Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday session #4 - 8/M7 Dumet 2213 AR - Cavern of Golden Tears 2 (PC level 1-3)

Image result for cavern of golden tears

1. (Daphne) Aeridnis Vorzin, lvl 3 Atlantean Wizard-1/Fighter-1>2
2. (Joe) Talarni 'Wolf', lvl 3 Dhari Hunter Barbarian-2>3
3. (Matt) Falskaar, lvl 1 Nimothan Soothsayer Fighter-1
4. (Luke) Caspian Morningstar, lvl 1 Elf Corsair Rogue-1

Yhurgya, Beastman Shamaness & new girlfriend of Caspian >:)
Mador Kheb, Dark Priest of Set

Party defeated by Beastmen in the ruins of Kal-Ne-Moz, flee into the caverns, encounter Yhurgya, Caspian takes her ring of undead cyclops control and captures her. She leads them to the Cavern of Golden Tears, where they encounter Mador Kheb and his army of temple guards; battle ensues...

Account by Wolf (Joe)

Guided by the dying words of the jungle trader Jodom, Wolf, Caspian and Falskar journeyed to the heart of the Ghan Peninsula in search of the legendary Cavern of Lost Tears, said to contain the ancient scrolls of Kal-Ne-Moz.

The company arrived at the outskirts of the ancient city, its central plaza dominated by a great pyramid temple. As they crept through the ruins they spied Lady Aeridnis ahead, hiding amongst the ruins from a horde of beastmen. Wolf shouted a challenge to the marauders’ chieftain, and the battle was joined.

The fight was brief and one-sided: Wolf fell, mortally wounded; Falskar and Caspian valiantly defended the refuge but were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of their attackers. The situation looked dire, until Aeridnis wove a cloud of mist around the enemy, sowing confusion in their ranks. Caspian dragged the unconscious Wolf from the fray, and, pursued by the howling horde, the heroes fled to the dubious safety of a dark cavern they had passed on their approach to the city.

The beastmen seemed to fear the cavern, and were unwilling to venture beyond its entrance. Seemingly safe for the time being, the party stabilised the dying Wolf and then surveyed their surroundings. The cave opened into a network of natural passages and caverns, guarded by three statues of warriors, their crematory urns at their feet. Caspian scouted ahead, discovering a cave containing further guardian statues. Before the mouth of a deeper cavern there burned a great fire, and beside it sat a beastwoman shaman. Two giant skeletons lay inert on the earth before the cave entrance.

Caspian retreated and ventured to the right-hand cavern, which was empty save for further guardian statues and a subterranean stream. As he crept deeper into the chamber he was afflicted by an unnatural chill and decided again to retreat.

The company conferred, and elected to send Caspian to seduce the beastwoman. Initially hostile, the shaman threatened to raise the cyclopean skeletons to destroy the intruders, toying with a gold ring hung from her neck as she spoke. Caspian’s praises were sufficiently beguiling, however, and while they lay together on her bedroll of furs, he tore the ring from her neck and threatened to raise her undead servants to destroy her.

The shaman yielded, and told the party that the cavern of gold tears lay beyond in the next room. She performed a ritual to guard the party from the curse that guarded the riches within. The heroes entered to find the cavern lined with statues of ancient kings. A desiccated mummy sat slumped in a great throne, its eyes weeping streaming tears of pure gold.

Just as the party had attained their quest’s goal, a dark-robed priest and a retinue of warriors burst in from the far chamber. The cleric announced he and his followers to be worshippers of Set, and demanded the heroes’ immediate surrender. Threats were issued and insults hurled before a battle royale broke out. Aeridnis trapped the priest and his personal guard within a force field, using an arcane item she had gained at the Tower of Black Flame. Aided by the animated skeletons directed by Caspian, Falskar, Wolf and the giant lizard Bron set about demolishing the cult’s archers.

Will our heroes prevail, or will the riches and lore of ancient Kal-Ne-Moz fall into malevolent hands devoted to a depraved god? We return in a fortnight with the battle still in the balance…

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