herer froggy froggy"
Simon N. (GM):There's a lot of what looks like old torture devices and rubbish here.
Ulfdin:I go in the frog room
Simon N. (GM):Froggy clutches his little wood spear.
Rollo:to Shukra So I have been thinking, there must be more to life than just earth shaking physical satisfaction
Simon N. (GM):"Ribbit!" slightly plaintive.
Shukra:raises eyebrow "Really?"
Ulfdin:Give the frog some food
Laxus Draugnir:"Slaine come up front their is alone frogman can you ask what his kind doing in a place like this?"
Shukra:Ulfdin roll Charm (or a relevant Charm skill eg Seduction) :)
Ulfdin:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Rollo:looks around nervously and reddens Bah only kidding
Slaine:OOC can Slaine speak Froggy?
Simon N. (GM):Froggy nervously opens his mouth - his long tongue lashes out and whips the rations from Ulfdin's palm.
Ulfdin:Ulfdin gives him the thumbs up
Slaine:I'd better ssssssssstep in before he getsss his hand taken off!
Ulfdin, be careful pleassssssse!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Slaine knows these creatures are accorrding to legend a very degenerate form of serpentman, so they
might understand Lizardman speak which also derives from Nesskian serpent-tongue
Laxus Draugnir:ooc my thoughts would be akin as lizard cavemen speech
Slaine:Slaine speaks very slowly and loudly:
Rollo:Are these the Sandlanders?
Ulfdin:"Come sir froggy. There's fuckery to spraed throughout these caves"
Laxus Draugnir:"ask it why its kind is here and if theyre anymore toadmen"
That's for language.
Simon N. (GM):Froggy: (in broken Nessk): "Magic lady? Not unnerstand."
Slaine:LOOKSSSSS A BIT LIKE HIM (points to the wizard) BUT FEMALE.
Simon N. (GM):Laxus & Slaine understand him, the Nimothans just hear
ribbit ribbit :)
Ulfdin:Ulfdin starts going "Ribbit ribbit"
Simon N. (GM):Amdor: "Of course, she lacks a fine staff such as mine!"
Rollo:considers the stirge Laxus Draugnir:"well what about your god little frogman "
"what was his name again tsallagoth?"
Rollo:sneers damn parasite
kills pined stirge Simon N. (GM):Froggy shakes his head. "No see. Just wheezy-thing. We here for rats!
yum yum"
eyes Cat hungrily Slaine:OOC Tsuathoggua again?? I swear that deity crosses all dimensions and campaigns, it's mightly leap boundless!
Ulfdin:@Slaine - "Shall I beat him up?"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Cat purrs.
Laxus Draugnir:"touch the cat and die frog"
Slaine:No, Ulfdin, bessssssssst leave him be. There will be plenty more to attack later I am sssssure.
Slaine:Leave the frogman to his ratsssssssss.
Simon N. (GM):"Tsallagoth? Me not know. Me follow Great Frog in Cave!"
Laxus Draugnir:"well better than anything do whatever you want with it Ulfdin well continue to explore"
Slaine:OOC probably a sibling god or something!
Laxus Draugnir:"Great frog in cave?where is he now?"
Laxus Draugnir:"you see him here before"
Simon N. (GM):Amdor: "Beyond those doors is a watery pit... my party did not fancy it."
Rollo:The seers up north frighten children with tales of a great slimey toad called Tsuathoggua...
Simon N. (GM):Froggy looks befuddled at Laxus.
Simon N. (GM):Froggy nods eagerly. "Tsathoggua! Great Frog in Pit! Will Eat Everything at End of Time!"
Ulfdin:"I'll give him heartburn"
Rollo:I'ms sure your point is absolutley ribbiting toad man but i cant understand a word
Laxus Draugnir:"he is a follower of a dark god then are sure to leave it be Slaine?"
Ulfdin:"He seems ok for a dark god worshiping frog"
Laxus Draugnir:"well if Ulfdin says so lets continue our path then"
Ulfdin:We have shared food
Rollo:points at the dead stirge and makes a sucking face Simon N. (GM):Froggy steps out. "Ribbit?"
Rollo:theres a snack for you toady
Slaine:I think it bessst if we leave him be for now.
Simon N. (GM):Froggy nods
Slaine:And if he wantsss to come with ussss, he may be useful in helping to navigate thissss place.
Rollo:reckon that will give him indigestion
Simon N. (GM):Froggy grabs stirge, exits north.
Aliegha:Pushes doors open
Ulfdin:"He seemed like a nice chap"
Ulfdin:"Tie a rope round me waist Buckeroos"
Laxus Draugnir:"sometimes i feel killing everything is not right so lets hope that frog wont bite us in the ass later"
Simon N. (GM):Domed 40' ceiling, light filtering in through gaps; water at bottom of steps; the walls up to 2' above water level are covered in seaweed and slime.
Ulfdin:Tie a rope around waist and enter the water filled room
Laxus Draugnir:"welll better than me then"
tie rope around Ulfdin Ulfdin:"someone grab the end"
Simon N. (GM):Around the walls copper manacles are set into the stonework.
Laxus Draugnir:ooc wait its 2 feet of water?
Ulfdin:There's skullduggery afoot
Slaine:Hmmmm, thisss place feelsss desssecrated, a dark miasma around.......
Rollo:Some kind of torture chamber?
Slaine:OOC can Slaine roll a religion check?
Simon N. (GM):Religion - sure
Rollo:Watch you step Ulf..king Ozric the steps look slippery
Laxus Draugnir:*Aliegha and Laxus holding onto the rope"
Slaine:Checking for ritual sacrifice elements?
Simon N. (GM):Water looks only about 18" currently, deeper in the middle.
You see doors up the opposite steps.
GM: Slaine - this looks like the sacrifical pit of the ancient Sandlanders.
Ulfdin:Stay away from the deepest bit
lets go of rope
Simon N. (GM):They liked to weigh down bodies and drop them into a watery pit.
Ulfdin the pit looks very deep.
Simon N. (GM):There is a tidal motion here, the seaweed sways gently
Slaine:I susssspected as much........
Simon N. (GM):rolling d5
Rollo:follows Ulfdin staying close the rope Laxus Draugnir:"Ulfdin we can only go as 50 feet"
Slaine:Careful everyone! There may be remnants of angry ssssssspirits lurking here........
Ulfdin:Drop the rope then
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin roll perception
Laxus Draugnir:*letting go of the rope
Ulfdin:rolling (2 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin hears the sea.
Ulfdin:I can hear thee sea
Simon N. (GM):There must be an opening down the pit leading to the sea.
Rollo:mutters a curse under his breath so Gary doesnt hear Ulfdin:"EEE By Gum I 'eard that!"
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin you hear heavy breathing beyond the door.
"Heh heh. Most fine, ma pretty... heh heh heh."
Ulfdin:Something here - readies sword and shield
Slaine:OOC isn't that just Rollo?
Simon N. (GM):OOC: 18+ content ahead - don't blame me, Albie Fiore wrote it in 1977 :D
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin roll Brawl or Lift to burst open doors, they're lightly barred
Laxus Draugnir:ooc oh shit about get down
Ulfdin:Albie Fiore was a perv
Slaine:OOC tbh it's prob pretty tame by today's standards!
Simon N. (GM):Might (Brawl) I guess
Ulfdin:rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Laxus Draugnir:Brawl or lift your choice
Simon N. (GM):The doors explode inwards as the bar shatters...
Simon N. (GM):A hideously ugly man stands by a bed to which is tied a buxom naked wench, good looking. He is buttoning up his trews, but whirls at the intrusion.
Simon N. (GM):A torch on the north wall lights the scene.
Rollo:Shukra to Amdor - your bears is positively luxurious
Simon N. (GM):The hideous wretch is flushed and panting.
GM: OK Ulfdin I'll give you a surprise attack action
Laxus Draugnir:"Theyre in trouble lets go"
Rollo:OOC she doesnt like too bad to me
Ulfdin:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
brb phone
Laxus Draugnir:"crap in the middle of theaction"
that was ooc
Slaine:OOC shall we all roll initiative?
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin strikes the foul jailor (whose face is covered in warts and sores)
Simon N. (GM):Soak 12 so 9 over - he goes down incapacitated
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6
He's unconscious.
The girl struggles in her bonds. "Please - help me!"
Simon N. (GM):One of those Dharay girls.
Ulfdin:"Rollo - found you a friend"
Laxus Draugnir:ooc for a second tho i thught theyll be a frog god behind the door
Rollo:What's a lovely girl like you doing in a horrible pace like this?
tosses head back Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin cuts her free and she rises up, staggering. "Th-thank you. I'm Pirella... that's Foul Faced Vivlok, one of Odo's men..."
Rollo can roll seduction as ever :)
Rollo:kicks Vivok The beast
Simon N. (GM):Vivlok groans.
Ulfdin:I tie up foul face
Rollo:rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
here let me help you up Pirella
Ulfdin:Pirelli loks tired......Get it?
Rollo:what happened to your clothes?
Simon N. (GM):(groan) Pirella looks starry eyed at Rollo.
Laxus Draugnir:"seem my worry is undeserved both handled that splendidly"
Simon N. (GM):Pirella: "He burnt them..."
Ulfdin:Call the others over - "Got a prisoner"
Beskar:"Wise One! They are coming!!!"
Rollo:the villain
says rollo smiling Amdor: "eek!!"
Slaine:Slaine will bellow across to the others
Laxus Draugnir:ooc holy shit
OOC Simon can Slaine and lizardfolk move across without making a roll?
Ulfdin:Getover here we can close the door....oh no we can't I broke 'em
Laxus Draugnir:"are there othe girls like you miss Pirella"
Rollo:I can hear the slapping of webbed feet
Shukra:Lizardmen can swim the water yes
Amdor & Shukra also plunge into the shallow water.
Ulfdin:'Wizard use you magics!"
Slaine:OOC Sorry can't see squares on the water, how far can we get to?
Shukra:GM: I think better roll init
Slaine:I think that's 30ft?
Ulfdin:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (4 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Aliegha:rolling (3 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus is 16
Simon N. (GM):have your lizardmen go on your init Slaine
Slaine:Uloc and Beskar go after Slaine or roll seperartely?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+2
OK think I have everyone?
GM: No deed goes unpunished as you hear the angry ribbits of the spear waving froggy horde
#16 Laxus
Laxus Draugnir:readies his Heavy Bow Magic Cat:GM: You can move 15' & ready one shot at full dice for when target appears
Laxus Draugnir:end of turn
Ulfdin:Can I move to these doors
Magic Cat:you could charge them?
Simon N. (GM):Or use an action to reach them
2nd action to open then
And listen at them
Simon N. (GM):Ulfdin hears nothing beyond the doors. Pirella: "The cells - Paxon our priest is in there! We need to rescue him!"
Rollo:Picks up a piece of the shattered door as a makeshift shield and runs to the steps javalin ready to throw Come on!
Simon N. (GM):#12 Slaine you can swim 30' + an Athletics roll
Simon N. (GM):same for you boys
Rollo:grins a slaine helping him up Uloc:
Simon N. (GM):GM: The lizardmen dive into the deep pool then swim strongly across - not a good idea for the humans
#12 Aliegha
Aliegha:stand besied Laxus and ready her Warbow Simon N. (GM):The first toadmen come round the corner (move + attack actions)
Simon N. (GM):#8 ok those with readied shots can shoot
Laxus Draugnir:rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Simon N. (GM):16 to hit - hit
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):LOL very dead froggy!
Aliegha:rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Simon N. (GM):20 to kill - dead!
Rollo:wade you fools wade!
lobs javalin rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
oops wrong button
no that was the right button
Simon N. (GM):that's a big ole miss
Roll another d6, on a 1 you hit Amdor or Shukra
Simon N. (GM):darn should have said "on a 6" :D
Simon N. (GM):GM: the leading frogmen leap onto the unfortunate NPCs as they wade into the water...
vs Amdor
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6+1
Dodge 8 in his heavy robes so 2 hits
Laxus Draugnir:ooc hope he's not important to the adventure cause fuck
Simon N. (GM):Amdor is run through, a spear tip bursts out of his chest. His eyes roll up and he dies.
Slaine:He didn't even manage to casssst one sssssssssspell :-(
Simon N. (GM):(Amdor always dies) :)
Slaine:Slaine says a silent prayer and hopes to all hell the Toad God isn't roused by this fresh sacrifice!
Ulfdin:He was a bit of a dick
Laxus Draugnir:ooc for real ;D
Simon N. (GM):vs Shukra 9 to hit
Rollo:Come on Shukra you can make it (I notice she's not wearing heavy robes ;-D)
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6+1
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6+1
1 hit
Ulfdin:Never mind Rollo - you've got a new one now
Simon N. (GM):17 - Incapacitated
Simon N. (GM):she falls into the water
Laxus Draugnir:ooc again lets hope she is too important as well
ooc pcs and npcs can walkthrough us right?
Ulfdin:We can hold them at the door
Simon N. (GM):Pirella pulls out Vivlok's dagger and slits his throat.
Ulfdin:"Gah!!" Stupid woman
Laxus Draugnir:*reload an arrow
ooc i believe we a a dice penalty with the warbow?
Simon N. (GM):You can shoot 1/round w no penalty
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 0
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):just a wound
Ulfdin:Move back to the door
Get ready to fight
end turn
Simon N. (GM):ok you can ready a weapon blow vs adjacent foe
Rollo:wades into the chamber launches a javelin at the wounded toady rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):16 to hit - hit!
Rollo:rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
DMG = 21
Rollo:Hang on Shukra I'm coming!
Simon N. (GM):#12 Slaine & co
Slaine:Slaine casts Bless on the party (think everyone is in range?)
Laxus Draugnir:ooc underwater fight XD
Simon N. (GM):Yes you can Bless everyone but Shukra :)
She should never have accepted that lift!
Yup TN 19
Simon N. (GM):"Remember kids, don't get in boats with strange Vikings"
Slaine:I know but I'm not sure what I can do apart from possibly cast Invisibility on her?
Using a HP?
Simon N. (GM):OK you get +2 to all rolls
Simon N. (GM):#12 Aliegha
Slaine:I've got the scroll for it...
Rollo:(poor girl didnt want to stop here either)
Laxus Draugnir:fires an arrow
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 3
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 3
The ravening horde RIBBITS into action!
Laxus Draugnir:holy shit thyere fast
Simon N. (GM):They swim the chamber on powerful froggy legs, leaping the last 20' or so
Simon N. (GM):One lands beside Ulfdin who can swipe it with his sword(?)
Slaine:OOC bugger I should have had the boys' ready an action. Oh well.
Ulfdin:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Laxus Draugnir:Ulfdin cut it down
Ulfdin:rolling 6d6 + 2
Slaine:Remember your plusssssssssss 2's!
All dice!
Rollo:plusss twossss hahahaha
nice one Jelly
Simon N. (GM):Several toads stop to plunge their spears into Amdor & Shukra...
Slaine:OOC shit Shukra is toad food :-(
Simon N. (GM):A toad lunges at Rollo.
Slaine:OOC guys this is mini 6 Sword and Sorcery, not D and D 4E! People actually die lol
Simon N. (GM):LOL - sadly yep! 1 attacks Beskar
Slaine:Nope 17 parry with club
Laxus Draugnir:just noticed that and we showed mercy to that one toad
Simon N. (GM):Who do you think fetched them?
Slaine:OOC yeah sorry that was all my fault :-(
Simon N. (GM):Beskar apparently has a shield and parries
1 vs Uloc
Slaine:Oh sorry not with club doh!
Slaine:But it's 13/17 for both block and parry.
Simon N. (GM):Parry 13/17 it says yup
Laxus Draugnir:ooc its both our fault jelly
Slaine:So he does have a shield?
Laxus Draugnir:ooc a good frog is a dead frog
Simon N. (GM):Yup. The rest of the evil frogmen are distracted slaughtering the fallen.
Slaine:I don't actually have a list of their gear.......
Simon N. (GM):club & shield
Simon N. (GM):rolling 6d6
Simon N. (GM):A lightning bolt flashes between Aliegha & Laxus, arcs over the steps, across the chamber...
Slaine:OOC loving the SFX!
Simon N. (GM):As Pirella zaps the Frog Lord with Magic Power!
Laxus Draugnir:ooc shes a lucky find
Simon N. (GM):BTW she exactly rolled the TN to cast!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 5d6
Toady staggers back, smoking.
Laxus Draugnir:no armour soak also right
Simon N. (GM):yup - ok I guess I'll ignore his skin so he's Wounded despite poor roll :)
Simon N. (GM):+1 skin armour
Slaine:Does he have reptoid toughness?
degenerate serpentmen remember!
Laxus Draugnir:i mean electic and fire pass through armour except natural soak thats what i read
Simon N. (GM):Not really amphibians
Slaine:Slaine looks offended.
Rollo:Haha good one Ulfdin
Laxus Draugnir:"beautiful and a sorceress you are a gem"
*fires an arrow
rolling (6 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 2
Simon N. (GM):Pirella smiles at the elf "Got lucky - usually doesn't work! Started charging it with that bastard's blood..."
Laxus Draugnir:rolling damage
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 4
end turn
I'm removing obvious targets, draw pointer if you want a different one
Ulfdin:"Here froggy froggy"
can I move there?
& attack at full dice
Ulfdin:rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 4
Ulfdin:rolling 6d6 + 4
#13 Rollo
Slaine:This is strangely satisfying!
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Slaine:Like popping bubble wrap?
rolling (7 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 1
Rollo:stomps through the water YOURE ALL DEAD
Ulfdin:Ulfdin's singing to the tune of wheels on the bus "The sword in my hand goes chop, chop, chop...."
Simon N. (GM):Rollo strides out... #12 Slaine & co
Laxus Draugnir:ooc gang up on the toad Slaine and CO
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
Slaine:Ok so Slaine will poke the toad in front of Beskar, Roman style (over the top)
Simon N. (GM):OOC I guess this shows why you need a real rearguard!
Simon N. (GM):OOC I feel bad about doing the Saving Private Ryan thing, but those froggies are real bastards :)
Slaine:It makes total sense GM don't worry!
Simon N. (GM):hit w halberd
Rollo:The big Lizard dude must be asleep
Rollo:letting a horde pass him
Slaine:Beskar will go to stand with Rollo
Simon N. (GM):Uloc & Beskar cheer
& ready weapons?
Rollo:Lets get them Uloc!
Slaine:Yes ready weapons!
Simon N. (GM):max 15' move then
Rollo:says rollo over his shouder Simon N. (GM):#12 Aliegha
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 3
rolling (5 - 1)d6 + 1d6! + 3
Simon N. (GM):~8 Toad Leader: "RETREAT _ RIBBIT! RUN AWAY _ RIBBIT!"
Laxus Draugnir:were rocking these bows
Simon N. (GM):The surviving toadmen flee the carnage, leaving mounds of their dead.
Rollo:there running...cowards
Slaine:Slaine is feeling even more worried that this mass sacrifice will strengthen Tsuathoggua.......
Laxus Draugnir:*putting my bow
"let me help"
Slaine:OOC I have to go in ten minutes, sorry can't stay longer guys.
Simon N. (GM):#3 Pirella
opens door "Paxon! You're alive!"
Simon N. (GM):Paxon: "Yes, m'dear!"
Slaine:Well, at leassst we sssssaved a few!
Laxus Draugnir:is that the black adder?
Slaine:LOL I only just noticed!
Simon N. (GM):Paxon
bows to Laxus "Paxon, Priest of Mithra, at your service!"
"The cell keys are on that hook."
Laxus Draugnir:eyes widen Simon N. (GM):GM: go out of combat?
Laxus Draugnir:Laxus took the eys and help realease the priest Simon N. (GM):The cell block is 15' high, Paxon has a Light spell illuminating his cell.
Paxon: "Thank you kindly!" straightens "Well, that was a pretty show!"
Laxus Draugnir:Father Paxon it is an honour assiting a Priest of Mithra
Rollo:wade across the room to Shukra's remains Simon N. (GM):GM: you can move your tokens to the room & cell block if you like. Rollo picks up Shukra's pretty corpse.
Ulfdin:Im going to loot the wizard
Slaine:Slaine will do a little ritual for the fallen, to send them on their way.....
Simon N. (GM):Amdor had 82 copper coins & a dagger, as well as a badly painted staff & threadbare robes.
Slaine:Also an attempt to purify the sacrifical waters.
Slaine:lol badly painted staff!
Simon N. (GM):Pirella: "Amdor! That useless idiot got us captured!"
Do not ssssssssssspeak ill of the dead!
Laxus Draugnir:"you know of him?"
Simon N. (GM):Paxon: "Yes, he was quite distracting, oopps, sorry Mr Lizard."
Rollo:Rollo looks up at Ulfdin as he cradles Shukra in his arms tears in his eyes Check the wizard for his beard tonic will ya, he had lovely lustrous whiskers ?
Laxus Draugnir:ooc wait is he a rat?
Simon N. (GM):Paxon: "He joined our party at the Lonely Goat... said he was a mighty wizard... hah!"
Rollo:nice beard
mutters rollo Ulfdin:"got a pretty walking stick"
Laxus Draugnir:"is this all your party left?"
Rollo:I'll take Shukra to the keel boat. I will return her to her temple sown the coast when we leave.
Simon N. (GM):Shukra had 18 gp, a holy symbol of Ishtar, Ishtar priestess clothes, staff & knife, pouch with a day's rations.
Pirella: "Yes, the others were killed by Odo and her followers. She used some kind of Charm on Amdor then let him go!"
Rollo:Rollo carrys Shukra back to the boat
Simon N. (GM):GM: I think I'll stop there for tonight, you can regroup at the boat for next session
Slaine:Thanks Simon! That was very emotional today :-(
Laxus Draugnir:"a charm spell a terryfying foe for our group then"
looking at Rollo Ulfdin:Huzzah - Great fun
(From Rollo): Rollo takes the golden goblet back and the rations (she wont be needing those now)
Slaine:I feel responsible for those poor NPCs!
Simon N. (GM):M6 can be brutal - that's why I maxed Slaine's Might & Parry :)
Laxus Draugnir:its the best this week something about one shoting frogs are great
Rollo:I have a cunning plan
Slaine:Like I said, bubble wrap!
Simon N. (GM):Well done defeating the toad horde!
Rollo:good game good game
you were supposed to be on guard Drog!
Gaurd Drog hahahaha
White Valyrian:Drog was outside and lol
Simon N. (GM):Droghall is too busy playing with Velo & the bandit to care.
Simon N. (GM):XP I think you did well there so 6 XP and 1 HP
Rollo:did you say . . . bandit?
Ulfdin:EEE BY GUM I heard that!
Slaine:Brilliant, thanks Simon! See everyone next week!
Simon N. (GM):Droghall has a surviving wounded bandit tied to his back, piggy-back.
Slaine:And some this Sunday I guess?
Simon N. (GM):Cheers Jelly!
Got Faerun Wed-Fri-Sat
Rollo:thank you comades for another fun game. Bless you X
Simon N. (GM):Was thinking run Thule on Sunday?
Slaine:Ah ok so it's switched to Saturday's now?
Simon N. (GM):This Sunday 6pm ok?
Simon N. (GM):POTA to Monday
Slaine:Oh so it has swapped? Hang on need to update diary.
So POTA weekly Mondays
White Valyrian:im good on Sunday
Slaine:Faerun Wed Fri Sat (drop in when I can I guess?)
Rollo:Sunday 6 PM - got it, in the diary.
Simon N. (GM):yes (POTA is a game only Jelly here plays in)
Slaine:And Faerun weekly Sundays?
Simon N. (GM):Faerun weekly Wed Fri Sat, Thule Sunday (may be weekly or fortnightly), POTA weekly Mondays Jelly
Simon N. (GM):Anyway next Mini Six Thule game Sunday 6pm
Simon N. (GM):If you guys can do Sunday ok
Simon N. (GM):cool, Sunday then :)
bye now!
Ulfdin:See you all Thanks guys thanks DM
White Valyrian:bye everyone thanks for the game
White Valyrian:thank you Simon for DM
Rollo:Cheers 'see you' Sunday'
oh youre all gone hahaha